5458 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JUNE 7 and that the President may be imme- his secretaries, who also· informed the diately notified. .HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES House that on the following dates the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without President .approved and signed bills of objection, the remainder of the postmas­ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1944 the House of the following titles:. ter no'minations on the calendar are con­ The House met at 11 o'clock a. m. On June 1, 1944: firmed en bloc, and, without objection, the The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Mont­ H. R. 329. An act to authorize the Secretary President will be notified immediately. gomery, D. D., offered the following of the Interior to incur obligations for the That completes the calendar. prayer: benefit of natives of Alaska in advance of the enactment of legislation making appropria· PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF DIS­ Just a word before we pray. tions therefor; TRICT OF COLUMBIA Some of our boys died last night in H. R. 2105. An act extending the time for Mr. BILBO. Mr. President, earlier to­ the crusade for freedom and humanity; repayment and authorizing increase of the revolving fund for the benefit of the Crow day the ·nomination of J. Francis Reilly, some of our boys died last night who had Indians; of Maryland, to be a member of the Pub­ looked through the glimpse of the future H. R. 2332. An act for the relief of Christian lic Utilities Commission of the District and claimed it as their own; some of our Wenz; of Columbia, was reported from the Com­ boys died last night who dreamed of a H. R. 2408. An act for the relief of Clarence mittee on the District of Columbia. I happy home and a circle of loved ones; E. Thompson and Mrs. Virginia Thompson; ask for the present consideration of that some of our boys died last night in the H. R. 3114. An act for the relief of Ruth nomination. front row of battle for the country they Coe; adored; some of our boys died last night H. R. 3028. An act to extend the time for Mr. WHITE. Mr. President, reserving completing the construction of a bridge across the right to object, is there any pressing beneath the skies of embattled France; the Mississippi River at or near Sauk Rapids, need for immediate action on the nomi­ some of our boys died last night for you Minn.; and nation? Why should it not go over in and me that liberty may not die out of H. R. 4054. An act to extend the times for the· ordinary course? the human breast. commencing and completing the construc­ Mr. BILBO. It could go over, if de­ Let us pray together. tion of a bridge across the Calcasieu River at or near Lake Charles, La. sired. God is our refuge and strength, a very On June 2, 1944: Mr. WHITE. I do not want to ·object present help in trouble. Therefore will H. R. 1628. An act for the rellef of John if there is any substantial reason for im­ not we fear, though the earth be re­ Hirsch; · mediate confirmation of the nomination. · moved, and though the mountains be H. R. 1635. An act for the relief of William Mr. BILBO. There has been some in­ carried into the ·midst of the sea. He E. Search, and to the legal guardian of Marlon sistence that the nomination be aCted on . maketh wars to cease unto the end of Search, Pauline Search, and Virginia Search; H. R. 2008. An act for the relief of Mrs. immediately. I have received quite a the earth. · Be still and know that I am Mae Scheidel, Mr. Fred Scheidel, Mr. Charles number of calls respecting this nomina­ God: 1 will be exalted among the Totten, and Miss Jean Scheidel; tion, and I thought it might be well that heathen, 1 will be exalted in the earth. H. R. 2507. An act for the relief of Reese action be expedited. Flight Instruction, Inc.; and Mr. WHITE. I shall ask that the nom- Merciful and compassionate Father, H. R. 2757. An act for the relief of Margaret .ination go over until tomorrow, or to the Thou who art light to all in darkness and Hamilton, Mrs. Catherine Higgins, Mrs. Re· love to all under the yoke of hate, for­ becca Sallop, and Mrs. Dora Projansky. next session of the Senate, because I do give us our sins, and grant that the not know any persuasive reason for fountain of cleansing in our country C. I. 0. MEMBERSHIP ,DEMANDED OF short circuiting the Senate rule. may be opened afresh. By prayer, med­ DISCHARGED WAR VETERANS Mr. BILBO. Very well. itation, and alone with Thee, we pray MJ;. RANKIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask RECESS for an outrush of spiritual power that unanimous consent to address the House Mr. BARKLEY. As in legislative ses­ will work marvels