! i' - f •ill f - - 6 Ths WMtlta. l%< ;%•■" Ataftgs DMily Net Pxsss Raa Forecast o< V. S. WeaMtai I vpyK^nnr.rotnt IH U ^ A Y. IBPTBMBSft IT, m i Jte WMh BtaM II'(V,^i'.' jBiwi iimtrl|»0t«r ^Q^nbtg H^rall) ' 8. IS M -^ - laeraaalag sisadiBaM ■ tonight, lew W «s of the hutldlng, \o an area hous­ al hundred patntinge, drawings, 13,6S1 cktodlneas, ehaaea af i I’ni. Chapman Court, Order of Amaranth, will meat tomorrow Selective Thief ing vending machines, and aap- Lions Announce enameled works, aeulptura and r eC tha Aitait wans toEBorraw, high arated from the statiaa itself. |4boutTowii idght at 7:45 at the Maeonlc photographa, all dona by pro- o< Manehmter-—A City o f ViUago Chmtm Pry marks were also found on Art, Craft Show feaakwil and mmataur aroeta. Tm pla The associate matrons Rifles Machine VALUE m «i 9t S t Uwffn a soft-frink machlna, but no en­ Many of tha woriu are offarad and patrons night has been __ Church will apoaaor try was mad# in thla Instance. for sals. au Page 1 8 ) m C E SEVEN ■kraoeption Sunday at 10:S0 postponed and the teacup auc­ Police are seeking a selective The third annual Arts and (TWENTY PAGES) ]|^CH EStER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1964 tion has been canceled. Officers thief who last night pried o|ien Crafts Festival, aponsored by Craftamao will damonatrate YOL. tX X X m , NO. 298 da& in N«U1 .HpU to meat and their skUls d ii r ^ the festival. RATED ^SUaaina tha naw euimta, tha will wear c<nored gowns. Re­ a cigarette vending machine In the Manchester Lions Club In % freshments will be served by Five to Attend conjunction with the Manches­ Artists will make personallaed Ijiv. Jmas Bottom. ’Tom’e Ksso Station on Windsor sketches and allhouettae at the Mrs. Mary L«vett and her com­ ter Fine Art Aaaociatloo, will St. and stole an undetermined exhihithm. A refreahment atand ^kBanch ester Council of Church mittee. AL Unit Parley be held O ct 30 and 31 apd Nov. USED will offer light meals. Events oman will meat tomorrow at amount of cash and cigarettes. 1 at Manchaater High School cafetaria. AppUcations for an- Last-Hour Ford-UAW M a.m. at tha home of M n. The American Legion Auxil­ ’The thief was apparently after Miss Barbara Wallett of Man­ A8TKONADT AlUNG M w ard L. Plata, 315 Hollirtar his brand only, for strewn chester is leaving tomorrow by tering are available at Sharwln- S iary will hold its first fall meet­ wnilame Star^ 981 Main St, HOUSTON, T ex (AP) — CARS around the machines were sev­ In State f t AD women artto rapreaant ing Monday night at 8 at the plane for Dallas, Tex., where eral different packages of cigar­ she will attend the national con­ or from the Manchester Lions Manned Spacecraft Center V iqambar <duirchea are reminded American Legion Home. officials say astronaut Doan F. 4 attend. ettes, not taken In the haul. vention of the American Legion aub, Box 614. The break was reported at AuxiUary from Sept. 18 through Arrangements have been Elsele will be on limited duty The Robert Morris card par­ for about three weeks becauae RR Commuters Nullified Threat of The Punch CiUb of Mandu about n p.m., by a nearby resi­ 24. Miss Wallett la president of made to provide more area for OLOSMOBRft ty, sponsored by Hope Chapter, dent who parks his car in the the Oonit. Department of the the exhibition thla year by re- of an Injured shoulder but won’t He will have ita fall meeting have to wear a cast. thmorrow at 8 p.m. at the OES, will be held Friday at 8 station while awaiting a ride to organisation. locatUlg artists giving demon­ Under Scrutiny n E T R O T T (AP)__^Kord^may ba paid in 1066 and M al-« Announcement of the Fordh Denise said, however, that )■ noneconomic matters theva C^vnga Hall. The board of dl- p.m. at the Masonic Temple, Pratt and Whitney in East Hart­ Also going to the convention strations in the afternoon. Art­ Elsele, 84, flew home to Hous­ •64 F45 CUTIAU colm Denise, Ford vice presi' settlement came just 66 minutes Orchard St., Rockville. There ton Wednesday after dislocating Motor Co. and the United before a 10 a m. strike deadline. wer# many dlfferencea.i {.3^ VBcton win alno meat at 7:80 ford for work on the night shift. from Manchester are Mr. and ists from throughout the north­ Ooiqim. B y N .Y . F irm dent and labor relations head, will he prizes and refreshments. Pcrflce say that entry was Mrs. Eugene Freeman, Mrs. east participaM in last year’s the shoulder during weightless ♦2995 Auto Workers agreed today said this was ’’mathematically At the same time the threat of Reuther raid the Ford flight training at