WEEKEND EDITION All the News Without Fear or Favor The CambODIa DaIly Volume 61 issue 34 Saturday-Sunday, May 16-17, 2015 2,000 riel/50 cents Migrants Land In Indonesia; Hundreds Sent Back to Sea reuters BANGKoK/jAKARTA - Nearly 800 “boat people” were brought ashore in Indonesia on Friday, but other vessels crammed with migrants were sent back to sea despite a U.N. call to rescue thousands adrift in Southeast Asian waters with dwindling supplies of food and water. Underlining the hardening of Southeast Asia government’s stance on the boatloads of Rohin - gya Muslims fleeing persecution in Burma, Thailand’s prime minister warned on Friday that if more mi - grants arrived they might steal jobs from Thais. About 2,500 migrants have land- Sergei Polonsky is escorted down a flight of stairs by military police in Sihanoukville following his arrest ed on Indonesia’s western tip and Friday on an island off the coast, in a photograph supplied by the local news website Fresh News. the northwest coast of Malaysia over the past week. Fugitive Polonsky Arrested, Facing Deportation But two boats that crossed the Malacca Strait from the Thailand- By Khy Sovuthy Police spokesman Eng Hy. “Polonsky and his associates Malaysia side have been turned the cambodia daily “We arrested Polonsky on Koh arrived at the general department away by the Indonesian Navy, and Fugitive Russian businessman Damlong at around 4 p.m. and we of immigration at around 6 p.m.,” on Friday another was towed out to Sergei Polonsky is facing possible sent him to Preah Sihanouk provin- he said. sea by the Thai Navy and was deportation after he was arrested cial police,” said Mr. Hy. Major General Heisela said the heading toward Indonesia. on Koh Damlong island off the In a photograph provided by men were arrested in relation to expired visas. “Polonsky’s visa Malaysia, too, has said it would coast of Sihanoukville on Friday for police, Mr. Polonsky is seen being expired two years ago,” he said. push migrant boats back to sea as overstaying his visa, officials said. escorted onto a helicopter in Siha - However, in a later interview, Malaysian people did not want to Along with five of his associates, noukville. Uk Heisela, chief of in - Maj. Gen. Heisela said police still see large numbers arriving in the Mr. Polonsky—who is facing multi- vestigations at the Interior Min is - needed to check the passports of country. million dollar embezzlement try’s general immigration depart- the detained Russians before decid- “The situation is very grave,” charges in Russia—was arrested ment, said the 42-year-old Russian ing whether to deport them. said joe Lowry, a spokesman for on his private island by military po - landed in Phnom Penh Friday Continued on page 2 Continued on page 2 lice, according to National Military evening. Activists Decry US Deportation of Cambodians By AriA DAnApArAmitA organizations a chance to appeal to Cambodia was not present dur- the cambodia daily country delegates on the sidelines. ing Monday’s review and the Cambodian-Americans Chan - Ms. Proeung and Ms. Kiernan, Cambodian deportation issue was ravy Proeung and Mia-lia Kiernan representing the Southeast Asian not mentioned. However—amid flew to Geneva this past week on a Freedom Network (SEAFN), a grievances regarding racial dis- mission: stopping the U.S. practice coalition of grassroots organiza- crimination in law enforcement, of deporting Cambo dians with tions across the U.S., are calling for government surveillance and the criminal convictions. an immediate suspension of all U.S. death penalty in the U.S.—con- Monday saw the U.N. Human deportations to Cambodia and an cerns about the detention and de - Rights Council’s Universal Periodic open review of the 2002 U.S.-Cam - portation of immigrants were Review of the U.S., during which bodia Repatriation Agreement, raised by several countries, includ- Artist's Paintings an Appeal 122 U.N. member states were which they claim violates human ing Thailand, Brazil, Paraguay and To Share the Leftovers given 65 seconds each to comment rights including right to family Sweden. Weekend Page 4 on human rights issues in the U.S. unity and the right to freedom from “Immigration is a huge issue in cambodiadaily.com The session also gave civil rights arbitrary arrest, detention and exile. Continued on page 6 The Daily Newspaper of Record Since 1993 2 The CambODIa DaIly saturday-sunday, may 16-17, 2015 aNd also Newsmakers Dead Cat Dance Shames School ■ “The Simpsons” is TV’s longest-running series, with the same band of reuters late the animals in a set of moves to six actors voicing the regular cartoon characters, including goof-prone An oklahoma