aum RECEIVED February 11, 2014 p^g i j 2014 Secretary of the Commission PA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION Keystone Building, 400 North Streel SECRETARY'S BUREAU 2,ld Floor, Room N201 Harrisburg, PA 17120 RE: American Utility Management, Inc.'s ("AUM") Application to become a Gas Broker/Marketer Dear Public Utility Commission: Founded in 1994, American Utility Management (AUM) is the premier Energy Services and Utility Management partner to the multifamily industry. Through energy management, bill processing, and resident utility billing, the company provides invaluable expertise to its partners by finding lost revenue, identifying areas for cost savings, and providing technology and innovation in managing utility and energy expenses. As AUM continues to broaden its services in additional states, it must be vigilant wilh staying in compliance with stale and local rules and regulations. Therefore, AUM has attached the original registration application, 3 copies, an electronic copy and Financials sealed as confidential for your consideration. If additional information is required for AUM to become licensed as a gas broker/marketer in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, please let mc know and it will be provided. Sincerely, Michele Smurzynski AUM Corporate Paralegal American Utility Management, Inc. j 333 East Butterndd Road, 3"s Floor I Lombard, Illinois 6014S 800.418.5393 | 630.218.1401 f I blog.aum-inccom | aum-inc.com energy ::aum management BEFORE THE PENNSYLVANIA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION Application of American Utility Management, Inc. , d/b/a AUM, for approval to offer, render, furnish, or as a Broker/Marketer/Aggregator to the public in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. To the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission: 1. IDENTITY OF THE APPLICANT: American Utility Management, Inc. (AUM): 333 E. Butterfield Rd., 3rd Floor Lombard IL 60148: 630-218-1400: 630-218-1401 There have been no other predecessor(s) for this company. 2. a. CONTACT PERSON: Dimitris Kapsis: Chief Energy Officer: 333 E. Butterfield Rd., 3rd Floor Lombard IL 60148: 630-218-1445: 630-218-1401 2. b. CONTACT PERSON-PENNSYLVANIA EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY: Dimitris Kapsis: Chief Energy Officer: 333 E. Butterfield Rd., 3rd Floor Lombard IL 60148: 630-218-1445: 630-218-1401 3. a. ATTORNEY: Jeffrey Peterson: General Counsel: 333 E. Butterfield Rd., 3rd Floor Lombard IL 60148: 630-218-1414: 630-218-1401 3. b. REGISTERED AGENT: Corporation Service Company: 2595 Interstate Drive, Suite 103, Harrisburg, PA 17110 4. FICTITIOUS NAME: AUM 5. BUSINESS ENTITY AND DEPARTMENT OF STATE FILINGS: The Applicant is a foreign Corporation (15 Pa.C.S.§4124). The Applicant is incorporated in the state of Illinois. Name and address of officers: Michael Miller: 333 E. Butterfield Rd., 3rd Floor Lombard IL 60148 Robert Malpasuto: 333 E. Butterfield Rd., 3rd Floor Lombard IL 60148 rd Jeffrey Peterson: 333 E. Butterfield Rd.