March 2011 Lecester’s Local Transport Plan 2011 – 2026 ‘Plannng for people not cars’ Part A – the Transport Strategy Regeneraton, Hghways and Transportaton Lecester Cty Councl A Block New Walk centre Lecester LE1 6ZG ISBN 1901156427 Leicester’s Local Transport Plan 2011 - 2026 Leicester’s Local Transport Plan 2011 - 2026 Document Ttle Lecester’s Local Transport Plan 2011 – 2026 “Plannng for people not cars” Part A – the Transport Strategy Project No N/A Issue No. Frst Edton - March 2011 Locaton www.lecester.gov.uk Fle Name N/A Prmary Author Garry Scott Revewer Mark Wlls Approved By Full Councl Date of Approval 24th March 2011 Lecester Cty Councl Contact Name: Garry Scott Regeneraton, Hghways and Transport Dvson Tel No: 0116 252 6526 New Walk Centre A6 Emal: [email protected] Welford Place Lecester LE1 6ZG Dstrbuton Lst / Amendment Detals Issue Issue Prepared Approved by Dstrbuton Amendment Detals No Date by 1st Edton March 2011 Garry Scott Full Councl Internet (Document Control Form- RHT-Gen-100-F4-Issue1) Leicester’s Local Transport Plan 2011 - 2026 v Leicester’s Local Transport Plan 2011 - 2026 FOREWORD The last few years have been partcularly exctng tmes for Lecester. We have made significant progress in delivering major shopping, leisure, business and housing regeneraton. The whole of the Lecester communty can all share n the successes of projects such as Hghcross, Curve, Phase One of the New Busness Quarter and nnovatve new housng at Freemens Meadow. Many have been award wnnng and all have earned the cty wdespread recognton. They have been underpnned by a transformaton of the streets and spaces n the cty centre and some excellent trans- port schemes such as Enderby Park and Rde, Upperton Road Vaduct Regeneraton Scheme, Humberstone Road Qualty Bus Corrdor Scheme and many walkng and cyclng ntatves to create a cleaner, safer and more attractve envronment. These changes have been an enormous boost for the prosperty, attractveness and reputation of the city during recent difficult times, with bus patronage and cycling con- tnung to grow, congeston under control and reduced road accdent casualtes. Ths represents the firm foundations of an ambitious long term strategy. We have been workng wth our partners to create One Lecester: a 25 year journey to create a cty of confidence, prosperity and beauty for all its residents, users and investors. But there are challenging times ahead for all of us. The current economic difficulties are deep, unprecedented and global. We wll contnue to work wth others to help meet One Lecester 25 year targets, but we must also work hard and creatvely to find local solutions, to minimise the negative impacts of the recession and continue to delver postve change. We need to delver new housng of the rght type and n the rght places. We must try to create the physcal condtons that wll attract major nward nvestment but ensure that local people can benefit from the growth of new businesses, jobs and training fa- cltes. At the same tme we need to protect and use our mportant and valued assets and resources to create thrvng, attractve, safe places wth facltes that people want and need, both n the cty centre and n local neghbourhoods. Lecester’s Transport Strategy wll contnue to be key to achevng these objectves n the pursut of trple wn solutons – “economy, health and envronment”. Our Transport Strategy has been influenced and has influenced One Leicester and our supporting key strateges, such as our Core (land use plannng) Strategy, as well as recogns- ng Lecester’s ablty to help delver regonal and natonal goals. Ths Local Transport Plan updates our current strategy to meet the challenges and opportuntes ahead. In order that we can contnue to respond to changng condtons, and grasp new op- portuntes, we wll contnually montor our progress as the strategy s delvered. We intend to review and update the strategy in about five years, to ensure that it contin- ues to be as approprate and effectve as possble. Councllor Abdul Osman Cabnet Lead for Regeneraton and Transport Lecester Cty Councl Leicester’s Local Transport Plan 2011 - 2026 v ANY VIEWS OR COMMENTS? PLEASE CONTACT US: Garry Scott Lecester Cty Councl Block A, New Walk centre Lecester, LE1 6ZG Tel: 0116 252 6526 e-mal: [email protected] Where can I get a free copy? The Customer Services Centre New Walk centre, Welford Place, Lecester Telephone: 0116 252 7000 Where can I see a copy? The Reference and Information Library Bshop Street, Lecester All lbrares n Lecester Where can I see it on-line? www.lecester.gov.uk Is there a summary? A summary leaflet of the Local Transport Plan will be avalable from May 2011 and wll be avalable on-lne Where can I get a copy in other languages? Telephone 0116 252 7026 for a summary leaflet avalable n Gujarat, Punjab, Bengal, Urdu and Somal Where can