Rev. Biol. Trop., 49(1): 329-332, 2001 www.ucr.ac.cr www.ots.ac.cr www.ots.duke.edu Last instar larva of Penepodium dubium (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) Sandor Christiano Buys Laboratorio de Entomologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Caixa Postal 68044, CEP 21944-970, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Fax: 55-21-560-5993. email [email protected]. Received 26-VII-1999. Corrected 28-V-2000. Accepted 26-VI-2000. Abstract: The last instar larva of Penepodium dubium is described from southeastern Brazil. This is the first description of an immature stage of the genus Penepodium. The larva of P. dubium is similar to those of Podi- um, but it can be distinguished from the species of this genus by the presence of depressions on the front and clypeus, and lack of brownish blotched areas on the head. The cocoon of Penepodium seems to be unique among those of Sceliphrini in bearing a nipple-like projection at one end. Key words: Penepodium dubium, Sphecidae, Hymenoptera, digger wasp, larva, taxonomy, Brazil. The knowledge on digger wasp larval plastic pots lined inside with absorbent paper morphology has greatly increased since the until the larvae reached maturity. The comprehensive papers of Evans (references in description below is based on three last instar Evans 1964). Even so, the larvae of a great larvae preserved in alcohol (80%), but the number of genera are still unknown. The tribe morphometric features of the head was mea- Sceliphrini is composed by eight genera. The sured in only one specimen. The head and larvae of only four of these genera have been some parts of the integument have been dis- described, namely Chlorion (Evans 1964), sected and heated in KOH (10%) for about 10 Sceliphron (Evans and Lin 1956, Asís et al. min. to eliminate soft tissues. Voucher speci- 1989), Chalybion (Evans 1959), and Podium mens have been deposited in the entomologi- (Evans and Lin 1956, Evans 1964). In this cal collection of the Departamento de Zoolo- paper the last instar larva of Penepodium dubi- gia da Universidade Federal do Rio de um (Taschenberg) is described. Janeiro. MATERIALS AND METHODS DESCRIPTION Females of P. dubium dig unicellular Larva (Figs 1 - 4) nests in the soil, and store them with epilam- prine cockroaches. Several preys bearing Body: Cylindrical (l = 12 – 18 mm, max- wasp eggs were collected in the Biological imum w = 4.5 – 6 mm, about fifth abdominal Reserve of Poço das Antas (Rio de Janeiro segment), pale yellowish. Pleural lobes indis- State, southeastern Brazil) and conserved in tinct on thorax and prominent on abdomen. 330 REVISTA DE BIOLOGÍA TROPICAL Prothorax with three pairs of lightly pigmented coated with substance expelled by larva; texture callosities, the most prominent one on dorsum, as a brittle, but resistant, paper. the other two on lateral and dorso-lateral posi- tion. Integument covered with minute spines (l= 5-7 µm); callosities bare, except for some DISCUSSION few scattered setae. Anal segment rounded, protuberant. Anus a sub-apical slit. Spiracles The larva of P. dubium is quite similar to pale brown; atrium circular, all the same size those of Podium luctuosum Smith and Podium (d = 110 µm); opening into subatrium armed rufipes Fabricius (Evans and Lin 1956, Evans with a circlet of spines. 