ΔΗΜΟΠΡΑΣΙΑ Νο.446 ΤΗΣ 12/01/2013 PUBLIC AUCTION No.446 of 12Th Jan.’13

ΔΗΜΟΠΡΑΣΙΑ Νο.446 ΤΗΣ 12/01/2013 PUBLIC AUCTION No.446 of 12Th Jan.’13

A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 446 STARTING PRICES IN EURO E - 3 ΔΗΜΟΠΡΑΣΙΑ Νο.446 ΤΗΣ 12/01/2013 PUBLIC AUCTION No.446 OF 12th Jan.’13 LARGE HERMES HEAD 1 FC Proof of 1l. ash-grey on white paper (ETUDE SUR LES TIMBRES DE GRECE 1 ΔΟΚ.I.5). F. E 20 2 FC 1l. chocolate on yellowish transparent vertically laid paper, proof. (1ΔΟΚ.IV.2). E 50 3 Collection including aprox. 630 X 5l. Large Hermes Heads stamps. Different shades and issues (some o 200 provisionals including). Mixed condition. 4 Collection including 81 X 20l. Large Hermes Heads stamps. Different shades and issues from 1861 to o 34 1871/1876. Mixed condition. Very nice lot for study. 5 Collection including 91 X 40l. Large Hermes Heads stamps (16 items 1871/72, 12 items 1875-80 and 63 o 40 items 1880/86) and 17 X 60l. LHH (7 items Paris issue and 10 items Athens issue). Mixed conditions. 6 Collection including 215 X 80l. Large Hermes Heads stamps (16 items Paris issue, 4 items with orange o 100 CF, 187 items 1862/67 and 8 items 1873/75). Mixed conditions. 7 FC 1l. deep red-brown, 2l. yellow-bistre, 5l. green and 10l. orange all perf. 11 1/2, m. (Hellas * 20 53d+16a+55c+56d). 8 FC 2l. yellow-bistre+1l. red-brown with private perforation 10 1/2, m. (Hellas 16a+53c). * OFFER 9 FC 21 Large Hermes Heads stamps different values/issues. Mixed quality. o OFFER 10 FC 1l., 2X5l., 3X10l., 30l., 2X40l. and 80l. Large Hermes Heads. F-VF. o/* 20 11 FC Six Large Hermes Heads from 1875/80 to 1880/86. VF. o 20 12 FC 10x1l. all different issues and different shades, mng. (*) 30 13 FC 8 x 5l.(1861 to 1871 issues),u.Chiefly good large margins.Interesting lot. o 100 14 21x5l. green (shades), u. In good condition. o 45 15 FC 21x20l. blue (shades), u. Some faults. */o 20 16 FC 18X20l. different issues and shades. o 15 17 FC 10X20l. Large Hermes Heads from 1862/67 to 1880/86. F-VF. o 35 18 FC Small collection including one strip of 3 and four pairs of 20l.Different issues.Some faults o 14 19 FC 3X20l. grey-blue, sky-blue and blue, u. Nice copies. (Hellas 19c+27a+35c). o 15 20 FC 3X20l. blue 1867 issue (pos.46), blue clean plates issue (pos.149) and blue 1871/72 issue (pos.9), u. o 8 Nice copies. (Hellas 19b+27a+35c). 21 FC 4x20l. various issues, without faults, u. o OFFER 22 FC 6x20l. different issues and shades (1862/67, 1868/69, 1870, 1871/76, 1880/86), all pos.30 with plate o 25 flaw «white spot at the angle of the neck», u. 23 FC 6x20l. different issues and shades (1862/67, 1868/69, 1870, 1871/76), all pos.17, plate flaw «white spot o 25 on the greek border (typ.I)». 24 FC 4x20l. in different shades & issues, u. All with plate flaw «White spot at the angle of the neck». o 18 25 FC Front cover with oval cachet «ΥΠΕΡΘΑΛΛΑΣΙΑ», arr. «ΣΥΡΟΣ*19.