" POTENTlAI,s OF SITES OF HISTORICAL MONUMENTS TO CREAn: IMA<;Jo:S OF A CITY THROUGH PLANNING INn:GRATION sm:nZA[) 7..AUlR " " IIIIIIIII~II.~ 111111111111111 #94~9o- - - - - ._" DEPARTMENT OF URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING, BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Buen DHAKA SErTt:MIlF;R 2000 ACCEPTENCE FORM POTENTIALS OF SITF.S OF 1IISTORI(:AL MONUMENTS TO (:REAn: IMAGF.S (W A CITY TIIROII(;III'LANNING INn:GRATION SII EIIZAIl ZAIHR Thesis approved as lo the slyle and contenl hy ....,~-=1~V"n~. ....,-.:l~~~ (Dr' K!\~ Mani~;;.;;~~~'1L~ , c> .., .:!'.. c:>cc:> Assistant Professor Chairman (Supelvisor) Department of Urban and Regional Planning " ~"I"IV'" (Dr Mohanunad A. Mohit) Professor and Head Member (Ex-Otlk.io) Department oftJrban and Regional Planning fI\."-"'-~ .NJJh..' (Mr. A S M. Mahbub -Un-Nabi) Professor Memher Departmcm of Urban and Regional Planning Memher Aeknowledgelnent I express my profound gratitude and indebtedness to my thesis ~upervisor Dr. K. M. Maniruzzaman, Assistant Professor, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, BUET, Dhaka, for his valuable guidance al different stages ormy research work. It would have been quite impossible to complete this research work and give it a final shape without his advice, sympathetil: encouragement and ideal teacherlike attitude, r also express my sincere acknowledgement to Dr, M.A. Muhit, Professor and Head, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, BUET, for his thoughtful advice in the selection of the thesis topic and for providing facilities and necessary SUppOlt to undertake and successfilily complete the thesis work I am also indebted [0 Dr Golam Rahman. PlOfessor Mahhuh-Un Nahi and Dr. Roxana flllfl~ members of the teaching staff of Urhan and Regional Planning Department, BUET, for their encouragement and guidance. I am grateful to Mr. Zakir Hossen, Fonner Chief Town Planner, RAJUK and I'rofcssor M.A. Muktadir, Head, Department of Architecture, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dr, Mahbubur Rahman and Professor Mcer Mobashshcr Ali, Department of Architecture, BUET, and ProfeSSOI A M Chowdhury, Department of History, Dhaka University lor their cordial encouragement and valuable suggestions. I am also grateful to Mr. Uday Sankar, Mr Zakiul Islam, Mr, Provash Kundu, Mr, Tawhid Aman, Mr Hadiul Islam, Mrs ShaHin Shahid, Mr Delwar, Mr. Ashraf Rahman, Mr. Sirajul Huq, Mr, M. Rashid, Mr. Habibur Rahman, Mr. Tanzir Turull, Mr. Kazi Shahid, Mr. Oil Babar, Mr. Ashik, Mr. P. K. Baroi, Mr. Kalam, Mr. Saifur, to my friends and colleagues fur extending Iheir help and support whenl-overit was required. Finally, [ !."'press my indebtedness to my parents and my wife for their cooperation, continuous inspiration and sacrifices to compkte this !,csearch work September 2000 Sheh7.a.d Zabir ABSTRACT Our present day town and cities ale conglomeration of faceless, hrulal '1nd munotonous buildings and as a result our cities arc suflcring Ii-om image and identity crisis In a fast charging world of ours there is profound p'y<'1101ogiealneed of perll1anence and eonlinuity if ours societies arc not be