The Titans become CCI baseball champions -see page 7 ILLINOIS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY VOLUME 73 Bloomington, Illinois, 61701, Friday, May 12, 1967 NUMABER 29 IWJgsenior wins Fulbright Manarger lowers for theoogy Phoenix budget Gwen Gebhard, senior re- ligion major, has been granted "The coffeehouse suffered a ly $125 to offset initial ex- a Fulbright scholarship for net lossof $750 this past year," penses and $175 for entertain-. graduate study in Germany. The stated Terry Ledford, coffee- ment and special projects would award will pay for all expenses house manager, and Steve allow the finances of the Phoenix to run during her ten month study of .. Hughes in a joint report before smoothly. Admitting that entertainment theology in German literature Sii i Senate Sunday night. at the University of Tubingen, was its chief calling card, Led- Si Initial opening costs contrib- Tubingen, Germany. ford suggested that an enter- fi.1"uted $250 of the deficit sup- tainment committee be organ- Leaving the United States plemented by a $500 operating Sept. 13, Miss Gebhard will go ized to plan more varied talent. loss attained first semester, The main function of the man. to orientation classes in Bremen Since February the Phoenix has and live with a German family ager would then be as coordin- fironly paid for labor during the ator for entertainment. for one month before register- weekend nights and operated ing in Tubingen, Nov. 1. Hughes then reported the on a break-even basis. Ledford conclusions of the Coffeehouse This award is made under the suggested that the coffeehouse Action Committee. The commit- Fulbright-Hays Act. Under the be open only on Wednesday, tee maintained that because Act, direct grants are made an- the Friday and Saturday nights Phoenix serves about 5,000 cus- nually to about 2,500 U.S. citi- next year plus one special tomers per year, including re- zens to go abroad and about event per month. 6,000 foreign nationals to come peaters, "a net outlay of $300 would be a very here. BASED UPON last year's worthwhile project." Grants are made for univer- Showing little concern for the man-handled Sigma Chi on opening costs and the operat- He delineated sity lecturing, advanced re- the bottom of the pile, members :of the Kappa Delta sorority ing period from Thanksgiving four ways "to stimulate the search, graduate study, teaching attempt to force the Sig to relinquish possession of his derby, to Spring Break, Ledford pro- dynamics of the coffeehouse situation: in elementary and secondary during the Sigma Chi Derby chase last Friday. The KD's jected a need for $300 from stimu- lating entertainment, schools, practical experience in won the derby chase collecting 24 points. Senate next year. Approximate- revitalized atmosphere, spontaneous technical and specialized fields, pro- and consultation and observa- gramming and penetrating tion. Second semester grade points spirit." "Senate should consider making the coffeehouse mana- changes ger a voting member," Hughes Averages mark inil stated, "a vote in Senate would make the manager feel more MEN 3. Phi Gamma Delta -......... 2.579 PROFESSIONAL FRATERNITY like coming to Senate." 1. Munsell Lodge 2.775 4. Tau Kappa Epsilon 2.224 ACTIVES ._::::. :.:.. 2. Magill Hall . 2.673 5. Sigma Chi (roster not Phi Mu Alpha -----...--- 2.628 !!iii:,::.i~3. Kemp Hall 2.640 subm itted) ...--... --............ 0.(000 PROFESSIONAL FRATERNITY 4. Gulick Hall 2546 FRATERNITY PLEDGES PLEDGES Business leader 5. Franklin Hall --------- 2.420 1. T heta Chi ---------------....... 2.371 Phi M u Alpha ............-......... 2.937 :Mens Dorm Average ..........2.557 2. Phi Gamma Delta ---- 2.308 PROFESSIONAL SORORITY ... WOMEN 43. ACTIVES Acacia ...- - -.. ------2.265 returns 1. Adams Hall 2.964 4. Tau Kappa Epsilon - 2.096 1. Alpha Tau Delta ---3.179 to address 2. DeMotte Lodge ... 2.862 5. Sigma Chi (roster not 2. Delta Omicron --------- 2.938 3. Ferguson Hall ------- 2.843 submitted) 0.000 3. Sigma Alpha Iota ----.... 2.891 May convocation 4. Munsell Hall ----------- 2.715 SORORITY ACTIVES PROFESSIONAL SORORITY 5. Pfeiffer Hall----------.. 2.661 1. Kappa Delta 3.091 PLEDGES Nationally-k n o w n business 6. Blackstock Hall---------2.650 2. Alpha Omicron Pi - 3.046 1. Delta Omicron ...-------- 3.145 leader Women's Dorm Average -- 2.748 3. Kappa Kappa Gamma ____'3.046 2. Sigma Alpha Iota --- 3.130 and humanitarian Wil- FRATERNITY ACTIVES 4. Alpha Gamma Delta --....2.955 3. Alpha Tau Delta -_ 2.984 liam F. James will speak at the 1 . Acacia . 2.753 5. Sigma Kappa -- 2.810 INDEPENDENT STUDENT'S Honors Day Convocation Fri- Gwen Gebhard 2. Theta Chi . 2.702 SORORITY PLEDGES ASSOCIATION day, May 19, at Fred Young 1. Kappa Kappa Gamma __ 3.012 Men and Women - 2.520 2. Alpha Gamma Delta ...... 2.950 ALL SCHOOL AVERAGE Fieldhouse. 3. Alpha Omicron Pi .---. 2.852 Women ......---------. .....---------. 2.834 The convocation, which hon- 4. Sigma Kappa _ 2.769 Men ----- ..--.......---------------------2.533 ors students who have excelled 5. Kappa Delta - ----- 2.603 School --- ------- -- 2.692 in scholastics and activities, is required of all Wesleyan stu- role of Judiciary Committee dents. James, who is director of sev- A student task force appoint- 'lors and several other students. eral Missouri and Illinois cor- ed to study the Illinois Wes- Its task, as defined by Jules porations, was on campus last leyan student code and the role Graves, is to make suggestions December, speaking on "The of Judiciary Committee in the to Judiciary concerning revi- Future of Small Business." university met May 4 to or- sions of the Code Book. A thor- He has twice been nominated ganize their efforts. ough study of Illinois State's as "One of the Ten Outstanding The committee, presently led student code will form the Men in the United States." by Jules Graves, Student Sen- foundation of the group's con- ate vice-president, includes sen- sideration of an ideal system ators, student members of Ju- for Wesleyan. Comprehensive exams diciary Committee, a represen- The committee hopes to cir- to be held Saturday tative from the floor counse- culate a questionnaire on code provisions among the student Senior comprehensive exams body. Central concerns of the will be -given this Saturday, Caps and gowns study are Judiciary procedures, May 13. Made up at the dis- room inspection and fire arms cretion of each department, ready for seniors regulations. senior comps climax a semester Seniors are to pick up their Judiciary Committee itself of preparation in individual caps and gowns Tuesday, May will hold a mock session con- Senior Review classes. For fur- 16, for the Honors Day convo- cerning an old case May 17 at ther information on s e n io r cation. They will be in the east 4 p.m. in the Cartwright Room. comps (time schedules, etc.), lounge of Memorial Center The session will be open to the Poet Mark van Doren, in profile with Mr. Joseph Meyers as contact Everette L. Walker, from 12 to 4 p.m. student body. host, presented readings of his work Wednesday night. dean of the university..
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