school expressed music used in a cat food jingle. patriarch Homer and the other denizens of Springfield. But that impres- concern and disappointment on “Animals should be treated and sive run of an intact cast may finally be coming to an end. hArry SheArer, Wednesday over a video that went handled with respect and dignity, a who voices familiar roles like Pollyanna neighbor Ned Flanders and the viral showing students in a biology standard that was not upheld in evil boss Mr. Burns, tweeted late Wednesday that he’s leaving the micro- class performing a choreographed this instance,” the school said in a phone where he’s toiled since 1989. Shearer wrote that he wanted “the dance routine with dead cats. statement. “These students made a freedom to do other work.” AL JeAn, executive producer and show run- In the video, students dressed in mistake and they will most likely ner, later tweeted that the actor’s roles would be recast if he did not re - lab coats at oklahoma City’s Hard - make other mistakes in their lives.” turn. on Thursday morning, one of the men responsible for bringing ing Charter Preparatory High The video went viral after it was “The Simpsons” to TV sent out a tweet asking Shearer to return to the School hold dead cats that were to posted on social media by an ani- negotiating table. “Hey, we tried,” wrote veteran TV producer JAmeS be used for dissection and manipu- mal rights group. BrooKS. “We’re still trying. Harry, no kidding, let’s talk.” (LAT) rope, where countries are working Migrants... together to deal with a tide of mi - “They have no food, no water and are drinking their grants crossing the Mediterranean. continueD from pAge 1 own urine. This is a game of maritime ping-pong with Thai Prime Minister Prayuth the In ternational organization for human life.” Chan-ocha, whose government has Mi gration in Bangkok. announced a regional meeting on “They have no food, no water —Joe Lowry, the crisis for May 29, said his coun- and are drinking their own urine. internAtionAL orgAnizAtion for migrAtion SpoKeSmAn try did not have the resources to This is a game of maritime ping- look after the migrants. pong with human life. We expect dis crimination against the Ro - hundreds, including children, on “As there are many of them, we governments in the region to find a hingya population, including board back out to sea. cannot look after them properly. solution rapidly...or we will be find- equal access to citizenship, this “Those on the boat did not Where will we put them?” Prayuth ing boatloads of desiccated corpses precarious migration will contin- want to come to Thailand so we told reporters. floating around in the Andaman ue,” Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein said in gave them food, medicine, fuel “Right now we have to find a Sea in coming days.” a statement. and wa ter,” Thai Lieutenant Com - place for them to stay. In the future, The crisis has arisen because man der Veerapong Nakprasit if many more of them come, it will “callous response” smugglers have abandoned boats told reporters. cause a problem. They will steal the full of migrants, many of them hun- Around dawn on Friday a boat “We did our humanitarian duty. jobs and livelihoods of Thais.” gry and sick, in the Andaman Sea with almost 800 people was They did not want to come to Thai - Both Malaysia and Thailand following a Thai crackdown on hu - brought ashore by fishermen along land so we sent them on their way. have called on international organi- man trafficking. the coast of Aceh, on Indonesia’s This is not a push-back because zations to help meet the cost of Thailand is the first stop on the western tip, Khairul Nova, a search these people wanted to go.” dealing with the crisis. most common trafficking route and rescue official in the nearest Veerapong said the boat was “We’re starting to see politicians used by criminals preying on Bur - town, Langsa, told reporters by without a captain but that some of squabbling over what’s fair and not ma’s Rohingya Muslim minority as phone. those on board had been trained by fair for them when it comes to a re - well as Bangladeshis seeking to “What I have been told by local Thai fishermen for a few sponse to dealing with these peo- escape poverty. some of the people who were on hours to navigate. ple,” said Matt Smith, executive As some countries faced pres- the boat is that the boat was sink- The U.N. this week urged gov- director of the Bangkok-based sure for closing their doors to des- ing and fighting broke out on ernments to fulfil an obligation to group Fortify Rights. “It’s a callous perate “boat people,” the U.N.
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