». ', T . ; r ' .■ . ,tv '- \ l^,', ^'^;!--J.-\ 1 * \ Average Daily Net Preee Run For ttH Work Eadad iiiutrlfrater lEtttnins H^raUi SATURDAY, DECEMBER IS. im bee. 19, 1954 « •*■' .............. - V. • ' ' 4 ’ 11,515 jh ttr, — ta a lfh t l e e ^ without having to que up while Mcmker al Oh AaMtAi 'BsadaF gaasraEy fair, eoR f V . ■. I** ^'^^IliDiiiTown. , waiting for tha show to open. C lostd to r HoUdays Gleaners Holding Bureau of Olren^tiM ■Id. fHgC 29-98{ . / ..... , ’nUf Frtday, however, there may Drive ChairmRn Traffic Plan M ancheeUr^A City of Village Charm Heard Along Main SUoet Ua aomq trouMe, with tha special — .... 1.1 I I II I ..................... ............... m .......... ComtiuB, aon of Mr. and Cliristmas party showing of' car­ The Municipal Building will Christmas Party j m . Bnbfit J. Donahua, 90 Cooper Takes Effect be cloeed all day FYlday in ob­ And on Somo o f ManchoMer*$ Side Sfreeft, Too toons and "A Christmas Carol." . servance'of Chriatmaa and ail ' ■ ■ c VOL. LXXIV, NO. 18 (TWENTY PAGES) (MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1U54 v * U ima bean pledged to Sigma Nu At any rate, when w* asked Mc­ .Members of the Oleanerii Aean., (OaaaMkd AdvtrtWag aa Fag# U) PtU CRF^'^d^' '$«tem lty a t the Untiraratty of day Friday, Dec. 31 in ob- Grath, if he had any ides as to aervance of New Year’s Day. which is composed of past m at-. Vermont, Biui|ntte(^ Vt. Keporter'B Complaiat ,f,tore out the crankcase of the car why the line formed south instead Restrict Cottage Street Next to The Herald building on and caused all the oil to drain out of north, he aald he thought It was , Outside workers 'will alM rons and past patrons who served of Sunaat Council No. Blaaell Street ia a parking lot of the motor, some damage to the because more patrons came from Traffic irom Milking have both the days off. The in 1952 and 1953'in Eastern Star of Pocaebontaa, are, re< which ia maintained for Herald enjkie from lack of oil resulted. that side of town. days off are provided for In chaptera throughout tha state, will Heds Warn f\of the regular ineetlng employee. Like a number of office Her Brat move was a complaint Turn to Main Street the town’s personnel pro^am Monday ^Igbt at 9 o'clock in Tin This however, didn’t jibe with the and in its contract with Local hold their December meeting and Jury and buaineaa establiahmenta in to the police. On the face of it, the InformaUon Chief of Police Her­ A new restricted traffic plan ker H alt ^ e ineetlng will be fol­ Manchester, the lot la reserved for case might have appeared hopeless, 991, State, County and Munici­ Christmas party thla evening at man O. Schendel had compiled on went into effect this morning for lowed by a X^hriatmaa party. staff members only. but the police recognised the piece the question of where Main Street pal Employes Union. the Commu^ty Y, 79 N. Main St. Britain on Each member of the editorial of wood which caused all the dam­ traffic originatea. Schendel is re­ part of the Main Street area. It The program will begin with a pot- Mmusheater AvxlUary PoUce will and adve.'tising staff ia aasigin^ age to be a chock used by fuel oil ported to have said that three out will stay in ' effaet during the luck supper at 6:30 p. m. not hare a tegdlar meeting next a special parking stall. truck drivers to keep their vehicles' of five CM’S on Main Street are Chriatmaa shopping season and it Guests of honor will be Mra. Still Undecided Bonn Arms week but inatead^v^U do traffic There is nothing aa annoying aa from rolling when making a de­ may be Qie baste of some sort of Christmas Party Ruth C. Allen of New Milford,'past headed south. — ------------------- * >1 d u ^ during the weilk aa prevloua- being assigned to a story, getting livery. Then McGrath had another permanent one-way traffic plan. grand matron; and Past Grand ly aaalgne<r The Iked to in the car, driving off and. upon So the, long job of checking all theory. "Maybe.” ha said, "Main The plan differs from the one Held by Circle Patron. Stanley C. Blackman of CHeveland, Dec. 20 (JP)— report ~at Police N lartera be returning, find a strange car in the local fuel oil dealers began to tried w police during the rush Bloomfield. Still deadlocked, jurors in the Mo8cow, D cic. 20 (ffy -U u s- atraet, with Ha ahops and stores, I • fora going out on the stall. This has happened time find out who might have lost such hours ’Iliuraday evening. Chief The committee of arrangements