CHAPTER 7 FIRE-RESISTANCE-RATED CONSTRUCTION DRAFT STOP. A material, device or construction installed to SECTION 701 restrict the n1oven1ent of air within open spaces of concealed GENERAL areas of building components such as crawl spaces, floor/ceil­ 701.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall govern the ing asseinblies, roof/ceiling assemblies and attics. materials and assemblies used for structural fire resistance and F RATING. The time period that the through-penetration fire-resistance-rated construction separation of adjacent spaces fires top system limits the spread of fire through the penetration to safeguard against the spread of fire and sn1oke within a build­ when tested in accordance with ASTM E 814. ing and the spread of fire to or from buildings. FIRE AREA. The aggregate floor area enclosed and bounded by fire walls, fire barriers, exterior walls or fire-resistance­ SECTION 702 rated horizontal assemblies of a building. DEFINITIONS FIRE BARRIER. A fire-resistance-rated vertical or horizon­ 702.1 Definitions. The following words and terms shall, for the tal assembly of materials designed to restrict the spread of fire purposes of this chapter, and as used elsewhere in this code, in which openings are protected. have the meanings shown herein. FIRE DAMPER. A listed device, installed in ducts and air ANNULAR SPACE. The opening around the penetrating transfer openings of an airdistiibution syste1n or s1noke control item. systems, designed to close auto1natically upon detection of heat, to interrupt migratory airflow, and to restrict the passage CEILING RADIATION DAMPER. A listed device installed of flame. Fire da1npers are classified for use in either static sys­ in a ceiling 1nembrane of a fire-resistance-rated floor/ceiling or tems that will auto1natically shut down in the event of a fire, or roof/ceiling assembly to limit automatically the radiative heat in a dynamic system that continues to operate during a fire. A transfer through an air inlet/outlet opening. dynamic fire da1nper is tested and rated for closure under air­ COMBINATION FIRE/SMOKE DAMPER. A listed device flow. installed in ducts and air transfer openings designed to close au­ FIRE DOOR. The door component of a fire door assembly. tomatically upon the detection of heat and to also resist the pas­ sage of air and smoke. The device is installed to operate FIRE DOOR ASSEMBLY. Any combination of a fire door, automatically, controlled by a smoke detection system, and frame, hardware, and other accessories that together provide a where required, is capable of being positioned from a remote specific degree of fire protection to the opening. command station. FIRE PARTITION. A vertical assembly of materials de­ CONCRETE, CARBONATE AGGREGATE. Concrete signed to restrict the spread of fire in which openings are pro­ inade with aggregates consisting mainly of calcium or magne­ tected. sium carbonate, such as li1nestone or dolo1nite, and containing FIRE PROTECTION RATING. The pedod of time that an 40 percent or less quartz, chert, or flint. opening protective assembly will maintain the ability to con­ CONCRETE, LIGHTWEIGHT AGGREGATE. Concrete fine a fire as determined by tests prescribed in Section 714. Rat­ made with aggregates of expanded clay, shale, slag or slate or ings are stated in hours or minutes. sintered fly ash or any natural lightweight aggregate meeting FIRE RESISTANCE. That property of materials or their as­ ASTM C 330 and possessing equivalent fire-resistance proper­ setnblies that prevents or retards the passage of excessive heat, ties and weighing 85 to 115 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) (1360 hot gases or flames under conditions of use. to 1840 kg/m3). FIRE-RESISTANCE RATING. The period of time a build­ CONCRETE, SAND-LIGHTWEIGHT. Concrete made ing element, component or assembly 1naintains the ability to with a combination of expanded clay, shale, slag, slate, sintered confine a fire, continues to perform a given structural function, fly ash, or any natural lightweight aggregate meeting ASTM C or both as determined by the tests, or the methods based on 330 and possessing equivalent fire-resistance properties and tests, prescribed in Section 703. natural sand. Its unit weight is generally between 105 and 120 FIRE-RESISTANT JOINT SYSTEM. An assemblage of pcf (1680 and 1920 kg/m3). specific materials or products that are designed, tested and fire­ CONCRETE, SILICEOUS AGGREGATE. Concrete resistance rated in accordance with UL 2079 to resist for a pre­ made with normal-weight aggregates consisting mainly of sil­ scribed period of time the passage offire through joints made in ica or compounds other than calcium or magnesiu1n carbon­ or between fire-resistance-rated asse1nblies. ate, which contains more than 40-percent quartz, chert, or FIRE SEPARATION DISTANCE. The distance measured flint. from the building face to the closest interior lot line, to the cen­ DAMPER. See "Ceiling radiation damper," "Combination terline of a street