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Environmental Improvement and Clean Fuels Project Environmental Assessment Report Table of Contents ExecutiveSummary Chapter 1 Policy and Legal Frame Work 1.1 Overview 1-1 1.2 Preparation of Environmental Impact 1-1 Assessment and Mitigation Plan Clhapter2 Project Design Optimization and Description 2.1 Introdiuction 2-1 2.2 Analysis of Alternatives and Design Optimization 2-1 Chapter 3 Base Line Data 3.1 Project Location 3-1 3.2 Physical Environmental Resources 3-l 3 3 Ecological Resources 3-33 3.4 Human use Valves 3-34 3.5 Quality ofLife Values 3-57 Chapter 4 Environmental Inpacts 4.1 Physical 4-1 4.2 Impacts on Human use Values 4-22 Chapter 5 Environmental Mitigation Plan and Monitoring Plan 5.1 Mitigation Plan 5-1 5.2 Monitoring Plan 5-3 Chapter 6 Industrial Hazard Assessment 6.1 Primary Hazard Analysis 6-1 6.2 Hazardand Operability Study 6-6 6.3 Risk Assessment 6-8 Chapter 7 Environmental Management and Training 7.1 Environmental Management Organization 7-1 7.2 Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan 7-2 7.3 Safety 7-5 Appendix 1 Preventive Maintenance Appendix 2 List of Cartributors for the Preparation of Environmental Assessment Report The Bangchak Petroleum Public Company Limited Environmental Improvement and Clean Fuels Project Environmental Assessment Executive Summary Introduction I The National Energy Policy Office (NEPO) of Thailand promulgated new clean fuels standards in late 1992 to cope with severe poUutionin Thailand. In order to meet the new specifications, certain modifications in the Bangchak Petroleum refinery are required. Bangchaks consultant completed optimum process redesign in March 1993. The proposed Environmental Improvement and Clean Fuels Project would provide the additional refinery facilities required to meet Thailand's new clean fuel standards prior to year 2000 in addition to upgrading safety and environmental operations. The project scope is to add an FCC unit for improving gasoline product quality, a deep gas oil hydrodesuifirization unit for improving diesel product quality and associated facilities including enviromnental controls. 2 New gasoline standards. The city of Bangkok currently experienced high pollusion from automobiles; therefore a new specification for gasoline has been promulgated. The specification will require reduction of aromatic content to 35% by volume. Benzene content will be probably reduced further. Leaded gasoline will be eliminated totally by the end of the 1990s. 3. New diesel fuel standards. The sulfur level of diesel must be reduced to 0.25% by weight initially by 1996, and to 0.05% by weight by the year 2000. Since heavier hydrocarbons do not burn as completely as lighter fractions, in order to reduce the particulate emissions from diesel engines, the boiling range and specific gravity of diesel will also be reduced. Project Description and Analvsis of Alternatives 4. The Bangchak refinery is located in Bangkok, 25 km upstream from the Gulf of Thailand on the east side of the Chao Phya river. The land is undeveloped on the other side of the river. Along the northwest the refinery borders a Petroleum Authority of Thailand (PTT) terminal, and to the northeast lie some low density housing area. To the east of the facilitiy there are army barracks. A plywood factory lie to the south of the refinery. 5. The refinery consists of two hydroskimmingplant called Plant No. 2 and Plant No. 3 of total capacity 105,000 barrels per calendar day. Crude oil is shipped to the refinery via ship and railway. Products are shipped out of the refinery via tank truck, railway and pipeline. There are five piers along the riverfront on the west side of the refinery operated by Bangchak. A newly commissioned pipeline will transfer some of the productsto|a terminalin the north replacingheavy tank truck traffic. Products are also transferredto PTT terminaladjacent to the refinery. 6. Bangchak completeda major restructuringproject in May 1993. Revamping of Plant No. 3 was completed in 1989. Plant No. 2 which was a renovated plant was completedin May 1993. Under the project,the refineryfacilities were rehabilitatedand mechanicalreliability was restored to a level meant to exceed international safety standards In addition,refinery operations were broughtup to Thailandenvironmental standards. Prior to the construction,environmental impact assessment of both projects were preparedand submited to Thaigovernment authorities for approval. 