UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 78 Date 16/05/2006 Time 4:44:20 PM S-0861-0005-06-00001 Expanded Number S-0861 -0005-06-00001 Title items-in-Peace-keeping operations - Middle East - UNTSO - United Nations Truce Supervision Organization in Palestine Date Created 18/03/1963 Record Type Archival Item Container s-0861-0005: Peace-Keeping Operations Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant: Middle East Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit nant General Odd Bull Curriculum vitae. Lieutenant General Odd Bull was born in 1907. "He graduated from the Norwegian V7ar Academy in 1928, after which he attended the Norwegian Army Aviation School, followed by several courses of study in England, USA, Canada, Prance, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Italy. Before the last World War Lieutenant General Bull served first with the 4th Infantry Division and later with the Army Air Force, where he held the rank of Captain by the outbreak of the war. During the war he served with the Norwegian Forces as Camp Commander and Chief of Training, "Little Norway", Canada, and later as Commanding Officer of Fighter Squadrons 331 and 332 in England. In 1945 he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. In the post-war years Lieutenant General Bull has held the following positions: 1945-46: Head of Air District Troendelag, Norway. 1946-48: Head of Division, Central Staff, Royal Norwegian Air Force. 1948-51: Chief of Staff, Royal Norwegian Air Force. 1951-52: Deputy Chief of Staff Operations,Allied Air Forces, Northern Europe. 1953-56: Commanding Officer, Royal Norwegian Air Force, Northern Norway. 1956-58: Commanding Officer, Royal Norwegian Air Force, Southern Norway. 1958: Executive Member of the United Nations Observation Group in Lebanon. I960: Commander in Chief, Royal Norwegian Air Force. m is 29202 « LTF C DENMARK) * S4 rsri. n HAS BEEN MENTIONED INFORMALLY HERE THAT SECSENERAL 15 PLAHNINe TO APPOINT GENERAL OB0 BULL TO REPLACE GENERAL VON EFFECTIVE 1ST JUNE * OMK1PSESS 4- 0«naral Odd Curriculum vitae. '" - f „ IB 1 Jf > r- •- .^" ' 7;''• v*&^'", *<} V ->. jtfj^k.sit &fcu'a^^l Odd Bull was born in ft ipwegian War Academy in the Norwegian Array Avii ° sarer&l courses of study in Prance, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Before tfee last"World War Lieutenant first tflth the 4th Infantry Division and iaHii'with"the' ArXr AjjjeIjtox4«, where he held the 3?| o^lftptttitt-y'the^ oa^&Je«Wc of the war. V4, *" Utti*i% ilaa '^fcjpf 'h* served with the Norwegl^rr', as Camp Ooawa««fc^*r and Chief of Training, , Canada, and later as Cofflmandirig Officer of 352 in England. ^•^Ns^l^^P^ to Lieutenant "' General Bull : t ^tt^RilHiwftft?'''t . ::• S||gii!Sfcps^aj3''i- ,i xrvSv.., :,;.•/• >S;>ti ^:4:f|R;Si:^^fe^«fcl;rlSK: ..•'.'.'' •-' ** |p^>^:":'''W4* --''^"'''-"''";ji;gf4$!^4:OT'•''^'BiwBt"':|(3F ai^P'11!!^^!!^^ ^^jp-**5^ Ho^al HorwegiaHorweffian AiAi^*rr VAM»!^? ' ~'" ..i-^ * - / St^iff Operations Allied *•v• ,* ; i JSuJwjpe. , 11^ ?'- ^^^^^^j^Jl^lii^gi^l^f|,6«, r ti ioyml Horwegian Air B§P^ jt«f^ M'» - t ?51 Royal Norwegian-Air r V^r ./ ^i-4^ v*^?,..s • *rcy\*. KL," the United Nations > .»( . Lebanon. ^ , Soyal Korweglan fepiiifeKy/-:^i4^-;;i:iisis|^^|^^ . ; - ••' ^s^rw'r^ ?^V^^-ri^!-W-'-;/i--^*V;' ^a.=^^'^!rt K*S§ ,:«£aas&3r-i General Odd Bull Ourriculim vitae. *?i c ^aeral Odd Bull was born in #& . * V <& He graduated f$m t&f |fo»fegian far AcadeoQr in l<j ft*, ,f f/fe-lK ^4*^\4; ;; 'Sohodl,' followed by s%v«ral course a of study in Si ^' «:>** 4lf USA, Canada, Prance, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and W>A! "w'V- Iteifdfta the last World War lieutenant Stall "serred firsi with the 4th liifantry Division later %lth the Ajray Air ^orce, where he held the of Capiain fcy tMe outbreak of the war. jrft Burton; the wajp l» served with the Norwegla1i|pi|l Forces as Gan»p Commander and Chief of Training, * , Canada, «&£ Iat0r as Coflnaanding Officer' fv r>^ S<juaajpOttS 531 and 332 in England. ' ^-Slll&l ^^Vli In 1945 he was promoted to Lieutenant Co] In th« j?oe1tH»ar ^ears Il«atenaftt Oeneral Bull has ^SW^' the following pOBitionsi , , t ,i t ' I t'^^^'l*9***^ troendelag, Norway;'^ffi^ Vi • ~~< « 4i «« ^^^W of Staff /Boyal Norwegian Air "> ' f i * , j^ D«3SWit3r <3M«f of Staff Operations Allied ^/Het1?^»"'. ^ &&?&*», Northern Europe. ^^>/i^i*r4v^ OoBSitiaadlng Offltier, Hoyal Norwegian Air' ,v,/r,f;4v^t j i- A ^5*, » ,^ U63E^|i«!ra Norway. <J«awaifilag Officer, Royal Norwegian Air Sonera VIMmqr. ^3t«0fi^bm MlijUWP Of the United Nations ^^S*^*&ii jObeervation Group in Lebanon. Commander in Chief, Hoyal Norwegian Air f|i ft ^.h" ;-^ t. "feif * t ^.X* ^s5^® *^»T^|^;^-V Lieutenant General Odd Bull Ourrloulua vitae. , • • '^neral OM Bull was' '"born graduated from th« Norwegian War Acadeaiy in *.