MEMORIAL DAY— Nome Veterans of the Armed Forces lead the 2015 Memorial Parade to the Belmont Point Cemetery. See more on page 12. Photo by Diana Haecker C VOLUME CXV NO. 21 May 28, 2015 Nome Port Commission boos state’s offshore dredge report By Sandra L. Medearis dredging operations and recreational ing chair at the meeting said the re- The Nome Port Commission suction dredge mining have grown port seemed a rationale from the made no waves at its regular meet- significantly since 2011 driven by State of Alaska on why they felt they ing May 21, but did review several state mining lease sales, climbing didn’t need to contribute to Nome’s issues afloat where Norton Sound gold prices and pumped by gold port needs. laps the Golden Beaches. mining reality TV shows, including “It’s not a useful document,” Lean The panel did not think much of the locally filmed Bering Sea Gold. said. “It doesn’t capture the total two reports fattening their meeting Concerning the suction dredge re- number of people involved.” packets. A proposed waterfront park port, the Commission thought it “It’s junk,” said Commissioner plan they found impractical; they would have been more useful to Ken Hughes, commenting that the considered a Nome suction dredge have received such information in report said there was some impact of study performed by the State of 2011, when the gold rush started mining and Nome would have to ad- Alaska thin and without nourishment with the state offshore lease sale. just. “Well, duh!” for their hope of robust state support “I am disappointed in the amount Several folks new to town had for getting a deep-draft port at Nome of time it took to get it,” Commis- told him the document was useful to for increased resource development, sioner Brian Hamilton said, noting them, Nome Harbormaster Lucas cargo and emergency services. that the report had been out for Stotts told the Commission. The Nome Suction Dredge Study months. “It is not as extensive as I The dredge report came out of the stemmed from two state miners’ sur- had hoped.” state Dept. of Commerce and Eco- veys and responses from some of the “Most of it seems to be common nomic Development, Anchorage of- dredge operations in Nome and in- knowledge to anyone paying atten- fice. According to the report, formation from the City of Nome. tion in Nome,” Hamilton said. Large scale commercial offshore Commissioner Charlie Lean, act- continued on page 4 NES principal Paul Clark resigns By Diana Haecker being near family was a need that we prove, he answered, “We can always Nome Elementary School princi- had to honor.” improve upon what we do and how pal Paul Clark unexpectedly handed “When we moved to Nome, we we do it, but the best thing about the in his resignation on May 15, just a didn’t realize that family health culture in our school district is that few weeks shy of the expiration of needs would be cutting our time here everyone knows this and aims to be his one-year contract with the Nome short,” Clark wrote. “We are sad- in a continuous cycle of improve- School District. dened that we won’t be in Nome ment for our students.” Superintendent Shawn Arnold longer, because it certainly grew on Clark has been with the Nome said in a phone interview with The us quickly and in meaningful ways. school district for the 2014/2015 Nome Nugget that Clark submitted Our family is thankful for the school year. Prior to serving NES, he his resignation via email, as he was warmth of the entire community as was the principal in Noorvik and with his wife and three children in we have called Nome home this last Buckland schools. Spokane, Washington, awaiting the year.” The resignation now leaves birth of their fourth child. (The baby Clark’s wife Jiorgia worked at the school administrators scrambling to Quincy Everett Clark was born on Nome Preschool. hire a replacement. Arnold has ap- Photo by Keith Conger Thursday, May 21; Ed.) In parting thoughts, Clark said pointed Jon Berkley as the acting FLYING HATS— Graduates from the NBHS Class of 2015 perform In an email correspondence with that he felt thankful to have worked principal of NES. The last day of the traditional hat toss in the Nome-Beltz Gym as part of their grad- The Nome Nugget, Clark said that with what he called the “incredible” school was on Friday, May 22. uation ceremony on Thursday, May 21. See story and photos starting due to the declining health of his fa- staff at Nome Elementary. Asked if As soon as