European Figure Skating Championships® 2016 Bratislava, Slovakia January 25 – 31, 2016 PROTOCOL ISU EUROPEAN FIGURE SKATING CHAMPIONSHIPS® 2016 January 25 – 31, 2016, Bratislava / Slovakia Protocol of the ISU European Figure Skating Championships® 2016 organized by the Slovak Figure Skating Association with the authorization of the International Skating Union held in Bratislava / Slovakia January 25 – 31, 2016 The events of the Championships took place at the “Ondrej Nepela Ice Arena” an artificial and heated indoor ice surface. Official ISU Sponsors ISU EUROPEAN FIGURE SKATING CHAMPIONSHIPS® 2016 January 25 – 31, 2016, Bratislava / Slovakia International Skating Union (ISU) Council President: Ottavio Cinquanta Italy 1st Vice President Figure Skating: David M. Dore Canada 2nd Vice President Speed Skating: Jan Dijkema Netherlands Members Figure Skating: Marie Lundmark Finland Junko Hiramatsu Japan Phyllis Howard U.S.A. Tjasa Andrée-Prosenc Slovenia Speed Skating: György Martos Hungary German Panov Russia Lan Li China Roland E. Maillard Switzerland ISU Director General Fredi Schmid Switzerland ISU Figure Skating Sports Director Charles Z. Cyr U.S.A. Krisztina Regöczy Hungary ISU Speed Skating Sports Director Hugo Herrnhof Italy ISU Sport Manager Figure Skating Peter Krick Germany Technical Committees Single & Pair Skating Chairperson: Alexander Lakernik Russia Members: Fabio Bianchetti Italy Rita Zonnekeyn Belgium Susan Lynch Australia Appointed Skater: Patrick Meier Switzerland Appointed Coach: David P. Kirby U.S.A. Ice Dance Chairperson: Halina Gordon-Poltorak Poland Members: Robert Joseph Horen U.S.A. Alla Shekhovtsova Russia Walter Zuccaro Italy Appointed Skater: Sylwia Nowak-Trebacka Poland Appointed Coach: Maurizio Margaglio Italy Synchronized Skating Chairperson: Christopher Buchanan Great Britain Members: Mika Saarelainen Finland Karen Wolanchuk U.S.A. Philippe Maitrot France Appointed Skater: Helena Ericson (Johansson) Sweden Appointed Coach: Cathy Dalton Canada Official ISU Sponsors ISU EUROPEAN FIGURE SKATING CHAMPIONSHIPS® 2016 January 25 – 31, 2016, Bratislava / Slovakia TIME SCHEDULE Date Time Event Monday, All day Official Practice January 25 10:00 1st Team Leaders Meeting Tuesday, All day Official Practice January 26 11:00 Referees and Technical Controllers Meeting 20:00 ISU and Judges Dinner Wednesday, 10:15 LADIES – Short Program January 27 16:45 Opening Ceremony on Ice 17:30 MEN – Short Program Thursday, 09:00 2nd Team Leaders Meeting January 28 12:30 ICE DANCE – Short Dance 17:45 MEN – Free Skating Friday, 14:00 PAIRS – Short Program January 29 18:00 LADIES – Free Skating Saturday, 10:00 PAIRS – Free Skating January 30 14:30 ICE DANCE – Free Dance 20:00 Closing Banquet Sunday, 14:30 Gala Exhibition January 31 Official ISU Sponsors ISU EUROPEAN FIGURE SKATING CHAMPIONSHIPS® 2016 January 25 – 31, 2016, Bratislava / Slovakia