VP DOCUMENT RESUME ED 179 511 SP 014 905 .TITLE Nurse Staffing ReqUirements and Related Toidcs: Sea.ected Bib,licgraphy. Nurse Flanning Information Series No. 9. INSTITUTION Franklin Research Center, Philadelpg), Pa. SPONS AGENCY Health Resources Administration WI /PHS), Bethesda, Md. Div. of Nursing. FEPORT NO HRA-79-39: HRP-0501001 PUB DATE Jul 79 , CONTRACT 232-7R-0000 NOTE 224p. 't EDRS PRICE MF01/PCO9 Plus Postage. U.SCRIPIORS Health Personnel: *Hospital Personnel; *Labor; *Manpower Needs: 'Manpower Utilization; Models; .*Nurses; Nursing: Nursing Homes: *0ccupationa4 Surveys: *Staff Utili2ation ABSTRACT Recent literature on the changing staffing requirements for regitered nurses arid the factors affectingthose requirements is cited in this annctated bibliographythat comprises the ninth volume in the NOrse Planning InformationSeries. A broad concept ot staffing is emplo7cd and includes information usefulto . both managers wit n individual institutions and to heAlth planners concerned with co munity, county, ot state institutions.Abstracts of the literature arg ouped accerding to the following categories: hospitel inpatient nd hospital'outpatient settings; long-termcare settings; models and strategies, and economic-studiesot staffing methodoiogies: regional, state, and national -studies ofneeds and requirements:-and bibliographies And summaries. (JD) 4 *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EPPS are the'best thatcan be made from the origin01 document. ***********Nr********************************************************** I' ,...°4' l`,1 ,'.1{ II l'. ; ).. i ' ,.' .. '. ',"',441. .. ;,.1.1r7 'At, ,. IT. , .. 1 ,:tt . ,.. !,,,,, ;,',i:4.'el:? :: ', , ,,,,a.... .:: y, ;44) .. '' If0V:,:i A ',54,T.i14;, : -4 t ., h.d.'ci!t r "-F 4 , .. tikitiathaNWk e , f , A, .1.1.,..1. ,,,,e it,-.4' i:: re f.:1.,e.. : 'c ,: L'.. it, I , s1,11, :t; ... A l; , .. 2,; 4.4 Inalrot NI OF III AII IA Otil AI iON it WII/ AW NAIIONAI INIlL11/1.101 Mit A T ION "o a. .4 .(\ 1,,k1/91NtalitMafflieww 1, ' J.; ,t A." s 104' Av-Itoi)1,\ 711-4 4.14'Wr.;tain.4'es 0-1 .1.- i The Nurse Plannin InfOrmation Series, sponsored by the. Division of Nurs ng in t e Bbreau of Health -Manpowerl.had iieen'designated'as a 'special seiles to support health - manpower planning aria specifically to meet the infdimation needs of the ritIgsing component OT the National Health flanning Tnfarmation Center. Three other series published by the Center are Health, . PlanninMethods and Technolo Alealth Planning In'formatIon, an Bea t P ann ng B ograp y. All of these were designed to respond to fnformation-needs df the Bureau of Health Planning. IP, The\documentsp included in all sdried are being added to the Center's data files and will be made available from the, ' National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port-Royal Road, SpriOgfield, Virginia 22161. A liSting Qf titleg of these publications can be obtained from the National Hea,lth Planning Information Center. V. Other volumes in 'the Nurse-Planning InforMation Series are: `1 No. 1 Accountabilit : Its Meanin and Its Relevance to e Hea tCare'Fie No. 2 Nur0.119 Involvement.in the Health PlanniAg Process No. 3 The Problem-Oriented System:A Literature Review No. Patient ClassificationSystems in Nursineg: bescription arkd 1na1ysis No. 5 NUrse practitioners and 'isle 4xpanded R le of the Nurse: A Bibi.Wqraphy No. 6.Comparative An4lYsidjof Four Manpower Nursing Requirements m64e10 . , No. 7 Nurskng-Releted,Data sourcep; 1979 Edition No. 8 Relationshiietweeri Nursin9 Education and ormanc eview Nurse Staffing Requireniont a d Related Tocs: A Sel dted Biblio raphy Developed under Contract No. FrRA232-78-0090 The Frankliese-CirchCenter Philadelphig, Pennsylvania July 1979 41111i.. 1 U S..Department of Health,Education,and Welfare Public Health Service Health Resources Administration Bureau of Health Manpower Division of Nursing Hyattsville, Maryland20782 DHEW Publication Nc HRA79 3k> HRP-0501001 1 r S. 4 FOREWORD \.; This selected bibliographywas developed to4provide te nursing community an mpdated compilation ofrecent' riEerature on the changing staffing requirementsfor, registerednurses and the factors affectingthose require- ments. It w'll help meet the.needsof health plannerakin determining the most efficient'use of available nursing skills,.ancLjkill be ofvalue to nursing educatorsin planning pture edu'cationalmgramsin nursing. This is the ninthvolumt in the NursePlannAg *Informat on'Series. The series is composedof-several selected tonograplls and.bibliographiesrelevant to health planning. The 'other volumes are.listedori the inside . front cover. The nursing component of the NationalHealth)Pl.anning InformatiOn Center provideshealth planners witha. centralized, 'comprehensiveEitource of informationon nurse omanpower planning to facilitatean improved health care delivery systam in theUnited States. The component acquires, screens, dynthesizes,disseminates, and makes . available specialized.dOcumentary materialon nursing, )as well as methodologibill inf9rmationon a wide variety of topA.cs relevantto healthegtanning andresources development. , 4 11. Air #' d'r'Jessie M. Scott Assistant Surgeon General Director. Division of Nursing 1 CONTENTS 'FOREWORD , . iii INTRODUCTION r yii I. SETTINGS : 'HOS P I TAL INPATIENT .. O O 1 II., SETTINGS: HOSPITAL OUTPAT! E'NT 49 III. LONG TERMCARE'SETTINGS OOOOOO 53 . IV. TAEFING -METHOOLOGIES : DELS AND STRATEGIES . 