24 - THE HERALD. Fri., July 17. 1961 •••••••••••••••••••••••• Aportmonf For ftont 83 Atffoe For $ofs .$f MQmM For Solo ^ Nohms For Safa 23 TAG SALES •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••<$•••••••••• •eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeteteeM L U X U R Y O N E WORKSPACE oH MOVING SALE - Fur­ GIGANTIC TAG SALE - BEDROOM APARTMENT STORAGE I^ C E FOK • • • niture, lAmps, Kain or shine. July 18-19. - Next to fuU servioe park. R ^ i r in Mimehestar. No lease or security deposit. I MANCHESTER AND VICINITY refrigerator, paintings, et 10-4, 98 Cushman Dr., Available for immadiate Manchester. Off Colontal occupancy. Includos heat,, Reasonable rates. Suitable Tannia anyona? Your own court, 10 for small business. Retail (Near Lydall), MOVING. hot water, appliances^ rootna, 3800 aquara faat of quality and and commercially zoned. MUL*n FAMIL TAG SALE Large assortment, carpeting. No pets. $850 CUl 8761801, 10 to 5. alaganca. Pat Foratrom 649-5508. - 51 Finley Street, Saturday household items, toys, p e r m i t . 2^4)000 9:30 to 10 to 3. Air conditioner, clothes, CHEAP. 5:30, 289-3106 after 6:00. i . Now axclualva. 7 room, 2 atory living. NEWLY RENOVATED bicycles, wooden barrel, Florida room, garaga, achool, altopping, 310 square feet office coal bins, toys, records, GIANT TAG SALE - Satur­ MANCHESTER - Ona available. Main Street Manchester, Conn. bua Una naarby. Pat Hughaa 583-3382. househoid items. No day 9 a.m. Furniture, mis- bedroom at Hilliard Street. (Serving the location with ample previews please. ceUaneous. 33 Litchfield Private entrance. <2uiet ItlBOpOOO. find worth Itl 8 room apllt ranch. Open parking. Call 6462891. TOLLAND Manchester area Saturday, July 18, 1981 Street, Manchester. and convenient location. contemporary feeling, elegance and all t a g ' s a l e - Chairs, Single a le ^ building. $366 1788231 948 25 Cents the extraa.for gracioua living. Elva Klely m o n t^ , includes beat and OlTICE SPACE T o n fbr 100 years^ H r r a l b tables, glassware, dishes, TAG SALE - 104 Harlan RENT. 800 sqhare feet. VJ 848-7858. misc. collectibles, brie a Street. (Rear). Misc. hot water. Appliances, storage, and coin-op laun­ Newly re-decorated. Very brae, picture frames, items. July 1619.10 a.m. - roasonable. Call 64164751 1968 VOLKSWAGEN BUG. I t IS A tO * Move into Immaculate 4 BR, 1*4 bath ‘ bicycles, etc. Saturday 5 p.m. Rain or shine. dry. No pets. Damato E n t^rises, 6461021. between 8 and 5. Good condition, excellent Colonial In location convenient to July 18, 10-4. Riverpoint, mileage. Motor and X achoola and bua. To aee call Althea Times Farm Rd., Andover. GARAGE SALE - 81 Bran­ transifussion good. $500 s m a l l FURNISHED \. Roberts 649-4324. ford Street, Saturday July firm. Telqdione 0468347. TAG SALE - e i g h t 18, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Also APARTMENT for small faniily or individual. Large ItlB O ^ N W . Mr. Salesman. 10 minutes from Rt. 5 FAM ILIES, Tools, Fur­ Evenings next w e A from 7 BASEMENT STORAGE 1974 AMC m a t a d o r , 6 1 bedroom plus small niture, Misc. Route 85, p.m. tpo 9 p.m. Everything AREA with dirt floors. door, automatic transinis- puts you midway between Hartford & kitchen and pantry. With Springfield. 10 room, 4 bedroom Bolton. Saturday July 18,9 must go! First room 18% ft.xl5 ft.; slon, $500. 6460011. to 5. electric stove, second room 23 ft.xl5% ft. refrigerator-freezer,' air ■ in two Colonial. Ed Slegeskl. TAG SALE - SATURDAY $30 monthly. 6460717. 1975 MALIBU CLASSIC - Williams i TAG SALE - Must sell JULY 18lb|«9-4.78 Shallow- conditioning. Parking. | t 7S(tOO. An exceptional findl Spacious 4 BR Washer/dryer et cetra. New paint Job. New everything. Saturday after brook 1m s , Glastonbury 5,000 Ft. WiU sulKlivide In radials. 8 track. Like new. custom L-Ranch, 2 full baths, 2 Available July 18th. Call 9 a.m. 170 Eldridge Street, (Over/^^nchester Line), Small Sections. 35 Oakland $1995. CaU 6466872. fireplaces and woodburning stove. Con­ Manchester. Coleman Tent, dishware, 6465800. •__________ Street, Maftdbester. Heavy nie Chappell 426-1426. c l o ^ , T.V., Misc. Rain traffic area. Excellent 1955 C A D IL L A C TAG SALE - 58 Vemwood oP&ine. ^ M ANCHESTER - F irst parking. Low rental fee. 11104,000. Superb contemporary on private 2 acre F L E E T W O O D 47,000 Drive, Vfemon, Saturday floor duplex, four rooms, 'original miles. Body and of Atlanta's 28 slayings lot. 7 plus rooms, 3-4 BRs, sunroom, 2 July 18, 8 to 3. Household, MULTI FAMILY TAG appliances, air con­ interior excellent condi­ decks, all appliances. Sue Stewart 646- craft items and mis­ SALE - Saturday July 18th, ditioned. No pets. Adults. MANCHESTER - OFFICE tion. Engine needs work. cellaneous. Rain date, Sun­ 9-3. 