Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48109-0 — The European Encyclopedia Jeff Loveland Index More Information 425 Index For the most part, I have indexed books under their titles, not their authors. Because the titles of Brockhaus’s, Herder’s, Meyer’s, and Pierer’s encyclopedias varied, I have indexed editions under generic terms such as “Brockhaus’s main encyclopedia.” Page numbers in bold refer to i gures; those in italics to tables. A. and F. Pears, 290 Allgemeines deutsches Volks-Conversations-Lexikon Academic American Encyclopedia (1980), 290 , (1845–9), 124 314 , 315 , 318 , 354 , 359 – 60 , 361 , 369 Allgemeines Konversations-Lexikon (1928), 68 Académie Française, 18 , 29 , 34 , 131 , 157 , 208 , 253 , Allgemeines Lexicon der Künste und 270 , 295 , 310 ; see also Dictionnaire de Wissenschaf ten (1721), 20 , 92 , 95 , 229 , l’Académie françoise 256 , 259 , 260 Académie Royale des Sciences, 60 , 253 illustrations, 208 , 227 , 228 Accademia della Crusca, 18 alphabetical order, 7 , 11 , 164 – 8 , 200 – 1 Act for the Encouragement of Learning (1710), and changes to knowledge, 165 , 166 , 168 102 , 157 and social hierarchies, 166 – 7 adab , 5 and the reading public, 167 – 8 Adelung, Johann Christoph (1732–1806), 131 and weakening religious orthodoxy, 165 – 6 Adler, Mortimer (1902–2001), 136 in electronic encyclopedias, 164 , 367 , 388 Agasse, Pauline (1769–1843), 178 Alsted, Johann Heinrich (1588–1638), see Aitchison, Alexander (l . 1796–1806), 32 – 3 , 35 Encyclopaedia (1630) Albertus Magnus (c . 1200–80), 183 Alta Vista, 360 Alexander I, tsar of Russia (1777–1825), 236 American Cyclopaedia (1873–6), 223 , 238 , 251 , Algemeen historisch, geographisch en genealogisch 254 , 280 , 281 , 331 Woordenboek (1724–37), 84 American Encyclopaedic Dictionary (1894), 30 Allard (l . 1753), 265 American Library Association, 75 , 215 , 257 , 381 Allgemeine deutsche Biographie (1875–1912), 234 American Peoples Encyclopedia (1948), 278 , 316 Allgemeine Encyclopädie der Wissenschaf ten und American Spectrum Encyclopedia (1991), 296 Künste (1818–89), 38 , 42 , 107 , 117 , 118 , Ampère, André-Marie (1775–1836), 331 , 332 124 , 176 , 213 , 229f6.10 , 261 , 279 , 350 Antoine, Pierre (1693–1777), 155 contributors, 137 , 253 , 257 , 299 AOL Time Warner, 293 learnedness, 63 , 348 , 350 , 354 Apple, Inc., 365 size, 37 , 95 , 108 , 115 , 184 Appleton, publisher, 254 , 280 Allgemeine Handlungs- Kunst- Berg- und Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography Handwercks-Lexicon (1722), 62 (1887–9), 147 Allgemeine Realencyclopädie oder Arête, publisher, 290 , 314 , 318 Conversationslexikon für das katholische Armstrong, Lance, 381 Deutschland (1846–50), 72 , 74 , 303 Association Littéraire Internationale (1878), 159 Allgemeine h eorie der schönen Künste Athenian Mercury (1690–7), 131 (1771–4), 153 Augé, Claude (1854–1924), 53 Allgemeines deutsches Conversations-Lexicon Australian Encyclopaedia (1925–6), 87 , 88 , 143 , (1833–7), 251 144 , 232 , 259 425 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48109-0 — The European Encyclopedia Jeff Loveland Index More Information 426 426 Index Bacon, Francis (1561–1626), 173 and illustrations, 39 , 213 – 14 , 239 Baidu Baike (2006), 379 diversifying its encyclopedias, 40 , 42 , 68 , 97 Baike (2005), 379 during and after World War ii, 39 , 88 , 143 , Bailey, Nathan (?