73 V. STAFF INGMETHODOLOGIES : ONOMIC STUDIES . 121' YI- NEEDS REQUIREMENTS : GIONAL, STATE, AND 1. NATIONAL STUDIES . 14'1 VII. ISIBLIOGRAPHIES ANDSUMMARXES. 199 AUTHOR INDEX 211.. , ADDENDUM 219 V e. INTRODUCTION 4 r 4 The issue ofgreatest concern to panagereof nursingservices is, undoubtedly,Staffing thq organization, utilization of deploymentesand nursing, personnelviothin a healthcare agency . in the-most efficientand effectiveway. years this issue has In the. past few. become even more proiinentas ways are being sought4o contain the rapidrise in health Since nursing tare coets. personnel are oftenthe.sin4le largestgroup of-workers withina health care agency, the appropriate -1 management of staffingis seenas a.key factor in proNoting cost effectiveness. The appearance of this bibliographyis thus one, bringing together a very timely in one place therecent-staffing literature. This includesresults çf,research case stkidieS, staffing on staffing, guidelines, nd lohilosophicaldisdus- sions. The bibliographycontained ere supplements and. updates the variousstate-of-the-a the nurse and critical reviewsof staaffing,literature thathave appeared sinceA970. The Concept ofstaffing as employe in this bibliography.is a broad one. , Material is presentedthat could at be of intereit and one level . use to managers within inaividualinsti- tUtions and itanother level to health with all institutions planners condcrnedA. making up an entirecommunityl'a county ora state. The abstractsare,grouped soas to facilitate location Of materlal,according to'theinterest. AP of thereader as foAllows: -9 Settin0: Hilepital Inpatient o Settings: Hospital Outpatient o' Lor4-,Term CareSettings o Staffing Methodplogies: Models and Strategies o Staffing Methodologies: Economic Studies Nejand RequirepeAb: Regional, at andRational Studies vii k.,111t I l -4 4. .4 g ; 4 V 1: 4: 11 ' t " ft r '. V, , 4.. 0 . A) Bibliographies ,aii.d Summarips . 4 '. , t 4 4 ' Amorig the uses of Ws bibliography is the "uncovering of . gaps in the literature.on.nutbe staffing It is antici pated that the publication of this bibliOgraphy.will A stimulate efforts tO Close some of.these gaps. HoW, To Qbtairr Docutents All citations to dOcuments; whether Published or unpub UAW, contAin source availability information. For each reference, this information is noted in the:citation after the document title. The'akrailabilitysource Ibr articles publishediii'journals and other periodicals is the name of the journal noted after tke statement "Publ. in....." Issue information A(volume, number, etc.) and page numbers are included. To. cobtain.copies of the,journal article cited, consult ax - local university librarian or contact tile librarian in your Regional Medical Library, where mafiy.of thejouipals can pet found. The- avallabilitY source forsnoti-periodicals is the name of the,individual, agency, orkorganization noeed after the statement "Available fromt:.;" dontact directly the speci7 . fled source for additional information, such as price of7 -the docdient. For information on the price,of a document Listed as available from the National Technical Information'._. 4. SerVice (NTIS), write (do mit call) to the address listed , below. Include the order Dumber of,the referenced document' . as indicated'in its citation. 4, Unless,specified, do not contact the National HealthPlan- ning Information Center or the Division of Nursinq for a%,", A " copy of the document.. - Questions concerning;the developmento.o'f this bibliegOph4\ should be addregsed to4 } . .) 4 * . .:4..4 a ' 14'' ,- Division. of Nursing: , ,. Bureau O.fHealth ManpoWer - Health-Resources Administration, PHS, DHEW .. .3700 EaSi-MestAighway gyatts4171-44,_Maryland 20782 0 , , *. a . V 11 ,4 , 4 , _\ .1144 a S, 4' i .4) Ika' 7;1' 0 f . 4 . .1444Itional copies 6'f this:bibliollraphy y bilinrchased , frosw 1 National Technical InforMaon Service (TIS) " 5285 Port Royal.Road. Springfielcloyirginia .22 61. tt's ,< 1 o. / 4 a . / aly Ir .1 4', 't 6 FI ". I. SiTTINGS:. HOSPITAIiiNPATIENT Alabama Council of DirectorSof Nursing Service.
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