in lives transfigured for 1 minute and to revise and extend sion, I move that the Senate take a recess and in nations reborn. my remarks. until 12 o'clock noon tomorrow. We pray that the glory of the Lord The SPEAKER. Is there objection to The motion was agreed to; and (at 4 may shine on Thy people of every name: the request of the gentleman from o'clock and 30 minutes p. m.) the Senate make them strong in .the dark days Mississippi? took a recess until tomorrow, Thursday, ahead, rooted in the stability of faith There was no objection. June 8, 1944, at 12 o'clock meridian. until pe·ace and rest shall be won. 0 lead Mr . .RANKIN. Mr. Speaker, America the struggle to emancipate all people is thrilled today with the progress our . in bondage and redeem tpe sacrifice brave men are. making on the western CONFIRMATIONS ,and toil of the noble living and the noble front in Europe. They are giviJ:lg glo­ Executive nominations confirmed by .dead. rious accounts of themselves . the Senate June 7 <legislative day of "Break every weapon forged in fires of But I certainly hope they do not read May 9), 1944: hate, _today's papers from America, because they will find this _article, which ap­ POSTMASTERS Turn back the foes that would assail Thy gate, peared in the Washington Post this DELAWARE morning: Joseph Harper Cox, Seaford. Where fields of strife lie desolate and bare DETROIT, June 6.-The United Automobile OREGON Take Thy sweet flowers of peace and Workers (C. I. 0.) has asked the General Motors Corporation to fire five war veteJ,"ans Edward E. Vail, Ashland. plant the~ there. who belonged to the union before entering Florence Root, Boardman. "Come, blessed peace, as when in hush service, but failed to maintain their union Mary E. Horn, Jennings Lodge. of eve membership after gE:tting their old jobs back Nettie J. Neil, Marcola. God's benediction falls on souls that on discharge from the armed forces. Sister Rose Mercedes Armstrong, MaryI- grieve. hurst. I hope those precious boys who are A.8 shines the star when weary day fighting, bleeding, and dying for this Arthur E. Lund, Warren. departs, Alice Jean Matteson, Wendling. · country do not read that report of Sid­ Come, peace of God, and shine in every . ney Hillman'S racketeering gang shaking PENNSYLVANIA heart." down their discharged comrades for George B. Wellington, La Belle. Thro~gh Jesus Chris~ our Lord. Amen. money with which to corrupt the elec­ Arthur J. Haught, Lemont Furnace. tions in Amet:ica and to destroy the Gov­ Chauncey J. Cleland, Marion Center. The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ ernment they are fighting for before Anna M. Fleming, Merrittstown. terday was read and approved. they can return to their jobs and earn Eugene s. Colborn, Mill Run. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Frank E. Kiefer, Mount Carmel. their daily bread. A message in writing from the Prest-· God forbid that they should read that VIRGINIA dent of the· United States was communi­ · report in this tragic hour of their su~ William W. Argabrite, Blacksburg. cated to the ·House by Mr. Miller, one _of preme sacrifice. 1944 QONGRESSIONAL -RECORD-HOUSE 5459 The SPEAKER. The time of the gen­ . torial.entitled "Lafayette, We Are Here- on such important legislation. After all, tleman from Missi~ippi has expired. Again." · the Senate amendments, in which we EXTENSION OF REMARKS The SPEAKER. Is there objection to were a~ked to concur, include an increase the request of the gentleman from Lou­ of $20,000,000,000 in the debt limit over Mr. LESINSKI. Mr. Spea~cer, I ask isiana? and above what the House had deemed unanimous consent to extend my re­ There WJ1S no objection. necessary, and the amount which the marks in the RECORD and include therein THE LATE GEORGE 0. MILLER Treasury Department had testified as a statement of General Mihailovich to satisfactory. Sznate amendments also the Allied public. Mr: JARMAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask included a lowering of the so-called The SPEAKER. Is there objection to unammous consent to address the House cabaret tax from 30 percent to 20 percent. the request of the gentleman from Mich­ for 1 minute and to revise and extend my remarks. Certainly, legislation of such importance igan? should not be ~ermitted to be passed There was no objection. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to through this House by any 62-to-38 vote Mr. PRIEST. Mr. Speaker, - I ask · the request of the gentleman from Ala­ especially in view of the fact that -every 'llnanimous consent to extend my re­ bama? member of the Ways and Means Com­ marks in the RECORD and include therein There was no objection.
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