Reduce new-product The value Improving your failure rates of verbal brainstorming Building on your base Addressing the unique issues of line-extension advertising ADVERTISING SECTION Experts in Health Care Research August 2016 www.quirks.com Quirk’s Marketing Research Review CONTENTS August 2016 • Vol. XXX No. 8 DEPARTMENTS page 6 Click With Quirk's 38 10 In Case You Missed It... 14 Survey Monitor page 34 20 Product and Service Update 46 Experts in Health Care Research page 30 56 Names of Note 58 Research Industry News page 26 62 Calendar of Events 65 Index of Advertisers page 46 66 Before You Go… Quirk's Marketing Research Review 4662 Slater Road | Eagan, MN 55122 651-379-6200 | www.quirks.com Publisher • Steve Quirk Illustration by Jennifer Coppersmith Design by Jennifer Illustration [email protected] | x202 Editor • Joseph Rydholm ON THE COVER [email protected] | x204 Digital Content Editor • Emily Koenig 26 Beyond the usual [email protected] | x210 How to address the unique Circulation Manager • Ralene Miller issues of line-extension [email protected] | x201 advertising Production Manager • James Quirk By Jeri Smith [email protected] | x206 Directory Sales • Ilana Benusa [email protected] | x213 TECHNIQUES V.P. Sales • Evan Tweed [email protected] | x205 30 Improving your odds 42 Beyond brand awareness Sales • Lance Streff Reducing the uncertainty of Mobile’s power to track purchase [email protected] | x211 product performance influence By Keith Brady By Emily Tomasiewicz ••• moving? make sure 34 Voice is the new data Quirk’s comes with you! A new model for concept COLUMNS Send change of address information evaluation to [email protected] 12 Trade Talk By Danica R. Allen Pew outlines 10 demographic Download the Quirk’s iPad, iPhone 38 The freedom to try trends shaping the U.S., world or Android app to view this issue. Make sure your brainstorming By Joseph Rydholm sessions generate, rather than 22 By the Numbers An interactive downloadable PDF of denigrate, ideas this magazine is available at www. Discrete choice modeling for quirks.com/pdf/201608_quirks.pdf. By Bob Klein product portfolio optimization By Jyanping Rung Follow us on Twitter @QuirksMR. 4 Quirk’s Marketing Research Review // August 2016 www.quirks.com ••• online, e-newsletter CLICK WITH and blog highlights // Noted Posts ••• online tools Salary survey crosstabs available QuirksBlog.com ach year, Quirk’s has conducted a salary survey of client-side researchers so Who embodies the value of Ethat our readers can U.S. patriotism? get a snapshot of how the quirksblog.com/blog/2016/06/30/ compensation landscape is today and how it is chang- Big ideas, real-world solutions. ing. At press time, we are Now in two locations! working hard to process quirksblog.com/blog/2016/06/15/ the data from this year’s survey and the results Recent study fi nds changes in will be published within brand engagement the Corporate Researcher quirksblog.com/blog/2016/03/10/ Report in September! Here are a few tidbits about client-side respondents from this year’s report: • 54 percent are satisfied or very satisfied with their current employment; ResearchIndustryVoices.com • 62 percent have a master’s degree or higher; and • 40 percent are unlikely or very unlikely to seek employment at a different Developing a chat bot-driven company this year. engagement strategy researchindustryvoices.com/2016/06/28/ Looking for more detailed information? We provide a breakdown of salary survey data that is available online, searchable by client- or provider-side job titles. Once you When “not sure” is a survey click on the job title you would like more information about, you’re taken to a breakdown option of salaries by age, gender, industry, region, the number of full-time MR staffers, annual researchindustryvoices.com/2016/06/20/ revenue/sales of organization and more! Visit http://bit.ly/1Lyxyyw 8 tips for successful sampling researchindustryvoices.com/2016/06/21/ ResearchCareersBlog.com // E-newsworthy The power of purpose-driven employees Getting to know the mobile researchcareersblog.com/2016/06/29/ shopper quirks.com/articles/2016/20160626-1.aspx Searching for success: Creating an experiment of 7 trends impacting the food excellence researchcareersblog.com/2016/06/16/ industry quirks.com/articles/2016/20160626-2.aspx Taking risks to fi nd learning opportunities The insights industry needs a new brand strategy researchcareersblog.com/2016/06/01/ quirks.com/articles/2016/20160625-1.aspx 6 Quirk’s Marketing Research Review // August 2016 www.quirks.com Hungry for more yet? Concept Testing Product Testing Iterative Development Process Packaging Performance Testing Market & Customer Segmentation Competitive Brand Image Strategy Menu Optimization Ingredient Modification/ Degradation/Improvement Unit Remodel Evaluation Menu Labeling Compliance Auditing Price Elasticity & Optimization Test Market/National Launch ATU & BRS )URPLWVLQFHSWLRQ5HVWDXUDQW5HVHDUFK$VVRFLDWHVKDVEHHQIRFXVHGRQUHVHDUFK IRUWKHUHVWDXUDQWDQGKRVSLWDOLW\LQGXVWULHVLQFOXGLQJWKHIRRGVHUYLFHVXSSOLHU JURFHU\DQGKRPHPHDOUHSODFHPHQWVHFWRUV:LWKPRUHWKDQ\HDUVH[SHULHQFH