anchoress Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, has a rich cultural legacy of abuut 400 years and the city used to have a glOlious anti ~iignitkant evidence of social hondage within its communities Political and soeialuph{'av;rl titHing the war of libel atlOll. rnpid urbani;..ation in recent years completed with pres.mte "r rising land value in a speculative real estate mal'ket, ravages of nature and inconsiderate aud unsympathetic planning are destroying the old buildings and the existing city fabric, built up over a long period of time, The purpos" of this study has h""11 10 investigatc into the possihility <If usin!\ old monumcnts and sites of our cultural !writ"!,,, lu wOlk as landmarks in the eity",ape. crcate an image by IlLespecial charae1cr or "aeh illdividual monument, illlp1ll1a sense of Identity of a locality and provide for the prol(>llnd psychological need of penna"cnce and continuity in our society Through literahue survey, analysis and visil., III some of the sites, home and ahroad, cases have been identilied and presented hele, where historic monuments <lnd sites of cultural significance have, through well thought out planning considClation, cffectively been integrated with the surroundings ami thei, cOlllmllIlities They have worked as landmarks and eontribuled towards giving all image <llldidentity for the socIety around and the city as a whole. From a larg(' li~t, four sites represe,,1 mE di Ili.:rent categorics of siluati,'ns wei e ,elecled to test if arehih.::lural and histoncal mnrlUm'~llh of Dhaka, on their w'ly tu destruelion by mcn and nature alike, could be advantagcnu,;ly i"l"grated through plllnning dli.>rts tu make the point of this sllldy A questionnaire SUIV"y.conducted on the CUll1munitiesalUund seleclc"l1 monument SItes indicated strong opinion in favor of conserving the cultural properti" •• and integrating thclll into the community IiI'" l'inaJly, probable design and plaruung solutions for those Jour ,e1ecled sites, have been worked out The design solutions ,unply juslify that there is pluspect and scope and we should sei?e upun the opportunity to eonscrw our monuments and cultural propertil.'S and through semitive planning intervention reintegrate then] into our sueial and physical i;urroundings. In a rast changing world of ours whe,,, [,mgte," is synonymous wtth change, a,ehitects and physical planners must respect for people's sl'ilitual values, provide lor their psychological and emotion'll needs, like the sense orjoy and wonder and Ihe leeling or permanence and continuity and ",1ablish a sense of conlinuity and identity in our built -up surroundings. In their built enviwnment, old mOnUmelll.'iaHdolder section (,f uur cities could, therefore, be effectively used as tools for social bondage or our communities and prufFtably used to kellp our cities hum:me. " TAnu: OF CONH:NT AeknowJcdgem\'!ll Abstract CHAPH:R 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rise and l'hy~ieal Growth of Dhaka Cily 2 1.2 Statemelll of the 1'l'ObJcm , 1.3 Rationale of Ihe Research , 1.4 Obj~ctives of Ihe ReseMeh 9 1.5 Limitation and Constraints 10 CHAPTER 2 II METHOOOLOGY II 2.1 Introduction II 2.2 Sampling Siralegy For Hislorical Sill'~ 2.3 