ΙΑΝ.62» and fr. with 20l. blue 1862 Δ OFFER provisional LHH. 26 FC Seven (7) EL with Large Hermes Head stamps, unpaid or prepaid, from/to destinations in Greece. Very EL 200 good lot. (Ex. Phil Lefkovitz col.) 27 FC 40l. mauve on blue (1867/69 issue-pos.95) and 40l. dull olive green on blue (1871/76 issue-pos.123) o OFFER with the same deformity in «4» (Kound. 39.4.b+54.10.b). Both stamps with faults. (Hellas 28b+42IIa). 28 FC 80l. with C.F. u. (Fake). o 5 29 FC 1l. to 80l. fake stamps chubby, cheerful Hermes type 2 (Spiro Brothers- Ure page10-11), u. Without C.F. o 60 VF. Difficult to be collected. 30 FC 1l. to 80l. fake stamps. The Fournier forgeries (Ure page 30), without C.F. and canc. with «ΑΡΓΟΣΤΟΛΙ- o 50 ΟΝ» and «ΠΑΞΟΙ». VF. 31 FC Spiro bothers forgeries (cherful Hermes Type 2- Ure page 10) 5l. & 10l. & 20l. & 40l. & 80l. u. with fake o 40 C.F. 32 FC 1l.+5l. Large Hermes Heads forgeries with fake cancelations, both with faults. P OFFER 33 FC 5l. & 40l. & 80l. Spiro bros forgeries and 10l. Oneglia fake LHH (Ure page 10+15) with faults. o 16 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 446 STARTING PRICES IN EURO E - 4 34 FC 10l. with C.F. fake. o 10 35 FC 10l. without C.F. m. (Fake). * 5 36 FC 30l. green, fake. P 10 37 FC 30l. & 60l. Forgeries stamps. o 10 38 FC 60l. Large Hermes Head, fake stamp. P OFFER 1861 PARIS PRINT 39 FC 1l. brown, canc. «95» (=ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝ ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ), three very large/one narrow margins, touched on o 50 upper right corner, u. (Hellas 17a). 40 FC 1l.brown,u.Two good/large,one clear & one narr.(not touching) margins. (Hellas 1a). o 55 41 FC 1l.brown,u.Good margins.Very small thin on upper-right corner. (Hellas 1a). o 45 42 FC 1l. brown, two narrow margins, u. (Hellas 1a). o 45 43 FC 1861 part of newspaper «Η ΠΕΛΟΠΟΝΝΗΣΟΣ» from «ΚΛΛΜΑΙΣ*20 ΟΚΤ. 61» fr. with 1l. red-brown. Δ 370 (Hellas 1b). VF. 44 FC 1l. red-brown, with one narrow margin, u. (Hellas 1b). o 140 45 FC 1l. chocolate in horizontal pair, just toughed in upper margin, u. (Hellas 1c). o 150 46 FC 1l. chocolate on vetically laid paper. Light thin in margin. (Hellas 1c). (*) 25 47 FC 1l. brown, mng. (Hellas 1A). (*) 28 48 FC 2l. bistre in bl.4, m. (Hellas 2a). VF. * 100 49 FC 2l. bistre, m. (Hellas 2a). * 14 50 FC 2l. bistre, u. (Hellas 2a). o 18 51 FC 2l. olive-bistre, m. (Hellas 2b). * 50 52 FC 2l. olive-bistre, canc. «66» (=ΣΠΕΤΣΑΙ), one narrow margin, u. (Hellas 2b). o 15 53 FC 2l. brown-bistre in bd.3, m. (Hellas 2c). A very nice item. * 75 54 FC 1l. brown-bistre, good margins, m. (Hellas 2c). VF. * 15 55 FC 2l. brown bistre, m. VF. (Hellas 2c). o 14 56 FC 2l. brown-bistre, u. (Hellas 2c). o 30 57 FC 2l. brown-bistre on thick paper, one narrow margin, u. (Hellas 2cPb). o 20 58 FC 2l. brown-bistre on thin paper, one narrow margin, u. (Hellas 2cPa). o 15 59 FC 5l. yellow-green, canc.dott. «87» (=ΖΑΧΟΛΗ). (Hellas 5a). o 30 60 FC 5l. yellow-green, u. (Hellas 3a). o 30 61 FC 5l. yellow green, two large/very large margins but vertical crease, u.