Dipartimento di Matematica "Tullio-Levi Civita" Mathematisch Instituut Mathematics Master course ALGANT Master Thesis Modular functions obtained from modular polynomials Supervisors: Author: Dr. Marco Streng Martina Fruttidoro Prof. Marco Garuti Student number: 1161737 2 July 2019 Academic Year 2018/2019 Introduction A modular function is a meromorphic function on the upper half complex plane H which is also "meromorphic at the cusps" and invariant under the action on H of some matrix group Γ, called a "congruence subgroup". Mod- ular functions play an essential role in number theory, for example modular forms are extensively used in the proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem. The quotient of the upper half complex plane H by the action of a congru- ence subgroup Γ gives rise to a Riemann surface Y (Γ). We call its compact- ification X(Γ) a "modular curve", which is obtained by adjoining to Y (Γ) the Γ-orbits of the projective line P1(Q): the cusps. The main reason of interest for the study of the modular curves is their moduli interpretation: the points of these curves can be used to classify elliptic curves together with some torsion data. In 2014 Maarten Derickx and Mark van Hoeij gave upper bounds for the gonality of the modular curve X1(N) for each N ≤ 250 using some par- ticular functions obtained from the equation of X1(M), with M a positive integer different from N (for more details look at [3]). These functions have zeros and poles just on the cusps, therefore (as there are finitely many cusps) Derickx and van Hoeij used these special functions to make the zeros and poles cancel each other out and obtain lower degree functions on the mod- ular curve X1(N), which they used to study its gonality. They furthermore conjectured that this kind of functions freely generate the modular units of Q(X1(N)), which are elements of Q(X1(N)) whose poles and zeros are cusps. This conjecture was proved by Marco Streng in 2015 (for reference look at [9]). In this thesis we study the analogue of this issue for the modular curve X0(N). Given two distinct positive integers M and N, we will prove that the function on X0(N) obtained from the equation of X0(M) has zeros at complex multiplication points of the modular curve X0(N) and poles at its cusps. This disproves the analogue of the conjecture of Derickx and van Hoeij for X0(N). In particular for all positive distinct integers M and N, we study the function fM on the modular curve Y0(N) defined as follows: fM : Y0(N) ! C Γ0(N)τ 7! ΦM (j(τ); j(Nτ)); where ΦM (X; Y ) 2 Z[X; Y ] is the M-th modular polynomial, which describes the modular curve X0(M) and j is the j-invariant. We will prove the following formula for the divisor of zeros of the function fM : Theorem. Let M and N be two positive coprime integers not both squares and let fM : Y0(N) ! C Γ0(N)τ 7! ΦM (j(τ); j(Nτ)): We have that X X X h α i Div (f ) = a; a + a : 0 M N O⊂ imaginary ∼ C [a]2Pic(O) fα2O : O/αO= =MN g=O∗ quadratic order Z Z α Here a; a + N a denotes the equivalence class under scalar complex α multiplication of the pair of C-lattices a; a + N a , which corresponds to a precise point of the modular curve Y0(N) through the bijection given in Theorem 1.59. From the theorem stated above we will derive in Chapter 3 that no non- constant product of powers of this type of functions will give rise to a modular unit of Q(X0(N)), since it will always have at least one zero or pole at a com- plex multiplication point. Finally we will give a lower bound for the degree of functions that we get multiplying and dividing by functions obtained from the modular polynomials. Contents 1 Prerequisites 1 1.1 The Riemann surface structure of the modular curve Y (Γ) ..1 1.2 Modular functions . 10 1.3 The modular polynomial ΦN (X; Y ) ............... 13 1.4 C-lattices . 18 1.5 The multiplier ring . 19 1.6 Orders in imaginary quadratic fields . 23 1.7 The modular curve Y0(N) and lattices . 