University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1968 The aiD ly Lobo 1961 - 1970 12-5-1968 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 072, No 56, 12/5/ 1968 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1968 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 072, No 56, 12/5/1968." 72, 56 (1968). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1968/126 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1961 - 1970 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1968 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ,..!11111!1---.. ----~~~·1!1.-·----- ..-------------------------- ..-- ..........----------------- -- Wednesday, December 4, 1968 Page 8 NEW MEXICO LOBO Daley Denies Police Rioted at Convention . / been sufficient evidence of im- or might make an mterim repo_rt CHICAGO (UPI)-Mayor Rich­ Democratic National Convention. The mayor denied, as charged in the report, that his controver­ proper conduct there has been to U.S. District Court Judge Wll­ ard J. Daley and Police Supt. Conlisk, in his first public re­ discipliuary action" he said. Nine liam J. Campbell, who ordered the James B. Conlis~ Jr. Tuesday action to the so-called Walker sial order of "shoot to kill arson­ ists and maim looter~>" after the officers have been 'suspended, and investigation. No. 56 denied police rioted while com­ Report, said in a news conference a lOth officer who was recom- Foran would not comment on Vol. 72 Thursday, December 5, 1968 batting demonstrators during the that he "rejects Mr. Walker's April west side :riots influenced conclusions the police were the police actions during the conven­ mended for suspension by the In- the Walker report. But he said it rioters of convention week. To tion. te:rnal Inspections Division has would be impossible for him to Want Ads speak of a 'police riot' is to dis­ "That order had nothing to do resigned.'' use material in the task force re­ FOR RENT Conlis~ said fo1;1r other police- port for p:rosecution _because none tort the history of those days in with it," he said. "We have had men have been recommended for of the testimony was sworn and TWO GffiLS or TWO BOYS to shnrc my August," he said. a lot of parades and demonstra­ discharge and investigations of relatively few names were used. home in. N.W. $50 month or $25 each. Daley shifted his position from tions since then with no trouble." Suspended Trio After 6 p.m. at 344-9965. other complaints are still in FOR SALE that of Sunday, when he called He also denied reports that he progress. the report of the government tas~ had been at odds with the Justice GE HSwingcr'' portable tnpe recorders, AC­ "If Mr. Walker, after his in­ Patronize lJO Battery, Used, minor repairs needed. force "excellent" with "some res­ Department on the que5tion of $25, ach. Call 277-2601 or sec in Room ervations." how to handle the threatened vestigation, has any additional l\34, 1\!csa Vista Hall. ffi ffi ffi vidence against specific police of­ Lobo Advertisers demonstrations. ZENITH PORTABLE STEREO, Like new. In a news conference Tuesday, ficers, he has the responsibility to Goes to Class Two speaker units each containing 8 in. Daley denied police rioting. Misconduct Not Condoned & 4 in. speaker. Best offer. Call 268·8371 produce it," Conlisk said. or 247-8'105. "No Rioting" Conlisk said he had read the Jury Results Expected G3 Voll<Swng~n Sedan, Sunroof, radio. $750. "There wasn't any police riot­ entire 345-page "Rights in Con­ rnsh. Cont.nct: Vermont, Box 477, Pia.. U.S. Atty. Thomas A. Foran eltus, New Mex. H7043. ing during the convention," he flict" report and that his dis­ agreement with Daniel Walker, said Tuesday he expects the first STimEO COMPONENT SYSTEM, includes said. results of a federal grand jury Pending Appeal ~mplifi('r, tuner. turntnhlc & apenkersj "I take exception to the entire head of the study team, "should investigation into the convention S2UU. AL•o for· sale, clcetric J>ortable summary. The report itself is not be interpreted as condoning Manuel Wright, Larry Russell, pensions and preferred charges typewriter (Smith Corona 110) $130. Call wek rioting within the next two and Allen Cooper have been read­ against the three with Student 277-4461. complete. The only thing lacking any misconduct by any police months and possibly this month. coiiv AiR OWNER_S_ :__ Spoke ~\;;,(,j. hub: officer." mitted to the university pending a Standartls with a recommendation is substantiation of the charges Foran planned to confer with raps (four) for t-::r• r-.·lwel:i. Unlf price, "In instances where there has final decision by UNM President that th~·y be suspended from the like new. Call 242~1i7:.!5 aftEr G ll.m. made in the summary," he said. Justice Depal'tment officials in WORLri'S~llmstdfffiCU-lt ji!