Questionnaire Survey II" 2.4 Data ~nalysis 12 2.5 Design Solution 12 CHAPTER) lJ IMAGE, IDENTITY AND CONSERVATION lJ 3.1 City Image and Idenlily 13 3.2 Policy, Oplions and Olher Impli"ation 14 3.3 Ca~c Stlldks of planning Intt'grallolJ 0 [.Sites of Hislorical MOlJuml'l1ls 11 3.3.1. City of Hydra bad : Study and Reeomendalion for Conservalion of Histone Bllildings 11 3.3.2 Walled City "f I.ah"re : Siudy and Reeomcndalion for Conservnt i"n 25 3.3.3 Trinity Church And C"pley &1\"''''- Boston: Exampk "filii Inll'grated Public Square 3.3.4 Mo,tar, Yugoslavia : Con"nval iolt Example of a City Corc 30" 3.3.5 The Chummcry House, Dhaka 33 3.3.6 Curmn Hall, Dhaka: Example of" Building WeIJ Preserved in its Original Surrounding 34 3.3.7 Jaho ShahiJ Minar, Dhaka: Ex.lJllple of Effective Plilnnillg Inh:rvelltion ,15 3.3.R G'1II'al Ramna, 1)lm~a : ()rigio,,1 ("lIlJilion AlIncJ B"llhe Ess('"nce of its Origin COlliiniues 3" 3.4 Summary of FinJing~ From Case Sludies 37 3.4.1. Ilyd.<lbad 37 3.4.2 Walled City of Lahore 37 3.4.3 Trinity Church AnJ Copley Square 37 3.4.4 Moslar Projccl 37 3.4.5 Chummery House 1H '" 3.4.6 Curzon Hall 38 3.4.7 .Iatio Shahid Minar 38 3.4.8 Gale at Ramna 38 CHAPTER 4 39 SURVEY ANALYSIS 39 4.1 l-ocation of Site~ of Hi~tm;eal M"numcnL~ in Dhaka 39 4.2 Short Di~cussion on Some Prclimin;u)' Seloxted Sites 41 4.2.1 Sat Gumhuj Mosque at Mohamrnadpur 41 4.2.2 An Unidentified Tomb near Sal Gurnbuj Mosque 42 4.2.3 Star Mosque at Armanitola 42 4.2.4 Hussaini Dalan at Bakshi Ba~,.7.ar 43 4.2.5 Tomb and Mosque ofl-Iaji Khawaja Shahbaz in Suhrawardi lJddyan 43 4.2.6 Rupia! House on Buckland Bund 44 4.2.7 Nimtoli Deuri in Old Secretariat Road 45 4.2.8 111eGreek Memorial on Shahhagh Avenue 45 4.2.9 Mosque of Malik Amocr at Kl,wran Bazzar 46 4.2.10 The Dhakeswari Temple ('omplcx 46 4.2.11 The Idgah at DhanmOlldi 47 4.2.12 Ah.,>aoM;mjil at Wise!,'h,,1 47 4.3 Finall) Selected Sitcs 10 Work Wilh 44 CHAPTER 5 50 ANAl,YSIS OF f'OUR SELECTEl) sln;s 50 5.1 Evolution. Growth and Devclorml'nl 50 5.1.1 Sat Gumbuj Mosque 50 5.1.2 IIussainiDalan 50 5. J.3 NimtoJi Deuri 51 5.1.4 Ohanmondi Idgah 51 5.2 I,and IJ.<eCharacteristic nnd Ex ;sli ng (~ommllnily and Servin: h,,.; Iitics 51 5.2.1 Sal (jumhuj Mosque 51 5.2.2 Hussaini Dal.an 52 5.2.3 NimtoJi Deuri 52 5.2.4 Dhanmondi Idgah 53 5.3 Oppm1unilies aad Con~tminls or I'laulIing Intervention in the Sill' An", 53 5.3.1 Sat (iumhuj Mosque 53 5.3.2 ~Iussaini Dalan 54 5.3.3 Niml"li Dcuri 54 5.3.4 Dhanmondi Idgah 54 5.4 Findings From Questiormaire Survey And data analysi~ 55 CHAPTER 6 PROllABLf: SOtUTIONS FOR PLANNING INTEGRATION O'l<'FOUR S~:LF:CTED SITES 5" 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Sat Gumbuj Mosque Area " 6.3 Dhanrnondi ldgah 6.4 Nimtoli Llcun '"74 6.5 Hussain; Dalan al Bakshi Rar.;:m 79 CHAPTER 7 '6 CONCLUSION 86 7.1 Summary of Findings 86 7.2 Recommendation for Policy (;aidelincs 86 7.3 Recommendation for Further Research 87 REI<'ERENCE " APPENDIX-A 90 Questionnaire 91 APPENDIX-IJ 93 8.1 Back Ground Characteristics Gillie Respondents: 94 Rl.! Age structure of Respondents: 94 B.l.2 Sex I Respondents 94 R.I.3 Socio-cconomic Characteristics 94 B.
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