Wildcats Break Former Athletes Get Streaks’ Streak Orange & Blue Salute B1 B1 Herald-THE Advocate HARDEE COUNTY’S HOMETOWN COVERAGE 118th Year No. 41 2 Sections www.TheHeraldAdvocate.com 93¢ Plus 7¢ Sales Tax Thursday, September 6, 2018 Idle Mines South Pasture Mine Closure ‘Temporary’ As Mosaic Sees Stiffer Overseas Competition By MICHAEL KELLY sume normal operations. Of The Herald-Advocate Currently three draglines are operating at the Mosaic is idling its South Pasture Mine fa- South Pasture Mine. cility in Fort Green and relocating the entire Plans are to shut down two of the machines 158-person workforce until market conditions while continuing to operate the third dragline improve. with all its ore being pumped to the Four Cor- All employees will be offered positions at ners Mine for processing. various Mosaic facilities in Florida although The float plant in Fort Green will not be op- many employees will be required to switch po- erated during the closure. sitions or work for different wages. Nedley said the closure was related to the Heather Nedley, the local public affairs man- Plant City chemical plant being shut down in ager for Mosaic, said the move is “temporary” December, stating “our mines are currently but could not say if or when the mine would re- See MINE A2 School Board To Discuss IDA Offer By TOM STAIK Superintendent Bob Shayman. U.S. 17. toured by district staff because statement last week on his so- place money from the class- Of The Herald-Advocate “We are going to talk to the Earlier this month, Shayman he did not “want to get their cial media platform and room or teachers for that,” The School Board of Hardee Board.” reported that the talks had hopes up.” claimed the walkthrough had Shayman said. County will be briefed on a Administrators with The stalled after he spent several Shayman clarified that state- occurred on June 27. Roofing inspections, electri- possible land swap with the School District of Hardee weeks attempting to contact ment on Friday, saying that Shayman’s original state- cal inspections, and an air qual- Hardee County Industrial De- County have resumed meetings Lambert by phone with no suc- Lambert had provided himself ment was made Aug. 13. ity analysis are a few of the velopment Authority (IDA) with IDA Chairman Bill Lam- cess. and other senior administrators The superintendent said he many examinations the district during a closed-door session bert over a possible land swap In a previous statement to a tour of the complex. continues to be concerned over would have to provide for the later this month. of the now shuttered CareSync The Herald-Advocate, the su- The WauchulaGhost, an on- the costs associated with any building before the School “It is time we move the dis- building in exchange for the perintendent said he was glad line community activist, criti- potential land swap. Board could legally consider a cussion out of my office,” said district’s current offices on the complex had not been cized Shayman’s previous “We are not going to dis- See OFFER A2 OTTERLY EXCITING Scout Leader Gets Split Sentence In Molestation By CYNTHIA KRAHL split sentence amounting to Of The Herald-Advocate five years of confinement or A scout leader has been supervision. handed a five-year split sen- Ezelle ordered Ferguson re- tence after molesting a boy manded into custody to begin while on a troop camping and serving a jail sentence of 364 canoeing trip here. days. Following that term, Fer- Patrick Raymond Ferguson, guson is to serve one year on 20, of 5961 67th Ave. N., Pinel- house arrest. After that, he will las Park, originally was spend three more years on su- charged with lewd battery on a pervised probation. child 12 to 15 years of age, a See SENTENCE A2 second-degree felony, but agreed to plead guilty to a re- duced charge of child abuse, a third-degree felony. The plea agreement between the prosecution and the defense COURTESY PHOTO recommended no prison time This female otter is taking a break after a nice for Ferguson and spared the victim from testifying in a jury swim. Two otters currently call the Wildlife trial. Refuge home. See story and more pictures In accepting the defendant’s on A6. new plea, Circuit Judge Marcus J. Ezelle imposed a three-way Ferguson WEATHER Ceremony, Dinner To Honor Historic Duette School DATE HIGH LOW RAIN 08/28 92 72 0.00 The Duette community donated by Roux Crate Mill. The Manatee County School state register and agreed to sub- played several antique items in 08/29 89 69 1.36 school will be the site of a ded- Construction utilized lumber Board, Manatee County Build- mit it to the National Register. the auditorium. An open house 08/30 89 71 0.03 ication ceremony Saturday donated by the same company. ing Department, and Manatee On July 30 the site was se- is held the second Saturday of 08/31 89 72 0.29 (Sept. 15) as it is officially rec- The school ran several years Board of County Commission- lected for induction into the each month from 8 a.m. until 09/01 91 74 0.00 09/02 90 73 0.21 ognized as part of the National as a “Strawberry School” ers lent support to the effort, National Historical Register. noon. Landscaping at the site 09/03 84 73 0.34 Register of Historic Places. which meant it ran from April and on May 24 of this year the The Duette community has was donated by Mosaic. Rainfall to 09/03/2018 - 41.26 The ceremony, sponsored by to December so the students Florida Historical Commission created a school museum in the For information call Glass- Same period last year - 36.70 the Duette Community Associ- could be home to help on the met and voted the site into the former library room and dis- burn at 941-742-8110. Ten Year Average - 49.17 ation, will include a spaghetti strawberry farm. Source: Univ. of Fla. Ona Research Center dinner from 4-6 p.m. The school adopted a more The dedication ceremony is traditional school schedule in INDEX slated for 5 p.m. when Mana- 1959. Classifieds . .B2 teee County Clerk of Court An- Duette ran as an elementary Courthouse Report . .B4 gelina Colonneso will reveal a school until 2016 when the Crime Blotter . .A8 plaque commemorating the site Manatee County School Board Entertainment . .A9 as a historical site. chose to close the school due to Hardee Living . .A10 “After lots of work we have lagging attendance. Information Roundup .A10 gotten the retired school build- In 2016 the Duette Commu- Obituaries . .A4 ing into the National Historic nity Association was formed to Puzzles . .B11 Registry,” said Betty Glass- try to preserve the building and Save The Date . .A2 burn, member of the Duette site. The group filed an appli- School Lunch Menus . .A11 Community Association. cation to include the school in Solunar Forecast . .A3 The education complex dates the National Historical Regis- to 1930 when three schools – ter. Albritton, Bunker Hill, and “Through getting into the Duette – combined in the Register it would assure the Duette community to form a community the site would al- COURTESY PHOTO single school. ways be there if it was properly The Duette community school will be inducted Saturday into the National Register The school was built on land maintained,” Glassburn said. of Historic Places. A2 The Herald-Advocate, September 6, 2018 THE MINE Continued From A1 erald- dvocate producing phosphate rock in Mosaic’s application for the nouncing the news. SAVE H HARDEE COUNTY’SAHOMETOWN COVERAGE excess of what is being utilized proposed Ona Mine, which Last year, Nedley did not MICHAEL R. KELLY at our manufacturing facili- joins the South Pasture mine expect the South Pasture oper- Co-Publisher and Editor ties.” and received local approval in ations to be affected by the THE JAMES R. KELLY “The idling is temporary as July, included a pipeline route Plant City closure, stating the the South Pasture mine plays a that would allow the company rock from that facility would Co-Publisher critical role in the long term fu- to send matrix mined in Hardee either be trucked or railed to CYNTHIA M. KRAHL ture of our phosphates busi- County to the Four Corners fa- other Mosaic processing DATE Managing Editor ness,” she said. cility, potentially eliminating plants. NOEY DeSANTIAGO Nedley said Mosaic’s recla- the need for the Fort Green All previous employees of Production Manager mation and operations teams float plant. the mine will begin at their SEPTEMBER TOM STAIK are working through plans to Last December, Mosaic new facilities on Monday after Sports Editor 6 – Storytime/HC Public DARLENE WILLIAMS determine what reclamation CEO Joc O’Rourke announced the mothballing preparation activities will take place during the closure of the Plant City fa- has been completed. Library/315 N. 6th Assistant Ave., Wauchula/ Production Manager the closure. cility during the company’s Mosaic will consider re- “We are committed to meet- third-quarter earnings release. opening both facilities in the 10 am 115 S. Seventh Ave. • P.O. Box 338 ing our reclamation obliga- “Plant City is the highest- future if demand increases. 6 – “Stitch by Stitch” Wauchula, FL 33873 tions,” she said. “In the near cost facility amongst our Globally there is an over- Crochet and Phone: (863) 773-3255 • Fax: (863) 773-0657 term, we plan to utilize some of Florida operations, and it re- supply of phosphate fertilizer Knitting/HC Public Library/10 am [email protected] the stockpiled sand tailings and quires a disproportionate products as China, Saudi Ara- [email protected] overburden materials to further amount of sustaining capital bia and Morocco have all re- the reclamation work.” each year,” he said when an- cently increased production.
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