OrchideenJournal Publisher: V.D.O.F. Vol. 6 · 2 Vereinigung Deutscher Orchideenfreunde e.V. 2018 Thrixspermum bellamabantae Benjamin Mabanta Contents: O Nineteen new orchid species Page 1 – 21 from northern Mindanao, Philippines ISSN-Internet 2195-772X 17.4.2018 OrchideenJournal Internet | Vol. 6 · 2 Nineteen new orchid species from northern Mindanao, Philippines Derek D. Cabactulan, Jim Cootes, Miguel David De Leon, Reynold B. Pimentel, Fernando B. Aurigue, and Neil K. Binayao III 3 Summary: Abdominea intricata Cabactulan, Cootes, M.D. De Leon & Pimen- tel, Ascidieria maculosa Cabactulan, Cootes, M.D. De Leon & Pimentel, Bul- bophyllum alboaligerum Cabactulan, Cootes, M.D. De Leon & Pimentel, Bulb. crassiusculum Cabactulan, Cootes, M.D. De Leon & Pimentel, Bulb. prasinoglossum Cabactulan, Cootes, M.D. De Leon, & Pimentel, Bulb. puberulosum Cabactulan, Cootes, M.D. De Leon, & Pimentel, Bulb. vinicolor Cabactulan, Cootes, Aurigue, Pimentel & M.D. De Leon, Cylindrolobus benmabantai Cabactulan, M.D. De Leon & Pimentel, Dendrobium deleonii Cabactulan, Cootes & Pimentel, Dendrochilum charisae Cabactulan, Cootes, M.D. De Leon & Pimentel, Ddc. derekcabactulanii Cootes, M.D. De Leon & Pimentel, Ddc. kennedyi M.D. De Leon, Cootes, Cabactulan & Pimentel, Ddc. perrineae Cabactulan, Cootes, M.D. De Leon, Pimentel & Binayao, Ddc. perrinei Cabactulan, Cootes, M.D. De Leon, Pimentel & Binayao, Epicrianthes charishampeliae Cabactulan, M.D. De Leon, Cootes & Pimentel, Epicr. jimcootesii Cabactulan, M.D. De Leon & Pimentel, Epicr. neilkonradii Cabactulan, Cootes, M.D. De Leon & Pimentel, Robiquetia micramphora Cabactulan, Cootes, Pimentel & M.D. De Leon, and Thrixspermum bellamabantaiae Cabactulan, Cootes & Pimentel, are all described as new to science. Key words: Abdominea intricata, Ascidieria maculosa, Bulbophyllum alboalige- rum, Bulb. crassiusculum, Bulb. prasinoglossum, Bulb. puberulosum, Bulb. vi- nicolor, Cylindrolobus benmabantai, Dendrobium deleonii, Dendrochilum cha- risae, Ddc. derekcabactulanii, Ddc. kennedyi, Ddc. perrineae, Ddc. perrinei, Epicrianthes charishampeliae, Epicr. jimcootesii, Epicr. neilkonradii, Robiquet- ia micramphora, Thrixspermum bellamabantaiae, Philippines, Mindanao, Bukid- non, Orchidaceae, new species. Published by: VDOF e.V. Mittelcarthausen 2 58553 Halver Germany email: [email protected] Editor in chief: Roland Schettler Date of Publication: April 17th, 2018, 22:00 Uhr CEST 2 Internet | Vol. 6 · 2 OrchideenJournal Nineteen new orchid species from northern Mindanao, Philippines Derek D. Cabactulan, Jim Cootes, Miguel David De Leon, Reynold B. Pimentel, Fernando B. Aurigue, and Neil K. Binayao III Introduction: The Philippines is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world. With forests reduced to approx- imately 4% of its original cover, many plant and animal species yet unknown to science are likely to have gone the way of extinction. Despite the rapidly receding residual virgin and disturbed forest ecosystems, many more species continue to be discovered. Taxonomy can be a pursuit and an end in itself. Yet, the role of taxono- my in biodiversity conservation has increasingly become important in a country with rapidly vanishing natu- ral treasures. More than ever, taxo- nomic work and fi eld data have be- come increasingly important in policy- making, drawing public support and identifi cation of key species and hab- itats in a country with ecosystems dis- tributed over more than 7,100 islands. “Taxonomy enables us to constantly celebrate the diversity of life, thereby earning stronger public support for bi- Abdominea intricata plant odiversity” (Jeffrey Mcneely, Cornell University). Nigel Marven of Nation- al Geographic/BBC has succinctly and It is our fervent hope that this paper several elongated roots, which pro- emphatically said, “how can we pro- will showcase once again the biodiver- duce root hairs. Leaves: three to four, tect something we do not know?” sity of the Philippines and draw more lanceolate, oblong-elliptic, 2.1 to 2.3 support from all sectors for its conser- cm long by 7 mm wide, thinly-tex- Abdominea intricata infl orescence vation, preservation and restoration. tured, spreading, fl attened, entire- After exhaustive review of literature ly glabrous, margins entire, sessile, from the Philippines and neighbor- three lateral veins on both sides of the ing countries, the authors have deter- leaf; midvein adaxially depressed and mined these species to be new to sci- abaxially raised, unequally bilobed, ence and hereby present them to you. falcate at the apex. Infl orescences: short, axillary, pendent, branching, Abdominea intricata Cabactulan, rachis emerging from the base of the Cootes, M.D. De Leon, and Pimen- stem sheaths, few fl owered, entire- tel sp. nov. ly glabrous, 5 cm long, bearing up to 15 fl owers. Peduncle: short, terete, TYPE: PHILIPPINES, Mindanao, Bukid- slender, glabrous, dark