~ : .....................................•....•............- . J 5 Omaha's Greatest ~ i and Best : ~ • ;.. • > '. • Weekly Newspaper • ']" ··'H·E····.·············. EDIAT R E WOTS' THIS? DAVE MIKE CLARK Ct O. PHAS MANY GOOD SHIDE TO MEET MR. FOR SHERIFF IWHO THEY ARE, HY SCHOELL. LET'S HOPE l\'1ike Clark is running for sheriff because the people want . him. That fact has been made MEN IN THE TICKET JAKE ISAACSON, AMERICAN 'LE­ patent to the least observing. THEY SEEK SU PPORT GION PROMOTER, PROMISES Business men approve his past FANS THIS DISH FOR administration. The av~rage! TURKEY DAY citizen believes that Mike Clark Others Not So Good Including .~* B. was renominated because he de- This Column Devoted to the Demo­ !Hey! Lookit, you sports! See served to be and they will vote for him because he has their Howell for Senator what's eoming, maybe. Dave Shade, fnll confidence. cratic Candidates he of hit and duckit fame. If the He is not a silk stocking can- dream book is okay then we are to didate. The door to Mike llave him as our guest, Turkey day. Clark's office is open to all and HENRY BEAL. MAY LEAD THE TICKET He is expected to meet the foxy Fran- at all times. fI you believe that HITCHCOCK SHOULD BE HE-ELECTED one good tum deserves another Bnffalo~ kie Schoell of New Yawk. you should place a cross in front Mike Clark Has Thousands of Staunch Friends Backing Him forI'Th.ey have met twice and each time of his name on election day ISecond District Seems to Be Strongly in Favor of Sending James Sheriff-Judge Sears Well Liked-Randall Will Probably the eastern boy got the decision. He J. Hanley to Congress-M. L. Endres in'Hot Race with Defeat Bryan-Race Hottest One in Yea.rs---The is a fQxy bird with the mits is this No less an authority :than the fam.- Mike Clark-Democrats Seem to ThinkIt Their Year Men, Not Politics, Will Count Most. Schoell and as a walloper, that's him ous old quarterback for Holy Cross all over, Mabel, and then some. The and present S1. Louis coach, Stevel ., . • Ameriean Le.giC)fi is arranging the af-tO'RourkG is a.uthority for the state- . (Editor s ~ate: . ~emg absol~telY man should be returned to the Capitol (tEditor's Note--:ln these columns1senate wh~reas his opponent stands fair. Cum' on Jake, tie 'em up, thement that ''The Nebraska University mdependent m politic~ the. Media~or by the greatest majority of votes ever we p.resent our reasons for supporting high ~ that august body and through. faIllS are waitin' for a real scrap and this season 1las the greatest football presents for th: conSI~eration of .Its recorded. or fighting certain candidates on the his long years as seIlJator from fuls if you give 'em anything different it's team in the history of American foot- readers very b~ef stOrI?S concernmg As a man, the present senator stands republican ticket. The G. O. P. has state is in position to make his· in- thecm;tain for you and every one else ball." Steve claims· that Nebraska most of the leading candidates There high in the estimation of the general nominated sever,al men that should fluence for good felt. During fue pres- connected with the fight game in Oma- could beat Harvard on a Thursday,. are a few men on both ticket:s t~at no public. As Nebraska's senior senator be elected, others that should be -de- ent eampaign J.\:i-r. Howell has ta,Iked ha. And that's a fact, if YOU don't be- Yale Friday and Centre on Saturday Iman or woma~ cau conscIentIously he has stood head and shoulders above featedlincluding too head of the ticket,. much of radio and such but haS said Heve it get away from the inside crowd 2.Jld Steve is about nght at that. WatchIvote for a~d this paper ~oes ~ot.heSI- any that has preceded him. R. B. Howell.) ,little on the'live issues of the day. If and mingle for a few minutes with the them take the Oklaihoma Sooners forItat~ to pOInt them 0:rt In this lssue, Senator Hitchcock is for the Soldier the people of this state would do them- multitudes Who slap down their jack a stack Qf college ohips Saturday whil~ others are entitl~d to the full Bonus, and against the infamous new FOB SENATOR-R. B. HOWELL selves a favor they will keep R. to keep the' 01' game going. aiternqon. confIdence of the public.) tariff. So are most Nebraskans. His The re-publicans have as their stand- Beecher .Howell at home. Meanwhile opponent endorses every act of the ard