Transport Geography Papers of Polish Geographical Society 2020, 23(2), 28-34 DOI 10.4467/2543859XPKG.20.004.12102 Received: 16.04.2020 Received in revised form: 04.05.2020 Accepted: 05.05.2020 Published: 15.06.2020 NON-URBAN PUBLIC BUS TRANSPORT AGAINST THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC – EVIDENCE FROM THE LOW BESKIDS AND THE BIESZCZADY COUNTIES1 Pozamiejski publiczny transport autobusowy wobec pandemii COVID-19 – przykład powiatów Beskidu Niskiego i Bieszczad Ariel Ciechański1 Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warszawa, Poland e-mail: [email protected] Citation: Cieciański A., 2020, Non-urban public bus transport against the COVID-19 pandemic – evidence from the Low Beskids and the Bieszczady counties, Prace Komisji Geografii Komunikacji PTG, 23(2), 28–34. Abstract: Mid-March 2020 surprised societies of many countries with restrictions resulting from a need to curb the spread of a pandemic caused by a new type of coronavirus. Poland joined this group very quickly. The growing isolation of society also had an impact on non-urban public transport, especially one that was operated at the carriers’ own risk. The author of the article had a database, current as of spring 2019, with the number of bus connections in the area of six counties covering the ranges of the Low Beskids and the Bieszczady Mountains. This was an ideal starting point for trying to answer the question what the situation is like almost exactly a year later. Based on a study conducted in early April 2020, a catastrophic picture of public transport in the area has emerged. In the case of Bieszczady and Lesko Counties, there was a total lack of local bus con- nections. In Sanok, Krosno, Jasło and Gorlice Counties, the network of connections serving mainly the capitals of these units of administrative division has been severely limited. One of the main reasons for the observed process is suspension of school activities. This is also accompanied by a reduction in adult mobility resulting from a fear of a serious disease and a greater ten- dency to use other means of transport, as well as resignation from commuting by people working in jobs where remote work is possible or in companies that suspended their activity. Maintaining this situation poses a threat of huge economic problems for carriers. If it continues for many months, it may result in difficulties in traveling to schools that may appear after the holidays. Keywords: the Low Beskids, the Bieszczady, COVID-19 pandemic, non-urban public transport, transport exclusion 1 The article was partly based on research within the framework of a project financed by the National Science Centre en- titled: An empirical pilot study on transport exclusion in mountain areas based on the example of the Low Beskids and the Biesz- czady counties (Empiryczne badania pilotażowe dotyczące problematyki wykluczenia transportowego na obszarach górskich na przykładzie powiatów Beskidu Niskiego i Bieszczad) (Miniatura 2, contract number 2018/02/X/HS4/00451). Non-urban public bus transport against the COVID-19 pandemic – evidence from the Low Beskids and the Bieszczady counties 29 Introduction of activity. Still, information on suspended routes is Mid-March 2020 surprised societies of many countries reliable at a level close to 100%. with restrictions resulting from a need to curb the Unfortunately, the picture that has emerged from spread of a pandemic caused by a new type of coro- the study is not optimistic. In the case of Bieszczady navirus. Poland joined this group very quickly. The and Lesko Counties, there was a total lack of bus growing isolation of society also had an impact on connections. In the case of Sanok, Krosno, Jasło and public transport, especially one that was operated at Gorlice Counties, the network of connections serving the carriers’ own risk. Hence an initiative emerged to mainly the capitals of these units of administrative examine the stigma that these restrictions imposed divisions was severely limited. It can be suspected on the functioning of transport. This article aims to that the main reason for the observed process is the document these changes and indicate their potential suspension of school activities. This is also accom- consequences based on the example of six counties panied by adults’ limitation of mobility with a use of situated in the mountain ranges of the Low Beskids public transport that results from a fear of a danger- and the Bieszczady (i.e. counties of Gorlice, Jasło, ous disease, as well as resignation from commuting Krosno, Sanok, Lesko and Bieszczady). by people working in jobs where remote work is pos- The author of the article had a database and maps sible or in companies that suspended their activity. documenting the shape of the network of non-urban If this situation continues, it poses a threat of huge public transport in the above-defined area, current as economic