Appointed ISU Event Officials ISU Representative: Ms. Marie LUNDMARK Sports Manager Figure Skating: Mr. Peter KRICK ISU Medical Advisor: Ms. Sanda DUBRAVCIC-SIMUNJAK MD ISU Event Coordinator: Mr. Mario MEINEL ISU Event Coordinator Assistant: Mr. Wieland LÜDERS ISU Regional Event Coordinator Assistant: Mr. Margus HERNITS MEN Referee Ms. Laimute KRAUZIENE Technical Controller Mr. Benoit LAVOIE Technical Specialist Ms. Olga BARANOVA Assistant Technical Specialist Ms. Katerina KAMBERSKA Data Operator Mr. Matteo BALLABIO Replay Operator Ms. Julia DEGENHARDT LADIES Referee Ms. Adriana DOMANSKA Technical Controller Ms. Susan LYNCH Technical Specialist Mr. Shin AMANO Assistant Technical Specialist Mr. Sarkis TEWANIAN Data Operator Ms. Julia DEGENHARDT Replay Operator Mr. Matteo BALLABIO PAIRS Referee Mr. Paolo PIZZOCARI Technical Controller Ms. Florence VUYLSTEKER Technical Specialist Mr. David KIRBY Assistant Technical Specialist Mr. Alexander KUZNETSOV Data Operator Mr. Matteo BALLABIO Replay Operator Ms. Julia DEGENHARDT ICE DANCE Referee Mr. Garry HOPPE Technical Controller Ms. Alla SHEKHOVTSEVA Technical Specialist Ms. Marie BOWNESS Assistant Technical Specialist Ms. Slavka GRINCOVA Data Operator Ms. Julia DEGENHARDT Replay Operator Mr. Matteo BALLABIO Officials Assessment Commission Ms. Michela CESARO Ms. Christine HURTH Ms. Vanessa RILEY Mr. Steve WINKLER Official ISU Sponsors ISU EUROPEAN FIGURE SKATING CHAMPIONSHIPS® 2016 January 25 – 31, 2016, Bratislava / Slovakia Participating ISU Members and Entries Member Men Ladies Pairs Ice Dance Total Armenia ARM 1 1 0 1 4 Austria AUT 1 1 1 1 6 Azerbaijan AZE 1 0 0 0 1 Belarus BLR 1 1 1 1 6 Belgium BEL 1 1 0 0 2 Bulgaria BUL 0 1 0 0 1 Croatia CRO 1 0 0 0 1 Czech Republic CZE 2 1 0 1 5 Denmark DEN 0 1 0 1 3 Estonia EST 1 1 0 0 2 Finland FIN 1 1 0 1 4 France FRA 1 2 1 3 11 Georgia GEO 1 0 0 0 1 Germany GER 2 2 2 2 12 Great Britain GBR 1 1 0 1 4 Hungary HUN 1 1 1 1 6 Israel ISR 2 1 1 1 7 Italy ITA 2 2 3 3 16 Latvia LAT 1 1 0 1 4 Lithuania LTU 0 1 1 1 5 Luxembourg LUX 0 1 0 0 1 Netherlands NED 1 1 0 0 2 Norway NOR 1 1 0 0 2 Poland POL 1 0 0 1 3 Romania ROU 0 1 0 0 1 Russia RUS 3 3 3 3 18 Slovakia SVK 1 1 0 1 4 Slovenia SLO 1 1 0 0 2 Spain ESP 2 1 1 1 7 Sweden SWE 1 3 0 0 4 Switzerland SUI 1 1 1 1 6 Turkey TUR 1 1 0 1 4 Ukraine UKR 1 1 0 1 4 35 36 16 28 159 Nations 33 28 29 11 21 26.01.2016 20:32:46 Official ISU Sponsors ISU EUROPEAN FIGURE SKATING CHAMPIONSHIPS® 2016 January 25 – 31, 2016, Bratislava / Slovakia ORGANIZING COMMITEE Heads of Committee President of the Slovak Figure Skating Association Felicitas Babušíková President of the Organizing Committee Martin Letenay Sports Director Andrea Simančíková Organizing Committee Technical Director Pavol Dzuro Accomodation Wanda Stankovianska Accreditation Wanda Stankovianska Human Resources Lenka Bohunická Financial Officer Helena Kažimírová Legal Matters