PAGE TEN S — MANCHESTKR EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Wed.. July 13, 1977 Lenti Farm findings challenged The weather By GRKG PEARSON sion. The development has been A group of residents hired Wilson watershed area is 176 acres, Giles Herald Reporter proposed by Robert Stone and Jack Alford, an engineer from Windsor, said.) Mostly sunny continued warm but less humid today. Highs In 80s to near Jay J. Giles, Manchester's director Goldberg, but has drawn stiff opposi­ who raised questions about the Alford also said that the earth ManrliTatpr) TEurmnn HrralJi^ Classified .. .4—6-B Gardening . 90. Clear tonight with lows in 60s. Most­ of public works, has questioned some tion from surrounding residents. design of the drainage facilities as berms for the dike would not survive Comics..........7-B Obituaries ... 8-A planned by Griswold & Fuss. Alford ly sunny Friday with highs around 90. SIXTEEN PAGES Manchester—A City .of Village Charm Editoriai .......4-A Sports...... 3-4-B of the findings of an engineer who The neighbors have said that the the 100-year storm causing flooding No national Weather forecast map was hired by neighboring residents to cluster zoning, which permits said that the ponds were planned for problems. TWO SECTIONS today because of the New York. City MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1977- VOL. XCVI, No. 241 study detention ponds in the proposed Residence A zone-size houses and a 25-year storm when most drainage But, Giles wrote, "In fact, the power failure. PRICE: FIFTEEN GENTS Lenti Farms tract subdivision. Giles lots, would be out-of character with areas are actually planned for a lOO- earth berm has been designed to act also said that maintenance of the surrounding homes, which are zoned year storm, a storm that in one year as a spillway capable of passing the detention facility will cost the town predominavtly Residence AA. has 1,/100 of a chance of occurring. difference in flow between the 25- at least $1,000 per year. Giles, however, said that the 25- year and 100-year storms without The four-page report was sub­ Another major concern has been year plan is in keeping with the erosion.” mitted to the Planning and Zoning the two drainage detention ponds that town’s Public Improvement One concern raised by residents Commission (PZC) Monday night. would be located on the ten acres Specifications and with the Depart'- was that the ponds would cause an in­ that the developers would deed to the ment of Transportation crease cost to the town because they Power loss makes The 40-acre tract off Gardner St. is the proposed site for a planned 79- town as open space under cluster requirements for watersheds of less would have to be maintained regular­ unit Residence AA Cluster subdivi­ zoning requirements. than 1,000 acres. (The entire ly. Giles asked for a study on this matter from “Timothy O’Sullivan, highway superintendent. O’Sullivan estimated the yearly Researchers find trampoline cost at $4,900 per year, but Giles felt NYC a ghost town that some of the cost estimates In the report were high. He said that yearly NEW YORK (UPI) - A sudden Under cover of dark, bands of Northeast in 1965 could not happen maintenance costs would range power failure enveloped 9 million thieves roamed city streets, com­ again. good exerciser for elderly between $1,000 and $2,000. metropolitan citizens Wednesday pletely clearing out stores, including “We cannot tolerate in this age of Giles also discounts a proposed night, sparked wholesale looting, and gun shops. More than 2,000 people AMHERST, Mass. (UPI) — Bouncing on a small tram­ modern technology a power system to exercise,” said Ariel. “For example we can develop alternative to the detention ponds — turned the nation’s largest city into a were arrested. that can shut down the nation’s poline may be fun for kids, but it's also a good way for some equipment on a Disney World idea. Instead of lif­ the installation of a larger drainage daylight ghost town today. “You see people running down the elderly people to exercise, according to a former Olym­ largest city with a bolt of lightning in ting ordinary weights, a child could open the Big Bad pipe from the subdivision. “The pipe The city was virtually shut down. street with cases of liquor, cartons of Rockland County,” Beame said. pic athlete and exercise expert. Wolf’s mouth 10 times and a card would come out saying would be 72-inches, he said. More than 12 hours into the shoes,’’ said Patrolm an Louis Gideon Ariel, founder and director of research of Com­ The blackout stranded thousands in ‘congratulations’.” Giles said such a drainage setup blackout. Con Edison, the main elec­ Angelone. subways, commuter trains