Blowin' Student gold supervision Saxaphonist Joe Henderson to play Pub tomorrow night 1985-86 residence advisors selected PAGE 3 PAGE 3 Serving the San Jose State University Corn munity Since 1934 Volume 84, No. 60 Wednesrlit y Nia y 1. 1985, Fountain of youth CFA will not quiz chapter president Union says Rice treated Hughey fairly By J. G. Griswold Rice for allegedly violating the civil Daily staff writer rights of Andrew Hughey, dean of the Scott Rice, chapter president of School of Applied Arts and Sciences. the California Faculty Association, Hughey, the highest ranking will not be investigated for his in- SJSU black administrator, is being volvement in allegations of sexual investigated by the university in con- harassment against an SJSU dean. nection with an allegation made by a Statewide CFA President Wil- university female employee who al- liam Crist said yesterday that he did leges that the dean sexually harassed not see a reason for such an investi- her by making inappropriate re- gation. The SJSU California Black marks. Hughey said he has not sex- or Faculty/Staff Association requested ually harassed anyone. last Monday that Crist investigate Rice wrote a letter, dated March 25, to SJSU President Gail Fullerton that did not name Hughey sug- Dean gesting "the deans immediate re- moval." "There really is nothing to inves- Scott Rice Hughey tigate," Crist said. "Our (SJSU) chapter there and its leadership con- as compensatory damages, based on ducted themselves very profession- the fact that despite knowledge of the to return ally and with dignity. They never problem the university took no steps said anything to the press. They to correct it." never sought to try anyone in the Crist said Rice appropriately re- today press or anything of the sort." sponded to a request made by an indi- Rice said yesterday that he be- vidual. By J.G. Griswold lieves he did not abuse his position "Really, what the CFA did there .7.01.000" Daily staff writer and was correct in sending his letter locally was a responsible reaction to - Andrew Hughey, dean of the to Fullerton. something brought to it by a faculty School of Applied Arts and Sciences, SJSU Prof. Carlene Young. member," Crist said. "Scott Rice nor said he will return to work today statewide vice president of the black anyone else went out looking for trou- after being on vacation while the uni- association, said Rice abused his po- ble. That's crazy. This isn't some- versity investigated a complaint of sition by writing a letter that indi- thing initiated by CFA or by Scott sexual harassment against him. cated that Hughey was guilty. In ad- Rice." dition, Young said the association Hughey, who has been on vaca- Young said Crist's response to - Hon since April 1, said he and SJSU thought Rice acted improperly by the black association's request was threatening the president with "ad- not surprising." President Gail Fullerton had agreed "surprising and verse publicity" if Fullerton didn't "Organizations many times will in advance that he would return to take action. regroup to protect their members." work today. He said yesterday that Young said, adding that the black as- he has not been told what the results Rice told Fullerton in his March that he would hold a press sociation has not yet received a re- of the investigation are or whether 25 letter the filing of sponse from Crist. "They'd rather go the investigation is completed. conference to announce the charge if she did not take appro- that way than take a principled "I'm going to do everything to stand." Eric Sherman Daily staff photographer priate action. keep the school (of Applied Arts and "If you do not remove the dean," Young said the black association Quanah Jeffries took advantage of the cool looks like he's practicing for an amphibious Sciences) together," Hughey said. "I Rice wrote to Fullerton. "and he en- will discuss the response and con- water in the fountain to find relief from the assualt on the university. He's likely to get am appreciative of the efforts of the gages in further incidents of sexual sider appropriate action to take. hot weather. With his GI Joe shirt on he more practice as the weather warms up. staff, faculty, chairpersons and asso harassment, we will encourage fu- "This is not the end of it," Young continued on page :t ture victims to seek punitive as well said. Board may okay Ralliers demand fund divestiture shows the fund sharing bill By Chuck Carroll president does take the anti-apartheid group seriously. She Daily staff writer By Mariann Hansen from revenue sharing is automati- An anti-apartheid group said yes- called the agreement a "creative, writer positive first step Daily staff cally deposited in the group's account