( 3 Floor Lombard IL 60148 Daniel Witte: 333 E. Butterfield Rd., 3rd Floor Lombard IL 60148 David Carpenter: 333 E. Butterfield Rd., 3fd Floor Lombard IL 60148 RECEIVED FEB 11 2014 PA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION SECRETARY'S BUREAU One company. One platform. One focus. One team. The Power of One. 1 American Utllitv Manaqement. Inc. 800.418.5393 I aum-inc.com I bloq.aum-lnc.com energy auim management 5a. Exhibit: Proof of compliance with appropriate Department of State filing requirements. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OK STATE CORPORATION BUREAU 40] NORTH STREET. ROOM 206 P.O. BOX 8722 HARRISBURG, PA 17105-8722 WWW.CORPOKATIONS.STATE.PA.US/CORP AMERICAN UTILITY MANAGEMENT, INC. TH1-: COKPORATION BUREAU IS HAPPY TO SEND YOU YOUR FILED DOCUMENT. THE CORPORATION HUR1-AU IS HERE TO SERVE YOU AND WANTS TO THANK YOU POR DOING BUSINESS IN PENNSYLVANIA. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PERTAINING TO THE CORPORA TION BUREAU, PLEASE VISIT OUR WED SITE LOCATED AT WWW C'OKPORATIONS. STAT E.I'A. US/CORP OR PLEASE CALL OUR MAIN INFORMATION TELEPHONE NUMBER (717)787-1057. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING BUSINESS AND / OR UCC FILINGS. PLEASE VISI T OUR ONLINE "SEARCHABLE DATABASE" LOCATED ON OUR WEB SITE. ENTITY NUMBER: 3979885 One company. One platform. One focus. One team. The Power of One. 2 American Utility Manaqement. Inc. 800.418.5393 I aum-lnc.com I bloq.aum-inc.com energy ::aum management mm m PENNSVLVANIA DIPAftTMfINT OF STATE COKWHATKM BURRAU AppllcMiufifgr Ccrlifictse of Authoiity AmtrictnL'iaieyMnHsroctl, fcc A7D: JcfTPeiitiiti rivaled iMixit ipaaiiur n ttikt. l»r Imi Comfi^rp-mJiefPtrfwi*^,,, nuuHTltW4 n Aflieitittnl.tiliiY MifHjjsaoal.liC- »H VretiK<»tJ.-SjlIP32« QtkBtocfc IL ftRSU SUM One company. One platform. One focus. One team. The Power of One. 3 American Utilitv Manaqement. Inc. 800.418.5393 I aum-inc.com I bloq.aum-inc.com energy aum management I, l*«i»«Aiirij fu cfi'i f»37OTcd itcarrci r/TV< It lib CCOT«.VII12 7. CAn1 L<>r*ifflm /iSW iv AilVari/ la U acted by ••i** Mabartnd fffl;« tlatif "3P.V.U APH/ *Tiik One company. One platform. One focus. One team. The Power Of One. 4 American Utility Manaqement. Inc. 800.418.5393 I aum-lnc.com I bloq.aum-inc.com energy aum management 5b. Exhibit: Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws for State of Illinois «L BCA-2.10 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATtON IR. .an IWM Tld tpaov Iw ut* by SacntCa^ ol SxnW OaaiBBhi Ryan .'in/i.'.ur Di.w.-can: I DoacwyotSinu SpongtaM. IL 69750 FILED M4 PAID POymtnl muts be moflo by cwttte* M0VZ" ctioo*. extKern check. Idrcii aaor- n€i/»c**eV.61noi*C,P.A'i=hockm GEORGE H. RYAN *M 2 ' »»• RfeQFm 3 'TT^T- /nonty ontor, payaMi to 'Sccwiiy SECRETARY OF STATE ef 9wn." 1. CORPORATE NAME: ^W^ff^cj fihl^ 2. FrtbUl R*ciBlosod Agenl; 4<W Boto* 2)) Co* 3. Pioposo ot puiposes tcx which cw ctHporatton is orgonizBd: ut im wnctm tptn ia anwi ttM torn «d0 OM v oefo MiU ei As m) AH) 4. Paragmph 1; Aalhadzod Sham. Jscuad Shmts and Conattforntlon UKamxl: •nneetct&WM OonMtmaaniaba tD.cao PamQraph Z: Tto preftscrtw, auBkRcations. UmllDtfona, restrtato-iBand BpodaioriBtetivo r^hto m ratpoci of Iho shsina of eneti dsn ar»: or suuwii «po» ID CMT mi pdrt. odd am er men itiwb ol BU •!» f EXPEDITED HOV 21 t*9* SECRETARY OF ST (over) FEB 11 2014 PA PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION SECRETARY'S BUREAU