ail Explosion Probe Seruing the Uni uersity of Iowa and the Peopleowan of Iowa City Turns Up Clues EatabUahed In 1868 10 cents a copy Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa 52240-Wednesday. April t, 19811 The probe Into the ealll!e or Monday The transformer Is oil-cooled, and nor­ mornin,'s explosion at Mercy Hospital's mally the venL allows hot vapors from the addiUon which injured eight men is con­ oil to escape the building. tinuing, but already a leaky power trans­ But the transformer overheated and Kidney, Lung Ills Compromise Plan focmer and a sheet of plastic were dill· caught fire about hall an hour beCore the clo ed as tire probable villains in the explosion Monday morning. The heat wall tragedy. enough both to melt a eal 011 top of ilie In the meantime, It was announced transformer, allowing oil vapor to eep / Prove Too Much For Arms Detente Tuesday that the blast would cause a into the room, and to melt the plastic delay in opening the hospital's addition sheet, blocking tbe vent, and driving the by two months. A November completion hot oil vapor and oxygen gas back into date has been pushed back to January and the room. For 'Heart Patient Proposed by U.S. a January occupancy date bas been The combination, Bebee said, was pushed back to March. HOUSTON IA'I - Haskell Karp, the first GENEV A IA'I - The United States pro­ enough to have caused tile back-blast, The pl.dIe: ahttt which Fire Chi., Olin which knocked down walls and shot con­ man to live with an artificial heart and posed a new policing move Tuesday aimed I.baa s.ld Tlltsd.y moy h.v. baan the transplanted heart, died Tuesday af­ at removing Soviet fears of American crete blocks and debris as far as 75 feet_ a es­ k.y to the '.plasion, WI •••hl.ld over • ter developing pneumonia and kidney fail· pionage in a plan to stop the nuclear Bebee said the investigation would con­ vtnt from tht tr.n.formtr In the b.... tinue to find out why the translormer ure. arms race. ment room of the under-constructlon .ddi­ Death came to the Skokie, Ill., man The 17·nation disarmament conference overhealed and cauiht fire. tion whe,. the 'Jqllosion look place. H. Slid th,t It!a inlurl .. w.,. COUsN four days after a plastl~ and fabric man­ is discussing a proposed accord to halt ufactured heart was implanled in his production of enriched uranium and pluto­ bV the "rca of the tlIplo.1on ItMlf, the nium for use in nuclear weapons. U.S. flying debrl., .M It!a Hn.. white .mok, chest 00 an emergency, but temporary, th.t quickly .ccumul.ted In ttl. room. basis. Thirty·six hours after the mechan­ Delegate Adrian S. Fisher told the confer­ * * * ence the Unlled States is willing to let the Six of the eight injured men remained ical device was replaced by the heart of Neighbors Open hospitalized Tuesday. Five were in ,ood MaS68chusetts woman, he was dead. International Atomic Energy Agency a condition while fire Lt. Robert Hein, 42. "I want to live like a man," the serio IIAEA} in Vienna police the agreement. Sine. It first opposed • "cutoff" 13 of 1153 Hotz Ave.. remained in critica\ ously ill Karp had said. Hearts to Help condition with head injuries at General personnel, enioylng Mo", The Monday transplant followed a years a,o, the Unittd St .... hal .lw.V' ttuck on Madison Stre.t. demancltd a mutual IIftgutrd system Hospilal. Photo by linda Bo.ttcher tearful plea by Mrs. Shirley Karp fOt· A representative from the Stale Fir e "someone, somewhere" to answer her with Am.rlcan and RUilian oHlel.l. In­ 1-------- spectin, .ach oth.r'. in.t.lI.tionl. Hein's Family Marshal's ()Uice Willi in Iowa City Tues­ husband 's need for a donor heart. day to aid in tl1e investigation, and will Death um•• t 3:20 p,m. of • cardiac The Soviet Union has rejected this con· The family of a fireman who was criti­ cept on the grounds that it would amount stay until the fire's cause has been dis­ Irrtlt, but. St. Luk.'