
5140 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. APRIL 7, on the subject of Sunday observance; to the Committee on the knowing how he would vote on thi · question, I withhold my District of Columbia. vote. · 50 6. By l\1r. RIDDICK: Petition of farmers of Portage and Mr. OVERMAN (when his name was called). I have a gen· Big .:andy, in the ' tate of Montana, urging the revival of the eral pair with the senior Senator from Wyoming [Mr. W ABREN]. United States Grain Corporation; to the Committee on Agri­ I transfer that pair to the junior Senator from Rhode Island culture. [Mr. GERRY] and vote "nay." 5007. By l\Ir. S.i.\HTH of Michigan: Petition of 178 citizens l\Ir. STERLING (when his name wa called). I transfer my of .Iichigun prote ting against the passage of House bill 4388, pair with the Senator from South Carolina [Mr. SMITH] to the providing for the re""ulution of Sunday observance by civil force junior Senator from Ohio [Mr. WILLIS] and vote "nay." under penalty for the Di ·tlict of Columbia; to the Committee Mr. SUTHERLAND (when his name was called). I have a on the District of Columbia. general pair with the senior Senator from Arkansas [Mr. RoB­ r;:008. By l\1r. SNELL: Petition of members of Grange 968, of INSON]. I transfer that pair to the junior Senator from Oregon Edwards, St. Lawrence County, N. Y., favoring the Voigt bill, [1\Ir. STANFIELD] and vote "yea." prohibiting the manufacture of filled milk; to the Committee l\lr. UNDERWOOD (when his name was called). I ha e a on Agriculture. general pair with the senior Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. 5009. Bv Mr. S.r YDER: Petition of resident of the thirty­ LoDGE]. He is ab ent.. and I therefore withhold my vote. third New York congre~sional district, requesting the prohibi­ The roll call was concluded. tion of imitation milk iu interstate commerce; to the Committee Mr. KENDRICK. I haYe a general pair with the enior on Agriculture. Senator from Illinois [l\lr. ~IcCoRMICK]. I transfer that pair 5010. By l\lr. TEENERSO~: Resolution of International to the enior Senator from Nebraska [Mr. HITCHCOCK] and Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers of Thief River Falls, vote" nay." Minn., favoring Hou e bill 10798; to the Committee on Inter· l\lr. NEW. I transfer my pail· with the junior Senator from .,tate and Foreio-n Commerce. Tenne see [Mr. McKELLAR] to the junior Senator from Michi· :5011. By. "llr. TINKHA.~I: Petition of the Fir t Universalist gan [Mr. NEWBERRY] and vote "yea." Church of Roxbury, l\Ias ., relative to the Austrian debt to the 1\lr. H.A.RRISON. I transfer my pair with the Senator from United State.., ; to the Committee on Way and Means. we~t Virginia [1\lr. ELKINS] to the junior Senator from Ala· fi012. By l\Ir. TOWNER: Petition of J. K. Forsyth, of San bama [1\Jr. HEFLIN] and Yote "nay." Franci co, Calif. and 57 other citizens of the State of Califor­ 1\Ir. RANSDELL. I withhold my vote. nia. a king for the pa ~ ·age of the Towner-Sterling educational l\Ir. WILLIAMS. Has the Senator from Indiana [l\Ir. WAT· bill: to the Committee on Education. SON] voted? 5013. Also, petition of Jackson E. Mohr and 38 other citizens The PRESIDING OFFICER. That Senator has not voted. of EYansville, Ind., a.· king for the passage of the Towner-Ster­ Mr. -WILLI~MS. I haYe a pair with that Senator, and in ling educational bill: to the Committee on Education. his ab ·ence I am not at liberty to vote. If at liberty to vote, 5014. Also, petition of Harry A. Maxwell, of Malden, Mass., I would vote "nay." and 135 othe1· citizens of the State of Massachusetts, asking 1\Ir. CURTIS. I wi h to announce that the Senator from for the pas age of the Towner-Sterling educational bill; to the North Dakota [Mr. 1\lcCul-mER], the Senator from .Utah [Mr. C mmittee on Education. SMOOT], the Senator from Vermont [Mr. DILLINGHAM], the 5015. By llr. VOL TEAD: Petition of 82 farmers in the Senator from Indiana [1\fr. WATso.~], and the Senator from eventll congre ional dLtrict of Minnesota, urging revival of Connecticut [Mr. McLEAN] are detained ·at a meeting of the the Government Grain Corporation and a guaranteed price on Committee on Finance. farm product ; to the Committee on Agricultllre. I wish also to announce the following pairs : The Senator from Delaware [l\Ir. DU PoNT] with the Senator from Missouri [Mr. REED]; The Senator from Minnesota [l\Ir. KELLOGG] with the Senator SENATE. from North Carolina [Mr. SI'M:MONS] ; The Senator from New Jer ey [Mr. EDGE] with the Senator FRIDAY April 7, 19'2~. from Oklahoma [1\Ir. OwEN] ; The Senator from Rhode Island [l\Ir. CoLT] with the Senator (Leg·islatire da11 ot 1Tednesday, Apr-a 5, 1922.) from Florida [1\Ir. T.RAMMELL] ; The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m., on the expiration