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Pian 16 1 STUDY QF RIVER SAND 20-25 .. - :,.. ._I ,.. .; , , \ t - f'j ,.. 5.45 9" .<., 8. ,y>-,,* - p< .,,*,p. .N.,;?G; \, 218 ."C* L ., -... .* " $..\\> . - .+. i-&t I 2 Sanction Khasra Mzp 1 INTRODUCTION j i As per the gazette notification of Madhya Pradesh Govt. dated 23.03.2013 all the 1 . , existing and fresh quarry lease owner has to submit approved mining plan and i 1 progressive mine closure plan as per rule 42 of MP MMR 1996. This sand quarry [ 1 is granted to Gram Panchayat Revenja , Tehsil - Roan , Disst - Bhind MP as 1 ! per Ret Niti 2017 published by Govt of MP Therefore the Quarry owner Sarpanch Gram Panchayat . is submitting the mining plan and progressive mine closure plan for approval. ' GENERAL:- Name of Lessee - Sarpanch , Gram Panchayat . Address: Vill - Revenja, Teh - Roan DissP - Bhind MP i Seatus of the QUAB%RY Holder - Gram Panchayat Revenja Mineral(s) which are occurring in the- area and which the applicant in i tends to mine- River Sand Period for which the mining lease is proposed to be applied- : Concerned QUARRY area has been sanctioned through The Collecto~ofice Bhind. Lease penod is 5 years (2018 to 2023). r !j a) BASIC INFORMAT!ON OF. THE AREA: - ' j i ; i j Road 1 - Concerned QL area is situated near public road ( Bhind - 1 i 1 c, f j Roan road). j <, Drinking Water - Hand pumps, wells & bore wells are the main water / i source for drinking water in nearby area. i i ; I Electriqity - All the villages in and around of 5 km radius areJ ! electrified. No any transmission line pass surrounding of QL area. i 1 . : 7 SITE SPECIFIC DETAIL : Concerned QL is situated on Sindh j j River. No any railway track, stop dam is present within 500 mtr I I ! radius of QL area. No any adverse impact is expected in the i ! surroundings as it is a sand mine. Some part of Sand mine area is i submerged in river water. Sand mining will not be done from sub- / 1 merge area. j 3) LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY:- I I I I I Village- REVENJA, TehsiB - Roan, District- BHIND, M.P. ' ' KHASRA NO. - 19712 ,200,285 I i I Lease Area --. 14.248 Hect. I Bhind District Revenja (village) 0.909 S i I 1 Land Use Pattern (Forest, Agricultural, Grazing, Barren etc.)- Revenue land (Barren land)[ map enclosed] Ii i I 1 I vdhetCser the area is recorded to be iw farest (please specify wE-eethetr I 1 ; protected, resewed e%c.)- No, the area not recorded in any protected or I reserved forest. i Ownership I Occupancy - Govt. Land [ 4.1 TWANSPORIAIiOY - Conceined QL area is well connected with approach ' road at east side. Approach road is indirectly connected with State Highway road . - * I . - ".. n -. 1 thraug h, grarneen -,Road . Sand tran ill. not' be ddne... through dense . : ... - .. - . --.- .... I - - .. -- . .- . ..... a _. - - .... ,- A - ....... - . -.- - - .....-.. ... :,- - .... .....>'.'. -.,.:>T-i z. , .- - - -- - - - - ... .. .-> - i j population area. Sand transportation road will be regularly maintained by Lessee I 1 on own cost for proper transportation. Traffic management will be developed for I i 1 i sand transportation and will be strictly adhered. Further, spot boys will be I i 1 appointed at human settlement area. Excavation will not be done from submerged I j ' j area. Transportation will be done during proposed period as per evacuation plan as i I i 1 detaii given in environmental management plan. v I1 u j 1 5) FLORA, FAUNA AND QUAWWYUATLC LIFE: - i j Regionally the District Bhind falls under subtropical climatic zone and sustaining dry I j tropical forest. No any other aquatic flora found in QL area 1 j I FAUNA: - j j i The area itself though devoid of fauna except occasional birds such as Heron, 1: Crow, Parrots etc. Apart from this many kinds of snakes other reptiles are found j 1 rarely. Local Species of fishes is found in river Water. No other aquatic life found I i surrounding of QL area. 1 6) MINING IMPACTS & MITIGATION:- ! The possible impacts and their mitigation are described ahead: ! Mitigation I" impacts No I / I r+I1. Land Use / Land Change in topography due to mining is always a , ; 7 -Ireplenished during the coming rainy season. 2. / Flora and Fauna As stated earlier the core zone of activity is I barren. Any kind of vegetation is not seen on the activity area. Therefore no effect on floral commiiniv is anticipated. 