and puterized Biomechanical A'nalysis Inc., says the tram­ “We can also take into consideration safety factors and "would create a potentially trical utility, had restored service to He watched looters rip down a poline may be one of the best forms of exercise for the elevators. evaluate what the potential for damage or injury is and dangerous situation that does not only about 1,000,000 ebstomers. steel door of a gun shop in Brooklyn Looters — mostly youths who broke nation's growing numbers of elderly people. exist with the proposed detention V- ■ modify the equipment before it ever arrives on the Con Edison estimated all service and carry off guns and ammunition. into shop windows and store fr.onts— .A dream company facilities.” playground,” said CBA President Ann Penny. Demonstrator gets a free ride would be restored later today. “There was a mob of them,” he roamed the streets at will. By dawn, Ariel is an exercise scientist and his company analyzes Another idea for children’s exercise is to incorporate The PZC conducted a public A weary Mayor Abraham Beame, said. “1 heard shots.” police had arrested more than 2,(KX) human motion. "We're selling ideas. We're a dream com­ exercise with television video games. hearing on the proposed subdivision citing “widespread looting,’’ A member of the May 4 Coalition had to be carried from “Tent Beame said “hundreds of looters of them. pany.' he said. “Who says the lazy games, like TV Ping Pong, have to on June 13. About 150 persons declared a state of emergency and and vandals have preyed” on the ci- Police said 78 officers were injured "We just developed an exercise machine called a be so easy?” said Ariel. “Why not combine an exercise attended the hearing, and most were City” by Kent State University campus police Tuesday when he urged citizens to stay home, con­ tyS^iot police patrolled the streets slightly, and one patrolman trying to TRAMM for elderly people. There are SO million people device like a bike with one of the games? Say you decided in opposition to the proposal. “The refused to obey a court order to leave the grounds being occupied serve water, keep calm and await in­ and reported looting even after arrest looters in the Bronx was shot over 65 in this country who don’t have a way to exercise. to go to Sweden on the bike. “There could be energy PZC does not meet in August and will by demonstrators protesting the construction of a gymnasium structions. daybreak, in the leg. He was reported in fair So we developed a machine that looks like a little tram­ problems on the screen for you to overcome. You could have to decide on the proposed near the site where four students were killed in another confron­ Beame and Gov. Hugh Carey said A spokesman for the city’s 17 condition. have exercise with video feedback.” development at its next meeting, poline that will prevent shock. You use the same amount there would be a special investiga­ municipal hospitals said there was a The New York Stock Exchange an­ July 25, unless an extension is issued. tation several years ago. (UPI photo) of energy as you do when you run, but your heart rate tion of the blackout, the second since “heavier concentration” of stabbings nounced it would close for the day. doesn't go high," he said. 1965 when a power failure blacked and shootings during the night. At 7 a.m., Con Edison reported Formed in 1971 out the entire Northeast. Voluntary hospitals reported a 600,000 homes were restored with Ariel and three others — an engineer, a computer 5 RCBES OF FINE FURNITURE New Englaturs largest SalocHon Beame told a news conference “it similar increase in the treatment of power, mostly in Westchester County programmer and another exercise scientist — have been will not be possible to operate normal victims of violent assault. north of the city, while millions doing exercise research since their company was formed businesses” until power is restored. The massive power failure hit the remained without power. in 1971. Commerce was brought to a halt. city at 9:34 p.m. Wednesday, when They worked with discus thrower Mac Wilkins before Three on a skateboard Stock exchanges closed. Major lightning struck a utility substation he won the Oljmpic gold medal last year. They also businesses shut their doors. Subway north of the city and knocked out predicted a leg injury to New England Patriots’ running Merrily these boys roll ajong on their one-of-a-kind skateboard on Falknor Dr. From left and commuter systems were halted. power lines already overloaded on back Sam Cunningham. And, they have recently are Mike St. Onge, 14, of 23 Falknor Dr., Ken Hagenow, 14, of 111 Olcott St., and Mark St.
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