I get audio tapes, large print and easy read versions? Telephone Garry Scott on 0116 252 6526 v Leicester’s Local Transport Plan 2011 - 2026 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Welcome to Lecester’s thrd Local Transport Plan (LTP3) coverng the perod to 2026. The LTP3 s splt nto two: Part A (the strategy part) and Part B (the mplemen- taton part, ntally coverng a four year perod). These man documents are support- ed by five key operational plans as detailed at the end of the contents pages. We have rsen to the challenge of preparng the LTP3 durng a tme of great change due to a new government wth new deas, takng nto account the current natonal priority of reducing the budget deficit and the important localism agenda replacing natonal and regonal drectves – partcularly demonstrated by our comprehensve consultaton showng strong local support for our proposals. The result s an LTP well algned wth current and emergng government prortes and meetng local requre- ments. The development of LTP3 recognses the fact that transport s not an end n tself but one of a combnaton of factors contrbutng to sustanable economc growth and socal ncluson. It has been developed n partnershp and co-ordnates plannng and acton across many agendas, ncludng educaton and sklls, health, housng, regen- eraton, and nfrastructure plannng and development. It seeks sustanable mprove- ments n economc performance, an nclusve socety, a better envronment and a better qualty of lfe. It has been desgned to support new homes and new jobs, whlst protectng exstng. Our transport vision is: To help transform Leicester into Britain’s sustainable city that will be a great and pros- perous place to live but also somewhere that does not place a burden on the planet in future years. Successful delvery of our local transport plan wll enable us to take a really bg step forward towards realsng ths ambton. It wll also enable us to make more rapd progress n delverng attractve alternatves to car travel and to cater for some of the hghest levels of housng growth n the country to 2026 and beyond whlst: » Keepng congeston under control and mprovng accessblty for all, but partcularly for deprved groups, to support a new prosperty wth economc growth and new jobs » Encouragng more people walkng, cyclng and usng publc transport to reduce carbon emssons » Provdng a transport system that facltates for a safer and healther way of lfe Leicester’s Local Transport Plan 2011 - 2026 v Locally ths translates nto many more resdents walkng and/or cyclng the shorter journeys n and around the cty and usng the bus for longer journeys, partcularly nto Lecester cty centre, nstead of usng the car. To help us achieve all of this, having clarified and defined our transport challenges, we have adopted five local transport goals with one overarching goal: » Economc Growth Supported – Lecester s more prosperous » Carbon Emssons Reduced – Lecester’ carbon footprnt s reduced » Equalty of Opportunty Promoted – Lecester’s people are more confident » Better Safety, Securty and Health – Lecester’s people are more healthy, safe and secure » Populaton Growth s supported – Lecester’s Populaton s ncreased in a sustanable manner » Overarchng Goal - Qualty of Lfe and a Healthy Natural Envronment are Improved - Lecester s a more attractve place In order to delver our goals, we have developed transport objectves to focus our transport strateges. » To Reduce Congeston and Improve Journey Tmes » To Improve Connectvty and Access » To Improve Safety, Securty and Health » To Improve Ar Qualty and Reduce Nose » To Reduce Carbon Emssons » Manage to Better Mantan Transport Assets » To Improve Qualty of Lfe The Qualty of Lfe objectve s overarchng to each of the other objectves and wll be ntrnscally delvered through all of our nterventons. The strategy chapters 4 – 9 are then based on each objectve n turn, there beng no separate chapter for Qualty of Lfe. We have carred out an extensve consultaton that has demonstrated that there s strong support for our proposals. The results show that whle congeston reducton s clearly consdered to be the most mportant objectve, road safety, mantenance and ar qualty are not far behnd. v Leicester’s Local Transport Plan 2011 - 2026 The focus of the overall LTP3 programme wll be on sustanable transport that wll help grow the economy, protect and create jobs, whlst reducng carbon emssons and helpng to mprove ar qualty, encouragng actve and safe travel and mprovng accessblty, wth well mantaned assets. Our immediate focus for the first implementation plan period will be to commence the delvery of a package of cty centre bus mprovements n order for us to realse the key transport outcomes for Lecester. Encouragng walkng and cyclng wll also be part of the strategy.
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