Ifr-sSlilPSS©"'^ BANE VOLUME XXXII. NO.^48. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1910. A VBXtCTJBB WITH FIQB. ATONTOWN WAKING UP. REST TOBV DOWTX AOAET. 'wo Holmdelerf Boujnt Pl*s Hart ¥M1 'Ithtaawk* Perelft . In Bnlldlsg- on J. CLUB CAR ALMOST • TTER FROM WHITE CAPS ana Bold Them tart Week. Wrlg-ht Brown's Plaoe. Last fall Daniel Ely and Charles IMPBOVEMENT ASSOCIATION DOING J. Wright Brawn has had a flsh- fO WOMEN RECEIVE A NOTE THREATENING TO rhaler of Holmdel invested some GOOD WOBK AV THAT pLAOE. awk's nest torn out of an old oak ioncy in seven small pigft The pigs on his place at Shrewsbury, A CONSIDERABLE NUMBER OF COMMUTERS HAVE; BURN DOWN THEIR HOUSE. ere raised on Mr. Gh pier's place, ?nbllo Meetlnff to fce Held [ Thnnday, 'ishhawka have nested in the tree 'he pigjj' reached maturity and last May aeth, to Consider the.: Formation fty years or more, but Mr. Brown ALREADY AGREED TO JOIN THE CLUB. / reek the partners decided to dispose of a Building ana Loan AeiooUtion— irdered the nest torn down shortly Women are the Misses Petersen, New Residents on the New- Other Propoaed Improvement!. ter he bought the place early this if them. They placed an advertise- Eatontown is waking up. > The wak- an Springs Road—They are Also Threatened with Being Ridden lent in THE REGISTER'S want column, ring. The fishhawks rebuilt tho Some Asbury Parkers Want to Join the Club in Case There are-, nd by Friday all the pigs had been ig up process is being performed by est, and Mr. Brown's employees but of Town on a Rail Unless They Move This Week-Three lisposed of. After the pigs had been he citizen's improvement society, beyed his orders by again tearing Any Vacancies in the Red Bank list—Club Can More Luxurious old nine people called at Mr. Gahler's /hich has already inaugurated sev- own the nest last week. The fish- Revolver Shots Fired Off Under Their Window. ouse Friday and Saturday to buy ral reforms in the place, The so- awks give up a nesting site only than Pullman Cars at About One-Fourth the Coat—Meeting of ^ igs, and he has had a steady string ety, however, is by no means content nder dire conditions, and it is ex- A letter threatening to burn down The letter was signed "The Red Bank Club Members to be Called Shortly to Decide on Details. While Caps." White Cap, societies E would-be pig purchasers ever 0 rest on its laurels, but intends to be ected that the (air will undertake i house and .to give two women a coat nee. ' -tore active than ever in advancing the uilding again. )f tar and feathers and to ride them used to be quite numerous some years r Tho details of tho work of getting leaves Red Bank at 8:27 and to have- elfare of Eatontown, •> a club car for Red Bank commuters is it attached to the train which leaves nit of town on a rail, was received last ago, but of late they_ have given way The last meeting of the society was week by. Misses Ast'reth and Anna to Black Hand societies. going ahead rajitfHIy and it is expected Now York at 4:46. This train, it is- eld Thursday night in Mrs. James that the final arrangements will be believed, would suit a larger number Petersen. The Misses Petersen live The Misses Petersen say they have BIG ADDITION TO HOTEL. iteen's building, which has been of- >n the Newman Springs road in a not meddled in other people's business flORE KEANSBURG LOTS. made within the next two weeks. A of the commuters than any other, but. ered free of charge as a meeting considerable number of commuters the train to which the club car is to louse owned by Mr. Levino of BroAk- since they moved here and they can see BOOMS ADDED SO WSC. K. ilace. The most important business jjju. The'house was previously ocwi no reason why anyone should wish to IHABXES CABS) TO HM W AHD have already agreed to start the club be attached can be changed by a ma- KELLY'S AMERICAN HOTBXu ransacted was in relation to the pro- membership with their names and it jority vote of the members of the club. 