Birmingham City Council Planning Committee 07 January 2016 I submit for your consideration the attached reports for the South team. Recommendation Report No. Application No / Location / Proposal Approve - Conditions 8 2015/08455/PA 124 Billesley Lane Moseley Birmingham B13 9RD Minor Material Amendment to Planning Permission 2014/03677/PA for changes to shopfront and shutter design Approve - Conditions 9 2015/08168/PA Land to the rear of 122 Green Acres Road Kings Norton Birmingham B38 8NL Residential development for the erection of 10 dwellings with associated landscaping Approve - Conditions 10 2015/07758/PA 24 Highbury Road Kings Heath Birmingham B14 7QN Erection of new house and demolition of existing garage Defer – Informal Approval 11 2015/02983/PA Land at Sandon Road Harborne Birmingham B17 8LL Development of playing pitches (2 x rugby, 1 x all weather pitch with lighting), changing rooms, w/c's and parking (phase 1), and club room with kitchen and bar, additional changing rooms, and ancillary office, stores and wc's (phase 2) Page 1 of 1 Director of Planning and Regeneration Committee Date: 07/01/2016 Application Number: 2015/08455/PA Accepted: 12/10/2015 Application Type: Minor Material Amendment Target Date: 07/12/2015 Ward: Moseley and Kings Heath 124 Billesley Lane, Moseley, Birmingham, B13 9RD Minor Material Amendment to Planning Permission 2014/03677/PA for changes to shopfront and shutter design Applicant: Mrs K Kaur c/o Agent Agent: Gurmukhi Building Design Ltd The Old School House, School Road, Moseley, Birmingham, B13 9SW Recommendation Approve Subject To Conditions 1. Proposal 1.1. Planning Permission was approved in August 2014 under 2014/03677/PA for the demolition of the existing single storey outbuilding, erection of single and two-storey extensions to the side and rear, to extend the existing retail unit and provide a new shop front, provide a new retail unit, provide security shutters to both retail units and provide two first-floor flats at No. 124 Billesley Lane. This approval was subsequently amended in February 2015 under Minor Material Amendment Application 2014/07717/PA to enlarge the basement of Retail Unit 2 in front of and to the rear of the building, add a loft bedroom to each flat, and install four rooflights. 1.2. Two subsequent planning applications were made earlier this year to vary/remove the majority of conditions attached to Planning Permission 2014/07717/PA. These applications were refused and were appealed. A decision from the Planning Inspectorate is awaited. Similarly, a second minor material amendment was made earlier this year for an increase in height and changes to roof shape and inclusion of third bedroom to Flat 2. Again, this application was refused and the decision appealed. A decision from the Planning Inspectorate is awaited. 1.3. This third minor material amendment application to the original consent (2014/03677/PA) seeks to modify the design of the originally approved shopfronts and roller shutters. The originally approved shopfronts were of a historic style - incorporating panelled stallrisers, pilasters, corbels/capitals, cornices and transom lights. The current shopfronts are proposed to be simpler and utilitarian in design, constructed of powder coated aluminium but also incorporating rendered pilasters and solid lower panels to represent stallrisers. The approved roller shutters were to comprise of polycarbonate glass strips powder coated blue with aluminium laths. The current roller shutters are proposed to be of aluminium punched holes, with 55% transparency and bottom lath sections. 1.4. Link to Documents Page 1 of 7 2. Site & Surroundings 2.1. The application site comprises of No. 124, a two storey Inter-War property, and its curtilage. No. 124 is located on a corner site fronting Billesley Lane and with a single storey flat roofed outbuilding located to the side, adjacent to Southlands Road. There is a single storey garage serving No. 122 immediately adjoining the site to the rear, beyond which is the single storey flat roofed garage of No. 6 Southlands Road. No. 124 is the only commercial premises in this terraced row, all other properties in this row are residential terraced houses, including the immediately adjoining property No. 122. The ground floor previously traded as an off-licence (Use Class A1) but has been vacant for some time. Southlands Road comprises entirely of residential dwellings and the surrounding area is residential in character. 2.2. The frontage to No. 124 is tarmaced for car parking, and a timber close boarded fence is located at back of pavement defining the site boundary to Southlands Road. There is an existing A1 convenience store located approximately 90m from the site on the corner of Billesley Lane and Blenheim Road. On the opposite corner of Billesley Lane and Southlands Road is the entrance to allotments which are adjacent to Moseley Golf Course. Site Location Map 3. Planning History 3.1. 