Clark’s resignation be- on page 9. ther in Washington, “we realized that there were things he’d like to see im- continued on page 5 Richard Beneville retires from 21 years at Nome schools By Sarah Miller fered to the graduating seniors of “How Richard Came to Be Here “Don’t be afraid to fail. You will. Nome-Beltz High School at Thurs- in Nome. It’s a really cool story. Embrace the failures. They give you day’s commencement ceremony. Someone once told me it should be a grit, stamina and allow you to con- Their messenger was one of Nome’s musical!” laughed Beneville, as he tinue on. At one point in my life I best-known and most beloved resi- sat in his office at Nome Elementary had everything I wanted, and then I dents. Richard Beneville, retiring School, his desk surrounded by a failed. I drank it all away. But now, from 21 years of service with the dis- jumble of theater props, his walls I’m standing here, saying ‘I won’. I trict, was asked to give the com- adorned with fliers from past per- made my life something out of what mencement speech at graduation this formances and a giant white tulle was nothing. Don’t be afraid to fail.” year. “I’m graduating myself, from wreath straight out of Dr. Seuss’s These words of wisdom were of- 21 years with all of you,” said Who Ville. As he talked, classes of Beneville to the seniors. “All the children trooped by his open door on success I thought I wanted, has been their way to the cafeteria, greeting On the Web: here, with you. These have been him with waves, shy smiles and even among the very best years of my a few “Hello Central!” salutes. www.nomenugget.net life.” “These kids, for over twenty E-mail: Earlier in the week, Beneville sat years, have been very much a part of [email protected] down to an interview with the the bounce in my step. When I see Nugget to reflect on his time with them waving, when I see their bright Nome Public Schools. However, eyes…” Beneville paused as he be- Beneville’s story, with all of the came choked up, then continued, “I twists and turns that have brought will miss that daily uplift. I feel like him to this time in his life, has a I’m a grandfather to these kids.” Photo by Sarah Miller much earlier beginning than 1994, Beneville moved to Nome in THANK YOU— Superintendent Shawn Arnold presented Beneville with the year he was first hired as Com- continued on page 6 the portrait that will be part of the Wall of Elders in the Nome Elemen- munity Schools Coordinator. tary School Commons. 2 THURSDAY, MAY 28, 2015 OPINION THE NOME NUGGET Letters Dear Editor: yards, our town and clean up. Please and talk about the quality students tounded by the choices that are of- sure there is another school any- It is time to clean up our messy take advantage of this Cleanup week who walk the halls. I was also fered. The staff has really worked where that received so much from so yards, The City workers are nice and lets begin beatify our town. amazed by the longevity of the staff. some magic putting together the cur- many. I also enjoyed the support I enough to haul our old vehicles, old Erna S. Rasmussen I was very impressed with the rent schedule with the monies that saw at the 6th grade and 8th grade snowmachines, washers and driers, PO Box 2 quality of the instruction that is tak- are available. promotions from parents and family. 4-wheelers and all of our junk that Nome, Alaska 99762 ing place in Nome. I have been in Graduation was a special treat for Nome schools are definitely a class we have accumulated for a long many areas of Alaska and Utah over me to see community support and the act. time. my career and Nome is at the top. help of so many agencies in getting I want to say thank you to Super- These items not only create an eye Dear Editor, The number of opportunities for stu- our students on to the next level. intendent Arnold, Mr. Heinrich, Mr. sore but are also a health & safety My Name is Chip Sharpe and I dents at Nome Beltz is hard to find The seniors radiated a positive up- Bushey, Mrs. Perrigo, Mrs. Matson hazard. Let’s do something for a will be the principal at Nome Beltz these days in the midst of severe beat feel for the future. Nome is and the teachers and staff at all the change and get rid of the trash and MS/HS this fall. I recently visited budget cuts. Choir, Band, JROTC, blessed to have the generosity that schools for putting up with my many refuse we just let pile up.
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