- after T^liloh he atttnded the Bforvyegian Array Aviation'' " ^ ,11 i '1 SohOol, followed by several courses of study in % USA, Canadat yrance, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Before the last World War Lieutenant General Bull served first with the 4th Infantry Division sadu later with the Army Air ?orce, where he held the raak of Captain by the outbreak of the war. During the war he served with the Norwegian ' forces as Gamp Commander and Chief of Training, "M/ttla f < Norway" , Canada, and later as Commanding Officer dt* Fighter Squadrons 331 and 332 in England. In 1945 he was promoted to Lieutenant OoX«^tl In the postwar years Lieutenant General Bull has h»ld \ ' 1 the following 1945-46t $ea& 'o' f Air District Troendelag, Korway. 1946-48* Head of Division, Central Staff,, Royal "Force.; 1948-51! Chief of Staff, Royal Norwegian Air Force.' 1951-52? Peputy Chief of Staff Operations Allied Air Forces, Northern Europe. 19-53-56J Coioaandlja^'Officer, Royal ITonvegian Air Northern Norway. 195S-58i Obmrnanding Officer, Royal Norwegian Air Southern Norway. 1958J Executive Member of the United Nations Observation &roup in Lebanon. ^ * f i •? Commander In Chief, Royal Norwegian Air force. DRAFT - °" " 18 March 1963 TO: Sir Alexander MaeFarquhar Director of Personnel FROM: C. V. Narasimhan Chef de Cabinet SUBJECT: UMTSO Appointments As you may be aware, the Secretary-General has decided to let Major-General Carl Von Horn retire from his present position as Chief of Staff of UNTSO, with effect from 1 June 1963. On or about the same time, Lieutenant General Odd Bull of Norway is expected to take over as Chief of Staff in Major-General Von Horn1s place. In view of the need for continuity in the present uncertain situation in the Middle East, the Secretary-General has decided that M. Henri Vigier, who is at present the senior advisor to the Chief of Staff, should be extended for a further period of six months. The Secretary-General has also decided that Mr. J. P. Gaillard should take his place. The Secretary-General feels that anyone who takes up this appointment should be there for a fairly long time, and Mr. Gaillard has agreed to serve for a period of three years, r , ^-~ "<• • , 'I ., beginning 1 September 1963. The Secretary-General •tetts'bs- -that- Mr. Kiselev will have no objection to sparing the services of Mr. Gaillard for this mission. In respect of both M. Vigier and Mr. Gaillard, the Secretary-General requests you to take the necessary Personnel action. 1. The Secretary-General will speak to Mr. Kiselev? 2. SPA for J.P.G.? BIOGRAPHICAL DATA; JOHN P. GAILLABD Birth date: 31 March 1910 Entered on Duty viith UN: 28 June 1946 Present Grade & Step: P~5, step 6 Mission Assignments: November 1947 - November 1949 United Nations Special Committee on the Balkans Political Affairs Officer November 1949 - November 1950 United Nations Commission on Korea Political Affairs Officer August 1953 - October 1953 United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine Political Affairs Officer April 1954 - March 1956 United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea XXCIMg Principal Secretary- February I960 - May 1961 United Nations Mission to Laos Principal Secretary Last Promotion: January 1962 Division: Council and Committee Services Section for Political Committees Sir Alexsnto" rsaeFarcphsr " ' ~ Btrsetor of Bs C« V. Cfeef AB yo»j sssjr be awaa"©, the Secretary-Geaersl has decided, to let MaJor-GeRsral Carl Von Hora retire from his present position as Chief of Staff of URTSO, with effect from 1 Jxme 1963! On or about the sajse tisae, Lleutenaat Oeneral Odd Bull of ]-fcrs?ay is esqpectea to take ovef as Chief of Staff In Major-General Von Horn's place. Jto vie^r of the need for continuity In tlie jo?asent uncertain Bituatlou in the Middle Sset, the Secretarsr-Geaeral has decided that M» Henri Vigier, who is at present the senior advisor to the Chief of staff9 should be ©rfeead.S(3, for a, Turtber pariod of six months* fhs Seafetaay-Qsneral has also decided that Mr. J. P* Gaillard should take his placs. ISie Secretayy-General feels that anyone who taltes xsp i^jis appointment should te thsre for a fairly Icmg tia®, asd Mr. Oaillard has agreed to serve for a period, of tiiree years, "beginning 1 Septeraber 1965. She Seeretary-Geaeral has ascertained that Ms?. fCisslev vili have EG objection to sparing the services of Mr. Gaillard for tMa In respect of both M. ?igier sna Mr. Gaillard, the Secretary General requests you to take the necessary Bsraoaael action. cc - Mr. Buae&e Mr. Kisslev HK-. Lsisietat 18 March 1963. My daar Secretaiy^Generai, Jli accords nee with your verbal communication to me last fti<$&yt IS March, I have adKrised my Government of your desire $$ appoint limitenant-General Odd Bull, of Norway, as Chtef-pHtteficg 1IKTSO.
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