![Nudibranchia: Faeelinidae](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
The malacological society of Japan Res VENUS CJap. Jour. Mulac.) VuL 5o. No,2(l991):lel-108 Tt7 tt7 .n HJzlscrkvh"R 7 a t!oeeUUtl}EtsNl:ere ,va a Z#{iJt(kK The Anatomy of PhyllodesmiiL7n seTTatum (Baba, 1949) from Japan (Nudibranchia: Faeelinidae) Kikutar6 BABA (Shigigaoka 1-11-12, Sango-cho, Ikoma-gun, Nara-ken, Japan 636) Abstract: A eomprehensive study of the anatomy of PhylZodesmaTu7n, serTat?.{m (Baba, 1949) is presented. Introduction The aeolid species Hervia serTata was established by Baba, 1949. Sub- sequently, this species has been mueh diseussed by different authors. In 1955, this species was named as Cratena serrata by Baba. In 1964, this species was made the type of the new genus Bab(za'ella by Risso-Dominguez. In 1981, the Babaiella was genus synonymized with Phyllodesmium Ehrenberg, 1831 by Rudman. This paper forms a taxonomical review of Phyllodes7niu?n serratum from the standpoint of the general ana,tomy of the species. Aleyltottesmium serratum (Baba, 1949) (Fig. 1, A-H; PL 1, figs. 1-3) Synonymy : Hervia serrata Baba, 1949: 105-106, 179, pL46, figs. 156-157, textifigs. 142-143 Bay>. Maenae, 1954a: (Sagami 9. 29 (comment). Maenae, 1954b: 54 (comment). Er. Marcus, 1958: 60, 62 (comment), Crate7La seTrata. Baba, 1955: 36, 56 (generic name ehange). Baba-iella serrata, Risso-Dominguez, 1964: 223 (generic name ehange), Phyllodesmium serrata. Rudman, 1981: 260 (generie name ehange). Phytlodes77ziu7n serra-tum, Baba, 1990: 202 (list). Material: No. 1. Akazumi, Noto Pen., Aug. 8, 1967, 1 specimen eoll. by Takaoka Biol. Club, 12mm; No. 2. Echizen-cho, Eehizen coast, Aug, 12, 1966, several speeimens coll. by Takaoka Biol. Club, 10 mm (partly prepared in H. S.) ; No. 3. Kada, Osaka Bay, May 5, 1962, 1 speeimen coll. by Mr. Tetsuzo Yasukawa, 25mm; No. 4. Sugashima near Toba, Apr, 20, 1954, 1 specimen coll, by Dr. 18mm; No. Manabu Kojima, 5. Kami-osawa near Wajima, Noto Pen,, Aug. 2, NII-Electronic Library Service The malacological society of Japan 102 VENUS:VoL 50, No, 2 (1991) Fa <LIE1o ts.vy st::3I ',XN'j 'f goLl , '' tliLl n ,lT'1 il ) a ' Lli il l te i: blt ll tl+ -d, k Lls ll ll -i x` , l'Eei・-tIJ11L3 itl C tallI Ca D wh sc P Cb Cc p tw @ g NII-Electronic Library Service The malaoologioalmalacological societysooiety of Japan Baba : Anatomy of Phytlodesmium serratum 103 . seve ral specimens coll . . mm 1987 , by Takaoka Biol Club , 20 (photograph ); No .6.且 ashirimizu near Uraga Tokyo Bay May 22 1989 1specimen coll . by , , , , Miss Keiko Ohkawa ,40 mm (photograph by Ohkawa ); No . 7. Locality a.nd as above − collector , date May 13, 1990, 3specimens 15 25 mm (a spawn coil was an aquarium across . additional − laid in , 8mm ). More specimens for observa tions were collec 七ed from different localities of Japan (detailed Iist omitted ). − − ∬)escription : Body length up to 40 mm , mostly 10 25 mm . Both the oral tentacles and rhinophores are slender and simple (rarely 七he latter are wrinkled on their s urface ). The foot corners form short horns. The branchial papillae or cerata are eylindrica1 0ften curved apically and . the long , , deciduou8 They are set on either side of body in single −rowed arches