One company. One platform. One focus. One team. The Power Of One. American Utilitv Manaqement. inc. 800.41B.5M3 I aum-lnc.com I bloq.aum-inc.com energy ::aum management 5. OPTiQJML; (a) Numbw of dffocteftt comttulhd iho initial board of droctoni of Gn oofporfltion:. (61 Namas and ndtlroBsoa at the panuna wrha aro to seno as d&ctoa uMia Uto Krsl annual rtjoolbg i aharehotdBra at uniil Cioir Cwaoosaors AJB olocted anil qusQty: 6. CPTlOfMi: ta\ Ik fs estknaWI tf>at »io vafos of a9 prapaity 1ft bo cnmAd by tho corparalkm lor Iho iBltotKrqj your vfttsrevar tocaind win be: % ,., Ct>) H lo oshmalfld thai tho vnhm cd Ihe pfapwty to bo locawd urilWn ihe Saco of Ifinab durfng Iho roitowing yvsf wttl bo: » (cJ tl is esttnAtod thai lha flftra vnoum of buaawos Ihsi vvi9 bo iramadBtf by tho corponufon durfcg tho frtknwnff ysar well bo: I 7 (d) li in cKtlmafiwt Oiot Ihft gmaa omouni ai buslnuso ifwt will bo envtcactad (wn plncosolbuctnou Fn tno Stax of nUrtob duimg Ihs tatewtng fvnr <Ma be: » 7. OPTIONAL: OTHER PROVtSiONS AttaOi a septuxto shMt ot 'Wa sin ft» any cdhor proKSbn to be iocfuclMf tn Vw AitKfos of InootporBfion. OS-. Buthotulng fmen^ttve rista, danytftB cumutativo vofing, reguteSfeg (rtomal aMalrsL voting meAtftty requtramentn, flitlng a duration ether man potpofiral otc, 0. NAME(S) ft ADORESSfES) OF tNCORPORATOR(S} Tho uriffarslgiMd fncorponttortftl hereby declarejs), UHdsr parj&'e? ol po^uiy. dot tno Uaismonis modo bi Ihe farogo/ig Aitfctes of tnoofpanillan arc tma. Dated . 19 AcfdroBs SffM SUmmt <&lCnit^fo» crvtl Dom rm atifrft»J iaaair»o»l. CcOon copy, pN^onvy cr iua»<UfTpH^MOx^ nt^ crJy to a^cn cat^K^OPp^tJ NOH:: II a atpeatiVion aat* as InccupciraitT'. tho rtairw (rt t^o Dcrpef«ti«>n ard Iho itals cfl Imxrporau^i c^oll bo Bhcwn and Iho oiccxston ih43 tw tir IU pwsickm oi viaj preaifoni wortitd by Wn. nnd «r«ctDd by ris tocsaarf DI octsmrt tacmnrt. FEE SCHEDULE • ThoMUall^ncMM ton teossoiMd nl (To raioot r&rioo al > preant (Bl JO porji .000) an thopaiifencQpiaJrcgrocsiTtad tn ihh atnin, wtjs • idnlmuo of 625. • TTtomngioofo 373. • TTw mlrfmum tots) duo ffrtrtfiae uu * tlno '•*<>> U SI00, (Acptte wten tho Ccnikd»»Trt*of» l& be AocoWod n ut trjrtn fn Own 4 tfow not orcfiod tta.CST) • Tho OooBtment nf Boiimss Sutviom In fiprtngi'eW w(B prawttto autaamco 4i oateui«Snii c» toted teM ti mcautity. UtiKA Sacmtaxy or Qimt Sprtr»gt-BU.ILB275« OopaiUnonl at Suslnmi Soraleos TolPfftCno (217) 7074523 - One platform. One focus. One team. The Power of One. One company. 800.418.5393 I aum-lnc.com 1 bloq.aum-lnc.com American Utility Manaqement. Inc energy aum management FOSW BCA 5.10/5.20 (iw. Ooc 2003) ST&TenfiNT OF CKAKGG Of REOSTEHED ACCNT ANWOR RECISTERED OFFICE Uuchiats Coiponttlon Ad JDSGO WTtia, Socntlary ol Sfcrt* AUG 3 0 2Cfl5 0«psit?«n of Duilnwn P-*r.lcii9 FILED SftrtngmM, i. e^Tsii DEPAflTMEi^T OF 217.7BZ-3MT BUSINESS SERVICES H'Mw.cytiDntrivQllhc*!, aom AUG 2 6 2015 Rttntt caymsit In lha lonn al a JESSflVWfTE lo &«c/cuirv o( Slste. FI)o# • Submit tn dupUcato < • Typ* cu Print clOBrfy In ttaak ir* ' Oo not wrfea Dbova Oils Uno —- \. CotccraiE Naing: AME^^CAN UTIUTY MANAGEMENT, tNC. OIIQDlllI CP074a*T* 2. 34(ito Of Cowtry erf incorptualfcin: .[LUWOIS.
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