PAGE THREE MONDAY, MAY 14, 1917. EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, W)t WBtaUp iBullnogger flCH GARDEN AT rr. rniin uiiniirn nilT MEN'S MONIrAV, MAY H, 117. , tliHU NAutltU UUI Mounting-- the !aalry. a prospect of making Investments. To The Dean Tatom Co: re purchases consist of three Th oueation of mounting: the date their AXI GUTTING es- OX KAMTAfiK serve cavalrymen of I'endletoti la per- acres of beer and a quart of real VMATII.I.A IS plexing to the officers. We suggest tate. f KAItS ARK tfA.T KOU 683 that if thry march up and down the COl'XTY BKUHiK. Phone pavement for a time tney win a" Work IS III Traveling Companion. SUITS passed through Pen- Charley-horse- or If they F. F. Turney Items Todhuntrr have that belong- O. J. pay enough attention to their diet dleton last week drawing his I4vcry Stable: OUmt Men ami they can have all the nightmares they ings In a cart as does a horse. He Note" of Inters. Here is just what you have been TRY A CAN OF THESE SOLID PACKED said he was In' search of work. J. want. already is practical GALLON CANNED FRUITS Fee. Jr., says he thinks he's (Kast oregonlan Kpeclal.) looking; for. A suit that Among tin- - Marrh'd Men. found it, KCHO. May 14. The Cmatilla riv- wear. "1 didn't see you at drill last night.' er at this point is up again as high for a'nx occasion for out of doors In Peaches, Blackberries, Loganberries and id a second unit man to Private "Selective CaddyinsT. as it has been this spring. The raise shade, also olive James Alger Fee. "What Is your The local golfers have standardized waa caused by the heavy rains of the A neat cloth, tan Apples alio)?" their caddy fees. They pay 25 cents past few days. Much alfalfa and gar- 'Norfolk style. It's a "No alibi at all." said ITlvate ree. an hour, no more, no less. Most of den land Is being destroyed. shade, made a goon one an apprehension Is' felt 50c TIN. who as a vouna father, gets the golfers only play round Considerable man around a car. THE deal ot night marching at home. "It evening and cover the distance in an for the county bridge here as the jet- great suit for the waa a lullaby." hour handily. Most of the caddies like ty above the bridge is almost swept to hire out to the old seasoned play- away 'by the changing currents. bined. AH sizes. Tlio Soiiif of Hie I'nlla. ers. Not so young Bobby Fletcher. 0. J. McCullough has rented the is good on service'com- - PEANUT BUTTER, in tin, this of We march and turn and skirmish He has an eye to the commercial end John Todhunter livery atable It's a suit with style and ' in' a way most comprehensive. of the sport. He always caddies for Buckley street and took charge of it quality 25?, 50? and $1.0O We do not care at all because i,.. unohnnun when he can because last Wednesday. The movements are offensive. he says, it takes Buck two hours to Mr. and Mrs. McCullough will oc- QUAKER ROLLED OATS, in big round make a round. cupy the Todhunter residence. More Weakly) jtiUlilogjret. Mr. and Mrs. John Todhunter lef: 111 '. Noting our verses inaplred by the on Thursday for Brogan, Malheur $20 $25 packages 25? HEAt, BKIJT RRUITIONS. 1. expect to make Priced ; a Pendleton ratner i . i county, where they t. i f. .zemn. Ik more active in h indicted own feelings on tha d. home. his spring the blood Is over-heate- their and when 1. -- .. i, Wash, vis COOKING COMPOUNDS Flake White subject Into verse, e. nf Seattle the burning Itcnwg torture is unnear-ahl- last week My daughter is a soldier girl. relieve It it once and heal the ited with friends in Kcho Swifts Cotosnet, pail 75? and $1.25 I she ll make a iaiiu, Mrs. F. M. Bryant and daughter think eruptions with Dr. Hobson's Ecien.a visiting at Mv monthly hills convince me remedy Is Opal of Duncan, are here handy. Oointment. Thle antiseptic CASCADE BUTTER, 45c LB. At charging she'll be promptly effective in all skin trou- the C.ulliford home. D. Hajl of Rainier. Ore., arrived I bles. Pimples, blackheads, acne, tet expects to remain A lHtlitil ITie.icct. ter, ring worm, scaly blotchy sum. here last week and ihui vies Matlock has found during the summer. all respond to Dr. Hobson's Eczema - crop of a Mrs. F. M. Scrivner and Mrs. I. H- several gold nuggets in the Ointment. Get !t today at your drug Wednesday .til..!ren StlKOeCt that R gOOO lliailT gists. 