. 7-. - - - Shields, Sullivan Win Top Positions On S6C By Jane QMehritt A total of 1,344 students went to the polls April 13 and 14 The position of SGA president to elect Bob Shields president was also a close race, with Bob and Brian Sullivan vice president Shields of Ballast Party totaling of SGA. only 41 more votes than Steve Shields tallied 667 votes to Hughes, the Indpendent candi­ defeat his opponent, Steve date. The sophomore class dis­ HughpR, running Independently, played close competition with who totaled 626 votes. Sullivan tee presidential victory Steve won by a margin of 207 votes Randle over John Schuermann to defeat his Ballast opponent. by a margin of 34 votes. Rod Stewart, who totaled 539 votes. SQA OABINENT Tlie race for treasurer of SGA went to Morris Lee Ihompson from ^Uast Party over R<^rt SGA PRESIDENT: Bob Shields Brent Bettis, an Independent can- (BallasO 667 votes, Steve Hughes (independent) 626 votes. SGA VICE PRESIDENT: Brian Sullivan Qndep^enO, 746 votes, Rod Stewart 539 votes. gilM l ky wateklig fiU letiit frtiii Otimmity TNMftrt yrt- g ie tifi if *Tbt AntTMt FIta.* H«a Zat Anna RIaia, Rakart Mairaklan, and jaa Nfian anaet a jgsi&arartifflsateaaiady-fantaty. Oartaln ritat tanlght at 6:10 in Wllnar tar tha firtt par- The Sunflow er VOL LXXI NO. 53 WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY TUESDAY. APRIL 18, 1967 BOB SHIELDS didate, with a vote of 671 to 579. Costame Creator Jan Henrie of Ballast won tiie SMsible SobtioK Sought office of secretary of SGA with BRIAN SULLIVAN a total of 712 votes to defeat Tenns Fashioas Lorraine Howard running Inde­ pendently, who received 563 SEufOR CLASS OFFICERS To Discrininotiou Charges i'Jw Vi7nil*y votes. ITie ind^>endent candidates SENIOR C L A $ PRESIDENT: ky Rria Bwgarkatr Steve Amos (independent) 249 by Marilyn Rniglat completely dominated the races in the past few days, WSU tions.” for class presidencies, resulting votes. VICE PRESIDENT: Urry has been faced with several unth regard to alleged threats Larry King, WSU art-drama in a three out of three victory Smite (indpendent) 235 votes, charges of racial discrimina­ that if certain demands were not student who has recently been for those independent candates. Melvin Reed (Ballast) 186 votes. tion. Included in these charges ndet within a certain period of accepted by the Yale School of Senior class president went SECRETARY: Cindy Bowers were ttiose of alleged discrimi­ time boycotting and other such Drama, described the costumes to Steve Amos who totaled 249 (Ballast) 352 v(Aes. nation in tile choice of cheer­ actions would be taken, Lind­ he has designed for the current votes to defeat his Ballast op­ TREASURER: Darlene Wer­ leaders for 1967-68 and In uni­ quist said. *...it must be clearly Community Theater production position, Steve Crans by a mar­ ner (BallasO 327 votes. versity-approved housing. understood ttat there will be no of 'The Amorous Flea” as bold gin of 84 votes. Mike Allen SGT - AT - ARMS: Sara Since ^ e charges originated, yiekUng to attempts to force ac­ and flashy. an In d^^en t was elected pres­ Me Gaugh (BallasO 307 votes. a Negro girl, Joan Huff, hashes ceptance of certain policies nor There are frills, ruffles and ident of the JuniorclassandStevc selected as one (rf the cheer­ tile establishment of them cn any fringe everywhere in this bold Randle received enough class leaders for 1967-68 and an apart­ schedule except that provided comic production. sui;H>ort to be elected sophomore JUNIOR GLASS OFFICERS ment building originally on the by the University and its appro­ King said that through the use class president from a field of PRESIDENT: Mike Allen (in- list of student-approved housing priate personnel and agencies.” of flet, although the costumes three. dependoiO 242 votes, Randy To­ has been removed for discrimi­ Lindquist continued his state­ are very hot and heavy, bold As ejqiocted, the heaviest vot­ ombs (BallasO 214 votes. nating against those wishing to ment by pointing out that "the colors and caricature lines are ing turn out came from C o llie of Liberal Arts, represented by VICE PRESIDENT:EddieLangs ren t University Human Relations created that lend a Christmas 520 students casting votes. The On Friday afternoon a group Commission is established to air to the satiric appearance of ston (BallasO 232 votes, Terry College of Education was second of approximately 80 N ^ o stu­ hear grievances and to make the actors. L. Scott (indpendenO 206. with 322 votes cast, followed by dents met in tiie CAC to discuss recommendations to the admin- Because of the 17th century SECRETARY: Pat Allen, (in­ the A lle g e of Business wlte the problems confronting them istiation for the correction of period nature of the