alley or public way, to a pennanent no-build fire/s1noke da1nper," "Fire damper" and "Smoke da1nper". ease111ent line, or to an itnaginary line between two buildings 2002 WISCONSIN ENROLLED COMMERCIAL BUILDING CODE B-75 703 - 703.2.3 FIRE-RESISTANCE-RATED CONSTRUCTION on the same property. The distance shall be measured at right perature rise to 325°F (163°C) above its initial temperature angles from the lot line. [Comm 62.0702] through the penetration on the nonfire side when tested in ac­ cordance with ASTM E 814. FIRE WALL. A fire-resistance-rated wall having protected openings, which restricts the spread of fire and extends contin­ THROUGH PENETRATION. An opening that passes uously from the foundation to or through the roof, with suffi­ through an entire assembly. cient structural stability under fire conditions to allow collapse THROUGH-PENETRATION FIRESTOP SYSTEM. An of construction on either side without collapse of the wall. assemblage of specific inaterials or products that are designed, FIRE WINDOW ASSEMBLY. A window constructed and tested and fire-resistance rated to resist for a prescribed period glazed to give protection against the passage of fire. of time the spread offll'e through penetrations. The F and T rat­ ing criteria for penetration firestop syste1ns shall be in accor­ FIREBLOCKING. Building materials installed to resist the dance with ASTM E 814. See definition of "F rating" and "T free passage of flame to other areas of the building through con­ rating." cealed spaces. FLOOR FIRE DOOR ASSEMBLY. A combination of a fire door, a frame, hardware and other accessories installed in a hor­ SECTION 703 izontal plane, which together provide a specific degree of fire FIRE-RESISTANCE RATINGS AND FIRE TESTS protection to a through opening in a fire-resistance-rated floor 703.l Scope. Materials prescribed herein for fire resistance (see Section 711.4.6). shall confonn to the requirements of this chapter. JOINT. The linear opening in or between adjacent fire-resis­ 703.2 [Comm 62.0703] Fire-resistance ratings. The fire-re­ tance-rated assemblies that is designed to allow independent sistance rating of building elements shall be determined in ac­ movement of the building in any plane caused by thermal, seis­ cordance with the test procedures set forth in ASTM E 119 or in mic, wind or any other loading. accordance with IBC Section 703.3. Materials and methods of MEMBRANE PENETRATION. An opening made through construction used to protect joints and penetrations in fire-re­ one side (wall, floor or ceiling membrane) of an assembly. sistance-rated building elements shall not reduce the required fire-resistance rating. MEMBRANE-PENETRATION FIRESTOP. A material, device or construction installed to resist for a prescribed time Exception: In determining the fire-resistance rating of exte­ period the passage of flame and heat through openings in a pro­ rior bearing walls, compliance with the ASTM E 119 crite­ tective 1ne1nbrane in order to accommodate cables, cable trays, ria for unexposed surface te1nperature rise and ignition of conduit, tubing, pipes or sin1ilar items. cotton waste due to passage of flame or gases is required only for a period of titne co1Tesponding to the required fire­ PENETRATION FIRESTOP. A through-penetration resistance rating of an exterior nonbearing wall with the firestop or a inembrane-penetration firestop. sarne fire separation distance, and in a building of the same SELF-CLOSING. As applied to a fire door or other opening, group. When the fire-resistance rating determined in accor­ means equipped with an approved device that will ensure clos­ dance with this exception exceeds the fire-resistance rating ing after having been opened. determined in accordance with ASTM E 119, the fire expo­ sure time period, water pressure, and application duration SHAFT. An enclosed space extending through one or more criteria for the hose stream test of ASTM E 119 shall be stories of a building, connecting vertical openings in succes­ based upon the fire-resistance rating determined in accor­ sive floors, or floors and roof. dance with this exception. SHAFT ENCLOSURE. The walls or construction forming 703.2.1 Nonsymmetrical wall construction. Interior walls the boundaries of a shaft. and partitions of nonsyn11netrical construction shall be SMOKE BARRIER. A continuous membrane, either vertical tested with both faces exposed to the furnace, and the as­ or horizontal, such as a wall, floor, or ceiling asse1nbly, that is signed fire-resistance rating shall be the shortest duration designed and constructed to restrict the move1nent of smoke. obtained frotn the two tests conducted in compliance with ASTM E 119. When evidence is furnished to show that the SMOKE COMPARTMENT. A space within a building en­ walJ was tested with the least fire-resistant side exposed to closed by smoke barriers on all sides, including the top and bot­ the furnace, subject to acceptance of the building official, tom.
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