50c, guaranteed. Adv. CMbbell returned home will upon the excuse evening from Portland wnere me at- of our men seiie rally. up the trail or cnicaens. tended the Maccabee to take anti-mumaki- groups return with America's Hpokane 0 i ixvkxtio Marion Smith, who has been in the Both ana TI'ltXKI (HT KVKItY MINITKS Auto Co.. left cash, with the promise of fooa Strand and T. unnliiKnain; rnu Yesi. Yes! employ of the Echo nitinn shipping Immediately. QUALITY DENTISTRY and llaldwln. Kditor Hulldogger: Thursday for pocatello, Idaho. 1' 6. 1 l iv in. The Am left soldiers when needed. nuut VuUm .n0-fru- aovernment AuwivnTnv Mrs. Fay Wood and children, and TS the anti-subm- a SPOR . ,0 0 erican brain can turn out Brogan, Ore., Joffre will visit west roini according Thursday evening for Tacoma draft men and place them one every min- demy this afternoon to review the :lark and Hyler; I'lllell ana m-i- names, would not IJerr Waf- - rine Inventions four on visit to the home of Mrs. Wood's late Iiragiie. to their utes. Over a thousand devices have a cadets. foam vena. he found in the commissary De brother. Manuel Todhunter. n. k. n. been submited to the navy department Spinning h. partment along with the Beans, .the germ Mr and Mrs. J. Frank 1 IjcaK-ue-. in a few days. ome contain a W. B. Hinkle of Ioit Anseles American the Korn? im- xie onri Mrs. S 0 Rite and of usefulness, although most are aner-noo- n 1'ortland lioston 1. Dt'truit 2. CONSTANT READKIt. this place visited on Sunday Dr. F. practicable. KflHH Ryan. Brown, C'randall and Ma- F'hlludf Iphla I. St. Louis with J. T. Hinkle and family of A GRADUATE L Houck, H.0frich. WashinKton 0, Cleveland 5. lum; Harrlnston. Ho Mlsa 'Fju. Anl-i- t times Hermiston. 0. 1. omldn't Nature. There are Finches and Fisher. New York t'hlcago Department Store - Is Mrs. B. M. Kephart or joroau. 4 S Th. Homier when you should assfst nature.- It ner DENTIST.' Fl.ll Lake t last week purchased a Ford roadster your sys. Mont., is here visiting with Fan 7 0 fliarabrrlaln'a Tablets Have IKine now undertaking to cleanse Goodnight. Francisco for the use of Smoky Nolf of the you Sarsap-arlll- Brother. George NURSE H.iff, Ulisa and llumruh: Oldham Wonders for M," poor eyes tern if will take Hood's was welt representee. - grocery side. Smoky has undertaking, will be suc Echo and Baker. "I have been a sufferer from stom- distinguishing uie the day at the basket meeting neia ai 1 0 year. and had trouble cessful This great medicine purifies Fall Lake ach trouble for a number of pedals on the car until arl Pine City. Several automobile loaaa Fan FnrnclwM 1 6 although I have ued a great three and builds up as nothing else does. here. Good ser- Why She Recommends Lydia 4, and Cooley thoughtfully selected three of people went from w sm a m r Rooms 3 and Belts Bid. K.vans and Hannah; 8ten. Hmllh of recommenoea tor Adv. general .11 number reniedlea aces from a deck of cards and affixed mons, a fine dinner and a H rmknam vegetaDie . and Itaker. thla complaint, chamberlain's Tab. pedal. He knew that social time was reported. Telephone 523. 1 0 ha glv-e- n one to each spent Compound. ii.itnd leta la the firat medicine that Smoky never had trouble seeing Mr and Mrs. W. A. Jones positive lasting relief." had Vinm me and aces In all his career. TO Fridaj- In Pendleton. K rt use and Koche; Johnson and writes Mrs. Anna Kadln. KTieneerport. three 4 SCHOLARSHIPS Stanfleld. visit- Mrs. Ivan Smith of Chicago, IU- - was in poor health Finu-n- !s. Y. Chamberlaln'a Tablets have Wednesday. "I 1 country. ed in Echo last for two years, caused by a displacement. Oakland done wondera for me and I value in a Wet 1 Melena. Montana. May 14. (Spec- viiu uunog; Vrrn..n ihem very hlkhly " Obtainable BE AWARDED CLASS TAX. Murray; Mitchell. ial Aerogram to Bulldogger.) Ro- IlKMOION AN1' W AR months of this time I'rough and here. Adv. was under a doc- 1 MUM.. Oliver, H. and fconnlre und land C Marsh J Ne- - of Pendleton. Ore- hurt-tie- s for Kxernptlon After tor's care without Do not condemn as frivolous the all I cessary any help, The Best . gon, here for the past lvy. retting laa-uc- man who proes much to balls and have been Whitman. Willamette and the Ore to try NimJrnM week looking over the country with rVaitle operas. He may be a flour Inspector.
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