(Hellas 3a). o OFFER 62 FC 5l. green, m. Plate flaw «scratch at the neck» (Pos.43). (Hellas 3b). * 150 63 FC 5l. green, u. VF. (Hellas 3b). o 40 64 FC 5l. green, u. (Hellas 3b). o 40 65 FC 5l. green, clear/good margins, u. (Hellas 3b). o 35 66 FC 5l. green, very nice appearance but light verical crease, u. (Hellas 3b). o 15 67 FC 5l. green, slightly creased corner, u. (Hellas 3b). o 10 68 FC 5l. green, one narrow margin touches in right lower margin, u.(Hellas 3b). o OFFER 69 FC 10l. red-orange without C.F., mng. (Hellas 4Bb). Very nice. (*) 350 70 FC 10l.orange/blue in pair, u. Three good/large & one touched margins. The right stamp superb. (Hellas o 250 4b). 71 FC 10l. orange on blue, u. VF. (Hellas 4b). o 120 72 FC 10l. orange on blue, u. VF. (Hellas 4b). o 100 73 FC 10l. orange on blue, u. 2large/2narrow margins. (Hellas 4b). o 70 74 FC 10l.orange/blue canc.dott.»70» (=ΤΗΝΟΣ,typ.I).Three clear/good & one touched margins. (Hellas 4b). o OFFER 75 FC 20l blue, u. VF. (Hellas 5a) o 35 76 FC 20l. blue, classification certificate M.Tseriotis (2012), u. (Hellas 5a). o 30 77 FC 20l. blue canc. «96» (=ΣΜΥΡΝΑ). (Hellas 5α). o 30 78 FC 20l. blue, u. (Hellas 5a). o 15 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 446 STARTING PRICES IN EURO E - 5 79 FC 20l. blue, u. (Hellas 5a). o 25 80 FC 20l. blue, u. (Hellas 5a). F-VF. o 25 81 FC 20l. blue, with very light thin but with large margins, u. (Hellas 5a). o 14 82 FC 2x20l. blue, with small faults, (Hellas 5a). o 17 83 FC 20l. blue with trace of thin on the left upper margin, u. (Hellas 5a). o OFFER 84 FC 1861 EL fr. with 20l. blue with plate flaw «thin circle», canc.dott. «9» & «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ (9)*27 ΟΚΤ.61» to ΝΑΥ- C 180 ΠΛΙΟΝ. (Hellas 5a). 85 FC El from ΣΠΑΡΤΗ to ΠΑΤΡΑ fr. with 20l. blue Paris print (Hellas 5a), dott. «32» (=ΣΠΑΡΤΗ) & canc. EL 50 «ΣΠΑΡΤΗ*14 ΜΑΙΟΣ 62», arr. «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*16 ΜΑΙΟΣ 62». 86 FC 20l. blue on thin paper, u. (Hellas 5aPa). o 65 87 FC 40l. mauve on blue in horizontal pair, m. VF. (Hellas 6a). * 140 88 FC 40l. mauve on blue, u. (Hellas 6a). VF. o 35 89 FC 40l. mauve on blue, u. (Hellas 6a). o 30 90 FC 40l. mauve on blue, one closing corner, u. (Hellas 6a). o 30 91 FC 40l. mauve on blue, u. Paper folding. (Hellas 6a). o OFFER 92 FC 40l. mauve on bleu, very small thin on left margin, u.(Hellas 6a). o OFFER 93 FC 2x40l. mauve on blue (two shades), u. (Hellas 6a). One touched, one thin. o 18 94 FC 40l dull mauve on blue, u.

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