green, swol- non, at 1,600 metres elevation above len in the upper portion, 3.5 cm long sea level. HOLOTYPE: MDL1803001 by 4 mm in diameter at lower rachis (January 20, 2018), CAHUP073541 and 1.50 mm diameter at upper rachis with fl owers. Bracts: lanceolate, 2.2 PLANT DESCRIPTION to 3.3 mm long and 0.35 to 0.50 mm Growth Habit: erect to pendent, mo- wide at the base, persistent, glabrous, nopodial, up to 2 cm long and 3.5 cm present on the lower and upper ra- wide across the leaves; producing chis, swollen at the base. Pedicel and 3 OrchideenJournal Internet | Vol. 6 · 2 Ovary: cylindrical-conical, glabrous, Etymology: The specifi c epithet refers grooved, grooves purple, 1.7 mm long to the intricate structure of the label- and 0.30 mm in diameter. Flowers: lum. small, membranous, fl eshy, minute- ly papillose, not opening widely. Flow- Ascidieria maculosa Cabactulan, er color: sepals and petals are purple Cootes, M.D. De Leon, and Pimen- with yellow markings at the apex; la- tel sp. nov. bellum is purple. Dorsal sepal: ellip- tic-oblong, 2.0 to 2.3 mm long by 0.90 TYPE: PHILIPPINES, Mindanao, Bukid- mm wide, thin, glabrous, concave, non, at 1,200 metres elevation above apex slightly recurved. Petals: ellip- sea level. HOLOTYPE: MDL1803002 tic-ovate, 2 mm long by 1.1 mm wide, (March 3, 2018), CAHUP073542 glabrous, thin, concave, apex slight- ly recurved upward. Lateral sepals: PLANT DESCRIPTION elliptic-oblong, 2.1 to 2.3 mm long by Growth Habit: upright, sympodial. 0.80 mm wide, thin, glabrous, con- Stems: clustered, small, hidden by cave, apex slightly recurved upwards. up to seven involute, lanceolate cata- Labellum: saccate, ovate, fl eshy, three phylls about 10 cm long by 2 cm wide. lobed, laterally compressed with a Leaves: lanceolate, up to 14.5 cm long large irregular saccate portion with- by 1.8 cm wide. Infl orescences: up- out interior ornamentation, separated right, apical, axillary, cylindrical, rac- from the apical part by a fl eshy trans- emose, up to 5 cm long by 1.75 cm in verse wall; lateral lobes: short, ovate, diameter, bearing 17 fl owers on the ra- 0.90 mm long by 0.50 mm wide; mid- chis, which are 6 mm in diameter when lobe: fl eshy, reniform, deep, immo- fully open. Peduncle: terete, pubes- bile, adnate to the column, 1 to 1.40 cent, 4.2 cm long by 1.8 mm in diam- mm long by 1.20 to 1.25 mm wide, re- eter. Bracts: persistent; basal non- curved. Column: green, short, trun- fl oral bracts broadly ovate, involute, Ascidieria maculosa infl orescence cate, foot absent, 0.50 mm long and abaxially pubescent, 1.5 to 6 mm long trapezoid, slightly curved, 3 mm long 0.30 mm in diameter; rostellum projec- by 1.5 to 4 mm wide. Pedicel and ova- by 1 mm in diameter from the column tion longer, cordate, acuminate, later- ry: terete, wooly, grooved, 4 mm long hood and 0.8 mm in diameter from the al sides incurved downwards; stelidia: by 1 mm in diameter from the base of base of the sepals and petals; column fl attened, short, square, about 0.03 the sepals, and 0.5 mm in diameter foot trapezoid, 3 mm long by 1 mm mm long. Anther cap: white, cordate, from the base of rachis. Flower col- wide, with distinct mid rib keel just be- cucullate, 0.87 mm long by 0.65 mm our: sepals and petals base color yel- low the column. Labellum: ovate, tri- wide. Pollinia: two, unequally paired, low with big purplish spots all over the lobed, sulcate, curved downwards, 5 rounded to ovate, 0.30 mm in diam- sepals, petals and under the labellum. mm long by 2.5 mm wide; sidelobes eter, caudicle rounded; stipes fl at- Dorsal sepal: broadly ovate, 4 mm oblong, anteriorly auriculate, 3 mm tened lanceolate, 1 mm long by 0.30 long by 2.5 mm wide, concave, abaxi- long by 0.5 mm wide; midlobe triangu- mm wide; viscidium: oblong, 0.50 mm ally pubescent. Lateral sepals: broad- lar, 1.5 mm long by 2.2 mm wide, with long by 0.30 mm wide. Stigma: round- ly ovate, 4 mm long by 3.5 mm wide, 2 midline keels about 2 mm long. An- ed, concave, 0.90 mm in diameter. concave, abaxially pubescent. Petals: ther cap: rounded, slightly cucullate, Comparison: Abdominea intrica- ovate, 3.9 mm long by 2.2 mm wide, 0.5 mm in diameter. Pollinia: 4-paired, ta is most similar to Abd. minimifl o- concave, glabrous. Column: fl attened, clavate, 0.6 mm long by 0.15 wide. ra (Hook. f.) J.J. Smith, but it differs in having a short, clavate, few-fl ow- Ascidieria maculosa plant ered infl orescence; the infl orescence of Abd. minimifl ora is long (to 10 cm.), bearing many fl owers; the mentum of Abd. intricata is short and has a round- ed apex, whereas the mentum of Abd. minimifl ora is longer and tapered. Habitat and Distribution: Abdomin- ea intricata is so far, known only from the province of Bukidnon on the island of Mindanao. It grows as an epiphyte, clinging to branches covered with moss, at elevations of about 1,600 me- ters above sea level in cloud forest.
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