March 20, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2135 THANKING OUR SERVICE MEN AND CONGRATULATING INDIANA doing. But I cannot support a WOMEN TEAMS COMPETING IN MARCH failed foreign policy.’’ [House floor (Mr. BURNS asked and was given MADNESS speech, April 28, 1999] Those words of permission to address the House for 1 (Ms. CARSON. of Indiana asked and the Republican Majority Leader, the minute and to revise and extend his re- was given permission to address the gentleman from Texas (Mr. DELAY), marks.) House for 1 minute and to revise and during the Kosovo military action have Mr. BURNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise extend her remarks.) never been more appropriate than today to recognize the great service to Ms. CARSON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- today. our Nation being performed by our men er, I rise to congratulate the five Indi- While many can be certain to take and women in uniform. The service ana teams competing in March Mad- credit for the swift military victory men and women of the Third Infantry ness. that may ensue, this Administration Division from Ft. Stewart, Georgia, are Mr. Speaker, for many, this is the best must also accept responsibility for the among those who have been called to sporting day of the year, the commencement cost of conflict in blood, in money, and duty in order to promote freedom. Fol- of ‘‘March Madness.’’ I rise to congratulate the insecurity to our families. It may take lowing the proud and valiant tradition five teams from the State of Indiana; IUPUI, decades to undue the damage to our of their predecessors who earned the Butler University, Indiana University, Purdue safety wrought by misguided policies names ‘‘Iron Fist’’ and ‘‘Rock of the University, and the University of Notre Dame and failed diplomacy. Marne,’’ these men and women are for their advancement to compete in the f standing at the forefront of our forces NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship. deployed in the Persian Gulf region. As some of you may know, the NCAA ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Their mission is to return liberty to Headquarters and the Hall of Champion is lo- PRO TEMPORE the people of Iraq and to secure free- cated in my hometown of Indianapolis. I wish The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. dom and safety to all those under the to commend Myles Brand on an excellent job GOODLATTE). Pursuant to clause 8 of shadow of Saddam Hussein’s weapons as the NCAA president. rule XX, proceedings will resume on of mass destruction. The Butler Bulldogs, coached by Todd approving the Journal and on motions The Third Infantry Division is the Lickliter, were winners of the Horizon League’s to suspend the rules previously post- most rapidly deployable armored divi- regular-season crown, ending the season with poned. sion in the United States Army. The a 25–5 record. This earned them an at-large Votes will be taken in the following Third Infantry led the way in our ef- bid to the tournament. Congratulations of order: forts in Iraq 12 years ago. Today, a new Coach Lickliter and the Bulldog players for On the Journal, de novo; group of young Americans wear the di- their outstanding season. I wish the Bulldogs H.R. 1307, by the yeas and nays; and vision patch and stand in the Kuwaiti good luck as they face the No. 5 seed of the H. Res. 132, by the yeas and nays. sand fighting on behalf of our country. East bracket, Mississippi State, this Friday. The first electronic vote will be con- The men and women not only drive, Indiana University of Bloomington, IN, the ducted as a 15-minute vote. Remaining but and maintain and organize, the runner-up of last years championship, has electronic votes will be conducted as 5- tanks, the Howitzers, and the heli- also advanced to the NCAA Championship. minute votes. copters of the Third Infantry Division Congratulations to Coach Mike Davis and the f representing the highest traditions of Hoosiers, who will play the 10th seeded Ala- the United States Army. As a neighbor bama Crimson Tide this Friday. THE JOURNAL of these fine soldiers from Ft. Stewart, I wish to extend my heartfelt congratulations The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- I am proud to offer the thanks of the to all of the Indiana schools competing in the ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the pending American people whom they are fight- NCAA tournament. You have made us proud! business is the question of the Speak- ing to protect. I especially want to congratulate IUPUI and er’s approval of the Journal of the last f Butler University which reside in my hometown day’s proceedings. of Indianapolis. The question is on the Speaker’s ap- SUPPORTING RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE Congratulations to Coach Ron Hunter who AND PROTEST proval of the Journal. led the IUPUI Jaguars to a 66–64 victory over The question was taken; and the (Mrs. JONES. of Ohio asked and was the Valparaiso Crusaders, earning an auto- Speaker pro tempore announced that given permission to address the House matic bid to the tournament as champions of the ayes appeared to have it. for 1 minute and to revise and extend the Mid-Continent Conference. I would also Mr. QUINN. Mr. Speaker, I object to her remarks.) like to congratulate the Jaguar players for their the vote on the ground that a quorum Mrs. JONES of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, excellent performance and wish them luck as is not present and make the point of yesterday I had the pleasure of leading they take on the No. 1 seed of the Midwest order that a quorum is not present. the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag on bracket, Kentucky this Friday. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Evi- behalf of this Congress. This morning I Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, will the dently a quorum is not present. stand again as a strong patriot. I say gentlewoman yield? The Sergeant at Arms will notify ab- on behalf of all of the people of the Ms. CARSON of Indiana. I yield to sent Members. United States of America, to the mili- the gentleman from Texas. The vote was taken by electronic de- tary troops across this world who are A PRAYER FOR PEACE vice, and there were—yeas 373, nays 49, fighting on our behalf, thank you. Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, today answered ‘‘present’’ 2, not voting 10, as I have said prayers day after day and in this troubled world, many of us are follows: as late as this morning on their behalf moved to prayer and sober reflection. [Roll No. 75] and that of their families. But as a pa- We lift up our voices for the safety of YEAS—373 triot, I still think I have the ability America’s sons and daughters bravely Abercrombie Bell Bono and right to step up and say I think executing their orders in the Persian Ackerman Bereuter Boozman this war is not what we should be en- Gulf, for the many innocent civilians Akin Berkley Boswell gaged in. I support the Presidency, I who join them in harm’s way, for the Alexander Berman Boucher support the troops, but I also support many patriots for peace in this coun- Andrews Berry Boyd Baca Biggert Bradley (NH) the right to speak out, to assemble and try, may they express their well-justi- Bachus Bilirakis Brady (TX) protest. fied concerns in ways that unite more Baird Bishop (GA) Brown (SC) Mr. Speaker, I say to the American Americans in our shared concern for Baker Bishop (NY) Brown, Corrine Ballance Bishop (UT) Brown-Waite, public and those across the world that humanity, rather than acting in ways Ballenger Blackburn Ginny there are those of us who believe we that reinforce fear and alienation. Barrett (SC) Blumenauer Burgess should not be engaged in war; but those Our democracy is stronger when it Bartlett (MD) Blunt Burns across the borders working on our be- respects the views of all people. Barton (TX) Boehlert Burr Bass Boehner Burton (IN) half, we hold them in high esteem, and ‘‘I normally, and I still do, support Beauprez Bonilla Calvert pray that they will return home safely. our military and the fine work they are Becerra Bonner Camp VerDate Jan 31 2003 23:43 Mar 20, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K20MR7.006 H20PT1.
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