1 I Mining of collection of sand is being proposed in a small piece of land. No major impact is being 1 anticipated in core zone. 1 Air Pollution During the collection ofriver sand dust particle increase due increased vehicular activity. I LAJ2ter sprinkling will be d.one at dust generating. ij places. Masks will be provided to workers of i i Loading points. i j 4. Pdoise Polluiion Increased vehicular traffic is the main source of [ Noise pollution. There will be no blasting activity. 1 1 Collection of sand will be done only day hours. j I Earmuffs will be provided to workers sf Loading points. , 1 zone is very small. No migration will I ! be takes place. Therefore, there is no R&R plan. 1 1 i ! 1 I I i j Remedial measures suggested for this mining (If any) is as below - : PitykobableImpact I1 Remedial Measure Suggested j * ..-r.l >,,.:;>:"% >,,.:;>:"% &;.\ A-, 10- .$g.,,- ::\ 1 $9 L.>s". .p+<\,, - -.;. a: I;>:> " a ya?.".- ,: e !: ".."L. : * [. :'8 3 -- 8 I - particulate matter regular 1 I -sprinkling water sprinkling i I 1 noise. / inhaul roads B work site. I $ i 8, Y s /iKTGGEGn of / particulate matter and ,. r ' ' I 7) DISTRICTGEOLOGY - 5 1 1 i i Bhind district situated in the northern parts of Madhya Pradesh covers an area of r, j ' about 4,459 sq km. It falls in the Survey of India degree sheet numbers 54J, K and j ; N betwee; latitudes 25054':2604b1~and longitudes 786'f2'79008"~.it is bounied I by Agra district, U.P. on the north, Etawah and Jalaun district of U.P on the east, ; Gwalior and Datia districts on the southwest and rnorena district on the west. Bhind town is the district the souSthwestand morena district on the west. Bhind town is the ! district headquarters and Gohad, Mahgawan, Mihona, Gormiurnri, Machchand and i Daboh are other important piaces in the district. Bhind is weii connected by a : network of all weather roads with adjacent district headquarters as well as all other i towns in the district. Bhind is connected by the Gwalior-Bkinc! 0.61m guage section line of Central Railway. I i Physiagraphically, a large area of the district farms part of the vast older flood plain : including in filled river beds with structural plain. Structural hills and valleys with / denudational slope are restricted to the southwestern part. The area has a very i gentle gradient towards no~heastwith highest elevation sf li40rn above msl in the I southwestern part and the lowest of 149m in the northwestern part. The Chambal, J g :i including in-filled riverbed unit of fluvial geomorphic landform. It is characterized by es <, , a very fine network of rilles and gullies forming dendritic drainage network. The e : depth of dissection by gullies is more intense along the Charnbal rivers as 2 r ! , compared to other rivers. The area of dissected landlbad land developed along Kunwari river forms a major watershed area. <I The oldest rocks exposed in the distict belong to Gwalior Group of Palaeo-Meso .; , I Proteozoic age (1800 m.y.), Classified into singpur, Sitla, Sithauli and Biraoli ! Formations. The Singhpur formation comprises sandstone with shale and ! conglomerate at the bottom. The Sitla, Sithauli and Biraoli Formations are essentially argillaceous argillaceous comprising ferruginous shale, green shale with ! interbedsof jasper, chert, haematitie and bands of stromatolitic limestone. Sill of 1 i doleritic composition occurs within the Biroli Formation in the southwestern part, about 2 km southwest of Guhisar. All these Formation are exposed in the southern part. The Kaimur Group of Vindhyan Supergroup of Neo Proterozoic age comprises j of sandstone with minor shale bands, and is exposed in south western part. Alluvium of Quaternary age (4M.Y.) occupies a major part of the district. It is 1 classified into older and younger alluvium. The older alluvium is further classified j. ! ~ntobands and Varanasi alluvium. The Banda alluvium comprising of silt, clay with I quartzo-felspathic sand and ferruginous nodules at places is exposed on the i southern band of the Chambal River, westernbank of Pahuj River, eastern- .. bank of I six z ." . ---= .. :- - - . ___-- I* ' . i 1 increase in width of river, meandering, deformed river beds with changing i i *: i [:roughness and rock bars etc. These conditions leads to overloading condition of I a I j *:s, i / i stream and sand get deposited at convenient locations like river channels, bends, : i j r i escarpments, meanders, junction of other river etc.
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