Halls are alive with sounds of the holidays By Shirley A. McShane ent volunteers and teachers had dehvered kids at Pelham went to school without Slaft Writer d d G P their gtfts to the Pelham School m DetrOit coats, because they don't own them Some Many stu ents aroun ro~e Olnte and were riding on the bus back to Grosse didn't have warm socks" ~,,1101i~ thiShohday season learn~ that It truly IS POinte, they came up With an Idea. give On the way back to Grosse Pointe the better to give than to receive agam. students and teachers renected on their '1'.110.(' the sev,enth-graders at l!mversity "When we gave out the gifts, one httIe expenence, Imagining what It must be hke .~. from all ~./ Lig-gcttSchools middle school m Grosse gIrl opened her box and hked her present, to be Ill.clothed III such cold weather. (Last PomleWoods '" but said she WIshed she had asked for Wednesday, when the students made their !"dt'hyear they participate m a Glvmg shoes It turns out hers were 1- 1/2 sizes dehvery, temperatures were In the smgle otus at the Ihe project that donates toys and cloth. too small," said Martha CaSSie, admmis- digIts) Everyone agreed to go home and m/(to f<lmIlI('sand children m need tratIve assistant at ULS middle school 1Ill' \ear. dfter the students, some par- "Our students learned that some of the Grosse Pointe News WEEI( AHEAD Defer principal Thursday, Dec. 26 Due to the New Year's bol- iday, editorial and advertia- leaving district iDgdeedanee will be one ~ earlier. That me8D8 features aDd en$ertainment items lriD be clue by 'Ihursday at 3 after 21 years PJIL aDd news and sports :-.- IIl1I8t be in by S p.& ~ to be considered for Sheila Turney . v~;$IJe.ran. 2 edition. : Y>;~ to head charter high school Naa~Dec.27 By ShIrley A. McShane The Groosse Pointe South Staff Writer School For'em Club Defer principal Sheila the second North va. Thrney is leaving her post in alumni hockey game early January to take a Job ~ 7 p.m. inthe City Arena at WIth a statewide group operat- ing charter schools. LafaJre&te and Mount Elliott 'in Detroit. For more informa- But, the 21-year-veteran of tion, South alumni should the Grosse Pointe Public call Joan Tucker at (313) School System said, she's not .843-0301. North alumni Homes for leaving the Pointes and ihoultl call Jan Quinn at intends to remam VIsiblein the (313) 881.2968. community. the holidays 'Tm looking forward to this change after 21 years of work- Shena Turney Bwel7011e probabJ.J' too buy mg with the residents of the , The City of Groeee Pointe .........., to plc:tara of their Grosse Pointes," Tumey said strong advocate of the dlstnct, J'anu is . a blood ...... to .-teI' the Groae Pointe last Friday, shortly before but not m a publIc service role." ..... ......, ~ .,teat. Blat fOl" Red school VW'o.s disrn:issed for the !rive, ~n we dO 1I&vc uuce 'wJIIDcn. Turney sa,d the L,rosse uwa,from 10 a.m. p.D1. WInter break. to" .,.. ...... ...... ... to tile Pointe Pubhc School System .4l the municipal court Tumey's last day will be must, as a whole, support its WbiWaU hDdIy at 1"10 IIa* III the Friday, Jan. to. She then will room/c:wncil room. Call miSSIOn.She thinks the schools ~ wIlD deconted tbe:Ir bOme both begin her new job as pnncipal Donna at (313) 885-6600, rrc.t .... ~. have a defined VIsion but need en. 228 to make an appoint- of the New Directions Institute to "stop warnmg and gIVIngm , 8ecoDd place goea to Bob Bahl asul in Pontiac, a charter high ramtl7 at 1002 IIanVd iD the PlU'k 101' to every dlfTerent poSItion and school operated by the hold the course." the ... t amOQllt of 1JIb.b he was able Lansing-based Leona Group. to let 011 their outdoor eveagaeeu. left. "I WIll be managIng and On a partmg note, 'JUrney ~y,Dec.31 1"IdId place goes to the De Corte (helping) charter schools said she wishes the Grosse JI'amI1y at 1028 BerUhIre, aI80 iD the (grow). Charter schools, which Pointe commumty the best of , New Year's Eve. Kiss 1996 Park, 101' tbeIr IRIbmlsaloD of their are alternatives to the pubhc luck in seeking out a strong, ,FocI byv, be careful out there '"WIIIIauIbarg CbrtMmu- moUf (Dot education system, are spon- visIOnary leader for the schools ,.ad remember, the officee or .a.o.n). sored by the state and char- (refemng to the dlstnct's ongo- 1beGrosse Pointe News close 'I1auIk JOII for)'OUt COIltrlbaUoDs, uul can the Dewsroom at (313) 343-5590 to tered by private indIviduals, mg search for n new supenn- DOOD. uaaae to receI.e prUe 11ft certJllcates from our ~. universities and school boards tendent followmg Ed Shine's wishing to see things done in a departure last June). different way," she said Turney was principal at "This community needs a esday, Jan. 1 Library faces many challenges, Trombly Elementary School strong, viSIOnary leader who before coming to Defer. Her will stay the course and not • Happy 1997. The oftices of career within the Grosse