Middle Atlantic Region

Middle Atlantic Region

HUDSON-DELAWARE1 FrankSenchef, St., Dom Sherony,Robert & WilliamWatson, Rich Waynor, George Wen- SusanSpahn (RSp/R&SSp; Genesee Ornitho- zelburger,Carol & OwenWhitby, Frank Win- RichardR. Veit, BiologyDepartment, CSI-CUNY, 2800 logicalSociety), Lloyd Spitalnik(New York felder,Will Yandik(Hudson-Mohawk region VictovjBoulevard, Staten Island, New York 10314, City area),Derek L. Stoner,Pat Sutton(Cape of New York: 269 SchneiderRoad, Hudson, ([email protected]); May B.¸.), W. Symonds,S. Taylor,David Tet- NY 12534), Peter Yoerg,Robert E Yunick, RobertO. Paxton,460 Riverside Drive, Apt. 72, New low, Matt Victoria, ChristopherJ. Vogel, LouiseZemaitis. I• York,New York 10027, ([email protected]) MiddleAtlantic x Blue-wingedTeal hybrid and Var- Mar 0G)- Twosibling Trumpeter Swans that ied Thrush in Maryland, and a werebanded as hatch-year birds in Ontarioat White-winged Crossbill,a Long- Wye Marsh,Grand Valley 15 Oct 2005 were eared Owl, and a state-thirdTufted reportedseparately in Maryland:the first with Duckin Virginia. a yellowwing-tag numbered 962 on 4 May+ at SchoolhousePond, Prince Georgek (FS), the Abbreviations:Bay (Chesapeake other at Indian Cr., near Benedict, Saint Bay);Chinc. (Chincoteague N.W.R., Mary,, wing-tagged960 on 4 May (fide Accomack, VA); Chino (Chino MLH); bird 960 would later relocateto Patux- Farms,Queen Annek, MD) Craney ent Oxbow Lake Nature Preserve,Anne Arun- (Craney I., Portsmouth, VA); del,where it wouldsummer (Jay Sheppard, E.S.V.N.W.R. (Eastern Shore of Vir- fide Marcy Stutzman).Tundra Swans were ginia N.W.R., Northampton,VA); widely reported12 Mar, with severalob- ToddM. Day Hart (Hart Miller I., Baltimore,MD); Picker- serversnoting hundreds; the high of thislot ing(Pickering Creek Audubon Center, Talbot, was 813 at Loch Raven Res., Baltimore,MD Pring2006 held little to distinguish it- MD). (Steve Collins). selfin the way of weather patterns, bird A maleCinnamon Teal x Blue-wingedTeal records,or dramaticintersections of the WATERFOWLTHROUGH hybridwas well describedat Jug Bay,Anne two, but recent trends continue: uncommon FRIGATEBIRDS Arundel 11 Mar (tJeff Shenot, Danny kites,ibises, pelicans, doves, and Anhinga are The 6 Greater White-fronted Geese at Clear Bystrak);the bird mostlyresembled Cinna- turningup in greaternumbers and more loca- CreekL., Washington,VA werelast reported 4 monTeal but showed a whiteflank patch. The tions;careful searches for rare nestersare de- Mar (SamCross, Rack Cross); in Maryland, EurasianTeal from 14Jan at HuntleyMead- tectingspedes like NorthernSaw-whet Owl, one was at the ChestertownS.T.P., Kent 12 owsPark, Fairfax, VA wasreported sporadi- CommonMerganser, and Golden-winged Mar (NLM). A Ross'sGoose was at Edmund's callythrough 25 Mar (RH, LM et al.); anoth- Warbler in new locations;and even rarities, Park,Halifax, VA 18-20 Mar (JB1,AD), a first er wasfound 29 Mar at Pickering,where one such as PacificLoon, MagnificentFrigate- for that countyand the s. VirginiaPiedmont. wintered in 2005 (David Curson). A well-de- scribedGreen-winged Teal x EurasianTeal in- tergradewas at SwanHarbor, Harford, MD 11 Apr (JLS,MH, HH, JBr).A lateNorthern Pin- tail was at HuntleyMeadows Park, Fairfax, VA 27 May 0Ba). Good numbers of Aythya ducks were foundin w. Maryland18 Mar,all in Garrett: 40 Canvasbacks,40 Redheads,and 120 Less- er Scaupat