May 3, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E707 Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues here in there are over 45 million uninsured people in for at least part of the past year. This is a dra- the U.S. House of Representatives to join me this country, 8 million of them children. matic and rapid increase from 2001 when just in paying tribute to the memory of Howard For a Nation that boasts about being the over one-quarter or 28 percent were unin- Zerangue and in offering our deepest condo- wealthiest in the world and claims liberty and sured. lences to his wife, Ruth Manuel Zerangue; his justice for all, the fact that we have even one In fact, only 19 percent of the uninsured are mother, Winnie Meche Zerangue; his daugh- person without health insurance is a contradic- from families with no connection to the work ters, Mona Manteris and Debbie Sealy; his tion and a shame. force. That means 80 percent of the uninsured sons, Howard Jr., Keith, Neal, Harold and Every single year an estimated 18,000 peo- are working people. People who go to work, Darryl Zerangue; 21 grandchildren; and five ple die because they are uninsured and can- but cannot afford to obtain health care. We great-grandchildren. not get the medical care they need. 18,000 can not continue to spread the belief that em- f lives lost solely because we as a Nation fail to ployment guarantees access to health insur- provide a basic human right to those living in ance. HONORING STEPHAN L. WALTERS this country. If we don’t acknowledge health care as a And instead of addressing this crisis head basic human right soon, it will be too late for HON. RON LEWIS on, this Administration and Republican leader- some, and our societies most vulnerable will OF KENTUCKY ship have contributed to increasing numbers continue to suffer. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of uninsured people. These are the Americans who are too often Wednesday, May 3, 2006 Mr. Speaker, during the Bush Administration ignored. The uninsured have lived a campaign the number of uninsured has risen by 6 million of survival, and deserve a voice today and Mr. LEWIS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I rise people. More people are now without health every day on this floor. today to give well-deserved recognition to insurance than at any point since the Census These 45 million people are calling out for Stephan Walters, an extraordinary soldier, began collecting comparable data in 1987. their government to put people before profit. teacher and citizen from my Congressional The Republicans prefer politics and profit They realize that access to quality health in- District. over vulnerable people. It is obvious that con- surance or universal health care is essential in Stephan is currently serving on active duty sumer driven health plans and cuts to Med- impacting health outcomes. with the U.S. Army Reserves at Fort Knox, icaid are not the answer to this problem. Over 40 percent of the uninsured have no Kentucky. As Captain, he is responsible for Health Savings Accounts and Association regular source of health care and utilize emer- training and mentoring a full brigade. He also Health Plans provide benefits only to those gency care due to avoiding high cost regular serves as an officer for community outreach, who are rich and healthy. They will do nothing visits. equal opportunity, safety and soldier retention. to decrease the number of uninsured who are This situation creates an ongoing cycle of Prior to his current assignment, Captain Wal- typically lower-income and have more health adults and children skipping the key preven- ters served for three years as a member of problems. tive medicine steps, like routine check-ups, the 3rd U.S. Infantry, also known as the Presi- The increase in the number of uninsured in recommended tests, and low-cost treatments. dential Honor Guard, performing a range of this country also continues to disproportion- By ignoring preventive treatments and not ceremonial duties at the White House, Pen- ately affect racial and ethnic minorities. addressing the sky-high health costs; we are tagon, and Arlington National Cemetery. Of the over 45 million uninsured, 32.7 per- creating sicker people. Captain Walters has also distinguished him- cent are Hispanic; 19.7 percent are Black; and It is a fact that the uninsured are more likely self in civilian life, earning a bachelor degree 16.8 percent are Asian. Furthermore, over 25 than those with insurance to be hospitalized in social studies and a masters degree in sec- percent of the Native American population is for conditions that could have been avoided. ondary education from the University of Ken- uninsured. We are putting our uninsured in the position tucky, graduating from both programs with Despite this devastating crisis in our Nation, of choosing between dealing with an illness at honors. Walters was a five-year member of we do have a solution. It is universal access its early and most treatable stage or feeding the University of Kentucky’s football team, to quality health care and we must demand it their family. earning numerous awards and honors for his for our people and make it a priority of this Mr. Speaker, the message we must send is academic and athletic achievements. Congress. that universal access to quality health care Upon graduation, he accepted a position at The United States is the only industrialized should be provided without discrimination to Jeffersontown High School in Louisville, KY Nation that does not provide some form of uni- all. teaching history and coaching football and versal access. We must make health care accessible! track. In 2004, he was nominated by his col- As a co-chair of the National Health Insur- Make health care affordable! Make health care leagues for the History Teacher of the Year ance Caucus, I have fought in Congress for a guarantee! Award, a special honor he later received from I encourage all of my colleagues to support universal access. That is why I have spon- the Kentucky Historical Society. legislation that will put people before profit in sored H.R. 3000, the Josephine Butler United It is my great privilege to honor Stephan our health care system. States Health Insurance Act and support my Walters today, before the entire U.S. House of colleague JOHN CONYERS’ universal health f Representatives, for his distinguished service care bill, H.R. 676. to his country and his community. His PAYING TRIBUTE TO PATTY, The goal of our legislation is so simple—to unyielding sense of duty and sacrifice rep- DANNIE AND GREG ‘‘GREASER’’ ensure that all individuals have access, guar- resent the very best of what it means to be an BASHAW anteed by law, to the highest quality and most American soldier. His achievements as a civil- cost effective healthcare services regardless ian, especially his dedication to developing HON. JON C. PORTER of their employment, income, or healthcare young minds in the classroom and on the ath- OF NEVADA status. letic field, are further marks of personal great- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES While I promote universal coverage, I also ness. He is a man of exemplary leadership support the Family Care Act, the Medicare Wednesday, May 3, 2006 and dedication worthy of our collective respect Early Access Act, and the Small Business Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and appreciation. Health Insurance Promotion Act, 3 bills that, if honor Patty, Danny and Greg ‘‘Greaser’’ f enacted, would provide health insurance to Bashaw for their continued support of the Ma- COVER THE UNINSURED WEEK half of the uninsured. rine Corps Junior ROTC program of Basic If this nation fails to take action right now, High School in Henderson, Nevada. HON. BARBARA LEE the number of uninsured will only continue to The Bashaw family has long been sup- increase. Currently, national health care porters of Basic High School’s Marine Corp OF CALIFORNIA spending is rising by more than 7 percent per Junior ROTC program. Several years ago, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES year. We all know that as health costs rise, Patty and Greg became involved in the Junior Wednesday, May 3, 2006 more and more people lose their health insur- ROTC program through their son, Danny, who Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to join ance either because their employer can’t af- was then enrolled. To assist in the fund raising my colleagues in bringing attention to our Na- ford it or they can’t pay for it. efforts of the program, Patty and Greg had the tion’s uninsured. Mr. Speaker, two out of every five or 41 per- ingenious idea of starting a car show, an idea As we commemorate Cover the Uninsured cent of working-age Americans with incomes that proved to be very successful. Their per- Week, I would like to say that it is criminal that between $20,000 and $40,000 were uninsured sonal belief in the goals and objectives of the VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:13 May 04, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A03MY8.068 E03MYPT1 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with REMARKS E708 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 3, 2006 program and their son, Danny, joining the birthday and vow to work hard to ensure that staff and administration of the St. Bernadine Army reserve after high school has prompted the alliance between our two countries con- Medical Center for providing 75 years of top the Bashaw family to continue supporting the tinues to grow.
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