~sa;v ptiz?.f~ triP Ferrel Heady on their recent sus­ university. glru;::ms. -atru;whC>ITY r-a.nd1es. flower Pen.. Washington Wednesday on the pensions by the Student Stand­ Lavender, who received a copy cils .. hip Chri:ltnms r.ard~. The llo 'rrce. possible results of the investiga­ ards Board. of the letter Heady sent to the 2218 Central SB-:;2:.:42:.-=20:.:1.:~:·..,....---:----- tion. He said the grand jury three suspended students, told 1~66 BSA, 441 cc dncrlc ~audition like new. might return initial indictments The three filed a joint appeal Top cash offer tnk"" it. Call Tom Tapia ~am pus Briefs with President Heady and re­ The Lobo last night that the ap­ 268-0691. quested that the suspensions he peals were now "completely in HELP WANTl.;D 6, the hands of the president." BABYSITTER WANTED~h~y-.th~e-w-ee""k. The eighth annual "Duke-City On Friday, Dec. the UNM stayed until he arrived at a final Must have own transportation. Intercst(.ld Debate Tournament,'' sponsored cheerleaders will sponsor a dance decision. Heady said that he would fol­ persons please contact Mrs. Angel at at the Newman Center from 8 to low the established procedures 2323 Kathryn SE Apt. 426, Bldg. 28. by the UNM Speech Department, Heady has asked that the stu­ will begin Thursday, Dec. 5, in 12 p.m. The music wiii be pro­ "Ye are thE;J leaves of one tree, dents submit written statements for suspensions appeals during SERVlCES the Kiva at 7:30 p.m. vided by the "Bounty Hunters." his consideration of the students' TYPING - TERM PAPERS, theses, ete. and the waves of one sea'' to him stating their cases. Heady Twenty-five universitie~>, Ari­ Admission wiii be 75 cents stag, will use the statements, along cases. 268-8908. 605-A Kentucky SE. and $1 with a date. MlMEOGRAPHING-all kinds - reports· zona, California, Colorado, Kan­ with other evidence pertaining to Appeals Follow Metings At last night's senate meeting Senator Steve van Dresser voiced his programs • letters • CHRISTMAS LET­ sas, Nevada, Oklahoma, South the suspensions, when he reviews The appeals to Heady came approval of a measure which would give the student lobby chairman TERS - notlccs or meetings • lessons. Carolina, and Texas included, will Michael McClu:re, will read Senate Meeting Prompt-cfllcient-reasonnblc. Call 256- *** the suspensions. after nearly two weeks of stu- the power to place questions on election ballots. Senate refused to con­ 7373. attend the tournament. from his works Friday at 8 p.m. sider the bill last night. in the UNM Anthropology Lec­ Wright, Russell, and Cooper dent and ad hoc faculty commit­ TYPING done in my- home. Spcefnl ex­ The events featured in the tour­ perience with sc!entlflc papers, Close to nament are: original oratory, ex­ ture Han. were suspended for a fuii aca- tee meetings. Students and some UNM, 265-4990. temperaneous speaking, oral in­ The nationally-acclaimed San demic year two weeks ago by the faculty members marched in a PERSONALS terpretation, and traditional de­ Francisco writer gained promin­ Student Standards Board. The Complicity Band demonstration To Student Lobby CHRISSIE G. a UNM English mdor is In bate. The topic for debate will be ence when his play, "The Beard," three were charged with "disrupt- on the Administration Building Iove-llnd will soon be engaged to n boy ing the university's educational last week. nnm-ed Michael. "Resolve: Executive control of had numerous performances raid­ ed and the cast arrested for al­ process.'' Until recently, the three had SAVINGS before student rates increase U.S. foreign policy should be give gift sl!bsccipt!ons to NEWSWEEK leged obscenity. given no indication that they significantly curtailed!' Suspended After Demonstration & PLAYBOY. Other magazines avalllable The University of Southern His poetic aim, he says, is lib­ would appeal the Student Stand­ (including Esquire, Time & Atlas) at Senate Denies Referendum student rates. Americ:>n Iln.nk ot Com­ California will debate Fermin eration for himself and, hope­ The three were suspended after ards decision to Heady. Heady merce in SUB !or details. College of South Carolina, Thurs­ fully, the reader. their participation in a demon­ has 30 days to dispose of the By JOY HART fore the next senate meeting. by people outside the university CHRISTMAS BRAND NAME Men's toilet.. Admission to the reading is Old Towll Plaza stration against the Naval Re­ cases. Staff Writer Stuart Licht, chairman of the community. Senator Terry Ca1- ries (Old Spice, Jade, etc.) wholesale day at 7:30 p.m. in the Kiva. prices. Make your quick money on a ]~gal Each team wiii participate in six free and open to the public.
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