18 Franklin Street, References and security, 7472. S U n ^, 3 rooms, paneled, $3,500. Tele^one 6461568. day July 19, 8 to 3. Manchester, off Walker noo plus heat and utilities. rugs, available immediate­ kill anybody,” said Dwight C!ater, owned and operated his own low- I §158,800. Warmth and elegance abound in this Street Large, small, new, Cali 9760031._____________ ly. Alibrio Reality, Inc., 1974 A U D I F O X - ATLANTA (UPI) - Wayne B. about May 22. They were among Nathaniel’s 16year-old coiuin. watt radio station, financed almost antique Colonial In beautiful country set­ JtLBERT MORGAN used household items and 6460917,____________. Automatic transmission, WilUams, a self-styled talent scout only foiu- adults in the list of 28 vic­ ARCHAEOLOGICAL stove. VERNON - 3 room apart­ Payne lived with his sister, entirely by bis parents. He was also ting. Plus 3 room fn-law apt. Althea low mileage, sunroof, who lured young blacks with tims — which does not Include one Society Tag Sale. May ment, heat, electric, hot PROFESSIONAL Patricia, 24. She said the Indictment •q, freelance photographer, and was Roberts 649-4324. stereo. One owner. Good promises of a musical career, was child whose body has never been donors, many fine items. TAG SALE - Must sell! water and stove included. BUILDING at 272 Main condition. $2300. Telephone was “ a relief” to her. fond of putting together resumes ^50 monthly. Call 871-7501. indicted Friday for two of the 28 found. Trees and privacy accent this beautiful Saturday, July 18th, 10 - 4. Saturday only. 86 Mountain Street, Manchester, has 6464750. “ I feel like he kiUed aU of them, ” showing, in an exaggerated fashion, I I 38,800. S t r e e t, murders that terrorized Atlanta’s The indictment charged Williams 11 Division Road, Glastonbury, Conn. rental space. Phone she said. “ Since he’s been locked up, how he was progressing in the 1-1*4 acre building lot In Case Mountain Manchester. MANCHESTER - TWO black neighborhoods for two years. “ A Houseful Of Items!” answering service and 1975 D A T S U N B210. “ did unlawfully and with malice no liiore people have turned up business world. area. BEDROOM Townhouse Ih e indictment, the result of the secretarial service Automatic, 60,000 tniles, aforethought cause the death of dead;” When he went into .court last week TAG SALE 11 Dean Drive, TAG SALE - Saturd^ July vrith appliances, sliders to available. Ideal for runs good. Some rust. $1500 most intensive and expensive in­ Nathaniel Cater, a human being, by I $138,000. The ULTIMATE COLONIAL. Spacious Bolton. Miscellaneous atio, basement, laundry The district attorney declined to seeking to be freed on bond, he told 18th, 17 Bishop Drive,. manufacturers reps. Call or Best offer. Telephone vestigation in Atlanta’s history, strangling and asphyxiating him foyer, kitchen, llreplaced family room. items. Thursday, Friday, Manchester. 10 to 3. Much k ups, and two zone gas comment on whether the grand jury the judge that unless he was ^terman Realty at 646 6461704. Carrie Just 11 days short of the se­ with objects and by means which FHA, VA, or Good Builder Financing Saturday and Sunday 9 to 4. miscellaneous. beat. (No kids. No pets) had considered other indictments released he stood to lose $150,000 on 9 M . cond aimiversary of the first slaying are to the grand Jurors unknown.” assistance possible. QInger Street 643- $400 per month includes 62 against Williams. There have been a recording deal with Motown and Tracks ter Rate - July 28,1979. The wording was almost identical in TAG SALE - July 18, 9 - 2. MULTI FAMILY TAG heat and hot water, 646 Resort Proporty For reports that police believed he was Capitol records. Officials at both 9909. Sue Stewart, 646-7472. After the 26inember grand Jury Payne’s case, although the cause of Tools, refrigerator, SALE featuring assorted 4000, 6468989. ROM 86 1977 CHEVY PICKUP 4 linked to as many as 10 of the fii^ms denied knowledge of humidifier, toys, mis­ filed from the deUberatlon room death was given as asphyxiation by It 81,000. Exceptional 2 bedroom end unit, newly stereo equipment, business wheel drive. Automatic slayings. Williams. cellaneous items. 77 MANCHESTER - Cental, decorated, appliances, centrally office equipment and much (X)TTAGE FOR RENT at transmission, power about 3:15 p.m., Fulton County unknown means. S la ^ n also declined comment on During a preliminary hearing last Oxford Street, more. Saturday, July 17th, 4 rooms, second floor. Gas District Attorney Lewis Slayton told located. Call Jack Ardinl 643-1046. Coventry Lake. Excellent steering, power brakes. 4 Slayton skid the next step would whether the close ploxlmity in month in which Williams was bound Manchester. 9-4, Route 85, Bolton. Rain stove, hot water included.
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