problems for carriers, and it may result in of spring 2019. It was created as part of research con- difficulties in getting to schools after the holidays. ducted within the framework of a research project The presented study is purely documentary and financed by the National Science Centre entitled: An falls in line with similar works created in Poland over empirical pilot study on transport exclusion in moun- the last few decades. It is worth remembering that tain areas based on the example of the Low Beskids in the case of non-urban bus transport, the research and the Bieszczady counties (Miniatura 2, contract output is much more limited than for railways. There number 2018/02/X/HS4/00451). This was an ideal is a definite lack of studies chronologically showing starting point for a similar study in a specific crisis the development and regression in the commuter situation that is observed almost exactly a year later. network in various spatial scales. Unfortunately, such For full data comparability, also in this study, subur- an approach to the problems of bus transport was ban lines launched as part of urban bus transport missing in one of the fundamental works by Prof. (from the towns of Gorlice, Jasło, Krosno and Sanok) T. Lijewski – Geografia transportu Polski [eng.: Ge- were excluded. Due to a more than marginal trans- ography of transport in Poland] (1986). Surprisingly, port offer, rail transport was also excluded as not hav- even during the PRL [the People’s Republic of Poland], ing any significance in the described area. The study although access to timetables was much easier, no was conducted in the week immediately preceding one ventured to present a study of the chronology Easter holidays. On the one hand, such a short time of changes in the bus network in Poland. For this rea- span leads to its high temporal homogeneity; on the son, the work by T. Lijewski, J. Lenk and H. Piotrowska other hand, we must remember that in the examined (1967), very synthetically presenting the issue of bus period some carriers changed their timetable several transport on a national scale, is rather disappointing. times, practically from day to day. Surprisingly, except Unfortunately, it does not provide information about for one case, the subject of cancelling connections the chronology of opening new links and the number practically did not hit the pages of local portals or of scheduled trips. The work by M. Kozanecka (1980) the press. This posed some difficulty in obtaining did not have some of the abovementioned shortcom- data. Therefore, in the absence of other sources of ings. The attached ribbon cartograms capturing the information, in the case of about 10 routes, mainly image of non-urban bus transport in several tem- from Jasło and Krosno Counties, due to the lack of poral cross-sections are particularly valuable from any current passenger information, the number of the viewpoint of the research presented later in the actual trips had to be estimated indirectly. It is worth article. noting that very often contact telephone numbers The stream of research of a regional character provided by carriers are not picked up. Unfortunately, includes a monograph on communication in the obviously, this state has practically not changed, and Białystok Voivodship by T. Lijewski (1962). Unfortu- what A. Ciechański (2019) observed a year ago is still nately, it is burdened with the shortcomings that valid – for a large group of bus operators there is have already been mentioned above in the case of still a lack of reliable and easily available sources of the work from 1967 by the same co-author. R. Guzik knowledge about their timetables outside their area and A. Kołoś (2015) conducted this type of research Ariel Ciechański on the public transport network in the Pomeranian 1. Network of transport links in 2019 Voivodeship. Another group of studies is research documenting To capture properly the scale of changes at the begin- the shape of public transport (mainly bus) in agglom- ning of April 2020, it is worth reaching for a similar erations or Functional Urban Areas (FUA). An article study from a year before. In 2019, significant polariza- by M. Stawicki (2014), which depicts the number of tion was mainly noticeable in the public non-urban links of Mazowsze towns with Warsaw in 2014 (out- bus transport network (Fig. 1). On the one hand, one side the area of validity of City Transport Authority can observe a very large number of routes along na- tickets) should be considered as purely documentary. tional road (DK) no. 28, but, on the other hand, the In this context, a study by J. Chodkowska-Miszczuk southern, mountainous and less populated parts of (2006) looks much better. Comparing interesting the analysed counties were mostly characterised by cartograms for the public transport network in five a much worse transport offer.
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