of the The Senator from Vermont [l\Ir. DILLINGHAM] with the Sena­ recess. tor from Virginia [Mr. Guss]; The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. LENROOT in the chair). The Senator from North Dakota [1\Ir. McCuMBER] with the The Senate resumes the consideration of House bill 9103. Senator from Utah [Mr. KING] ; ADDITIONAL DISTRICT JUDGES. The Senator from Colorado [~fr. PHIPPS) with the Senator The Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, resumed the con- from South Carolina [Mr. DIAL] ; and ideration of the bill {H. R. 9103) for the appointment of addi­ The Senator from Wyoming [~1r. WARREN) with the Senator tional district judges for certain courts of the United States, from ,.9rth Carolina [l\Ir. OVERMAN]. to provide for annual conferences of certain judges of the The roll call resulted-yeas 25, nays 21, as follows : United States court.,, to authorize the designation, assignment, YEAS-25. Ball Frelinghuy en Myers Sheppard and appointment of juuge outside their districts, and for other Bursum Harris New Shortridge purposes. Cameron John on Nicholson Spencer The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is upon agreeing Curtis Keye Oddie Sutherland Ernst Ladd Peppf>r to the amendment propo ed by the Senator from New Jersey Fernald McKinley Poindexter [Mr. FRELIJXGHUYSEN] to the amendment of the committee. Fletcher Moses Pomerene The amendment to the amendment will be read. NAYS-21. The READING CLERK. In the amendment of the committee, .Ashurst Kendrick Korris Wal h, Mas, page 10, line 13, after the word " two " insert " for the district Capper La Follette Qyerman Walsh, Mont. Caraway Lenroot Raw on Watson, Ga . .of ""ew Jersey, one." Cummins McNary Stanl.ey 1\Ir. FRELINGHUYSEX. On agreeing to the amendment to G<loding Nelson • terllng the amendment I call foe the yeas and nays. Harri ou Norbeck Wadsworth The yeas and nay were ordered, and the reading clerk pro­ NOT VOTIKG-50. Borah Gerry McKellar Smoot ceeded to call the roll. BrandegeP Glass l\IcLean Stanfield lUr. FERNALD (when his name was called). I have a gen- Brou ard Hale Newbet·ry Swanson eral pair with the enior Senator from New Mexico [1\Ir. JoNES]. Calder Harreld Owen Townsend Colt Heflin Pa~e Trammell I transfer that pair to my colleague [Mr. HALE] and vote " yea." Crow Hitchcock Phipps Underwood l\Ir. HARRISON (when his name was called). I have a gen­ Culberson Jones, N.Mex. Pittman Warren eral pair with the junior Senator from 'Vest Virginia [Mr. Dial Jones, Wash. Ran dell Watson, Ind. Dillingham Kellogg Rt'ed Weller ELKL"-'S]. Not knowing how he would vote and being unable to du Pont King Robinson Williams obtain a transfer at this time, I withhold my vote. Edge Lodge Shield · Willis Mr. JONES of Washington (when his name was called). The Elkins l\lcCormick Simmon euior Senator from Virginia [Mr. SwANSON] is necessarily France McCumber Smith .. b. ent to-day and I promised to take care of him with a pair. The PRESIDING OFFICER. On thi · question the yeas are 25 and the nay are 21. The Senator from Louisiana [1\Ir. Th~refore, I withhold my vote. Mr. :NEW (when his name was called). I have a pair with RA: ~ 'DELL] announced that h~ withheld his vote. The Senator the junior Senator from Tennessee [1\Ir. M KELLAR]. Not from Washington [1\Ir. JoNE ], the Senator from Alabama [1\Ir. 1922. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE . 5141. UNDERWOOD], and the Senator from Mississippi [Mr. WILLLUIS] I n Arizona, where, of CQurse, my friend, the senior Senator announced their pairs. 'I'he e Senators ma]re a. quorum present, from Arizona [Mr. ASHURST], will have a fight on his hands, anrl the amendment offered by the Senator from ew Jersey the Republicans will be aided to the extent of having a new to the amendment of the committee is agreed to. appointee in the form of an additional judge in that State. _ l\lr. HARRISON obtained the tlOOl.'. It seems that, running throUgh the whole bill, I think, with l\11·. HARRIS. Mr. President, will the Senator yield to me four exceptions, the States whlch are selected to be given from for a moment? one to three additional judges are States where sharp contests The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does the Senator from 'Mis­ will occur o"'er the election of sitting Members or others who siRsippi yield to the Senator from Georgia? are running on the Republican ticket. So it was but naturnl l\lr. HARRISON. I yield. that the Republicans should have adopted the so-called FrelL g­ 1\fr. HARRIS. I offer an amendment which, I understand, huysen amendment to give the Senator from New Jer , · n i acceptable to the committee, and I ask that it may be read .additional judge in his State to aid him in the coming campaign.
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