7. AfterNEPO promulgatedthe new cleanfuel standardsin 1992, Bangchak engaged a consultant to identify the most economical and cost effective as well as environmnentalyappropriate option to meet the clean fuels requirements. The four processingconfiguration were studied. Finally,FCC unit together with gas oil deep hydrodesufrization unit was selected based on their superior economic and environmentalbenefits. Bangchak has then embarked on the Environmental Improvementand Clean Fuels Project to installthe facilitiesincluding vacuum gas oil distillation unit, fuel gas treating unit, sulfur recovery unit, FCC unit, flue gas desulfurizationunit, gas oil deep hydrodesulfurizationunit. The project would include additional emissionsand effluentscontrol and treatment process equipment requiredto handle additionalloadings from the added refineryprocess equipment,as well as upgradingcurrent pollutioncontrol facilities. BaselineData 8. After the completionof restrucuring project in 1993,Bangchak has monitored ambient air quality, water quality, workplace exposure, emissions and effluents accordingto Thai regulations. The environmentmonitoring plan currentlycarnied by Ban,chak is shown in Table 1. 9. Ambientair quality monitoringaround the refineryarea performedby the Pollution Control Departmentindicates the level of SOx is in the range of .009-0.10 mg/cu.m. which is lower than Thai standard at 0.3 mg/cu.m. Other parameters monitored includedcarbon monoxide(CO), oxideof nitrogen(NOx), and particulates. One year average monitoringdata indicatesthat ambientair qualityaround the refineryarea is withinThailand standard limitations and WorldBank guidelines. 10. Water qualitvand ecologyof the Chao Pha river. The Chao Phya river flows north to south past the refinery. The ThailandEnvironmental Board classifiedthe section of the Chao Phya river in the area of the Bangchakrefinery (7-62 km. from the river mouth) as class 4. Class 4 water is descnbed as water source used to receive discharnedwater from variousactivities, usable for industrialand consumptionpurpose subject to prior sterilizationand specialtreatment, for the qualityof water is below the standard. Water quality monitoringcarried by Bangchak indicatesa high level of sewage and possiblyindustrial pollution: coliform and fecal counts are comparableto untreated sanitarv wastewaters, conductivityand chlorides are high, and dissolved oxygenlevels are below those which would support fish. There is little differencein 2 terms of pattem of pollution,between the stations upstream and downstream of the refinery. 11. Performanceof existingenvirornmental control. Air emissionsand wastewater effluentmonitoring indicates the existingrefinery is currentlyoperating within Thai standardsand WorldBank guidelines. 12. Air emissionsmonitoring Emissions from the refinerystacks are monitoredby Bangchak- Parameters monitoredinclude carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, oxides of nitrogen,oxide of sulfurand particulates. One year's monitoringdata indicatesthat Bangchakis operatingwithin Thailand emission standard limitations. Thailandair emissionstandards set a limnitof 1,000parts per million(ppm) on sulfurdioxide (SO27). The standardsare set by concentrationonly, and not by mass loading;however, dispersionmodeling were used in the permittingprocess. Bangchakrefinery is targeting400 ppm as emissiongoal. Againsta standardof 400 ppm,the emission measuredfrom the refinerysources is between 16-437ppm. 13. Effluent monitoring. Sample analysesare conducted by Bangchak laboratory. Samplesare taken in the three guard basinsonce a week except in the dry season. The guard basins are equipped with skimmingweirs and are the points of discharge into surface water. One year of effluent monitoringdata indicatesthe Bangchakfacility is currentlymeeting effluentstandards. 14. OccupationalExposure monitorin2. Workplaceexposure monitoringwas carried out for carbon monoxide,hydrogen sulfide, oxides of nitrogenand sulfur. particulates, organic lead and 1,-1,1-TCE.Identified workplace areas are monitoredfor noise levels and heat. Staff with potential exposure to lead are tested for blood and urine lead levels. Completephysicals are given once each year, includinghearing and respiratory systemchecks. Environmental Impactsand Mitigation 15. A summary of
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