JACL EDUCATION U·NO COMMITTEE HIRES HIRANO DIRECTOR PACIFI ITIZE Bar To Serve as JACL Link with Alian American lh~ .oIlO\\ln, b texi M the Studiel Center. tPI~~e~or ·:~~ ~f ::uo~Y ~S~::ltd. VOL. 72 NO. 6 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1971 12 CENTS delh er .. d .... n . 30 at lhf' San .10'" JACL Inlu,l1aUon Dinner. LOS ANGELES-Bob Suzuki, . chainnan of the JACL's Na­ tional Education Committee, Na~r.n~t raI8~~~~J!nt announced the appointment of Ronald M. Hirano. 27. as its 1 1II. 1I~. Eating such a delicious meal National Director of Educa­ reminds me of a story entiUed tion. IDrano wiU act as staft "Her Cup Runneth Over': to the Committee and bear A lawyer was cross-exam· prime responsibiUty for the Issei on welfare shaken by Ining the defendant. implemeDtatioD o[ its pro­ JAPANESE GARDEN PROJECT-At the east end at Santa "After you poisoned tlle grams. coffee. your husband sat at Ana's new Civic Center Complex is the new $50.000 Japa­ the tablc and sipped it. Didn't "The hiring rep ....ents a di· nese Guden and pavilion. which was dedicated last Novem­ you fecI the slightest pity for r.ct link b.tween the JACL ber. The garden was built through efforts of the Japanese bin)~" education program and the Asian American Studies Cen­ American Community Services of Orange County, IDtoshi uYes,u she answered. 'IThel"e Nitta, presideDt, as a tribute to Issei pioneers. 'illegal alien' rule change was just one moment when I ters. Ron will a 1 s a act as staff coordiDator 1 a r Asian Amel;can Studies C.ntral in LOS ANGELES - As of Jan. recipi.nt, now senile, was un- bad suftered as a result of the ten working for the lowest Rebel on t he Inside: JACL addition to being Dir.ctor of PULSE ON THE CHAPTERS: 1. the State Dept. of Social able to locate or produc. the new "illegal allen" directive. wages are affected. declared President on the Outside Education." Suzuki said. Welfare order.d "illegal aU- naturalizatioD pap.rs. JACL One SDlclde Noled one union official. "We do not A s ia n American Studies ens" be dropped fro m the has Done on tile. want these foreign born recI­ Central is a consortium of SQUAS ~ wellare roll. The emergency Many Issei, unable to r.ad One s.nior citizen in the pients to be d.prived of ne­ sort of tell son,), for him." AsiaD American Studies cen­ CHANGES STILL BRIGHT TO directive was circulated in Englisb. sought assistance o[ Mexican community has com­ cessary public assistance In "'Vhen was that?" the law­ ters in the Southern CaU/or­ Manual Letter 155 dated Jan. the JASC·AI and JCC to have mitted suicide and another order to meet budget deficits. yer wanted to know. nia area. The group is seek· 6. their letters from the County had a heart attack whil. be­ It is our cODtention that the "Wh.n he ask.d for his sec­ ing to estabUsh contacts with REMAININGBA RRIERS AGAINST NISEI A week later, the full 1m- Dept. of Public Social Ser­ ing told by his social work­ State Dept. of Social Welfare ond cup." other centers across the coun- pact of that directive was telt vices translated, only to be er of tbe Dew ruling. An be r ..ponsible for attacking Fortunately for m.. there try. in Asian and Mexican Ameri· informed that unless a "green" Issei woman was so upset and budget d.ficits in other ways will be no second term as SAN JOSE - Not all of so­ ent and together aU past pres­ can communities when it was ali en registTation card, a frightened t hat sbe had to than to deprive certain needy JACL president. so p.ople Immediate Object.lve. cietJ·,s doors are open to the idents oI the Detroit Chapter. announced an "illegal alien" "pink" alien registry book is­ visit her physician twice be­ groups of Decessary assist­ will not have to fe.l SOITY for In order to make as large Japan.se American today. but The Detroit Jr. JACL also was one who would be un- sued prior to Evacuation in cause of increase in her blood ance." the unioD official add­ me. an impact as possible, one o( they will be [01' the younger r.cognizing the importance of able to ..tabUsh legal entry 1942 or sam. written evideDce. pressure. ed. ccrctary's Hopes the initial tasks of the new generation if the eUorts of a this occasion has extended in­ into the United States. The from the Immigration and Na­ By nOOD the board had ad­ Discussing the fact that Is­ Director and tbe Education Salt Lake City attorney are vitations to MDYC chapters. state letter stipulated pubUc turalization