Wright- Pat­ tract made a number of- inP I^ ‘ 98 ■ made with a screwdriver Ruth Hickox and Michael Mc­ festival. on a new contract similar to posalble.” a strike of some ,7,000 white ’The exhibition Includes sever­ terson Air Force Baae In Ohio. NEW HAVEN (AP)— collar workers at Chrysler provements in working condi­ ^Tlia Southem New Bngiand Officers of the 8th District Heads Grange through a door on the east side Donnell. that at Chrysler (kirp. ex­ Denise, after -a bargaining Fire Department will hold a One of the companies in­ session lasting some 2S hours, plants in seven states wAs tions but created ” no utopia.” Section of tha Society of Auto- Charlotte Hutchins of 86 Broad •62 " f r cept for the addition of a averted le.ss than an hour before Denise said ’ ’1 accepted as A S(c^va Bnginaera will hold its meeting tomorrow at 7:16 p.m. volved in the English Chan­ announced the new contract sharp. Department members St. was installed master of Man­ HoHday Oonpa. Christmas bonus which contains substantially improved a 10 a.m. strike deadline. realistic settlement.” anmini Family Outing at.Mya- chester Grange for her second 8229S nel tunnel project is mak­ Seaport on Saturday. Guests will meet at ,8:16. Both meet­ UAW President Walter P. pensions, earlier retirement, Douglas Frazier, who headed Working conditions were a ings -will take place at the fire­ term last, night at Orange Hall. ing inquiries into the pos­ Reuther called “ frosting on more paid relief time, an addi­ the UAW negotiating team, raid major point with the UAW. Beth membwi are welcoma About 100 persons attended the house at Hilliard and Main Sts. sibility of taking over the the cake.’’ tional week of vacation and two the Chrysler settlement paral­ the Ford and Chrysler agrqqr S ceremony which wh* performed, more paid hclidays. lelled last week’s agreement ments provide for S6 mlnutee « JSantar Congregational Church New Haven Railroad’s New ’The Christmas bonu.s w ill' by Frank Ruff, a member of 'iZ STARMW Other improvements, Denise covering hourly rated employes. relief time dally instead of tHb School win hold a workers din- The Polish Women’s Alliance, the executive committee of the York City commuter opera­ come from the supplemental' group 246, will meet Sunday at Convertible. ♦2795 said, include larger insurance Reuther and Denise agreed previous 24 minutes for thoeh A t tomorrow evening at 8:30 Connecticut State Grange, and tion, the Associated Press unemployment benefit fund whose work pace is controlled hi Woodruff Hall for aH teach­ 2 p.m. at the Pollsh-American after the fund is fully paid up.' benefits, fully company-paid that a Christmas bonus Was his Installing team. All appoint­ le a rn t today. health insurance for both em­ by machines or assembly Unea. e r and hdpers in the Church Chib on Clinton St. ed officers were recognized by Reuther 9aid' employes could about the only economic differ­ ighool. Plans for the year will Although the firm. Technical get $25 to $100 each. .. I ployes and retirees, and in­ ences from an agreement-in- the new master. Following the Studies Inc. of New York City, creased severance pay. (See Pag* TMrteea) ** fee presented. The Rev. Clifford The new Junlm- Girl Scout •60 "88" I Reuther raid the first bonos princlple Sept. B at Chrysler. installation, James McBriefty, has made no financial commit­ Bmpson win bring an insplra- troop of St. Mary’s Elpiscopal who has served as secretary of Holiday Ooupo. ♦1695 ttonal message. Church will hold an organiza­ ment, it has communicated with ] Manchester Grange for nine appropriate agencies in New tional meeting tonight at 7 in years, was present^ with a past York and Connecticut, it was the parish hall of the church. secretsuy’s jewel. learned. Chubby Suburb _____ L LBJ Uses Built-In Advantage^ Miss Hutchins is a member of •60 DCLUXE ••9T Spokesmen for Technical j The Past Chiefs Club of Me­ the' National Grange, 7th De­ NEWTON, Mass. (AP)— Holiday Sedan. 8 1 M S w o rk h hm%st morial Temple, P3rthian Sisters, gree; pianist for the East. Cen­ Studies Inc. declined comment ’This comfortable Boston will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. tral Pomona Grange; a mem­ The company is one of those co l-' laborating on planning for the suburb is too chubby. Barry Stages First Texas Foraj at the home of Mrs. Douglas ber of the Rebekahs and is ac­ It seems that 15 per cent FRANKS Lindsay, 111 Main St. tive in the educationai depart­ proposed tunnel under the Eng­ lish Channel.
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