Wright State University CORE Scholar The Evening Item Wright Brothers Newspapers 7-12-1890 The Evening Item, July 12, 1890 Orville Wright Wilbur Wright Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/evening_item Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright , O., & Wright , W. (1890). The Evening Item, July 12, 1890. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Wright Brothers Newspapers at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Evening Item by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE EVENING ITEM. Vol. I. DAYTON, OHIO, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1890. No. 64. Sma:.l ~·rui·~s ara :Pcor. -:uner u11vo vrorc-on. \vnrcn has oeen l\IAYs L.\.-nrxr;, X .•J. ..Lil,, 1:3.-'.rho undergoing repairs at Sra,ttle, lnts been DRINK PURE ORANGE CIDER f<tl'lllt'J'S ttlld Wille> lllitnllf;Vclll'<!S O[ this ordered to urnkc ready advancrs and pro­ 1~rer.ared by ~eed to Behring sea. seution arr dis1·011n\g<'d O\"c>r th<' failure -------- W. S. CARPENTER & CO. of tlH' frai t a.nd gnLJll! ernps. The peaeh, WEEK'S RESUME A Counterfeiter Committed. apple ;i,nd 1war 1•ro1'·' will il1• a Lorn! Jail­ ~etail, TWENTY KILLED LITTT.I•: ROf'K, Ark., Jnly l~.-M. c. Wholesale a11d urc. HPrri<'-' ilnd grnp<':; will 11ut. vield IIinklc wa.s committecl to the peniten­ 1109 West Third St. half the n·,mtl t·rop. Tht• lu ~s · will Of Trade and the Crop tiary pending trial on the ehar"e of SODA ICE CRB.A.i\-C AND 011 amouut to th11n'!11H.b ni tiullar.,, 0 .ALSO By an Explosion a counterfeiting. Il1 the woodea le" Co:nfcctio:n.cry, Cig·ars, Bt.c. Died cf Thai!' Injuries. Prospects. which he wears was found a bundle of Steamboat nixmc.urPTOX, X. Y .. ,July 12.-;\[rs. bills, mostly raised from one dollar genu­ Van Du:;or and illrs. Thom!ls BcPhan, :BUSINESS IS QUITE DULL FOR THE ine treasury bills, to wn, tweuty and N THE SOUTH BRANCH OF THE SEASO:?l. fifty dollar notes. There were also notes CHICAGO RIVER. who Wl'l'O injured in au ftctid<'llt 11ear Owr>go, whc•n thrPP l:ltlic>,.; 11 Pl'I~ killed The Heat Hurt Trade--Fifty-one Cities of $10 and ~·w on the bnuk of Prince rerrible Accident on the Propaller died a few hom·s after th<• a<·i·ident. ' Show a Decrease in Bank Clearings Edwards Island, C'harlottctown, which STRAW HATS Tioga--Thc Big Vessel Takes Fire A $100,000 Fire. Below Correspondinir Weak LaetYea.r were genuil1r, seemingly, tiud which and Fifty Streams Play on the Flames of 19 Per Cent··Road Earninirs··Sma.11 found unquestioned cirl'ulu.lion here. c:>f all J<i'f'\dS at ··Carting Away tha Dead-·Loss, DETltOTT.C\[kh .. July l~.-Thc village Crop of Wheat-·Dry Goods Boominir. $200,000. of ltluw:t, :\{ieh.. wa~ visitC'd by a dis­ Englishman on McKinley's Bill. a,,lrons fi1·c>, twPnty-eight honscs bein" LoxDOY, July 12.-Tn the hou~e of Cmf'.\.Go, July 1:3.-About 7:45 last NEW YORK, July 12. -Bradstreet's S. 13. \VILLIAMS, do:;tl'O)"l'U. J~:tilll<llt·d .liY.< $100,000. " state. of trade, puulished today, will say; commons Sir Jame$ Fergu~o11, parlia­ night a terrifi1· t·~plo~ion startled ·and - for the forci"n office M1·c;. LGs!ie to Wod. Special tolegr'l1mS indicate that general mentary secretary NORTH .MAIN STIUSE'J.'. ltorriJiPll resiJcnts, tknizons and passers­ said in answer to inquiries that" any rep: I.oxno)/. July 1·~.-Thl' XC'w~ an­ trade throughout the conntry has still Ly in thP Yieinity of tho river docks, be­ roscntation to the government :tt ·waslt­ tween Haudolph and Madison streets. It nounces thal. thr maniagt• of :\fr" . .l!'rnuk further felt tho restraining inliuencc of Ll'slie to the ;\f:trq11i,; of L1•11ville has the midsummer sc:Lson. The severity of iugton ag11iust the )IcKinley t:trilf bill was a tcniblc roiu, a crash, an echo and would hitve no effect on the action of THE a colnmn smukP shoL two hundred feet been 11rrn11g<' tl. the hot weather in l\Iissouri and or early congress. into the :tir, suceceded <t second later by Dopew in Paris. Nebraska. h~s resuit('d in a drouth; showers, 1t 1s thought may recover some Stanley's All Right. WEST SIDE <t whirl-wi11cl of fhtnH', which illuminated PAms, .J11\y 1:!.-Clnu111Cl'l' ~I. Depew of the loss to crops from d1·outh in Lo::-mox, .1 uly 12.