Awuits Verdict an object Finally a driver was has more things that are interest- Sheppard murder trial ended xig today threatened to scrap and time again. lb^ to look at than Bissell Street.” Herman O. Sehendel said today. St. Mu-garet’s arcis No. 26o, consists of Mr. and Mra. Edwin D. the morning session today Paris Pacts Mlaa Donna Robb. Because the parking lot, which found who said he had three of We flgured he forgot whete The Theae are the only reatrictiona Daughters of Isabelta, held iU an­ Foster and Mr. and Mrs. Keith the British-Soviet Mutual As- Mr. and Mra. Sherwood has a large sign at the entrance the chocks with him at all times. Herald is located and just let that in force now: nual ChristinM party .Thursday Johnson of this town; Mr. and Mrs, and went to lunch with no aixtance Treaty if the Paris Adelaido Rd.. a atudent at which reads NO PARKING- On investigation he discovered he one pass. *1.'There 'will be no right turn evening at the Manchester Coun­ Darius Plummer and Mr. and Mra. sign they are near a verdict. Mu »mptn« School for Oiltl, Nl HERALD EMPLOYEES ONLY, could only find two of them. And from Cottage Street onto Maple try Club where a delicious smor­ Ellery Kington of Rockville and If waa the fourth day ainca thay Agreements to rearm West he had been in the area where the anvton, Maaa., in at home for the, is closei^to Main Street, when the "Good Deed Rewarded Street. gasbord supper was served emid Miss Grace Derrick of East H art­ b c |^ deliberatfng. Whan they Germany are ratified. This Pier Burns After Airliner Crashes at Idlewild Chriatmea hoUdaya. Thia year.aha " ..Street parking .stalls are woman ran over the block of wood 2. There will be no right turn a festive setting of evergreens and ford. were excused at 12:09 p. m., EST, at the right time on the day the Every once in a while, an inci­ Atty. Jerome I. Walsh ia a member of the Latin and led. motorists' turn to The dent occurs which restores a little from Purnell Place onto Oak gaily colored balls. A largs they had more than 27 hours of warning was in a note hand­ n a n c h Ciuba a t Northampton. Hdrald lo t incident happened. - Street. snow-sprinkled (3iirstmaa tree conferancea behind them, and had Admittedly, luck played a part faith in human nature. In one local Atty^ Jerome I. Walsh will head ed to British Ambassador Sir Premier’s Edge It Thursday liight, reportedly 3. Tbery will be no westbound was placed at the entrance of the been aequestered 74 hours ainca in the solution of the "Block of supermarket. Just such a touching The Great Booka Dlacuaaion to beNme of the bust ist in the his­ littls vignette took place this the Polio Fimd Drive in Manches­ traffic on Oak Street originating room. laat FYiday morning. William Hayter by Soviet Group will meet at the Maay tory of Tliursday shopping in Wood" mystery, but persistence ter which will get imderway Jan. at Cottua Street The Rev. George P. Hughes, as­ The jurora returned from their and Imagination on the part of the week. ‘‘ R a il ar SM rr Deputy Foreign Minister An­ Cheney Library Wedneoday nliht Mancheri^r, The Herald lot was A woman, no longer young, was 3 and run through to Jan. 81. Fewer ReatrIctloBS sistant pastor of St James’ luncheon receaa at 1:23 p. m. a t T:80. The two booka for dlacua- jammed capacity with cars, members pf thd police department having difficulty because she had Tbe.idan now in uae plaoes.fewer Church, who Is chaplain of the Judge Edward Blythln made no drei Gromyko at the Foreign practicably ^ of which were un­ was also necessary. W'alsh succeeds Atty. Wesley restrictions on motorists that the afon will Ijo St. Anaelm’a “Proalo- her arms full of bundles and was Gryk, who beaded the drive here circle, also received a gift from Ut t Your effort to deterralne, by asking tha Ministry. gium” and St. Thomaa' "Treatiaa authorised. Membera of the staff trying to get just one more Item sciwme Schendel had originMly S an ta^au a. i foreman, 'whether there ia now any on God.’*' who were working were unable to New BaUag System for the post several years. th o u ^ t would go into effect today. poaaibillty'of agreement. He mere­ Note Text Releaaed ' No doubt the officials who before stopping at the check out At in the past, the biggest sin­ A brief business meeting was park their cArs In their own stalls. counter. She had alao d ro p r^ one He announced tha changes this conducted by Mrs.
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