26 2 The zeros of modular functions obtained from modular poly- nomials 29 2.1 The ramification index eπN (τ0) .................. 31 2.2 The order ordτ0 (fM ◦ πN ) ..................... 32 2.3 The order ordπN (τ0)(fM ) ..................... 36 2.4 The zeros of fM .......................... 42 2.5 An example . 47 3 The modular curve X0(N) and combination of functions ob- tained from modular polynomials 51 3.1 The Riemann surface structure of the modular curve X(Γ) .. 51 3.2 Modular units of Q(X0(N)) ................... 55 3.3 The degree of the function F ................... 57 Bibliography 61 Chapter 1 Prerequisites 1.1 The Riemann surface structure of the mod- ular curve Y (Γ) In this section we will give the basic definitions and we will show that the modular curve Y (Γ) with the complex atlas that we will define is a Riemann surface. A reference for this section is [4, Chapter 2]. Definition 1.1. The general linear group of degree 2, denoted by GL2(C) is the group of 2×2 invertible matrices with coefficients in the complex numbers. The modular group, denoted by SL2(Z), is the subgroup of GL2(C) given by matrices with integer coefficients and determinant 1: a b SL ( ) = : a; b; c; d 2 ; ad − bc = 1 : 2 Z c d Z 1 The group GL2(C) acts on P (C) by matrix-vector multiplication. Let us identify C [ f1g to P1(C) through the map 1 C [ f1g ! P (C) τ τ 7! [ 1 ] 1 1 7! [ 0 ] : This gives the following action on C [ f1g: a b aτ + b · τ = c d cτ + d a b for every ( c d ) 2 GL2(C) and τ 2 C [ f1g. 1 2 Prerequisites An easy computation shows that Im(τ) Im(γ(τ)) = det (γ) jcτ + dj2 a b for all γ = ( c d ) 2 GL2(R) and for all τ 2 C (where if jcτ + dj = 0, we take Im(τ) by convention jcτ+dj = 1 and Im(1) = 1). In particular, if γ 2 SL2(Z), then Im(τ) Im(γ(τ)) = : jcτ + dj2 This allows us to restrict to the upper half complex plane H := fτ 2 C : Im(τ) > 0g; since the modular group maps H to itself. Lemma 1.2. Let τ 2 H and 1 D := τ 2 : jRe(τ)j ≤ ; jτj ≥ 1 : H 2 Then there exists γ 2 SL2(Z) such that γ(τ) 2 D. Moreover let τ1; τ2 2 D with Im(τ1) ≤ Im(τ2) and suppose that γτ1 = τ2 for some γ 2 SL2(Z), then one of the following is true: 1. τ1 = τ2 and γ = ±I, 1 1 −1 2. Re(τ1) = 2 , τ2 = τ1 − 1 and γ = ± ( 0 1 ), 1 1 1 3. Re(τ1) = − 2 , τ2 = τ1 + 1 and γ = ± ( 0 1 ), 1 0 −1 jτ1j = 1 τ2 = − γ = ± ( ) 4. , τ1 and 1 0 , 0 −1 1 0 5. τ1 = ζ3 = τ2 and γ 2 h( 1 1 )i or τ1 = ζ3, τ2 = ζ6 and γ = ± ( 1 1 ), 0 1 1 0 6. τ1 = ζ6 = τ2 and γ 2 h( −1 1 )i or τ1 = ζ6, τ2 = ζ3 and γ = ± ( −1 1 ), 2πi=3 2πi=6 where ζ3 = e and ζ6 = e . Proof. For a proof of the fact that for every τ 2 H there exists γ 2 SL2(Z) such that γ(τ) 2 D look at [4, Lemma 2.3.1.]. Let τ1; τ2 2 D with Im(τ1) ≤ a b Im(τ2) such that γτ1 = τ2 for some γ = ( c d ) 2 SL2(Z). Then Im(τ2) = Im(τ1) 2 2 ≥ (τ1) jcτ1 + dj ≤ 1 jcτ1+dj Im , which means that . Consider the following two cases: The Riemann surface structure of the modular curve Y (Γ) 3 ±1 b c = 0 : If c = 0, then d = ±1 = a. Thus γ = 0 ±1 with b 2 Z and τ2 = τ1±b. On the other hand, |Re(τ1)j ≤ 1=2 ≥ jRe(τ2)j; as a consequence b = 0 and γ = ±I or jRe(τ1)j = 1=2. If Re(τ1) = 1=2, then τ2 = τ1 − 1, so 1 −1 1 1 γ = ± ( 0 1 ); if Re(τ1) = −1=2, then τ2 = τ1 + 1, so γ = ± ( 0 1 ). 2 2 2 2 c 6= 0 : From jcτ1 + dj ≤ 1 we deduce that c Im(τ1) + Re(cτ1 + d)p≤ 1. 2 2 2 In particular c Im(τ1) ≤ 1 and c ≤ 4=3 (because Im(τ1) ≥ 3=2), therefore c = ±1. As a consequence 2 2 2 2 Re(cτ1 + d) = (cRe(τ1) + d) ≤ 1 − c Im(τ1) ≤ 1=4 Hence jcRe(τ1) + dj ≤ 1=2 ) jdj ≤ 1=2 + jRe(τ1)j ≤ 1. Consider the following two possibilities for d: d = 0 : In this case jcτ1 + dj = jτ1j ≤ 1, but τ1 2 D, hence jτ1j = 1. a −1 1 γ = ± ( ) a 2 τ2 = − + a Moreover 1 0 for some Z, so τ1 . As 1 the transformation τ 7! − τ acts like the symmetry respect to the imaginary axis on the circumference fτ 2 C : jτj = 1g, this leads to other three possibilities for a: 0 −1 • a = 0, γ = ± ( 1 0 ) ; jτ1j = 1 and τ2 = −1/τ1; 1 −1 • a = 1; γ = ± ( 1 0 ), and τ1 = ζ6 = τ2; −1 −1 • a = −1; γ = ± ( ), and τ1 = ζ3 = τ2.
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