S 298 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE January 23, 1996 Government, but at least there has the welfare reform bill passed by the announcing my candidacy for the U.S. been agreement on that principle. Senate with overwhelming numbers, Senate on November 17, 1975, in the There is a substantial question as to some 87 Senators voting in favor of the first election cycle where the 1974 elec- whether the balanced budget proposal measure, there was a great deal of reli- tion law was in effect. At that time the offered by the administration meets ance on the block grants. There is an spending limitation applied to what an the ``fair'' criterion, since so much of it area for compromise on providing the individual could spend, and, for a State is deferred until the years 2001 and 2002. bulk of welfare related programs the size of Pennsylvania, it was $35,000. But I think there is ample room for ne- through block grants but certain spe- I decided to run for the office of U.S. gotiation, in order to have a realistic cific programs should remain with Senate against a very distinguished agreement made in those terms. standards established by the Federal American who later became a U.S. Sen- I spoke on this matter to some ex- Government. I think the statement ator, John Heinz. After my election in tent yesterday and wish to amplify it made by the very distinguished Sen- 1980, he and I formed a very close work- today. One set of figures which bear re- ator from Maine, Margaret Chase ing partnership and very close friend- peating are the statistics on the nar- Smith, is worth repeating, when she ship. I have only the best things to say rowing of the gap between the parties distinguished between the issues of the about Senator Heinz. on major issues such as Medicare, principle of compromise as opposed to But, in the middle of that campaign, where the rate of increase is reduced in the compromise of principle. We are on January 29, 1976, the Supreme Court the conference report passed by the Re- not talking about freedom of speech or of the United States decided Buckley v. publican-controlled Congress. Note it is freedom of religion or first amendment Valeo and said a candidate can spend not a cut but rather a reduction of the issues. We are talking about dollars any amount of money. My later col- rate of increase by $270 billion, which and cents. And we are, really, very, league was in a position to do so and has since been reduced to $168 billion. very close together. did just that. That made an indelible The administration first agreed to $102 So it is my hope that the negotiators impression upon me, so much so that billion and now recommends reducing will continue, because I think agree- when the decision came down on Janu- the rate of increase by $124 billion. So ment is within reach, and when we are ary 29, I petitioned for leave to inter- there is a gap now remaining of $44 bil- talking about the central principle of a vene as amicus and filed a set of legal lion, considerably closer than what had balanced budget, that is something appeals, all of which were denied. been initially in the range of $168 bil- that we ought not give up on. We ought But it seemed to me since that time, lion. to continue to work to try to narrow as I have watched enormous expendi- Similarly, on Medicare, the original the gap, and I hope that we will con- tures in campaign financing by individ- position of the Republican-controlled tinue to do that. uals, that simply was unsound con- Congress was $133 billion, since reduced f stitutional law and certainly unsound to $85 billion with the administration public policy. There is nothing in the at $59 billion on a reduction on the rate CAMPAIGN SPENDING LIMITS Mr. SPECTER. Mr. President, Janu- Constitution, in my legal judgement, of increase. So that gap is narrowing. which guarantees freedom of speech on Similarly, on the tax cut, the House ary 29, which is next Monday, will be any reasonable, realistic, logical con- figures are in the range of $350 billion the 20th anniversary of the decision of stitutional interpretation which says and were reduced to $245 billion in the Buckley v. Valeo. I had intended to you ought to be able to spend as much conference report. That has since been comment on January 29, the anniver- money that you have to win an elective reduced further to $203 billion, while sary date of that decision which estab- office. I think it is high time for the the administration proposes $130 bil- lished as a principle of constitutional Congress of the United States and the lion. law that any individual could spend as I have taken a close look at a number much of his or her money in a cam- 50 States to reexamine that in a con- of the structural points in disagree- paign as he or she chose. That issue stitutional amendment, which is cur- ment, while working with others in the was a matter of substantial consterna- rently pending. House and Senate, to try to report out tion to me when the decision was hand- Senator HOLLINGS has proposed the a bill on the Appropriations Sub- ed down and, I think, remains a major amendment for many Congresses, and I committee for Labor, Health, Human impediment on public policy in the have joined with him and sometimes I Services and Education, a subcommit- United States on the way we run our have proposed individual constitu- tee which I chair. I have had extensive election campaigns, where, realisti- tional amendments. But as we ap- negotiations with Donna Shalala, Sec- cally viewed, any seat is up for sale. proach the 20th anniversary of Buckley retary of Health and Human Services, There have been many, many exam- v. Valeo, we ought to take a very seri- Richard Riley, Secretary of Education, ples of multimillion-dollar expendi- ous look at it. And we may have a and Robert Reich, Secretary of Labor tures in this body, the U.S. Senate, the striking impetus for change in that law and find that the principal issues arise U.S. House of Representatives, and in by the Presidential campaign which is in the Departments of Education and State Government, and now we are wit- currently underway. So, in advance of Health and Human Services. nessing one for the Presidency of the the 29th, I urge my colleagues to take As I have taken a look at the various United States. a very close look at this issue which I issues, it seems to me that middle The fact of life is, if you advertise think has very serious implications for ground can be reached. If you take a enough on television, if you sell can- the electoral process in America. look at the medical savings account, didacies like you sell soap, the sky is I thank the Chair. It is now 3:40. I which is a controversial item, or the the limit. Even the White House of the yield the floor. Medicare opt-out position as to HMO's United States of America, the Office of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does the back and forth, or the Medicare bene- the President, may be, in fact, up for Senator suggest the absence of a ficiary part B payments, or the issue of sale if someone is willing to start off quorum? balance billing by doctors, or the con- by announcing a willingness to spend Mr. SPECTER. And I do suggest the cern which has been expressed over the $25 million. If you have $400 million, absence of a quorum. that is not an enormous sum; you have regulation of doctors' feesÐall of those The PRESIDING OFFICER. The $375 million left. Somebody might be mattersÐif you take the congressional clerk will call the roll. position as opposed to the administra- able to get along on that. You might tion position, you find there is middle spend $50 million or even $75 million to The bill clerk proceeded to call the ground available. promote a candidacy, both to articu- roll. If you look at the Medicaid issue, in late a positive view and then, perhaps Mr. MOYNIHAN. Mr. President, I ask addition to the figures narrowing, the even more effectively, to articulate a unanimous consent that the order for structural matters also are subject to negative view. the quorum call be rescinded. compromise. This is a subject I have been con- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. If you take a look at welfare, there cerned about for a long time because I THOMPSON). Without objection, it is so again, compromise is possible. Where filed for the U.S. Senate back in 1975 ordered. January 23, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S 299 STATUTORY DEBT CEILING the administration of President Bush. Commandant's house, because they Mr. MOYNIHAN. Mr. President, it If you project this trend, as we have were staying there, but they overtook would be just 16 years since I came to done, and put them in the form of a the Capitol completely. The President the Senate floor to speak to a large geometric progression, you find that fled, the Congress fled, and the Nation new idea in our politics which seemed the costs of Medicaid would double on seemed in the most dire possible cir- to me was then taking shape and the 29th of December of this year.
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