IT e a t h e r VOTE MICHIGAN Cloudy todoy witn tnow fittt* fi#* toit m ofolndt Ttioptro* T O D A V STATE UNIVERSITY 'S?" , ,u / * i s •« y 7 V W f M ' *0 *» . y • • . n t r T ■0 ’ ' M Bill Would Burden Students S a f e t y $1200 Note Required Before Graduation • e o p e u R o m n e y t t e e s 1 o e x a m i n e I ra ffte iyrt ’'r a m s I o f eu t i ai Pt'UV ■ Sltv‘5 1 on r o k ë à c H of Calls r More Debaters Air Views iquiring On AUSG Polls Open f or AUSO Election RESULT OF CARELESSN ESS—Smoll fir»* of fire-lighting equipment for this alarm. AUSO, and Rob« likp Hus one di scov^red in a card board «or­ Fire official* suspect that on ashtray emp* Tmhutst, Ul., j' lon in 307 Kedtie Tuesday evening, resali tied into the cardboard bo», caused the fire, j pr At’SG presule in larqe disturbane«1* on ibe campus. East --State News Photo by Si* ip May* Y Vo Lansinq {ire depnttment moved fi ve piece* lobby of n. Ni Crowding In Men’s Dorms ÌIH ,A. MS - P' (Continutd dn Poçt 31 women id. "It won t n r, but there < any crowding 'will Whyte Describes Latin Students 'Desperate’ bv M By BILL DOERNER Of The State New* c w â n * s ^ftv is, anj3 since i t v in the Nc A meri 06, scope of the that snow raised the water level steadi ,|yi and 111 v. an authority on Lati PARKING LOT BECOMES SWIMMING POOL said. the University ground* deportment had to vis e d .»The high water mark of this flood in the "In this c pump off the excess water. (See Related parking area„ near me»U* Universityu n i »v • »■ ■ 7 quonsets1 G r a n d O p r y I fina Flood Story Page 3) --State News Photo ^isvh a id e rs reached three feet, Heavy rains ut we think in term mg a band ot ban* r< icular issues,” said V' am the time of hi* leath. t * w* * Singers Die «byte, professor of IStl they had not stolen ft J L i s t elations at Cornell U but for revolutionary pt Congress May Oppose On campus to speak 'Mr Whyte said. I n C r a s h gerneni Elite and Indu *M think it i-fi quite str ations in L a tin Am a, th this man should be «10 W I L L I A M F . WHYTE d It cture in a ser 3f fiV a martyr by a group of s AMDFN, Tenn. I/Pi - The * * * ttered bodies of Patsy Cline, ling with social change in he said, ROTC Overhaul Plan Hawksh Hawkins and ( owboy Latin America, Whyte-compared the students north and south of Whyte went on to rnt r firct cucaesred. said it wa$ **sud- proposal "was p C opas-- top country singers— other bank robberies > Officer Says \L’ a cuiKjf lit v\ i' - T h e I en- »• 6® * , *» ■ j _ j -...... ~,■» were f d Wednesday in the the border m an interview Wed­ WAS cynical ai misguided for political purposes tAgon, in | •at e-ckaj of a small plane which nesday. >gram almost 50 Hebert "Our students believe we have opposition he Army to make junior ROTC, crashet n ear the Tennessee Cuban Caves . 5 that h e has t saiid.. "Tl ■i basically good system- thatthe oned Wedne emarkably slow in fered by 255 high school River. .rrunation, he Grand Ole Opry .stars average man gets a fair shake, 1 his type 01 »cuv K) tab „« v ■:¥. óf-i istakess” a We ’■ • ■ •.> w j, •¡so woult Tiie indication of the Wsjte:.v-icetway, ■ * * • i >*f’• i *;*!■■ ■ with "tileir pilot and’MisS he 'said. "This as not true *.n ficer Trail aid the subcommittee, have all th r e e servi«ces offe i aiòng student groups often operate, I o Hold Red A rm ?’ ■ g o f f i c e s manager, Randy Hughes, Peru. You cannot find a student cated iftste spoke out that the junior ROTC courses, Cline 35, were killed Tuesday night who will try to Justify the sys­ said. pand it are iterested in a pro- Hebert said the Am tem under which he lives. I his Up when the plane plunged to earth ! ,p ,-rrejnig.citc« • iS .-i: Wed­ must * • » I f •••* A ss b ' -4 nt op disci- aliojved /my. schools t< is true whether or nor nc sees 947, al- on a wooded hill, five miles nesday that Soviet military sup­ • householder as Paul told physical for junior ROT C since revolution as the only way out. Students I rged appl led. northwest of here and 85_miles plies, including ammunition, ve­ o e o f t h e student. vices $ubc< of the gh school though some 500 have Whyte admitted that student po­ int Hebert said he want: ine rote west of Nashville. hicles and aircraft, probably are :e investigates ail in position litical groups in Peru, the cnsui y To List Activities ilor R TC : o u ; They were returning to their stored in thousands of caves in -rding discrim- fight over . 