BroadfordRes., and 50 Greater among200 LesserScaup at Deep CreekL. (JLS,MH, HH, JBr).A Canvasbacklingered at Great Oak Pond, Kent through 27 May ThisCommon Mergamer family group, including eight ducklings, was observed atV/olette's Lock, Montgomery County, I•ary- (WGE, NLM). Fifteen Redheadswere at Falls laud23 May (here) through 14 June 2006; more were observed along the Potomac River throughout the summer, including Mills, Tazewell,VA 26 Mar (Jim & Judy inthe District ofColumbia. Photograph byDave Czaplak. Phillips).The mostunusual Aythya duck of the seasonwas a drakeTufted Duck at Airlie, birds (most in June), Eurasian Whimbrel, At least3 CacklingGeese of the nominate Fauquier 26 Apr-3 May (TMD, Eric M. Scissor-tailedFlycatcher, and Townsend's subspecieswere among the few thousand Hynes,ph. SAH, ph. ESB,JKe), seenwith Warbler,seem to be partof largerpatterns, at CanadaGeese 5 Mar at the pondon Belvoir severallingering Ring-necked Ducks; Vir- leastin theEast as a whole.Other unexpect- Rd.,Fauquier, VA (TMD); 15 Cacklingswere giniahas just two other reports of thespecies. ed visitors this season were a Cinnamon Teal with 5000 CanadaGeese flying over Chino 9 A first-wintermale King Eider at the C.B.B.T. VOLUME 60 (2006) - NUMBER 3 357 MIDDLEATLANTIC AnEared Grebe at Violetres Lock, Montgomery County, Maryland was present 10-12 (here 11) April 2006, a typicalpassage peflod for this species inthe Middle Atlantic region. Photographs byDave (zaplak. 31 Mar furnishedVirginia• only reportbe- and19 May ORe,fide LR) andat Hog1., Sur- 23 Apr 0Sh); andone at LaurelL. 6 May was tween autumn and spring (Mike Iwanik, ry, VA 19 & 23 Apr (BW,BTa). The breeding a first for Buchanan,VA (fideRM). Twelve VickieGullet). Four HarlequinDucks were colonyof Double-crestedCormorants on the Great Blue Herons nests were found near seen from the C.B.B.T. 11 Mar (DLH et al.). PotomacR. in Montgomeryhad 20 nests,with BeaverdamCr., at Damascas,Washington, VA Two Surf Scoterswere in the Anacostia R., all butthree occupied (Clive Harris); another 29 Mar 0WC); severalnests were also located D.C. 22 Apr (RH, PP), and 2 wereat Rocky colonywith nests on powerline towers along near FranksMill, Augusta,VA 30 Apr (AL, GapS.E, Allegany, MD 23 Apr 0BC).A Com- thePatuxent R. on thePrince Georgek/Calvert Sarah Splaun, Mac Houff,ph. BTe).A Great monGoldeneye was at theAberdeen Proving line reportedlyhad at least100 nesting birds. Egretwas at the CumberlandTerminus, Alle- Grounds,Harford 25-26 May (Chris Star- Thefirst cormorant nest in Marylandwas dis- gany2M3 Apr 0BC). TwoLittle Blue Herons ling). Hooded Mergansersagain bred at coveredin 1990, and the speciesis now wereat KenilworthPark 14 May (RH). A Tri- HuntleyMeadows, with youngnoted 14 May known to breed in at least Dorchester,Talbot, coloredHeron at SilverL. 7 Maywas Rocking- (Harry Glasgowet al.); a hen and 4 young Montgomery,Prince George•, and Calvert. ham,VAts first (Cheryl Lyon, fide CM); anoth- wereseen at PineyRun Park,Carroll 25 May Therewere five reportsof Anhingathis sea- er wasat DykeMarsh, Fairfax 18 May (Scott (RFR). Once again, Common Mergansers son. Four were seen over the Dulles Toll Priebe).A 28 Mayvisit to Dorchester'sHolland nestedalong the PotomacR., eitherin Mont- Road,Loudoun, VA 10 Apr (HH); onewas at I. confirmedthat all of Maryland•breeding gomery,MD or Fairfax,with young pho- Lilypons,Frederick, MD 