Postal Regulatory Commission Submitted 10/27/2017 4:23:51 PM Filing ID: 102315 Accepted 10/27/2017 List of member countries of the Universal Postal Union Indicating their contribution class, geographical group and legal situation with regard to the Acts of the Union Position at 15 June 2015 BERNE 2015 International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union a The Acts are designated, at the heads of the columns, using the following abbreviations: C = Constitution of the Universal Postal Union AP = Additional Protocol to the Constitution of the Universal Postal Union GR = General Regulations of the Universal Postal Union UC = Universal Postal Convention and Final Protocol P = Postal Payment Service Agreement b The letters occurring in each column signify the following: S = the Act was signed SD = the Act was signed definitively by the plenipotentiaries present at Congress R = the Act was ratified X = the Act was approved in accordance with article 25.4 of the Constitution A = the country acceded to the Act c The member countries are distributed among the following five geographical groups: I = Americas II = Eastern Europe and Northern Asia III = Western Europe IV = Southern Asia and Oceania V = Africa d Entry into force and period of validity of the Acts of the 2012 Doha Congress: – the Acts of the 2012 Doha Congress entered into effect on 1 January 2014; – the General Regulations will remain in effect for an indefinite period; – the Universal Postal Convention and its Final Protocol as well as the Postal Payment Services Agreement will remain valid until the entry into force of the Acts of the 2016 Istanbul Congress. Member countries (Constitution art. 2) Contribution Geographical Constitution Additional 2nd Additional 3rd Additional 4th Additional 5th Additional 6th Additional 7th Additional 8th Add tional Doha Acts (2012) c ass group (Vienna 1964) Protocol Protocol Protocol Protocol Protocol Protocol (Beijing Protocol Protocol (Geneva (Tokyo 1969) (Lausanne 1974) (Hamburg 1984) (Washington (Seoul 1994) 1999) (Bucharest 2004) 2008) 1989) Obligatory Acts Optional Act General Regulations (Doha Universal Postal Convention PPS Agreement Number of IB IB IB IB IB IB IB IB IB 2012) IB Circular IB C rcular units C C rcular AP Circular AP Circular AP Circular AP Circular AP Circular AP Circular AP C rcular AP Circular Afghanistan (Islamic State of) 0.5 IV R 78/1969 R 122/1974 R 211/1979 R 321/1986 S – – S –SS– Albania (Republic of) 1 III R 241/1968 A 261/1979 A 261/1979 A 106/1988 A 206/2007 R 340/1999 X 232/2004 R 206/2007 R 200/2012 S S S Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of) 5 V R 169/1968 R 113/1973 R 287/1976 R 206/1987 S S S S A 90/2015 SSS Angola (Republic of) 0.5 V A 47/ 1977 A 47/1977 A 47/1977 R 210/1990 R 283/1994 S R 206/2007 – S S S S Antigua and Barbuda 1 I A 12/1994 A 12/1994 A 12/1994 A 12/1994 A 12/1994 – – – –––– Argentine Republic 3 I R 23/1968 R 9/1975 R 278/1979 R 296/1991 R 1/1997 R 91/2001 R 132/2004 A 298/2010 SSSS Armenia (Republic of) 1 II A 287/1992 A 287/1992 A 287/1992 A 287/1992 A 287/1992 S S S SSSS Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten 1 I R 178/1969 R 205/1971 R 38/1976 R 19/1987 R 146/1995 R 359/1996 R 7/2005 