Service verifying journed after listening to sei are not being giV.D a fair 1 had an attractive. young, Committee will be the estab­ successful. A gathering of youths from assistanc. would be restricted legal entry into the U.S. was Sheriff Pitcbess discuss the chaDce 10 conform to the singl. girl as secl'etary wbile Ushment of a National JACL Raymond S. Uno, 39-yeru'­ lnidwest chapters is antici­ to persons "with intent to re- brought to a d.signated of­ East L.A. demonstration and newly instituted regulations back. I have run into her sev- Education Commission to pro­ old national president of the pated, according 10 Jr. JACT., side" as a prerequisite. lice before a specific dead- violence that follow.d, the demanding proof of legal en­ eral times recentiy and in- mol. tile development or As­ J apallese American Citizens Pr.. ident Gel1."Y ShimoUl·a. The decision ail.cts those lin e (within two or three Mayor of Lancaster opposing try. JACS-AI called an .mer­ quil'cd about bel' marital sta- ian American studies, and a League. is optimistic ot tileil' The dinner dallc. is under aliens on a temporuy visa or days), their aid would be ter­ a bed-tax increase and dis­ gency community me e tin g tus. She tells me she is still general re.-examinalion of the chanc.s to knock dow n the the co-chairmenship o[ Elain. student visa as well as those minaled. cussing the dinners served at this week (F.b. 9) al the looking. I told bel' I would American educaUonal syslef. few remaining barriers. Akagi, Kathy Shimamura, and unable to estabUsh permanent It was a r.lief to maDy various restaurants. Union Church. t ry t'o help her find an e1JgJble uFor the Japanese Amt!:rl­ Walter Miyao. Assisting are: residency supported by Jmmi- Issei to see welfare checks for bachelor, but iDformed her he ':r think t!,at a coa!ilioD o[ At the previous week's ses­ can lbe future is bright." Uno Bill Shfmamura. finance: JoAnn gration and NaturalizatioD the month of January arrive sion, llie county supervisors may not have money. She said AsJan AmerIcan Studies cen­ Shhnamura. Gerry Shimoura. Jhn Service documents. several day s later. But the money isn't everything to me, ters, JACL and c~~c.med Shlmoura. program: Art Morey, called for immediate changes but I would like a man wbo comJnuruty people w~lki.n~ to­ "en. arr.: Mlyo O'Neill. cuestfi: Recipients Notified ts-~f~v:r~'::~~.:;ere JA- in weI far e administration, s1. ~iI,!cant I nsta Ilation hlrlcy Shlmamura, decorations: which could oust up to 5.000 High school riot is tall dark and has-some. geth.r can make a Faye Dot, rcserv.; Toshl Shimo· The third week, .ach wel· Lik ~wise. JACL. m 0 n e y ~ontrlbution by P~OV1~e the ura, pub. Plighl of Needy social workers from the coun­ Impe~s fare recipient received notice ty payroll. The supervisors i 'l everything but we would lor the JnC1USIpn of declal·ed. "We can r.aIly start of the changes in rul.s. Un­ Many of the Issei are in ~I? 'me our hitory and culture In ex- are asking SacrameDto and over drug abuse like to have so . isting social science curricu. m a kin g contributions to East L.A.-Duprees able to read and understand their 70s and 80s, without fa­ Washington for a switch of Of f~~~g: ~tr~~it'::frce.~~~~~::. ~ American society in ways that swear in 1971 officers the letter, Issei either ap­ milies and totally dependent aged, disabled and blind reci­ tum,'t Hirano stated. "Thls will be original. Contributions proach their fri.nds or com­ upon welfare assistance and roittec system was e.,'Cplalned. A type o( program seeks to im­ pients to a computerized in­ short commentary on the follow· prove education by making it we were unable to make be­ Enst Los Angeles J ACL 31ld munity organizations in Lit­ social security for survival, come maintenance syste,m-si­ averted by VB 1ng areaS'of emphasis was give'): more reflective oC OUl' multi- fore," he told the MercuI'Y­ its youth chapter. Duprees, in­ Ue Tokyo. So t hat by the the JACS-Al worker add.d. milar to social security with­ ~rg~.un~' a dnv~!~:~;i!~ ' e~"'~:i ~ News. stalled Mrs. Mable Yosbizaki elld oC the month, coniusion, Th. local I&NS oWce has out. detail.d social worker cultural society." fear and hardship among the been busier than usual servic­ L OS ANGELES - A campua ence. Asian American studies, In addition to his involve· Install ation Keyooter and Wayne Nagao as theil' re­ services.
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