'Assun hat the Congress changes in effect by next March in which he has done most of spell trouble fo: —he .proposed •—-r; thaMhese activities are 1 . to give schools and colleges Nashville homes from. Kansas Students should list their or­ Cuba, but not offensive missiles belli ( ity, 'Kan., where they had given his research, are a minority, overhaul of the college ROTC. important to the na t i ona 1 in- time to plan for their 1964-65 ganizations and activities on the or bombers. discrimination a benefit performance for the "but a substantial and very vocal Secretary of Defense Robert terest ” Paul said, '/we support academic yea. s. reverse side of the Dean of Stu­ Maj. Gen. Alva R. Fitch also useholder is taken •i^iiy df Cactus Jack Calt, a minority." ' S. McNamara had sought approv­ n principle a continuation of Undersecretary of riu Navy dents registration card, the Dean voiced doubt there are any nu­ ■■■'• ii st,” Nonna- r idio disc Jockey killed in a "They have had iittTe exper­ al from Congress to end support some form o f this program, and Paul B hay said he favors.pro- of Students office announced Wed­ clear warheads on the island. recent traffic accident. ience in organization, and go for of the program effective July . ?,« exoansion to include other grams aimed at developing dis- nesday. Soviet ground force withdraw­ Inquiries and expressions of rather doctrinaire and drastic ” car. re-apply for transferring ROTC units to the 1 , clpline and physical fitness. But The registration cards, filed als so far appear to be limited sympathy came from virtually changes. They tend to see pro­ ■ after he has been National' Defense Cadet Corps, SClHebert opened hearings on pro- he added that Navy parti, ipatlon during ¡¡spring term, are the only to those associated with the in- every state to WSM, Nashville gress in terms of a global solu­ a program under which the , ,,,| ROTC in junior ROTC would naturally manner organizations and ac­ termediate-a and medium-range radio station which is the home tion.” r » schools bear most of pos«ls to over m en , place a drain on our manpower tivities can be listed on the stu­ missiles removed under U.S. kt>. sve to show evi- of the 35-year-old Opry country He recalled a newspaper ar­ Subcommittee chairman ----- F. Ed - , J^r’iririyiniT me1« ’TCiCiiarM e n s , supplyrr - ' ----and lend ,o red «« our dent's permanent record. pressure last October, he added. R 3E no longer prac.- ■ « *ni)ltat»v oifnc'f i . * * music program. ticle which he read during his b ration," Non- ward Hebert. D-La.. who had He said the cutback military effectiveness. PÉÿ» , IS opposed..4 thetk« cutback e*since n.'o iitt W.3was * Thurada\ P r« * t Cutting»" Student Senate Plan: To Those A Vote For Efficiency Oavè Joel itfn ftfnCHC and | will make no attempt to further my image as a Presidential candidate. a m e < t f t c t a r t s Young GOP Foils To Elect Officer s At Chaotic Meet A.U.S.G. CONSTITUTION PROPOSED AMENDMENT p i ; Tow er Portable in It? Own Attache Case fie preser.t a.L'.S»G. Cor.st líiíoor» «rît»; ¿*414*4*4. MO MONEY PM A A 4 at. gas :síi*rjjf SctfSem CORgfpss- DOWN íes a r e govern » oatt-votmg represe? at s tu n £.**■» f'mamttem: itm The Attache ... a portable other that g^es wher roe |6. Rikh&i ease hs-M? note book.*, Vote March 7, Thursday paper. ¿ouitir» it a d n i . Ttpmitef ha? 9!4hul mrruier. touch »«Sector. iMireiM) jcaea* Thursday. March 1963 Safety Center o u r (CmUIhuW how pof* 1) Continu««! fro if1 IT #* {11®I® tv (* > »fffce 1 * -■ Future*[vf MitdkwB \vltl Dormitories v*r»*ty >x rMtw thcMdlttg <®t*e offset nywK I yl* TtoMrihur#, iVtwtu stèri ffoi Sections At Night To Be Offered In Great Issues N ew Curriculum Planned 7k* r. -F ri. MARCH MONEY SAVERS â n é S û t / N y lcre st 6 STYLES of PANTIES POLY WARE II r ' r r h f o r s p r i n A <f9 ft fen «■ IftíRly Ik 71 mini 15 tff Wb*!« l*eà«t I I r e s White and Pastels MSU DACRON-COTTON THE C0LLE6E DRUG STORE hvlvn burrrsy BLOUSES Sweatshirts close out of THE HEX A EL STORE open ’til 9.00 every night $197 SELECTED colors fl¡lit Y H a u ti 1045 E.
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