. Epl.copal Ho.p!t· eally injured in Monday morning's explo­ covered. • 1 spoke.m.n •• Id the •••ct c.u.. of to espionage . sion at Mercy Hospital is finding out it Arrives Chief Soviet Delegate Alexei A. Rosh­ The explosion took place at 7:10 a.m . dt.", would not be known until after .n has good neighbors - and that its neigh­ in the northwest corner of the basement autop.y, chin was obviously SUrPrised by the U.S. borhood is as large a aU of Iowa City. of the $6.7 million addition to Mercy Hos· Karp died less than an hour after the move and merely commented to news­ A food drive is already under way to aid man that he would study it. Fisher said tl1e family of fire Lt. Robert Hein, 42 , of pilal, at 214 N, Van Buren St., w h i I e ho pital had announced that the medical to that whatever spy fears the Ru ians may 1153 Hotz Ave., and organizers of the firemen were working put out the team headed by Dr. Denton A. Cooley small blaze around the transformer. bad become "genuinely alarmed" over a have had previously "it clearly cannot be drive have been aU but overwhelmed with in such a way that it applied to the inspection system that we the response from the community. T.n minutes before the blast. fire· kidney failure that WM described as a tntn, ho.pil.1 Itoff m.mb.rs, .nd Slater. gently with the wind. "very serious development." are now discussing - that is , IAEA safe­ Mrs. Hein, the mother of 16 children, part of this sculpture is guards on the nuclear material in peaceful has been left alone to care for her family of Mercy w.r. In the b,.. m.nt w h • n A patch of pneumonia in the right lung tire from an (,<Irth·mov· nuclear activities and IAEA verification while her husband remains in the inten· Capt. Glenn Stimmel order.d .11 but tht and a <.!epress~ kidney function had been machine. Di Suvcro execut· of shutdown Cacilities for production of sive care unit of General Hospital with fir.m.n te ...v., bec.Ust... he •• I d reported in the momin, advisOry report [issionable materials." head injuries. later, h. thou§ht semtthinl w.. going te this work during thc spring but doctors were reported to be hopeful in East Chicago, lnd, Fisher termed "is proposal "I chIn,. Mrs. J. William Condon, 430 S. Dodge happen. that the 47-year·old printing e timator Ky Takes a Break from Talks In the pr.viou. position of the Unittd St., one oC the organizers of the food drive , About 15 men were in the baseme!!t second di SUVIrO work would resPOnd to treatment. St.t ••. " H•• 110 dismiss.d • f.mlli.r So­ said Tuesday night that offers of hot meals when the oil vapors finally blew. Some exh·bit.d is tit It d "But it is suspecled that the patient South Vietnam'. Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky, adviser to the hi. country', deleg,. viet "gum.nt that a cutoff .grttm.nt I. tlon at the Paris peace talks, returns to his Paris residence with his wife after. walk for the children were scheduled through were knocked unconscious either by the and was built in Tor· suffered rejectioo, complicated by pneu­ ot no Ult without destrudion of cur,.nt April 17, although the drive had only been blast or by flying debris, while others monia and kidney failure," a spokesman Tuesday. On the same day, the North Vietnamese delegation lashed out al the South'l stockpil.s. peace bid so stronglv that private lalks between the two were ruled out for the nelr in existenee one day. uffered severely from smoke inhalation. for the hospital said in llMOuncing the He said that if a cutoff agreement had futur.. - AP Wirephoto Mrs. Condon saKI Iowa City residents Coralville firemen came quickly to the death. been reached 13 years ago "nuclear con­ had donated canned goods and other food , a ist, doMing gas masks to find faUe!! Cooley had not planned to make use or Crontation would be at a much lower the services of a registered nurse to car~ men in the dense smoke, described by one the 8-ounce mechanical heart las! Friday level and thc world a much better place." for Hein when he gets out of intensive man as "white as a T·shirt." Large fans when he sought to repair surgically a se- But Fisher also made it elear that in car - and five $10 bills. brought by an were brought in to drive the smoke out. verely damalled heart chamber that had Viet Cong Gunners Rain another important disarmament question unnamed local car dealer to the Hein The addition suf(ered no major struc· caused Karp extreme suilering the past - a ban on underground nuelear tests - family's home. tural damage but the power unit, air con­ I 10 years. the United States is determined not to Local residents wishing to fix hot meals ditioner, transformers and other mechan­ ~ abandon its insistence upon on·slte inspec· for the Hein children or donate canned ical equipment was heavlly damaged, No He Slid h. h.d w.rned hi.
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