allow every detractor to knock lhe Grosse Pointe News are studies future course, facilities Pointe district began at Grosse the distnct ofT course," she 'do8ed. Pointe South High School, said "There needs to be a part- By Shirley A. McShane ing some current circulatIOn discussion of any specific idea," where she was an assistant nership between the schools, Staff Wrrter statistiCS, what Improvements he said. principal. From there, she the parents and the commum- If Grosse Pointe publIc in technology will mean to us Build a bigger Central went part-time as assistant ty" INSIDE library leaders ever were to and so on," said John Bruce, Library? Expand the branches? princIpal at the three mIddle write a book about the history library board preSident. "When Move the operations else- schools: Pierce, Parcells and At a study sessIOn on Opinion 6A of discussions and proposals to the Parcells enrollment Issue where? There are a number of Brownell, as she was raising Thursday, Dec. 19, the school Schools _9A expand or relocate the library's came up, it caused us as a optIOns, Bruce said, most of her children board agreed to accept operations, it would be time to board to accelerate the strate- them based on studies done in She began her educational Tumey's reSignation and Obituaries 12A draft a new chapter. gic planning process as reason- the 1980s and one in 1990 career in parochial schools in release h£'r from her contract. Semors 13A Although nothing is in the ably as poS$lble to continue to "If we are not able to main- Detroit, then moved to the The search for Turney's works, library offiCIals said, a deal with thiS process." tam branches in the future DetrOIt Pubhc Schools and replacement IS under way and Busin€ss 15A library board subcommittee Neither the hbrary board nor because there is not availabilI. then to Bloomfield for one year if a SUitable candidate is not Sports 16A has been studying faCility the school board have made ty of property, and the school "I want everyone to know rm found by mid..January, an needs and options for the any decisions at thiS pomt, but system needs space for enroll. Entertainment 6B staYing here m the commum- mtenm admmlstrator WIll be future. discussions are ongoing. ment, we will have to look at ty," she said. "I plan to be a appomted Classified ads 98 Meanwhtle, the Grosse Nevertheless, hbrary offi- other alternatives, maybe one Pointe Pubhc School System, cials said, there may come a central facility," Bruce said. wrestling with growmg enroll- time in the future when the "But this IS not what thiS par- ment at one of its schools, school system will be forced to ticular board wants We know which also leases space to the reclaim space leased at thiS commumty wants ItS public hbrary, has raIsed the Parcells and Pierce MIddle neighborhood schools, Its local POSSlblbty,although remote, of School (where the Woods and parks and its branch reclaiming hbrary space for Park branches, respectively, libranes '" school needs are located) and the library The board subcommittee has Home: Grosse Pointe Park And as preVIous chapters of needs to be prepared. not generated a report of its the hbrary hiStory book might The board sub-committee findings for public consump- Age: 55 read, whenever Interest bUIlds, has been meeting and gather- tIOnat thiS time, he said. various solutIOns and ideas are ing Informatlon for the past In 1990, when the hbrary Family: Wife, Sharon; four proposed. Budd a newer, bIgger several months, Bruce said It operated as part of the Grosse children lIbrary Expand eXlstmg facili- has been focusmg on a number POinte Public School System, ties Ask the voters to support of reports that have been done the school board, after more Occupation: Attorney for a bond Issue or a mlllage to on the hbrary since 1986 than two years of study, pro- General Motors fund the projects At its Dec. 16 meeting, the posed a $7 6 mllhon bond Issue Then, hke the dlsappomting lIbrary board planned a half- to fund the expansIOn of the Claim to fame: NatIOnal ending to a bestselhng novel, day meeting sometime m branches and to bUild a new, chairman of MADD the voters reJect all plans and January or February, which 43,OOO-square-foot facilIty slam the book shut with a wlll be held on a Saturday and adJacent to Brownell Middle Quote: 'We'll always have resoundmg thud open to the public, at which to School on Chalfonte m Grosse drunks But WIth "As we look at our long-term diSCUSSthIS Issue The board POinte Farms The CUITPntcen- Improved technology, I faCIhty needs, we continue to WIllnot be seekmg public Input tral hbrary was then to be the don't thmk we'll always look at what's best for the at that time but WIll in the new admlmstratlve offices for have drunk dnvers " branches and for the Central near future, Bruce added the school system LIbrary.
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