in the anterior half of the body and single −rowed simple rows more posteriorly . The genital orifices open below the .fore−arm of first right the arch , the anus opens in the centre of the right second arch , and 七he nephroproct lies in front of this arch . The liver diverticulum within the cerata is simple bu 七 it may be .more or less , corrugated when these cerata are contracted . The cnidosac or the terminal sac . (Rudman ,1981 : 245 ) lies close to (in small specimens ), or rather separated from (in larger specimens ), the distal end of the liver diverticulum. The terminal sae is small and thin −walled without a layer of cnidocysts on the inner w 乱 1]. The general integument of the body is yellowish white and translucent . The back is more yellowish owing to 七he viscera showing through 、 The upper halves Fig.1. Phyllodesmium serratum サ ガ ミ ミ ノ ウ ミ ウ シ − − [A ,G . Material No .1 ; B1 3, H . Material No .2 ; C , Ca c . Material No .3 ; − D .Material No .1supplemented by Material No .2 (H . S.);E . Fa b. Material No .4.] A .Entire animal from above ,12 mm 全 形 背面 ,体 長 12 mm ; B . Cerata 鰓 − 突起 (Bl . when furly extended 充 分 に 伸長 し た 時 ; B2 . when slightly con tracted 少 し く収 縮 し た 時 ; B3 . when strongly contracted 強 く収縮 し た 時); C .Part量al figure of the contracted ceras and Ca . Cb to Cc. isolated liver cells forming the liver diverticulum Ca orange cells Cb cell and Cc ( . , .yellowish , . 一. colorless cell ) 強 く収 縮 し た 鰓 突 起 部拡 大 (C )及 び 分 離 され た 肝 盲 管 細 胞 (Ca . 橙 色 肝 細 胞 ,Cb .微黄 色 肝 細 胞 , Cc .無 色 肝 細 胞); D 。 Reconstracted internal anatomy of the body from above 体 内 部 解 剖 再構 成 図 背面 よ り ;E . R 三ght jaw from outside 右 顎 板.外 面 よ り ; F . Radular teeth 歯舌 の 歯 (Fa . a tooth from . above 歯 の 上 面 よ り ; Fb . a tooth from lateral side 歯 の 側 面 よ り);G . General − anatomy of the genital system frQm above 生 殖 器 系 背 面 よ り ; H . Reconstra cted anatomy of the genital syste 皿 from above 生殖 器 系 解 剖 再 構 成 図 背面 よ り. Letters 言己号 : a .anus 肛 門 ;am . ampulla 貯 精 部 ;d 。 denticles小 歯列 ; fg. female gland mass 雌 性 付 属 腺 部 ; fo . female orifice 雌 性 孔 ; go . genital ori 丘ce 生殖 門 ; hd . herma 一 phrodite duct 両 性 生殖 輸 管 ; k .kidney (renal system )腎 (排 出系); L1 . right liver 右 肝 ;L2 . left anterior liver左前 肝 ;L3 . Ieft posterior liver .左 後肝 ;mg . mucous glands 粘 液 腺 lmo . male orifice 雄性 孔 ; n . nephroproct 腎 門 ; o ▼ . oviduct 輸 卵 管 ; p . penis . . 陰 茎 ; pr . prostate 前 立 腺 ; sc . terminal sac 末 端 嚢 ; sg . salivary gland 唾 腺 ; t. sper matheca (black pigmented ) 受 精 嚢 (黒 染 ); ▼ . vagina 膣 ; w . opaque white 蛋 自 色 . 一 NII-ElectronicN 工 工 Eleotronio Library Service The malacologicalsocietymalacological society of Japan 104 VENUS: Vol, 50, No.2(1991) of the oral tentacles, rhinophores and cerata are densely pigmerited with opaque white. There is a median white band running from the head to the tail. The liver diverticula within the cerata are rose, pink or orange red. Under certain light, the overall white-pigmented integument of the body may appear to be bluish white. The isolated liver cells consist of orange eells, yellowish cells and colorless cells, and the first-named cells are the most abundant. Zooxanthellae are absent from the liver diverticula. The liver system consists of a right liver, a left anterior liver, and a