bearer for United States Senator, Omaha voters would do w.all to ra- For Senator--Gilbert M. Hitchcock present administration, which means , Ro'berl Beecher Howen, a man who we elect his as .water eomm1ssion.er as READ· RECORD OF BAUMAN AND Politics aside, Gilbert M. Hitchcock he must at least tentatively agree with believe has a dean record so far:as ms he has had broad and valuable experi- is the logical man to represent Ne- President Harding that the soldiers personal character is concerned. He ence along fhat line and it is experi- URE AS CITIZE.II. S AN.D bm.ska at Washington the next six are not entitled to a bonus and that he has heen an asset to fue city/as head. enee that eounts whether it be in a n OFFICIALS Iyears in the senate. During his 12 will stand by the republican tariff of the Water ooard and Puhlic Utili- local position or in the United States I years service he has proved time and which adds two or three hundred dol- ties co~sion.. Further than that Senate.· 1a~ that he not only has the inter- lars to the annual living cost of each he has little to recommend him as a t'sts of Nebraska at heart but has the family. Every man that is true to man for the exalted! position he as- FOR CONGRESS-WILLIS G. SEARS Bauman Has Made Good All His Life and Is the Man to Servt:. faculty and the opportunity t.o do the himself and his state should and can pil'es;; Willis G. Sears is can:ying the re- as County Treasurer-Ure's Official Record is VerY Iworth while things for this state and with good grace vote to return our $hoqid -lfeif;O to the senate it WOUltl .llUbli~ banner as nominee for coil- Murky-Tried to Serve Two Masters - the nation that his constituents expect present senator. ~. a Ne~ indorsement of HAr-.! gress{r'om the s~ud ·distriet. He !of him. ~s Ship Subsidy; program also of has .been llonored many tirtlesby the ! Hitchcock is the leading democrat in IFor Congressman-James H Hanley the robber t~.~ bas bee:q, ~Lpa.rty,of Li;ncoln. Grant. andMcKin.leY ono J. BAlThIAN .'-, WIIJJA.M G. URE ! the senate tod~. His influence is So much has been said favorable to recently en'OOted. He stands by andi and has filled the pOsitions to whieh Otto:1. Bauman stands 1?ut as the It would make mighty interestingInext only to the present republican. the candidacy of James H. Hanley that for th.e pre$ident'iJ, program which in-j he has been eleeted w.ij.hi honor and: one man :running for an important po- reading to the voters of Douglas conn-l senate lead£r and he is needed in the it would seem a waste 0 ftime to fur­ cludled the dirty 'slap at every ex-credit. He had been a fine and just .. ty and especially to his church friends, upperhousenow even more thanduring ther elaborate on his sterling qualities serviee man in the conntry who be-ijudge and has just the right tempera- htical office who should be elected to have Bill Ure tell them just how he i the trying times of war and the years or {)n the many reasons why he should ~eve ~Y are entitled to some eon- ment,and·t:he matured. age for such a I~or the .two .principal reaso~.that he "pu: over" the"-aamination for.Treasur-I that have followed.. Voters should be elected tO'represent the second dis­ siIieration at the hands of ~ Amer- place. JUdge Sears is not a youngIls an exceptionally well qualifled maD er ill 1911 when he ran agmnst 1. L. i know that Senator Hitchcock has been trict. Of the scores of reasons why iean pUblic. If he is consistant he man. any more and WOUld; hardly be for the place and that his opponent, I' Beisel. Quite a few people around 'I the greatest advertisement that N e- this young and virile man should be wlJuJ.d fight any future efforts that expected to put the vim into his work William TIxe, is not only unqualified town already know all about it and i1 braska has ever had, not excepting sent to Washington none is more pat­ wo~d 00 'Put .fO.rfu ·by the American as co~es~.as wi~l his opponent bu: is unfit for any office, public OrjWOUld be.well for the rest ?f the voters I even the so-called Peerless leader. ent. or impre~sive than the f~ct that Legion and other peoples and organ- who 1S Just m the pnme of his life. PrIvate. to acquamt themselves Wlth the clr-I For years the press of the country Ihe lS so constituted that he Wlll be on :izations for a soldier bonus.
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