R 239/2009 SSS– Australia 20 IV R 20/1966 R 256/1971 R 77/1977 R 106/1988 R 283/1994 R 298/2005 R 298/2005 R 220/2008 A 200/2012 S S S Austria (Republic of) 5 III R 20/1966 R 205/1971 R 241/1976 R 206/1987 R 21/1992 R 1/1999 R 268/2002 R 220/2008 R 7/2014 S S S Azerbaijan (Republic of) 1 II A 116/1993 A 116/1993 A 116/1993 A 116/1993 A 116/1993 A 426/2002 A 126/2005 A 334/2008 A 91/2013 – – – Bahamas (Commonwealth of) 1 I A 102/1974 A 102/1974 R 145/1976 R 175/1988 R 384/1992 S S – –SSS Bahrain (Kingdom of) 1 IV A 276/1973 A 276/1973 R 151/1983 S S S S R 81/2012 R 82/2012 S S – Bangladesh (People's Republic of) 3 IV A 54/1973 A 54/1973 R 296/1976 R 206/1987 A 298/199 R 165/1997 S S S––– Barbados 1 I A 256/1967 R 175/1973 R 241/1976 S S R 340/1999 S R 81/2012 SSSS Belarus (Republic of) 1 II R 69/1978 R 69/1978 R 69/1978 R 372/1990 R 345/1994 R 193/1999 R 132/2004 R 206/2007 R 239/2009 – – – Belgium 15 III R 3/1966 R 141/1971 R 258/1975 R 98/1986 R 34/1991 R 464/1998 R 7/2005 R 220/2008 R 91/2013 S S S Belize 1 I A 199/1982 A 199/1982 A 199/1982 – – S – – –––– Benin (Repub ic of) 0.5 V R 82/1967 R 175/1985 R 175/1985 S S S S S SSSS Bhutan (Kingdom of) 0.5 IV A 39/1969 R 181/1971 R 246/1979 S S S S S S SSS Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 1 I R 197/1972 R 197/1972 R 77/1977 R 308/1988 R 21/1992 R 464/1998 R 426/2002 – –––– Bosnia and Herzegovina (Repub ic of) 1 II A 53/1993 A 53/1993 A 53/1993 A 53/1993 A 53/1993 A 165/1997 R 46/2010 A 206/2007 A 7/2014 S S S Botswana (Republic of) 1 V A 36/1968 R 98/1979 R 98/1979 R 98/1986 R 240/1995 S X 208/2003 S –– – A 90/2015 Brazil (Federative Republic of) 15 I R 178/1969 R 89/1973 R 150/1979 R 296/1991 R 242/1996 R 300/2008 R 300/2008 R 46/2010 SSSS Brunei Darussalam 1 IV A 19/1985 A 19/1985 A 19/1985 A 210/1990 S – S S SSSS Bulgaria (Republic of) 3 II R 164/1969 R 102/1974 R 270/1977 R 98/1986 R 240/1995 R 242/1996 R 236/2001 R 206/2007 R 298/2010 R 90/2015 R 90/2015 R 90/2015 Burkina Faso 0.5 V R 95/1967 R 166/1971 R 246/1979 S R 231/1992 S S S SSSS Burundi (Republic of) 0.5 V R 110/1969 R 70/1973 R 169/1977 S S R 165/1997 S S SSSS Cambodia (Kingdom of) 1 IV R 186/1969 R 220/1972 R 242/1996 A 242/1996 A 242/1996 R 242/1996 S S S SSS Cameroon (Republic of) 1 V R 36/1969 R 9/1975 R 1/1997 R 1/1997 R 1/1997 R 1/1997 S S SSSS Canada 40 I R 165/1966 R 256/1971 R 252/1975 R 19/1987 R 186/1991 R 289/1997 R 236/2001 R 399/2005 R 46/2010 R 90/2015 R 90/2015 – Cape Verde (Republic of) 0.5 V A 251/1976 A 251/1976 A 251/1976 A 137/2009 R 137/ 2009 R 137/2009 R 137/2009 R 137/2009 R 137/2009 S S S Central African Republic 0.5 V R 186/1968 R 52/1974 R 169/1977 S S S – S –––– Chad (Republic of) 0.5 V R 98/1972 R 98/1972 R 99/1978 R 308/1988 S S A 268/2002 S SSSS Chile 3 I R 241/1972 R 241/1972 R 99/1978 R 19/1988 R 21/1992 R 220/ 1998 R 206/2007 S SSSS China (People's Republic of) 26.5 IV A 70/1973 A 70/1973 R 270/1977 R 133/1987 R 21/1992 R 407/1997 R 132/2004 R 300/2008 R 91/2013 S S S Colombia (Repub ic of) 3 I R 154/1976 R 35/1979 R 261/1979 S S S S S –––– Comoros (Union of) 0.5 V A 195/1976 A 195/1976 A 195/1976 S S – S S SSSS Congo (Republic of) 1 V R 264/1966 R 150/1979 R 150/1979 R 298/2010 R 298/2010 S R 298/2010 R 298/2010 SSSS Congo (Democratic Repub ic of the) 3 V R 278/1979 R 278/1979 R 278/1979 A 300/2008 S S S A 300/2008 S––– Costa Rica (Republic of) 1 I R 299/1981 R 299/1981 R 299/1981 S S S S R 81/2012 SSSS Côte d'Ivoire (Republic of) 1 V R 3/1966 R 91/1981 R 91/1981 R 296/1991 R 345/1994 S S S SSSS Croatia (Republic of) 1 III A 232/1992 A 232/1992 A 232/1992 A 232/1992 A 232/1992 R 137/2009 R 137/2009 R 137/2009 R 120/2011 S S S Cyprus (Republic of) 1 III R 78/1969 R 241/1972 R 84/1977 R 175/1988 R 84/1992 R 407/1997 R 132/2004 R 239/2009 R 91/2013 S S S Member countries (Constitution art. 2) Contribution Geographical Constitution Additional 2nd Additional 3rd Additional 4th Additional 5th Additional 6th Additional 7th Additional 8th Add tional Doha Acts (2012) class group (Vienna 1964) Protocol Protocol Protocol Protocol Protocol Protocol (Beijing Protocol Protocol (Geneva (Tokyo 1969) (Lausanne 1974) (Hamburg 1984) (Washington (Seoul 1994) 1999) (Bucharest 2004) 2008) 1989) Obligatory Acts Optional Act General Regulations (Doha Universal Postal Convention PPS Agreement Number of 2012) IB Circular IB C rcular units IB IB IB IB IB IB IB IB IB C C rcular AP Circular AP Circular AP Circular AP Circular AP Circular AP Circular AP C rcular AP Circular Czech Republic 5 II A 106/1993 A 106/1993 A 106/1993 A 106/1993 A 106/1993 R 359/1996 R 268/2002 R 302/2006 R 90/2015 SSS Denmark (Kingdom of) 10 III R 71/1966 R 74/1971 R 118/1976 R 321/1986 R 384/1992 R 146/1995 R 268/2002 R 300/2008 SSS– Djibouti (Republic of) 0.5 V A 132/1978 A 132/1978 A 132/1978 S S S S – – SSS Dominica (Commonwealth of) 1 I A 38/1980 A 38/1980 A 38/1980 R 175/1988 – – S S –––– Dominican Republic 1 I S S – S S R 425/2003 R 425/2003 S SSSS Ecuador (Republic of) 1 I R 215/1969 A 84/1977 R 84/1977 R 442/1995 R 442/1995 R 220/1998 A 211/2006 R 211/2006 R 199/2012 S S S Egypt (Arab Repub ic of) 5 V R 181/1967 R 129/1972 R 77/1977 S S R 120/2000 R 298/2005 R 220/2008 –SSS El Salvador (Republic of) 1 I R 132/1978 R 132/1978 R 132/1978 A 210/1990 S – – – SSSS Equatorial Guinea (Republic of) 0.5 V A 148/1970 A 175/1973 A 299/1981 – – S S S S––– Eritrea 0.5 V A 299/1993 A 299/1993 A 299/1993 A 299/1993 A 299/1993 R 240/1995 S S – ––– Estonia (Republic of) 1 II A 134/1992 A 134/1992 A 134/1992 A 134/1992 A 134/1992 R 426/2002 R 426/2002 R 206/2007 R 120/2011 S S – Ethiopia 0.5 V R 148/1969 R 11/1974 R 150/1979 R 210/1990 S S S S –SS– Fiji 1 IV A 135/1971 A 220/1972 R 258/1975 – S S S – –––– Finland (Repub ic of) 10 III R 104/ 1966R 197/1972 R 35/1979 R 228/1986 R 165/1997 R 77/1996 R 119/2001 R 206/2007 R 120/2011 – – – French Republic 50 III R 71/1966 R 79/1971 R 258/1975 R 106/1988 R 77/1993 R 464/1998 R 268/2002 R 334/2008 R 46/2010 X 103/201 SS Gabonese Republic 1 V R 82/1967 R 7/1973 R 245/1978 S R 278/1998 S S S SSSS Gambia 0.5 V A 205/1974 A 205/1974 A 70/1980 – S – S – –––– Georgia (Republic of) 1 II A 116/1993 A 116/1993 A 116/1993 A 116/1993 A 116/1993 A 340/1999 S – –––– Germany (Federal Republic of) 45 III R 197/1966 R 241/1971 R 38/1976 R 272/1986 R 77/1993 R 1/1999 R 208/2003 S SSS– Ghana (Republic of) 3 V R 63/1967 R 122/1974 R 193/1976 S S R 464/1998 R 208/2003 S SSSS United Kingdom
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