DQGWKRXVDQGVRISURMHFWV55$¶VNQRZOHGJHLVXQPDWFKHG)RU\RXUQH[WSURMHFW FDOOWKHUHVHDUFKHUVZKROLYHDQGEUHDWKH\RXULQGXVWU\GD\LQDQGGD\RXW :H¶UH5HVWDXUDQW5HVHDUFK$VVRFLDWHVDQGIRRGLVRXURQO\ EXVLQHVV Foodservice Research Experts 714-368-1890 [email protected] www.clearseasresearch.com TRUST IN RESEARCH Strategic, full-service market research solutions focused on measuring... • BRAND POSITION attitudes, awareness, usage, image • PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT concept testing, product needs identifi cation, nomenclature, pricing, marketing To know what we know, please contact us at 248-786-1683 or [email protected] BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS & CONSUMER INDUSTRY EXPERTISE • BUILDING ENVELOPE • FOOD & BEVERAGE • ARCHITECTURE • GAMING • PLUMBING • MANUFACTURING • HVAC • PACKAGING • ENGINEERING • SECURITY • ROOFING • DISTRIBUTION/LOGISTICS CENTRAL LOCATION TESTING | EXECUTIVE INTERVIEWS | FOCUS GROUPS | SURVEYS | DATA SCRAPING *TCPA compliant MULTIMODAL DATA COLLECTION CAPABILITIES: IN-PERSON, INTERNET, MAIL, MOBILE, TELEPHONE* In Case You Missed It news and notes on marketing and research ••• health care research Healthy interest in connected health devices n online survey by Ipsos, London, among adults aged 18 to 80 in the U.S., ••• restaurant research AU.K. and Japan shows that around half of those in the U.S. and U.K., together with a fifth in Japan, agree that they would use a connected health Take your phone device or tool as part of their treatment plan if it was recommended to them by a physician. However, a to dinner corresponding survey among 200 physi- study by RetailMeNot Inc., Austin, cians i´n each of A Texas, shows consumers are using these markets their digital devices to ease dining (a mix of GPs/ decisions, including searching for PCPs, endo- nearby locations and deals. The find- crinologists ings show that 32 percent of consumers and diabe- have used a deal they found online or tologists) on their mobile device at a restaurant shows in the past three months. Of the diners that surveyed, one in four has at least one only a restaurant-specific app on his or her minority smartphone. Among people who dine consider out eight to 10 times a week, 68 percent them- use a restaurant-specific app. selves The findings also show that con- knowledge- sumers rely on their mobile devices able enough for a variety of pre-meal research, to choose the including finding a restaurant loca- right connected tion (53 percent), browsing a menu (49 health device or percent) and researching new restau- tool for their patients rants (37 percent). Consumers aged (24 percent in the U.S., 12 25 to 34 are more likely to research percent in the U.K. and 11 percent new restaurants on their smartphone in Japan). than any other age group (60 percent). According to the research, the U.S. leads in connected health device Nearly two-thirds of diners use their adoption, with 21 percent of the U.S. general public now using some form of smartphones for a variety of tasks connected health device or tool to manage their health, followed by 11 percent while in a restaurant, including taking in the U.K. and 5 percent in Japan. a photo (32 percent), checking in on Additionally, 37 percent of the gener- social media (19 percent) and search- al public in the U.S., together with 26 ing for online deals (19 percent). Other percent in the U.K. and 13 percent in tasks include browsing reviews (17 Japan, believe that connected health percent) or nutritional information devices will form part of treatment (16 percent) and paying for a meal via quirks.com/articles/2016/20160801.aspx plans in the future. mobile (8 percent). 10 Quirk’s Marketing Research Review // August 2016 www.quirks.com Trade Talk By Joseph Rydholm, Quirk’s Editor Pew outlines 10 demographic trends shaping the U.S., world arlier this year, in conjunction with every decade since 1970. the annual meeting of the Population America’s demographic changes are E www.clarepix.com Pix Photography ©Clare Association of America, Pew Research shifting the electorate – and American Joe Rydholm can be reached Center released an article by D’Vera Cohn politics. The 2016 electorate will be the at [email protected] and Andrea Caumont compiling some of most diverse in U.S. history due to strong its recent demography-related findings. growth among Hispanic eligible voters, As is so often the case with Pew-gathered particularly U.S.-born youth. tion’s economic majority. data, the findings point to repercussions Millennials, young adults born Christians are declining as a share for marketers and advertisers, govern- after 1980, are the new generation to of the U.S. population; the number of ment officials and marketing researchers. watch. They are the most racially diverse U.S. adults who do not identify with Americans are more racially and generation in American history: 43 per- any organized religion has grown. The ethnically diverse than in the past. cent of Millennial adults are non-white, religiously unaffiliated surged seven per- Further, the U.S. is projected to be even the highest share of any generation.
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