terday that talks with administrators toward a resolu- Students Board The Associated through the A.S. Business Office. The this week yielded no promises about tion." of Directors is scheduled to vote groups then must submit a requisi- meeting the demands submitted to Jean Taketa, SJSU staff today on a bill to amend Act 100 of the benefits tion to get the funds from their ac- SJSU President Gail Fullerton after coordinator, said she estimated AS. Constitution, to make it easier counts. last Wednesday's rally and march. "very roughly" that about three- For groups to obtain revenue sharing fourths of SJSU's 4,000 employees be- funds. The amendment, if approved, Fullerton is scheduled to address long to the Public Employees Retire- The bill was introduced by Jeff will add the following: the protesters' demands regarding ment System. She said the average Coughlan, director of Student Serv- Office will U.S. relations with South Africa's monthly salary of these employees is ices. Before a bill is approved as an r The A.S. Business received reve- white minority government today at about $1,000, and each employee con- amendment, it must be read to the inform groups which to a noon rally in the Student Union Am- tributes 5 percent of his or her in- board three times. The bill already nue sharing that they are eligible phitheater. come toward retirement. Employess during the last two receive the funds. has been read Members of the Students Against working less than half-time and/or Coughlan will board meetings and r Groups must update their rec- Apartheid met privately and sepa- for less than six months, and student read it for the third time today. ognition prior to requesting revenue- rately with Fullerton and Gerald employees are exempt from the re- sharing funds. Brody, director of Career Planning During spring elections, students tirement fund contribution, she said. r A list of those groups which re- and Placement, this week. Based on her figures, SJSU employ- can designate $2 from their student ceived revenue-sharing funds will be Karen Hester, a member of the ees contribute about $150,000 a month fees to go to the campus organizatioi included in the A.S. budget. of their choice. The money then be- anti-apartheid group, said that the In PERS. requesting funds comes available to those groups as Each group only substantial development to Kevin Morrill, the administra- shall submit a written request to the revenue sharing. emerge from the two-hour meeting tive manager of the PERS invest- Business Office to verify the A.S. with Fullerton Monday was her ag- ment office, said he has not spoken The proposed amendment will groups' recognized status. Patrick Fredrickson Daily stall phototttagther reement to ask SJSU employees if with Fullerton. He said is not able to make it "easier" for groups to get they want their retirement fund di- list r Immediately upon verifica- SJSU President Gail Fullerton accepts a of demands from estimate "off hand" how much those funds, Coughlan said. vested of interests that do business in tion, the business office shall dis- anti-apartheid protesters at Tower Hall last Wednesday. money or what percentage of the South Africa. A questionnaire will be Act 100 outlines the procedure for burse the appropriate funds directly fund's money from SJSU or Califor- placed in the employees' paycheck the campus organizations to obtain to the group. nia State University employees is in- envelopes, she said. Fullerton to demand that the Public day and could not be reached for revenue-sharing funds from A.S. r The only criteria for the dis- Employees Retirement Fund divest comment. Fullerton was the only ad- vested in corporations in South Af- Money that a group is designated persal of funds to each group shall be One of the anti-apartheid group's its "considerable funds" from South ministrator to attend that meeting, rica. Morrill said he would make the approval by a minimum of five board aims, stated in the letter given to Ful- Africa. her secretary said. latest investment portfolio figures members in the group's favor. lerton after Wednesday's rally, is for Fullerton was out of town yester- Hester said Fullerton's response continued on back page Dear Readers, A. The Spartan Daily suffered damage to one of Building dedication could cost a few million dollars its computers yesterday. We lost many of our news By J. G. Griswold that no person's name was mentioned cided last month not to name or re- There are 23 buildings that are on the long-term best interests of the stories and were forced to Daily staff writer by the committee. This does not name any buildings until spring, 1987, not named after an individual.
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