Kvetka Živčáková Chief Press Officer Martina Kučerová Press Officer and Sales Michaela Kov Administration Lucia Ramljaková Announcer Alfonz Juck Construction Pavol Dzuro Production Director Lukáš Donoval Production Assistant Zuzana Habodászová OC Assistant Katarína Petríková PR and Media Manager Michaela Kováčik-Grendelová Spokeswoman Jana Tuhá Judges and Technical Panels Igor Prokop Medical Alena Urvayová, M.D. Printing Office Katarína Kelschová Security Henrich Bakič Transportation Wanda Stankovianska Victory Ceremonies and Flowers Peter Brüll VIP Marek Václavík Official ISU Sponsors ISU European Figure Skating Championships 2016 MEN Ondrej Nepela Arena 27 Jan 2016 Short Program 28 Jan 2016 Free Skating Size of Skating Area : 28m*60m Ice Conditions : very good Number of Entries : 35 Number of Participants : 35 Entry Withdrawn : Short Program Duration : 2:50 Max. Segment Factor : 1.00 Program Component Factors Skating Skills 1.00 Transitions/Linking Footwork/Movement 1.00 Performance/Execution 1.00 Choreography/Composition 1.00 Interpretation 1.00 Free Skating Duration : 4:30 +- 10 Sec. Segment Factor : 1.00 Program Components Factors Skating Skills 2.00 Transitions/Linking Footwork/Movement 2.00 Performance/Execution 2.00 Choreography/Composition 2.00 Interpretation 2.00 ISU EUROPEAN FIGURE SKATING CHAMPIONSHIPS® 2016 January 25 – 31, 2016, Bratislava / Slovakia Podium Men 1st place Javier FERNANDEZ ESP 2nd place 3rd place Alexei BYCHENKO Maxim Kovtun ISR RUS Official ISU Sponsors ISU European Figure Skating Championships 2016 PANEL OF JUDGES MEN - SHORT PROGRAM Officials Technical Controller Mr. Benoit LAVOIE ISU Technical Specialist Ms. Olga BARANOVA ISU Assistant Technical Specialist Ms. Katerina KAMBERSKA ISU Judges Referee Ms. Laimute KRAUZIENE ISU Judges Ms. Senem AHISKAL ISU Mr. Richard GRAINGE ISU Ms. Marjo KANKAANRANTA ISU Mr. Yury KLIUSHNIKOV ISU Ms. Olga KOZHEMIAKINA ISU Ms. Zanna KULIK ISU Mr. Anthony LEROY ISU Ms. Gloria MORANDI ISU Ms. Saioa SANCHO ISU Data/Replay Operator Mr. Matteo BALLABIO ISU Ms. Julia DEGENHARDT ISU printed at: 30/01/2016 11:38:10 ISU European Figure Skating Championships 2016 PANEL OF JUDGES MEN - FREE SKATING Officials Technical Controller Mr. Benoit LAVOIE ISU Technical Specialist Ms. Olga BARANOVA ISU Assistant Technical Specialist Ms. Katerina KAMBERSKA ISU Judges Referee Ms. Laimute KRAUZIENE ISU Judges Ms. Senem AHISKAL ISU Ms. Nadezhda FIODOROVA ISU Ms. Anna KANTOR ISU Ms. Olga KOZHEMIAKINA ISU Mr. Anthony LEROY ISU Ms. Kvetoslava MATEJOVA ISU Ms. Gloria MORANDI ISU Ms. Saioa SANCHO ISU Ms. Elke TREITZ ISU Data/Replay Operator Mr. Matteo BALLABIO ISU Ms. Julia DEGENHARDT ISU printed at: 30/01/2016 11:38:59 !"#$%&'()*+,$-./&'*$"0+1.,/$23+4).(,53.)5$6789 :%"#;<" =%>$-!>?;$:%"#;< B@C >+4* >+1.(, <(1+@ "B -" "A('* "! +,-./0"1(23435(6 ()* "#$%&'' !! 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