-The report of Stan­ bridges, bnildings, 1rntl•r ;ind sparks in a and p:irty lrn l'l' :: l'l'h <'li hero and are Nebraska. One effect of the extreme ley's illness. which was i11 circulatio11 foarful glan• of 1nrid 1·eu. stopping a~ till' Al!.1"11'1 l.oil'l. W('SL has bcon a,n ;tdva11co in the late yosterdity aftol'lloon, proves on in­ The pru1)l'l lor 'l'ioga, of tho Eric rail­ -- heat Stauley-Tenn1ut \"\rodding·. quiry at hi~ l'f'Sidenec in the west end, to Buildin~ Association price of canned goods. wa,y lino was on 1irn, whicl.t was started Lo::wnx. ,J 11!)· l '!. -.\.11 arrnngemcnts is dull, be fa! ·c. l\Ir. 1-;titldl'y ancL\.Iiss Ten11:nt by ,;ome unknown eiiuse by explosion, '!'he Now York stock market 1033 WEST THIRD STREET. f.>1· tlw Si an ley-Teu u:w l \1·edding today and tends to rise on tho silver bill and were out driving Y<'~Lerday afternoon. attribt1ti11g it to oil which had been some are cowplctc. o! ready for S]Jipment. The tho prospective settlement we~tern Open Monday evening, and stowed away difficulties, though gold ship­ crowd rnshecl to the river banks railroad The Silver Bill's Effect. ments and forclgu sciling co11scqur11t on Saturday afternoon and evening. an:l doek~. Bridges, approaches NEW YoRK, July 12.-The Post says: CORNAGE REPORT some a11d streets were soon thronged tho South Amcricau panic exert The certainty that c·ongress will now Now iss11i11p; paid up stouk which disturbing i111luonce. conferP1lt'r committee's silver with hu1naniL\', a crushing, suffering FROM THE ROUMANIAN MINISTER Bank clearings at fifty-one cities for pass tho crowd, u11ttWtU'l' or careless of danger, bill was the mo~t important factor in pays a scmi-nnnnal dividend of AT BUCHAREST. week cndini;: July 10 a.re ::f!.l17,59G,71G, a jamming every V<tntugc point. A gcu­ the stock market. and, togetlwr with the d~crcaso from this week la~t year of 7%. l'rnl alu.rm w:~s turned in aud soon fifty feeling of impro1·<'d l'Onlidcnc" in Lon­ Trifiing Business in tha Senate·· No.· mnct.cou per .cent. Xew York city's L. llerr l'ros strea,ms of w:u.ir from tho engines and tional Banks Multiplying--Amcrican don in regard to the monetary situation Snmnc1 clearrngs, which constitute 55.ti per ' ' ii re tn ~~s wc>ru vouri IL go i u to the hold of Gold Going to Europe-·OtherWashing­ thore, was the mca.u' of making higher ALty, gra11d tottd, arc less than J. 0. Patterson, Sec. and the g:.i,ping ton Items. cent of the prices for stocks. The faC't that the the big iron bu<Lt througlt those for the like period la;t yP:LI' by .J nines W. Booth, Treas. holo u.inid~hip,, from which the !lames Bank of England did not raise the rate Senate. over twenty-eight per cent, while at poured in :1 tori cnL of fire. Ambulances . WAsmsr;Tos, July l'!.-c\.t 2 o'clock, of discount was a,ccf'ptl'd as indicating fifty other cit.ics tho loss is ~.3 per cont. that the governors of the bauk did not were summouotl aud came at once. The the time soL for the «on"idi·ration of tho Thero is no improvement iu iron or tire wtis soou gotten partially under con­ regard the SouLh Am<'riean imnic :ts se­ shipping 1.Jilb. the laud l'Ourt bill wa,s steel prices, or demand contrnry to ex­ F. trol and brave men went into the seeth­ riously as was appr0hended they might. M. NIPCEN, laid aside and H<'nators Oibson and pectations and predictions. At some ncnlor in ing fire to rescue the dmtd known to be Cooke spoke at con.,iclt'1·tdll0 IPnglh in points, noticeably west, prices of iron Gas Generator Explosion. there. A l're,is Sews reporter was upon opposition to th" bill.< in lrntluccd by Anlhrncite coal is !inn and in NP.11· Ymrn:, July 1~. - C!tristian Eck­ the spot. soon <Lf .l·r the explosion and tc11d low. Senator ]'rye. fair dcrnirnd; prollltclion is heavy u.ud rt and son Cliest<'r 11'<· rc kiill'd yeKtrrcla,y DRUGS, MEDICINES. gained the following faets from Vincent 1\ L the conclusion of Si'11alor Cooke's morning, and a se<·,i111l so11 11ll.med l!~rauk Kirky, one of the engineers, who was on 1 exr·ocds the total for I.he tirSL half of PhyP.icinns' prescriptions carcfolly com­ spl'c1·h quite a db1·:,~~ion ;iro:w as to is for a fu1'thrr ad· was seriously injnrPd by the tixplosion of the boat at the time: .ilfr.
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