
newsletter Volume 1, Number 2 September 1976 CAA board nominations monograph series endowment fund The 1976 Nominating Committee has submiued its initial slate of twelve nominees to serve on the CAA Board of Directors from 1977-1981. Of these, six will be selected by the Com­ mittee as its final slate and formally proposed for election at the Annual Members Business Meeting in Los Angeles on February 3, To guide the Committee in making its final selection, The Samuel H. Kress Foundation has gen­ all individual members of the CAA may vote on the preferential ballot (page 11). Joint erously pledged $100,000 towards the creation members are entitled to two votes. A brief curriculum vitae of each candidate is given below. of an endowment fund to assure the contin­ This being a Presidential Election as well as a Bicentennial year, we trust that other uation of the CAA series of scholarly mono­ editorialists have been sufficiently effective so that all those entitled to vote will exercise graphs on the fine arts. The CAA Board of their franchise without further proselytizing on our part. Note: A list of present Board Directors has pledged a matching amount, members appears at the end of the listing of candidates. to be transferred to the endowment fund from the cash reserves of the Association over the next four years. Benny Andrews Artist Florence; Boston Univ; summer seminars The CAA initiated the monograph series New York City Florence; Natl Gall Art, Washington, D.C. in the 1940s in order to provide a means for BFA Sch Art lnst Chicago, 58. Positions: Publications: JVestern Sculpture: Definitions the publication of significant art historical lea, Queens ColI, CUNY, 68-72; instr, New of Man, 75; French Nineteenth Century research that is too long for an article yet Sch Social Research, 67-70; visit critic, Univ Sculpture: Monuments for the Middle Class too short and too specialized Lo be commer­ Delaware, RI Sch Design, Yale Univ, others; (catalog exhibition, J.B. Speed Mus), 71; cially viable as a book. To date thirty mono­ guest curator, "Blacks: USA," NY Cultural section on modern sculpture in Germain graphs have been published (some 'in co­ Cntr; "Art from Prisons," Studio Mus; critic, Bazin, History of World Sculpture, 68; arti­ sponsorship with the Archaeological Insti­ Encore, American &- Worldwide News. Ex· cles and reviews in The Art Bulletin, Art tute of America). From the first, Lorenz Eit­ hibitions: solo Herbert F. Johnson Mus, 75; News, Art and Politics. Memberships: comm ner's The Flabellurn of Toumus, to the Afro-Amer Cntr, Boston, 75; ACA Gall, 72, of examiners, Advanced Placement in the most recent, ·Walter Cahn's Rumanesque 73, 75; Studio Mus, 71; Forum Gall, 62, 64, History of Art. ~Vooden Doors of Auvergne, the series has 66; numerous group exhibitions. Publica­ maintained the high scholarly standards en­ Beatrice Farwell Art Historian tions: co·ed, The Attica Book, 72; ill Lu­ visioned at its inception. (A complete listing University of California, Santa Barbara dell, 75; The Black Poetry ot America, 74; of CAA monographs appears in each issue of BA Knox ColI; MA Inst Fine Arts; PhD I Am the Darker Brother, 68; articles NY Tile A rt Bulletin.) Univ California, Los Angeles. Positions: as­ Times, Arts .Magazine, Art Workers News. Just as the monograph series has met its soc prof, Univ California, Santa Barbara, Work in Public Collections: Whitney Mus; commitment to scholarly excellence, it has 75-; leet, 67-75; visit leet, 66-67; visit prof, Detroit lnst Art; Mus Modern Art, NY; been equally successful in meeting its com­ Indiana Oniv, 70; senior leet, Metropolitan others. Awards: NY State Arts Council; Natl mitment to lose money. The purpose of the Mus Art, 62-66; staff leet, 43-62. Publica­ Endow Arts; MacDowell fellow; Whitney endowment fund is to produce an income tions: contrib auth, Encyclopedia ot Paint­ fellow. Memberships: curatorial bd, Studio sufficient to offset the necessary financial ing, 55; Eugene Delacmix, 55; articles in The Mus; advisory bd, Afro·Amer Art Cntr, Rox­ losses of the series and to assure its continu­ Art Bulletin; Apollo; Art Joumal; Metro­ bury; co-chr, Black Emergency Cultural Co­ ation at an approximate level of two vol­ politan Mus Art Journal; Gazette des Beaux­ alition, NY. CAA activities: Moderator, "Eth­ umes a year. Arts; Newsweek; .The Burlington Magazine; nic Issues in Art," 76 annual meeting. educ advisor and contrib script writer for The current editor of the monograph se­ ries is Isabelle Hyman, New York Univer­ Ruth Butler Art Historian films The Rise ot Greek Art, The Rise of sity. Manuscripts proposed for consideration University of Massachusetts, Boston Gothic Art, Durer and the Renaissance, for the series should make an original contri­ PhD Inst Fine Arts, 66. Positions: presently Camvaggio and the Baroque, all 62; in prep­ bution to art-historical research and should prof & chr, Oniv Massachusetts, Boston; aration, book on Manet and the nude in range in length from 150 to 300 typewritten taught also Univ Maryland; Stanford Univ, the 19th century. CAA activities: Art His­ tory Sessions Coordinator, 77 annual meet­ pages, with not more than 100 illustrations. All periods and areas of art history are 1977 ANNUAL MEETING, ing. eligible. • LOS ANGELES Mary DuBose Garrard Art Historian PLACEMENT: Tuesday, Feb. I-Thursday, ~l'he American University Feb. 3. BA Newcomb Call, 58; MA Radcliffe CoIl, SESSIONS: Thursday, Feb. 3-Saturday, 60; PhD, Johns Hopkins Oniv, 70. Positions: THE PREFERENTIAL BALLOT Feb.5. assoc prof, American Unlv, 71-; asst prof, IS ON PAGE ll. The preliminary program and regis­ 64-70; jr .iostr, Johns Hopkins Univ, 61-63; tration fonus will be included in the museum aide, Natl Gall Art, Washington, November newsletta. Continued on p. 2, col. 1 /CAA board nominations Rubens's Book Illustrations and Title Pages, Jessie Poesch Art Historian /CAA board nominations 76; The Drawings of Jacob de Gheyn~ 73; Newcomb College, Tulane University Millard Meiss D.C., 61. Publications: Slides at Works by Dirck Bal'endsz, 1534-15927 70; Rembrandt BA Antioch ColI; MA Winterthur Program, Univ Delaware; MA & PhD, Dniv Pennsyl­ urer, Richard S. Ravenscroft, Philadelphia Women Artists: A Sourcebook~ 74; articles after 300 Years; An 'Exhibition of Rem­ A memorial set,Jice for _Millard Meiss was held in the Princeton University Chapel on vania. Positions: prof 8c chr, Newcomb ColI, Natl Bank; Counsel, Gilbert S. Edelson, on 16th cent Italian art, 20th cent Arner art brandt and His Followers (catalog), 69; Ger­ November 8, 1975. Excerpts from some of the tributes offered by senior scholars at the Tulane Univ, 72-; asst-full prof, 63-; guest Rosenman Colin Freund Lel-vis & Cohen. and women's studies in Journal of the War­ ~rit van Honthorst: A Discussion of His Po- service were rejJrinled in the Spring 1976 issue of Art Journal. However, since the CAA is sition in Dutch Art, 59; numerous articles lecturer, Univ Vermont, 69; curatorial asst, DIRECTORS: Caro Z. Anlreasian, Univ New burg and Courtauld Institutes; Visual Dia­ C~llSlanl/y growing (md since many new members join us 1'elatively early in their tn-ofes­ and reviews; in preparation, Rubens and Winterthur Mus, 56-59. Publications: Titian Mexico; Dore Ashton, Cooper Union; Shirley log; Art Journal; Feminist Art Journal; Art slOlIal careers, we thOUg~lt it lIppropriate to reprint here the memorial comments of a Blum, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.; Peter C. Bunnell, Workers News; others; in preparation, Ia­ Book Illustration; Catalogue of Dutch and Ramsay Peale> 1799-1885, 61; articles on younger colleague, Ange/tca Zander Rudenstine. capo Sansovino and the Florentine High Flemish Paintings in the North Carolina American and Northern Renaissance art in Art Mus, Princeton Univ; *Van Deren Coke, Renaissance. Awards: Fulbright fellow; Johns Museum of Art, Raleigh (with six students). Antiques> The Art Bulletin, Journal of the Univ Art Mus, Univ New Mexico; Bernice I have been asked to say a few words about Hopkins Unlv fellow; Ann Radcliffe fellow. Awards: Fulbright fellow; Guggenheim fel­ Wal'bul'g and Courtauld 1nstitutes, D. H. Davidson, Frick Collection; Lorenz Eitner, Millard the man, not the art historian, a Memberships: pres, Women's Caucus for low; Fulbright prize grant; Fulbright guest Lawt'ence Review, others. Awards: Nat! En­ Stanford Univ; Leopold D. Ettlinger, Univ difficult task only because the two were in Art, 74-76; memb advisory hd and rep to prof, Univ Utrecht; Am Council Learned dow Humanities fellow; Fulbright scholar; California, Berkeley; *Alfred Frazer, Colum­ so many essential ways inseparable. The work CAA, 76-77; AAUP, Societies grant-in-aid. Penrose Fund; Amer Philosophical Soc. bia Univ; Ann Sutherland Harris, SUNY, will endure as a monument to the man, Memberships: local comm, Soc Arch His­ Albany; Judith A. I-Ioffberg, Glendale, Calif; long after all who knew and loved Millard Robert H. Gray Artist, Administrator Herbert L. Kessler Art Historian torians annual meeting, 74; Natl Sculpture H. W. Janson, New York Univ; Irving Lavin, are gone. But for those who shared in the S,U.N.Y, at Purchase The Johns Hopkins University Conference, 76. Institute Advanced Study; Shennan E. Lee, rich experience of his friendship, the work BFA Yale Unlv, 59; MFA 61. Positions: dean, BA Univ Chicago, 61; MFA, Princeton Univ, Cleveland IvIus Art; *Beth Mandelbaum, will be forever entwined with the greatness Art Historian Div Visual Arts, SUNY, Purchase, 76-; ehr, 63; PhD, 65. Positions: prof & chr, Johns Theodore Reff Yale Cnlr British Art 8c British Studies; of the person. Columbia University Pennsylvania State Dniv, 72-76; dean, Silver­ Hopkins Univ, 76-; prof 8c univ director fine Sheila McNally, Uni\' Minnesota; *Barbara I came to know Millard only in the last BA Columbia Dniv,' 52; MA Harvard Univ, mine CoIl, 66-71; instr, 65-71; instr, Cooper arts, Dniv Chicago, 75-76; prof 8c chr, 73-76; Novak, Barnard CoIl; Philip Pearlstein, seven years of his life.
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