left posteTior liver. The kidney is mueh branehed. The jaw-plate is sinuated behind. The masticatory edge of the jaw has a single row of about 10 small denticles. The radular formula is 15 × O.1.0. Eaeh tooth is V-shaped with a row of 25-30 minute denticles or serrations on both edges of the eusp. The genitalia have a single spermatheea. The vas deferens is prostatic. The penis is unarmed. Rema-rks: In the genus Phyllodes7niam (s.1.), the species PL serrattcm is strueturally one of the simplest. Namely, (1) the eerata are cylindrical, and smooth, not nodu]ose, on the outer surfaee, nor they flattened; (2) the liver diverticulum within the cerata is simple, not branehed, and not aceommodating symbiotic zooxanthellae; and (3) the denticles on the jaw-eclge are small in size. Phyllodesmium horriclum (Maenae, 1954a) from S. Africa is similar in body- colors to P. serratum. Aecording to Macnae (1954a) and Rudman (1991), the two speeies are sepa[rable from each other by some differences of eharacters in reference to the coloring of the cerata and the radular morphelogy. The occurrence of P. serratum in Australia is demonstrated by Rudman (1991: 170-175). Quite recently (1990), Miss K. Ohkawa reported that in Fukaura, Aomori Pref., and Hashiri-mizu near Uraga, Tokyo Bay, the animals of Phylloelesmium serratum were found feeding on co]onies of the aleyonarian, CornztlaTia sp. and she saw that the terminal sac of the cerata of the aeolid was separated from the distal end of the liver diverticulum. Fortunately, she gave me the opportunity to examine fresh specimens (Material No. 7) of P. serratum, together with a bit of the feod alcyenarian. The nudibranchs were kept alive in a vessel, and some of her observations could be eonfirmed. The polyps of the aleyenarian were orange, and destitute of zooxanthellae. These eireumstanees rnay account, to a certain extent, for the orange color of the aeolid (Ohkawa, 1990), and the absence of zooxanthellae from the liver system of the aeolid. Acknowtedgements:-I am grateful to Dr. R.C. Willan (Department of Zoology, the University of Queensland, Australia) and Dr. G. McDonald (Joseph M. Long MaTine Laboratory, the University of CalifoTnia, America) for kindly giving me adviees for my manuseript. Also I am grateful to the many Japanese friends who generously helped rne in various ways during the eouTse of this study. NII-Electronic Library Service The malaoologioalmalacological societysooiety of Japan Baba : Anatomy of phyllodesmium serrat ” m 105 要 約 サ ガ ミ ミ ノ ウ ミ ウ シ Phyllodesminm serratum (Baba ,1949) は 体 長最 大 40 mm ,普 通 は 10〜25 = ミ ノ 一 mln 。 外 形 .L の 特 長 と し て 背 側 縁 の 鰓 突 起 突起 は 細 長 で , 単 な 円 柱 状 を 呈 し ,脱落性 で ,偏 こ い 口 ・ 一 圧 す る と な く ,先 端 部 は 彎 曲 し や す 。 触 手 触 角 共 に 単 , 足 隅 は 短 角状 。 全 体 部 地 色 は 黄 白 は の た め 口 ・ ・ の 色 ,背 部 内 臓 透 見 黄 色強 くな る 。 触 手 触 角 鰓 突 起等 そ れ ぞ れ 上 半部 は 蛋 自色 。 背中 線 一L に は 1 条 の 蛋 白 色 縦 帯 が あ る 。 全 体 部 は 光 線 の ぐあ い で ,青 白 色 に 見 え る 。鰓 突 起 の 中 脈 (肝 盲 の 管 ) は 燈 赤 色 。 顎 板 縁 は 少 数 小 歯 を 生 じ る 。歯 式 は 15× 0.1.0.各歯 は V 字 状 , .1噛 尖 の 両側 に は . ニ 各側多数 の 小 鋸 歯 を 配 列 し , こ れ に よ っ て ク セ ア ウ ミ ウ シ 属 く広 義) Phyllodesmium (S ,L) 中 に 編 ノ シ ・ ン ゴ の ノ・ ゴ 入 され た 。 サ ガ ミ ミ ウ ミ ウ は 腔 腸 動 物 八 放 サ 虫類 ナ ケ Cornularia
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