–1742), see Universal 213 – 14 , 259 , 269 , 287 Etymological English Dictionary Bibliographisches Institut and F. A. Brockhaus Bajamonti, Julije (1744–1800), 28 (BIFAB), 293 , 366 Baker, Keith, 166 Biblioteca universale (1701–6), 87 , 100 , 122 , 196 , Baldwin, James (1841–1925), see Guide to 224 , 255 , 309 Systematic Readings material solicited from readers, 139 , 271 Balzac, Honoré de (1799–1850), 26 , 287 scope, 23 Banglapedia (2003), 89 BIFAB, see Bibliographisches Institut and Barré, Louis (1799–1857), 29 ; see also F. A. Brockhaus Complément du Dictionnaire de Bilder-Akademie für die Jugend (1784), 43 l’Académie française Bilder-Atlas zum Conversations-Lexikon (1841–4), Barrow, John (l . 1735–74), see New and 210 , 213 , 244 Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences ; Bilder-Conversations-Lexikon (1837–41), 213 Supplement to the New and Universal Bildung , 65 , 304 , 350 Dictionary Biographia Britannica (1747–66), 331 Basnage, Benjamin (1580–1652), 25 Biographie universelle (1812–28), 151 – 2 , 167 , Basnage de Beauval, Henri (1657–1710), 22 , 72 , 194n127 , 236 , 276 148 , 259 , 262 , 271 – 2 , 279 Bismarck, Otto von (1815–98), 267 Bayle, Pierre (1647–1706), 104n30 , 137 , 144 , Black, Adam (1784–1874), 116 , 145 ; see also Black, 146 , 166 , 276 , 280 , 349 , 381 ; see also publisher Dictionaire historique et critique Black, Joseph (1728–99), 265 Baynes, h omas (1823–87), 73 Black, publisher, 110 , 116 , 120 , 160 , 215 , 292 Béart, Emmanuelle, 305 Blake, J. L. (1788–1857), 110 ; see also Family Becker, Gotthelf (1718–81), 130 Encyclopedia Beckmanns Welt-Lexikon und Weltatlas (1931), 171 Blome, Richard (1635–1705), see Gentleman’s Beier, Adrian (1634–1712), see Allgemeine Recreation Handlungs- Kunst- Berg- und Blount, h omas (1618–79), 271 Handwercks-Lexicon Blum, Léon (1872–1950), 382 Belin-Mandar, publisher, 286 Boiste, Paul-Claude-Victor (1765–1824), 32 , 33 ; Bell, Andrew (1726–1809), 288 see also Dictionnaire universel (1800) Benedictines, Parisian Bolshaia sovetskaia entsiklopediia (Great Soviet unpublished encyclopedia (c. 1750), 61 , 72 , Encyclopedia , 1926–47), 345n125 209 , 255 1st edition (1926–47), 197 , 270 Beria, Lavrentiy (1899–1953), 270 2nd edition (1949–58), 86 – 7 , 166 , 270 , 275 Berkshire Hathaway, 293 3rd edition (1970–7), 87 Bernardin de Saint Pierre, Jacques-Henri Bomis, 374 (1737–1814), 323 Bonaparte, Louis-Napoléon (1808–73), 249 – 50 Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary Bonaparte, Napoleon (1769–1821), 189 , 219 , 236 and Artistic Works (1887), 159 , 161 Boner, Charles (1815–70), 330 Bertelsmann Discovery: Das grosse Universallexikon Book of Knowledge (1912), 170 , 171 auf CD-ROM (1995), 366 Bourbon, Louis-Auguste de (1670–1736), 148 Bertelsmann Lexikodisc (1989), 366 Boyer, Augustin (1821–96), 291 Bertelsmann, publisher, 293 , 365 – 6 , 370 – 1 Boyles, Denis, 335 Berthelot, André (1862–1938), 275 Braun, Wernher von (1912–77), 265 Berthelot, Philippe (1866–1934), 275 Brewster, David (1781–1868), 51 , 260 ; see also Bescherelle, Louis-Nicolas (1802–83), 32 ; see also Edinburgh Encyclopaedia Dictionnaire national (1843) Britannica Junior (1934), 43n99 , 46 , 69 , 136 , Bibliographic Research Service (BRS), 369 162 , 169 Bibliographisches Institut 38 , 39 – 40 , 117 , 119 , Britannica Online , see Encyclopaedia 121 , 135 , 162 , 197 , 254 , 291 , 292 , 293 , Britannica , publisher, electronic 312 , 313 , 317 , 366 ; see also Meyer’s main encyclopedias encyclopedia British Encyclopaedia (1809), 251 , 258 , 348 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48109-0 — The European Encyclopedia Jeff Loveland Index More Information 427 Index 427 British Sportsman; or, Nobleman, Gentleman, and adaptations abroad, 40 – 1 , 76 , 84 , 115 , 149 Farmer’s Dictionary (1792), 383 advertising, 300 , 303 , 305 , 306 Brockhaus i rm, 39 – 40 , 47 , 48 , 52 , 53 , 56 , 107 – 8 , anecdotes about use, 325 , 329 – 30 109 , 115 , 119 , 131 , 135 , 162 , 267 , 289 , 291 , anonymity of entries, 252 , 279 292 , 293 , 308 , 312 , 313 , 316 , 317 , 324 , as an international model, 188 – 90 355 , 358 , 383 ; see also Brockhaus’s main authoritativeness, 37 – 43 , 79 – 80 encyclopedia contributors, 258 , 274 , 275 advertising, 294 , 296 , 300 , 304 – 5 counterfeited, 120 , 149 , 154 – 5 and illustrations, 124 , 213 – 14 , 243 illustrations, 124 , 204 , 210 , 213 – 14 , 217 , 244 as a familial dynasty, 100 , 290 – 1 , 373 indexes, 196 – 8 diversifying its encyclopedias, 48 , 97 learnedness, 48 , 350 , 353 during and after World War ii, 88 , 110 , 143 , length of entries, 188 – 90 , 352 159 , 259 , 269 , 287 Brockhaus-Efron encyclopedia, see electronic encyclopedias, 112 , 366 , 370 – 1 , 380 Enciklopedičeskij slovar´ Brockhaus in fünfzehn Bänden (1997–99), 366 Brutel de la Rivière, Jean-Baptiste (1669–1742), Brockhaus multimedial (1998), 366 , 368 259 , 268 Brockhaus, Albert (1855–1921), 119 – 20 , 134 – 5 , Buddeus, Johann Franz (1667–1729) 295 , 348 adaptation (1709) of Moréri’s Grand Brockhaus, Friedrich (1772–1823), 37 , 38 , 42 , 54 , Dictionaire , 147 , 272 107 , 279 , 290 , 317 B u f on, Georges-Louis Leclerc de (1707–88), see editorial system, 263 , 264 , 274 , 355 Histoire naturelle struggle against Macklot, 120 , 149 , 154 – 5 Bunche, Joan (1931–2015), 278 Brockhaus, Hans (1888–1965), 35 , 119 – 20 , 292 Burney, Charles (1726–1814), 253 Brockhaus’ Kleines Konversations-Lexikon Bush, Vannevar (1890–1974), 59 , 372 (1911), 304 Brockhaus’s main encyclopedia (1796–1808), 31 , Cairns, William (?–1896), 199n156 35 – 6 , 38 , 48 , 53 , 54 , 65 , 68 , 75 , 78 , 88 , Calderón, Pedro (1600–81), 155 107 – 8 , 120 – 1 , 124 , 264 , 268 , 279 , 297 , Calpe, publisher, 110 , 292 , 315 312 , 314 , 324 , 347 , 348 Calvin, John (1509–64), 279 1st edition (1796–1808), 37 , 64 , 107 , 196 , Calvo, María, 83 261 , 290 Campbell, Persia (1898–1974), 259 supplement (1810–11), 189 Canadian Encyclopedia (1985), 89 2nd edition (1812–19), 81 , 196 , 264 Carr, Nicholas, 380 3rd edition (1814–19), 155 Cassell’s Miniature Cyclopaedia (1888), 99 4th edition (1817–19), 42 , 155 Castellano, Philippe, 80 5th edition (1819–20), 120 , 155 , 188
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