lanchester The Wvalher Forecast of U. S. Wvalber Binrcaa tlcut when sending matter to ua The caxiidroB oT Mary SodaUty of and to underline the word Con­ Original Hymns Cloudy, oeeaslooal Hght eaow er St. Jamea’a Pariah will meet Sun­ necticut. rain tonlgiit ehanglBg to snow About Town day at 3:30 In the lower church. Heard Along Main'Street To Be Sling Here flurries Tuesday; wlHdy becoming They will receive communion In a REMEMBER! colder Tuesday. A member of The Herald staff » body at the 8:30 maaa. And on Some of Manchester** Side Streets^ Too has been going aroiinO this past Manchester-^A City o f ViUage Charm inKuionr * * f n t ®t Jo>«i week with a complexion that J^lUth«r ctwpur, Oiier of D ^o- The Dauyhtera of St. George will One o f the features of the | hold a meeting to complete Scrap The Russians may be annlhilat-• posure that caused no end of usually accompanies a July or Hymn-Sing, to be held at the Pi^er Salvage GiUedioii Qn (OlaasUed AdvertlalBg an Page I ) ftJiy, whicli wm« Vo T H e KUMians may bliishlng. of her fellow August sunburn. As far as we VOL. LXIIL, NO. 39 MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15,1943 (TEN PAGES) \ PRICE THREE CENTS - ta^Hartfood nk <5orter Ook Cha^ Booka for the Newington Home ing the Germans, the Americana Emanuel Lutheran church tomorr for Crippled Children, Tuesday know he hadn’t made any mis­ rfi OveolBft kaa been post- and British may be closing in o exposure. So throughout row afternoon at five o’clock^wlll _ Candidotoa will ba notifiad evening at 7:30, at the home of takes or put himself in a place Monday In The -------------f— -----— ------------------------ Rome, and the Japs may be with- shift she worked with a pair that should cause him embarrass­ Tit la ta taka pUec. Miaa Rachel Vickerman, 62 Pearl be the premier of two original atTMt. drawing from Bougainville—but of slaclu showing to the ankle ment. but he certainly carried a compoaltlpns. Solons Asked Forts Visit French Riviera neither of those front page news under the skirt whch reached Just perpetual blush around with him, NORTHWEST SECTION Germans Announce below the knees. She got out of We finally learned that he had "Arise, O Ye Legions" was writ-. The Young People’a Fellowahlp spots aeems to occupy the minds ten by ^rik W. 3ficxlean, formerly Sofia Under Attack the car that carries her back and fallen asleep under a sun lamp (poat high school) of St. Mary'a Spbrts Etlitor of The Herald and ' All streets west of Main street from the To Authorize YOUR OWN of those you meet on Main street forth, evidently forgetting her pre­ and gave himself a real scorch­ church will hold, ita first meeting these days. Far and away more now an editor of The Protestant Center to the North End and north of Center XMAS GREETING CARDS Sunday night. Nov. 14, in the dicament. The car had gone befbre ing. He was put to some em­ important. Judging from Main she realized that she was not con- barrassment by the questions he Voice, Fort Wayne, Indiana. He Red Forces Drive From Your Snapshots pariah at eight o'clock. sent the p«iem to G. Albert Pear­ and West Center streets. Relief Money Brigadier General Sherwood A. street comment, is the contest for ventionally clad as a well dressed was asked but he got a real laugh Order Now Bnppfy Limited- collector in the South Manchester worker should be. Her trip from one response. Me told an son, musical director ‘of the local Cheney will be the speaker. Hia Fire district. Public School system, who com­ By American aubject will be Calvin Coolidge. across Depot Square caused con- i. in^quisitive, friend how it had hap- PAPER MANUFACTURERS AND e u t e s t u d io If the trend of conversation and siderable comment and specula- ! pened—he had fallen arieep and posed the music for .it., Modean is Roosevelt to Ask Appro­ General Cheney was military aid argument continues about this of­ becoming well known ’ip the field USERS OF MANCHESTER To RechitsA Area tion. The explanation of her pre- i burned under the powerful light, to the late President Calvin Coo­ fice the assembly room at Hose dicament came from another "f»ee." the inquisitive one coun­ of poetry and specializes on the priation of Specific lidge. Co. No. 3 at Spruce and Florence I sonnet. His sonnets have appeared streets won’t be. able to hold the worker In the shop. j tcred. It certainly was lucky for Sums After Atlantic --------- I you your eyes weren’t open." In many piihllcations, the latest Beaten Baek During At- Lila C. Wade of Hartford