1964). It can be distinguished from those Head: Pale yellowish, slightly darker than species by the presence of depressions on the body (h = 1.20 mm - exclusive of the labrum, front and clypeus and the lack of brownish w = 1.25 mm). Peristoma, hipostoma, posteri- blotched areas on the head. The larvae of or tentorial arms, and labrum, brown; Penepodium and Podium resemble those of mandibles dark-brown. Front roughened on Sceliphron and Chalybion. However, the latter top and sides, with four depressions, two near two genera have larger and more abundant middle line and two on lateral portions above setae in the head and unpigmented dorsal cal- antennal orbits; parietal bands unpigmented; losities (Evans and Lin 1956, Evans 1959, antennal orbits subcircular (d = 55.0 µm), with Asís et al 1989). Chlorion differs from the three small sensillae; front with scattered setae aforementioned genera by its smaller thoracic (l = 5.0 – 15.0 µm), more concentrated near spiracles in relation to those of the abdomen, base of mandibles. Epistomal suture indistinct. weakly pigmented anterior prothoracic Clypeus with punctures, some of them with annulet, and the head with both blotched areas minute setae; a pair of shallow circular depres- and depressions in the front and clypeus sions on middle portion of clypeus. Coronal (Evans 1964). suture distinct. The cocoon morphology of P. dubium is Mouthparts: Labrum strongly bilobed very similar to those of Penepodium (w = 0.58 mm), with marginal barrel shaped luteipenne (Fabricius) (Williams 1928) and sensillae (w = 5 – 7.5µm); scattered punc- Penepodium goryanum (Lepeletier) (Garcia tures, some of them with minute setae (l = and Adis 1993). The cocoon of the cockroach- 7.5 – 10.0µm). Epipharynx strongly spinu- hunting genera in the tribe Sceliphrini are gen- lose. Mandibles (l = 0.57 mm, w = 0.25 mm) erally similar, sharing features as follows: with four teeth. Maxillae with setae laterally one-layered wall, internal coating with a sub- (l = 12.5 – 17.5 µm); galeae brownish (l = stance expelled by the larva, texture like a brit- 62.5 µm, 40.0 µm), longer than the maxillary tle paper, and brown colour (Rau 1915, palpi (l = 52.5 µm, w = 35.0 µm); lacinial Williams 1928, Arlé 1933, Evans 1964, area densely spinulose. Labium very papil- Krombein 1967, 1970, Eberhard 1974, Vardy lose; labial palpi brownish, (l = 50.0 µm, w = 1978, Garcia and Adis 1993). However, the 47.5 µm) spinneret a transverse slit with large cocoon of Penepodium seems to be unique in lips (w = 127.5µm). bearing a nipple-like projection. Cocoon (Fig. 5) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Fusiform, dark-brown, external surface somewhat opaque, internal one brilliant. A nip- I thank Sérvio Amarante for identifying ple-like projection in one extremity with an ori- Penepodium dubium and Gabriel Mejdalani fice through which the meconium is eliminated. and Alcimar L. Carvalho for comments and Wall a one-layer of silky material, internally criticisms on the manuscript. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TROPICAL BIOLOGY AND CONSERVATION 331 1 2 25 µm 1mm 3 4 25 µm 5 25 µm 1 cm Fig. 1-5. Penepodium dubium, last instar larva. 1) Body, lateral view. 2) Head, frontal view. 3) Labrum and epipharynx, frontal view. 4) Mandible, frontal view. Fig. 5) Cocoon. 332 REVISTA DE BIOLOGÍA TROPICAL REFERENCES Garcia, V.B. & J. Adis. 1993. On the biology of Penepodi- um goryanum (Lepeletier) in wooden trap-nests Arlé, R. 1933. Sobre a nidificação, a biologia e os para- (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). Proc. Entomol. Soc. sitos de Sceliphron (Trigonopsis) abdominalis, Perty. Wash. 95: 547-553. Ann. Acad. Brasil. Ciên. 5: 205-211 + pls IV. Krombein, K.V. 1967. Trap-nesting wasps and bees: life Asís, J.D., S.F. Gayubo & J. Tormos. 1989. Descripción de histories, nests, and associates. Smithsonian. Wash- la larva madura de Sceliphron destillatorium (Illiger) ington, D.C. 570 p. (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). Misc. Zool. 13: 105-108. Krombein, K.V. 1970. Behavioral and life-history notes on Eberhard, W.G. 1974. The natural history and behaviour of three Floridian solitary wasps (Hymenoptera: Sphe- the wasp Trygonopsis cameronii Kohl (Sphecidae). cidae). Smith. Contrib. Zool. 46: 1-26. Trans. R. Ent. Soc. Lond. 125: 295-328. Rau, P. 1915. 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