18-23 Apr (Dan heronsand ibis can be foundnesting here tographed27 Apr (DCz); severalsightings Eberly,Linda Friedland, Lydia Schindler, ph. (HTA). Yellow-crownedNight-Herons nested from that section of the Potomac would fol- MB, m.ob.);one was at StumpyL., Virginia in severalareas in metropolitanD.C.: along low; anotherlate sightingwas 21 May at SligoCr., Montgomery,MD, at SusquehannaS.E, Harford (MH, JLS,MB et • leastfour nests were found 29 al.). A Red-breastedMerganser was at L. of • Mar and 13 Apr (Howard theWoods, Orange, VA 29 May (PK). Youth; Tom Stock);birds fre- The Pacific Loon found 1 Feb at Kerr was quentedRock Cr. at Chevy presentthrough 27 Mar 0B1, AD, Wendy • *• Chase,Montgomery, MD, Ealding),and a Red-throatedLoon there 27 • wherenests would be found in May,in breedingplumage, was most unusu- summer; and at Reston, Fair- al-perhapsthe first Virginiareport of that fax, at a sitewhere the species plumage(David Spears).The high inland • hasbred previously, a pair was count of Common Loons was 55 at Mill Creek • nestingthisspring, noted 27 L.,Amherst, VA 17Apr (Mark Johnson). Some Apr (MatthewBender). One 150 Horned Grebes were noted at Ft. Small- found at L. Shenandoah 31 wood, AnneArundel 29 Mar (HLW). A Red- {•. Maywas good for Rocking- neckedGrebe was at L. Orange,Orange, VA ham'sfirst since ]968 (ph. Asmany as four White-faced Ibis were at HuntleyMeadows Park, Fairfax County, 27 Mar (George& RosemarieHarris). An Virginia17-23 (here 19) April 2006, keeping company with one or two Glossy Ibis. GregMoyers). As many as 4 Eared Grebe was on the Potomac R. at Vio- PhotographbyCliff Otto. White-facedIbis spenta week letresLock, Montgomery 10-12 Apr (ph. BH, at HuntleyMeadows, with the ph. DCz); the last one at SouthHoiston L., Beach,13 & 28 May (ESB;BL); and one was first noted 17 Apr (Ed Eder).Over the next Washington,VA was seen 29 Mar 0WC). alongNawney's Creek Rd., Virginia Beach 29 six days,many observers were able to seeup A SootyShearwater at Chinc.13 May (VK, May(RLAk). At BellyacheSwamp, Southamp- to 4 workingthe mudwith oneor 2 Glossy LM et al.) markeda typicalarrival date. A ton,VA, a male Anhingawas first noted 27 Ibis, the last sightingbeing one bird 23 Apr NorthernGannet was well up theRappahan- May (Bill Keith)and documented displaying (SAH, ph. PS,HFD, TMD, JKe,KG). Other nock R., observedfrom Lancaster,VA at Belle 30 May (ph. BTe).An ad. malefrigatebird not White-facedIbis reportswere 11 May at the Isle S.E 28 Mar (VK); one was also at Cobb 1. identifiedto specieswas noted perched on a causewayto ChincoteagueI., (KG), 24 Mayat on the Wicomico R., Charles, MD (Mike light poleon FishermanI., Northampton,VA Chinc. (PJM), and 20 & 22 May at the S. Callahan). Thirteen American White Pelicans 26 May (ESB). Point area of Worcester(ph. MLH; Wayne were seen at Carvins Cove on the Laubscher).A GlossyIbis wasat the Kenil- Roanoke/Botetourt,VA line 31 Mar (Bill & BITTERNSTHROUGH CRANES worth Aquatic Gardens,D.C. 25-26 Mar Katie James,fide Mike Purdy); 4 were at An AmericanBittern was at ChesterPhelps (Nick Lund,RH et al.). FortyWhite Ibis were SouthHoiston L. 8 Apr 0WC et al.);and sin- W.M.A.20 Apr, the 2nd for Fauquier(TMD, seenflying over First LandingS.P., Virginia gleswere at Poplar1., Talbot8 Apr (fideJRe) MikeDay); one was at KenilworthPark, D.C.

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