was district voters. Possibly even high "Lord, i Am' White" having re­ City Meeting Ends. Battle Lines Stand granted a divorce from her hus­ school hall wbuldn't hold them all. Many local lads in service slfp ceived high praise from literary tempts to Capture ^ KNOFLA band. Arthur D. Wade, of South But. of course, there may be a lot into town for a visit with the .lince the United States has critics. It is based oft the recent Main street, yesterday on the of advance talk and Just an aver­ home folks and return- to duty been In the war with both feet, Town; Nazis Admit To Retain Washington, Nov. 15—(4*)—Pres­ grounds of intolerable cruelty. race ribts in Detroit. Blow Designed to Dis-1 age turnout next Thursday night with hardly anyone knowing about many loTal women have given up The other hymn to be featured Evacuation o f Zhito- 1 fkOfk T * ident Roosevelt asked Congress to­ Real Clash Lift Shroud BROTHERS when the voting takes place. their furloughs except those at I former social life and have, buckled "Be Thou My Vision" is the work SPECIAL BINGO day to authorize appropriations for locale Traffic Over Mr. and Mrs. Elmer K Monctte There have been times when it home. In many infllancrs thr boys . down to th« serious of an of Mr. Pearson. mir; Red Attacks Re-| A VtJ V L j i n e General Contractors of North Elm street, leave tomor­ has been necessary to go out and like to Just roam about the old all-out war effort. Much of the United States participation in ac­ Entire Balkan Rail! row by automobile for California, almost drag in voters to attend home and perform little duties iiewed Near Kerch. i Now Looms On Mystery former toiletry niceties and clam­ Benefit of the National War Fund tivities of the United Nations Re­ Jobbing and where they are to make their fu­ annual meetings of the district. about the house to be near moth­ our outfits of the pre-war period lief and Rehabilitation adminis-. System; Other- Bombi- ture home. Mr. Monette has been .MILITARY WHIST -------------------- ' Soviet Envoy to Mexico There is always more interest in er, dad, or the rest of the kids, if have gone by the board and in Bulletin! General Repairing employed by the Pioneer Para­ a contest for an elective office than any. Given bv Sunset Rehekah l-ndg* tration. 111 Lebanon Of Bomber ers Sweep into France chute Company and Mrs. Monctte their place have come slacks of ODD FELLOWS IIAIJ. Indicates Intention to After the UNRRA meeting in there is in appropriations which Those visits home are all too various ‘iwar blue" tinges, closely Moscow, Nov. 15.—K/P)—*- has been a waitress at the Prin­ affect every district taxpayers short, and rather than run too far MONBAY. NOV. L5. 8:15 P. M. Atlantic CTity ends, he said he For Third Crack al Call 4386 bound hair-dos (going, coming and Sponsored By And To Be Held At Masses of Red Army infan­ Keep Slice of Poland Before 6 P. M. cess Restaurant on Main street. pocketbook. afield, they choose, generally, to Adniihslon 50e. would Inform Congress of its re­ Important Antheorj stay around home, with, a short at work) and the more .solid and try, cavalry, tanks and self- Gained ■■ at Time. sult and ask the appropriation of British Official Says British Disclose Some of Judging from responses all sensible shoes and safer heel.s. Refreshments! Prizes! The Daughters of St. George three candidates for the tax col­ walk now and then down the main Door Prize! propelled guns pouring into specific sums. Situation ^Potentially Details Concerning Railway Viaduct. Auditing committee will meet stem. Milady’s toiletry has been shorn the hole west of Kiev to Ba- In a message to the legislators, lector's Job are doing quite a bit to the bone except for that quiet ARMY & NAVY CLUB Mexico City, Nov. 15— (4*)—Rua- with Mrs. Gertrude Lawrence, 143 of campaigning. Tom Weir, Herb We heard about a sad case this ranovka have reached a point the chief executive said that each Grave^ on His Return One of Newest Weap­ Hollister street. Monday afternoon week, however. A lad in the Sea- and often undated, but never wast­ ala still plans to retain the slice of nation would determine for itself Allied Headquarters, Al-1 Phelon and Charlie Rogers are the only 35 miles from the pre­ at 2:30 p. m„ to check and audit candidates who have publicly an­ bees, serving on the bleak coast of ed "day off" from the plant. That \ Poland which’ she received in the the amount snd character of Its Today frqni Beirut.
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