Northamptonshire County Council NORTHAMPTON NORTH-WEST RELIEF ROAD Preliminary Ecological Appraisal NWRR-WSP-EBD-0000-RP-LE-00012 NOVEMBER 2018 INTERNAL Northamptonshire County Council NORTHAMPTON NORTH-WEST RELIEF ROAD Preliminary Ecological Appraisal TYPE OF DOCUMENT (V 1.0) INTERNAL PROJECT NO. 70045931 OUR REF. NO. NWRR-WSP-EBD-0000-RP-LE-00012 DATE: NOVEMBER 2018 WSP The Mailbox Level 2 100 Wharfside Street, Birmingham B1 1RT Phone: +44 121 352 4700 QUALITY CONTROL Issue/revision First issue Revision 1 Revision 2 Revision 3 Remarks Final for Issue Date 30/11/2018 Prepared by Mate Vakarcs and Cian Ó Ceallaigh Signature Checked by Louise Bunn Signature Authorised by Paul Hill Signature Project number 70045931 Report number NWRR-WSP-EBD-0000-RP-LE- 00012 File reference \\\central data\Projects\700459xx\70045931 - KIERWSPNCCNSEC1819 - Northampton North-West Relief Road\02 WIP\EC Ecology\03 Document\Dallington Grange Site\Reports NORTHAMPTON NORTH-WEST RELIEF ROAD WSP Project No.: 70045931 | Our Ref No.: NWRR-WSP-EBD-0000-RP-LE-00012 November 2018 Northamptonshire County Council CONTENTS 2 INTRODUCTION 1 2.2 BACKGROUND 1 2.3 SCOPE OF REPORT 2 2.4 RELEVANT LEGISLATION AND POLICY 2 3 METHODS 4 3.1 OVERVIEW 4 3.2 DESK STUDY 4 3.3 HABITAT SURVEY 4 3.4 PROTECTED SPECIES ASSESSMENT 5 3.5 PRELIMINARY EVALUATION 6 3.6 NOTES AND LIMITATIONS 6 4 RESULTS 7 4.1 DESIGNATED SITES 7 4.2 HABITAT SURVEY 9 4.3 PROTECTED AND NOTABLE SPECIES ASSESSMENT 15 5 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 20 5.2 STATUTORY DESIGNATED SITES 20 5.3 NON-STATUTORY DESIGNATED SITES 20 5.4 HABITATS 21 5.5 PROTECTED AND NOTABLE SPECIES 21 5.6 FURTHER SURVEY REQUIREMENTS 26 5.7 PRELIMINARY AVOIDANCE, MITIGATION AND COMPENSATION MEASURES 29 5.8 ECOLOGICAL ENHANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES 30 NORTHAMPTON NORTH-WEST RELIEF ROAD WSP Project No.: 70045931 | Our Ref No.: NWRR-WSP-EBD-0000-RP-LE-00012 November 2018 Northamptonshire County Council 6 CONCLUSIONS 32 TABLES Table 1 - Statutory designated sites 7 Table 2 - Non-statutory designated sites 7 Table 3 - Phase 1 Habitat Areas 9 Table 4 - Key Ecological Constraints and Further Survey Requirements 27 FIGURES Figure 1- Site Location Plan 36 Figure 2 – Current and Previous Site Boundary 38 Figure 3a – Phase 1 Habitat Results – Northern Section 40 Figure 3b – Phase 1 Habitat Results – Southern Section 42 APPENDICES APPENDIX A: RELEVANT LEGISLATION AND PLANNING POLICY APPENDIX B: SUMMARY OF ECOLOGICAL DESK STUDY DATA APPENDIX C: PLANT SPECIES RECORDED APPENDIX D: TARGET NOTES APPENDIX E: PHOTOGRAPHS WSP NORTHAMPTON NORTH-WEST RELIEF ROAD November 2018 Project No.: 70045931 | Our Ref No.: NWRR-WSP-EBD-0000-RP-LE-00012 Northamptonshire County Council EXECUTIVE SUMMARY WSP UK Ltd (‘WSP’) was commissioned by Northamptonshire County Council (NCC) to carry out a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) of an area of land north-west of the city of Northampton in connection with the proposed construction of a new relief road. This will involve the construction of a new road linking A5199 Welford Road to the A428 Harlestone Road, hereafter referred to as the ‘Proposed Scheme’ (Figure 1). A PEA of the previous Route Option 1 was carried out in 2017 (WSP, 2017) and protected species surveys in connection with this route were carried out in 2018 (WSP, 2018a-k). This report details the results of a PEA of the potential impact area (hereafter ‘the Site’), is defined as being the total land take required to facilitate the development of the newly preferred Route Option 11. A background data search (BDS) for protected and noteworthy species records was carried out as part of the desk study for the previous PEA in 2017. As this data is still considered valid, the data from the previous BDS data was incorporated into this report and no additional search was made. 1.1.1. The survey identified a range of agricultural and semi-natural habitats typical of urban fringe landscape located in the floodplains of the River Nene, including woodland, scrub, hedgerows, semi- improved and improved grassland, tall ruderal, and arable land. These habitats include Habitats of Principal Importance (HPI) such as rivers, ponds, lowland grazing marsh, arable field margins, and hedgerows. Additionally, five Local Wildlife Sites (LWS) and Potential Local Wildlife Sites (pLWS) are located within the Site. 1.1.2. The Site has the potential to support a range of protected and notable species, including badgers Meles meles, bats, otter Lutra lutra, water vole Arvicola amphibius, birds (including barn owl Tyto alba and kingfisher Alceda atthis), reptiles, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates. Surveys for most of these species/species groups have been undertaken in 2018 and the results of these surveys are considered valid for two years. As a result, only areas not previously surveyed will require a suite of Phase 2 surveys. 