2010/05871/PA: Erection of two storey and single storey side and rear extension to create extended ground floor shop and two first floor flats – Withdrawn 3.2. 2010/05026/PA: Extension of A1 unit, creation of A5 unit and two flats – Withdrawn 3.3. 2010/03563/PA: Extension of A1 unit, creation of A5 unit and two flats – Withdrawn 3.4. 2012/03514/PA: Demolition of existing stores, erection of single and two storey extensions to provide a rear enlargement to the existing Class A1 retail unit, a new Class A5 hot food takeaway unit (with roller shutters), and two self-contained flats at first floor – Withdrawn 3.5. 21 August 2014 - 2014/03677/PA - Demolition of existing single storey outbuilding, erection of single and two-storey extensions to side and rear, to extend the existing retail unit and provide a new shop front, provide a new retail unit, provide security shutters to both retail units and provide two first-floor flats – Approved-conditions 3.6. 15 February 2015 – 2014/07717/PA - Minor material amendment to Planning Permission 2014/03677/PA to enlarge basement of Retail Unit 2 in front of and to the rear of the building, add a loft bedroom to each flat, and install four rooflights – Approved-conditions 3.7. 15 May 2015 - 2015/02039/PA - Variation of Condition number 5 to extend opening hours from 0800-2000 Mondays to Saturdays and 0800-1900 Sundays and Bank Holidays to 0800-2330 Monday to Saturday and 0800-2230 on Sundays and Bank Holidays and the removal of condition number 12 attached to previous application Page 2 of 7 2014/07717/PA – Refused (on grounds that would result in noise and disturbance) – Currently being appealed by Applicant 3.8. 15 May 2015 - 2015/02040/PA - Removal of Conditions 6 (delivery hours), 7 (cycle storage), 8 (drainage), 9 (plant and machinery), 10 (refuse), 11 (pavement boundary) and 13 (deliveries to front of premises) attached to Planning Permission 2014/07717/PA – Refused (on grounds of noise and disturbance, drainage, highway safety, lack of cycle parking and inadequate amenity space) – Currently being appealed by Applicant 3.9. 7 August 2015 – 2015/04843/PA - Minor Material Amendment to planning permission 2014/03677/PA for increase in height and changes to roof shape and inclusion of third bedroom to Flat 2 – Refused (on grounds of further incremental additions resulting in poor design and cramped/inadequate living conditions for future occupiers of Flat 2) – Currently being appealed by Applicant 4. Consultation/PP Responses 4.1. Transportation Development – No objection 4.2. Regulatory Services – No objection 4.3. West Midlands Fire Service – No response received 4.4. West Midlands Police – No objection 4.5. Local residents, Ward Councillors, M.P. and Residents Associations notified: 9 letters of objection received from local residents raising the following concerns relevant to this application as summarised: • The bland aluminium shop front will look ugly especially on such a prominent location • Fundamental design and quality of the original timber design proposed is being considerably altered • Concerns that shutters may be acoustically inferior and visually very industrial looking • Will not look in keeping with many other local businesses on Poplar Road (nearest shops) or fit with the conservation regulations of the very close by St Agnes Conservation Area • Continual and excessive requests for alterations to original approval • Doesn’t appear to be any need for roller shutters i.e. low crime Moseley Society – Support this type of roller shutter design 5. Policy Context 5.1. The following local policies are applicable: • Birmingham UDP • Draft Birmingham Development Plan • Places for All SPG • Moseley SPD Page 3 of 7 • Shop Fronts Design Guide SPG • Mosely Shop Fronts Design Guide SPG 5.2. The following national policies are applicable: • National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 6. Planning Considerations 6.1. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) confirms that there is a presumption in favour of sustainable development (Para. 14). Paragraph 7.31A of the Birmingham UDP recognises the importance of corner shops and local parades of shops and states that so far as its powers permit the Council will seek to support such facilities. Policy UD1 of the Moseley SPD seeks to “Ensure all new development enhances or improves the quality of the built environment, and acknowledges the value of the natural environment and open space, as important components of good design.” 6.2. The Council’s Shop Fronts Design Guide SPG gives advice on what constitutes good shop front design, stating that shopfronts designed as part of new buildings constructed in traditional shopping streets should relate to the form and proportions of the adjoining traditional shopfronts. The Moseley Shop Fronts Design Guide SPG re-iterates this design advice. 6.3. The application premises was built in the Inter-War period, rather than being of Victorian/Edwardian origin.
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