costumes, dependent 227 votes, Terry Tom­ 196 votes, the College of En­ and the acUcn which they should inequitable conditions. More­ patterns could not be bought, as linson (BallasO 218 votes. gineering totaling 154 votes and take. However, at this meeting over, the Commission has the re­ were feathers and other items. TREASURER: Kathy Flncham the C o l l ^ of Fine. Arts cast­ no individual problems were ms- sponsibility to study and recom­ The material was cut big, and CndependPt) 242 votes, Pam ing 152 votes. closed and no specific action, mend action that will provide sus­ held’ up to the person for per­ Veatch (BallasO 194 votes. No write-in candidates attained other than giving the administra­ tained achievement of full sonal tailoring. Nearly every­ SGT. AT ARJMS: Tom Morton office in this election. Ballast tion a two-week deadline in which equality of opportunity for all thing was made from scratch. (Ballast) 369 votes. party dominated the running by to mert certain un-named re­ students. The goals of a Univer­ The story line of 'The Amor­ electing 27 candidates in all, quests, was taken. sity are not achieved unless such ous Flea,” based on MoUere’s equality of opportunltyprevails.” •School for Wives,” Involves an Including 18 positions in congress SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS Monday, President Lindquist, Referii^ to a chaise in such lecherous old man (played by and 9 class offices. Apathy expressed the administration’s policies as the election of cheer­ Robert Mesroblan) who chose elected 1 candidate to congress PRESIDENT: Steve Randle (in­ p i^ cy and feelings concerning leaders tiwt some students have his future bride when she was ami 15 independents won their dependent 172 votes, John&huer- the newly-arisen racial contro­ requested, Lindquist stated, *lt only four years old and has kept races for congress and class mann (BallasO 138 votes, and versy on cairqms. He stated: *1 is a normal e?q)ectancy that her confined In an effort to keep offices. Dan Preboth, GndependpO 28 am confident that the Univerf v change is part of the life of a her mangeable. The closest race in the el­ votes. possesses the resources to University. This implies the The amorous flea who finds ection was In the junior class VICE PRESIDENT: Jerry Mal- president division where Mike achieve good solutions to prob­ necessity to re-examine proce­ his way to the girl (Mary Blythe) lot (BallasO 264 votes. Allen edged Randy Toomb df lems that arise on the canqius. dures and organizational pat­ in her garret Is portrayed by SECRETARY: Barbara Staff, Ballast Party by 28 votes to The University administration terns. Change can be a construc­ Robert ^ ott. He uses hts talents (BallasO 269 votes. is always willing and ready to tive resource for all members to cross the moat, scale the wall win 242 to 214. discuss various aspects of Uni­ of a University when the re­ and bound into her llvingquarters SQA, FUk I versity Ufe and to use its regu­ source for all members of a where she is being supervised by lar agencies in achieving solu- University when the resources a couple of servants. 2 Profs Set PrM M N i’i Cm ucII produced by discussions and ex­ •The Amorous Flea,” a musi­ change of ideas are used. All cal comedy, opens tonight for a Pus CosMdl P in s groups and Individuals will be n v e - (^ run. Curtain time is For Forum SdiiiulM Mm Hi i served best by this orderly and 8:30 p.m. In Wilner Auditorium. Ellen Mayer, an Instructor of hiportnt Mgithii reasonable ^proach.” Tickets may be purchased in the German, and Dr. Hugo Wall, Moderator Steve Amos has ant Again refeiing to threats of box office on performance nights. professor of political science nounced a meeting of the Presi­ ‘grant our demands or else,' There will be a reduced charge dent’s CouncU. The meeting is The Pep Council w ill meet and Director of tee Center for Lindquist said that Utematives for students. Urban Studies, will be the guest scheduled for Wednesday at 4:30 tomorrow at 6: 30 p.m. In Room otiier than orderly and reason- panelists of News Forum tomor­ p.m. In Area 3 of the CAC. 205 of the CAC. albe approaches, 'however well row. All campus organisations are All members of Pep Council AttUNtiOR StiduRts intentioned, are not in keeping The Forum will b^in at 12:30 pcouraged to insure rpresp- are urged to attend this impor­ with the well-established tradi­ Will the person driving a in tee West Ballroom of the CAC. tatip at this meeting since one tant meeting. tions of universities and create car with license number SG Mel Moorhouse of the %)eech purpose of the organisatip is 'ihe meeting will consist of a situations that destroy the basis 93421 please contact J.
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