1.1.3. The Proposed Scheme will result in the loss of and severance of habitats, which will affect the ability for wildlife to commute between these habitat fragments and potentially result in road mortality. As a result, recommendations to minimise these impacts are made, including retention of habitats where possible, creation of compensatory habitats or enhancing adjacent habitats, and inclusion of screening and tunnels to facilitate safe movement of wildlife over/under the road. Certain species, habitats and nature conservation sites receive legislative protection which is detailed fully within Appendix A. Specific recommendations based upon the nature of the proposed works and compliance with this legislation are referenced within this PEA. Contact details (0) 121 352 4700 NORTHAMPTON NORTH-WEST RELIEF ROAD WSP Project No.: 70045931 | Our Ref No.: NWRR-WSP-EBD-0000-RP-LE-00012 November 2018 Northamptonshire County Council 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1.1. WSP UK Ltd (‘WSP’) was commissioned in April 2018 to carry out a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) of a 100ha area of land north-west of the city of Northampton in connection with the proposed construction of a new relief road, known as the Northampton North-West Relief Road. This will involve the construction of a new dual carriageway that will connect the A5199 Welford Road to the A428 Harlestone Road. As part of this it will include the construction of a new bridge and round about crossing the River Nene that will connect the A5199, Sandy Lane and Brampton Lane to the new relief road. This is hereafter referred to as the ‘Proposed Scheme’. 2.1.2. The current preferred route option is route ‘Option 11’ and the Proposed Scheme will also encompass the surrounding land required to facilitate the development, including flood mitigation (area of impact), hereafter ‘the Site.’ A location plan of the Site is given in Figure 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT BACKGROUND 2.1.3. The original red line route of route ‘Option 1’ extended the full length of the Proposed Scheme from A5199 Welford Road at its northern end to A428 at its southern end. A PEA of this route was carried out in 2017 (WSP, 2017) and protected species surveys in connection with this route were carried out in 2018 (WSP, 2018a-k). Since the time of the initial survey, the red line route south of Dallington Grange Farm is no longer within the scope of works to be covered by WSP. The red line route of the Proposed Scheme between A5199 Welford Road and Dallington Grange Farm, approximately 2.3km in length, was used as the basis for the survey effort of these surveys. A plan showing route ‘Option 1’ in comparison to the Site and current preferred Route Option 11 is given in Figure 2. 2.1.4. The protected species surveys were undertaken less than 2 years prior to the issuing of this PEA, and thus the results of those surveys are considered valid. As such, any protected species surveys recommended in this report are mainly focused on the additional areas not already covered by these surveys. 2.1.5. This report will be used to inform the ecology chapter of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Proposed Scheme that is to be submitted in March 2019. ECOLOGICAL BACKGROUND 2.1.6. The landscape surrounding the Site comprises arable farmland and grassland, mostly used as grazing land (primarily cattle near to the Site and horses to the north of the Site). Specific habitats include amenity grassland, rough grassland, mixed woodland, scattered and parkland trees, scrub, and standing waterbodies, as well as a number of linear features such as hedgerows, brooks, and ditches. In the wider landscape, two golf courses lie to the west of the Site, the city of Northampton and associated suburbs lie to the east and south, and the villages of Chapel Brampton and Church Brampton to the north. 2.1.7. Protected species and habitat surveys undertaken in 2017 and 2018 include: ▪ Phase 1 habitat survey and protected species assessment of the previous preferred option (WSP, 2017) ▪ Badger survey (WSP, 2018a) NORTHAMPTON NORTH-WEST RELIEF ROAD WSP Project No.: 70045931 | Our Ref No.: NWRR-WSP-EBD-0000-RP-LE-00012 November 2018 Northamptonshire County Council Page 1 of 44 ▪ Bat activity surveys (WSP, 2018c) ▪ Bat emergence / re-entry survey (WSP, 2018c) ▪ Bat crossing point survey (WSP, 2018d) ▪ Otter survey (WSP, 2018j) ▪ Water vole survey (WSP, 2018j) ▪ Barn owl survey (WSP, 2018b) ▪ Kingfisher habitat assessment (WSP, 2018i) ▪ Reptile survey (WSP, 2018k) ▪ Great crested newt survey (WSP, 2018g) ▪ Hedgerow survey (WSP, 2018h). SCOPE OF REPORT 2.1.8. Northamptonshire County Council commissioned WSP to complete a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) of the Site and 50m surrounding area, hereafter ‘the Survey Area’ in October 2018. The brief was: ▪ To provide baseline ecological information about the Survey Area and a surrounding study area with particular reference to whether legally protected and/or notable sites, species or habitats are present or likely to be present; ▪ To provide recommendations to enable compliance with relevant nature conservation legislation and planning policy; and ▪ If necessary, to identify the need for avoidance, mitigation, compensation or enhancement measures and/or further ecological surveys.
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