'ed by Mr. Levino's son, who eventu-i]harm them. They say they have rea- osed building and.loan association at GRADE TBAOT. ly became insane and waB removed1 son to believe that the White Cap let- is expected that the requisite number at any time. The Addition la to the Second and Third latontown. The society will not take to secure the car will shortly be ob- an asylum. Last winter it was ter was sent by a certain man, who is ipon itself tho work of forming a The Property li Weit of Now Foist "The commuters who have the pro- ted by John Gleason, who is build- anxious to make them move so that Floor* and the New .Booms Olve 1b. Comfort, and 20,000 Cubic Tard» of tained. A number of Asbury Park ject in charge believe that a club car, he can rent the house. They, do not Kelly a Total of Twenty-Two Boonu— uilding and loan association, but will Sand W1U lie Veedel to Pill It Xo— residents who travel to and from the while it would afford great luxury tile county gravel road from Red agitate the organization of an asso- city have agreed to join the club in " to Lincroft. dare to leave the house after dark. Improvement! Cort S3,700. ' at ion because it believes such an Matthewi Broi. to Do the Work. and many conveniences in traveling' Last Saturday night the Misses, Pet- William K. Kelly has built an ad- Charles Carr of Keansburg owns a case there should be any vacancies in to and from the city, would prove- .._ .3 months ago,the Misses Peter- ssociation would be a benefit to Eat- the Red Bank list. If the Red Bank useful also in the way of promoting" Ben moved from Seattle, Washington, ersen .were writing in the dining room, dition of twelve rooms to the second ntown. ;ract of land of a little over twenty club should get the full number of when they were startled by three pis- ind thir3 floors of his American hotel cres at Keansburg west of New Point sociability among the club members. to the Levino house. Since they The society decided to hold a public members at Red Bank, then the As-They believe that a club membership- moved they have been subject to' con- tol shots directly under the window. m Monmouth street. Some of the "omfort, on the shore of Raritan bay. bury Park people will undertake to Miss Astreth Peterson was so fright- ooms of the addition were occupied leeting Thursday, May 28th, in the 'he property was occupied for many would unite the commuters and would stant annoyances, the most serious of ownship hall at Eatontowa in regard get a club car of their own, with pos- be of value to them in getting better which were the receipt of the letter ened that she fainted; Detective El- ast week by. delegates to the KnightB ears by squatters and a long law- sibly a number ,of residents from Long wood Minugh was notified and he is if Columbus convention. 1 the proposed association. Wil- uit had to be instituted to get them train service over the road, in getting and the firing of three revolver shots am Henry Foster and Mr. Hoffman Branch or from places south of As- improvements in which they are all. under their dining room window Sat- investigating the outrage. The addition on the second floor is iff the property. Mr. Garr has made bury Park to make up the" quota. Petty annoyances seem to be the lot -shaped, with the back of the L itated at Thursday night's meeting contract with Matthews Brothers of interested, and in getting a larger urday night. hat they had made a pretty thorough number of New York business men to The Misses Petersen have been ex- of every new resident who has moved 4x49 feet. The front of the L is led Bank to fill in the low lands on In all the places where a club car on the Newman Springs road, but .6x18 feet. This floor will have seven canvass of Eatontown and that the has been placed on the route,' the club make Red Bank their home. They' tensive travelers, much of their time entiment of most of the residents he place. This part of the coast of believe also that that number of com- having been spent in Alaska and none of them have been subject to as ooms. The addition to the third Raritan bay, like a good deal of the membership has not only been filled, much trouble as the Misses Petersen. oor will be 18x42 feet and will have ras in favor of the building and loan but there has been immediately made muters is sufficiently large and the Egypt. They had lived among the association. The society has asked a est of the property along that shore, amount of taxes they pay sufficiently natives of those countries, but they Gust Ornberg, a carpenter, moved on .ve rooms. One of the rooms onvthe as a low bluff fronting the bay and up a waiting list,-the members'of the Newman Springs road three years econd floor will be used as a bath- umber of building and loan officials which waiting list take the places of large,' to warrant them in.
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