Basic and Applied Research This open access library edition is supported by the University of Bonn. Not for resale. European Conceptual History Editorial Board: Michael Freeden, University of Oxford Diana Mishkova, Centre for Advanced Study Sofi a Javier Fernández Sebastián, Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao Willibald Steinmetz, University of Bielefeld Henrik Stenius, University of Helsinki The transformation of social and political concepts is central to understand- ing the histories of societies. This series focuses on the notable values and terminology that have developed throughout European history, exploring key concepts such as parliamentarianism, democracy, civilization, and liberalism to illuminate a vocabulary that has helped to shape the modern world. Conceptual History in the European Space Edited by Willibald Steinmetz, Michael Freeden, and Javier Fernández-Sebastián Parliament and Parliamentarism: A Comparative History of a European Concept Edited by Pasi Ihalainen, Cornelia Ilie, and Kari Palonen European Regions and Boundaries: A Conceptual History Edited by Diana Mishkova and Balázs Trencsényi Basic and Applied Research: The Language of Science Policy in the Twentieth Century Edited by David Kaldewey and Désirée Schauz This open access library edition is supported by the University of Bonn. Not for resale. Basic and Applied Research The Language of Science Policy in the Twentieth Century ላሌ Edited by David Kaldewey and Désirée Schauz berghahn N E W Y O R K • O X F O R D www.berghahnbooks.com This open access library edition is supported by the University of Bonn. Not for resale. First published in 2018 by Berghahn Books www.berghahnbooks.com © 2018 David Kaldewey and Désirée Schauz All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purposes of criticism and review, no part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission of the publisher. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Kaldewey, David, editor. | Schauz, Désirée, editor. Title: Basic and Applied Research: The Language of Science Policy in the Twentieth Century / edited by David Kaldewey and Désirée Schauz. Description: New York: Berghahn Books, 2018. | Series: European Conceptual History; 4 | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identi ers: LCCN 2017058156 | ISBN 9781785338106 (hbk: alk. paper) Subjects: LCSH: Science—Political aspects—History—20th century. Classi cation: LCC Q125 .B32725 2018 | DDC 509.04—dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017058156 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library The electronic open access publication of Basic and Applied Research: The Language of Science Policy in the Twentieth Century has been made possible through the generous nancial support of the University of Bonn. ISBN 978-1-78533-810-6 hardback ISBN 978-1-78533-811-3 open access ebook This work is published subject to a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial No Derivatives 4.0 International license. The terms of the license can be found at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. For uses beyond those covered in the license contact Berghahn Books. This open access library edition is supported by the University of Bonn. Not for resale. Contents ላሌ List of Figures vii Preface viii List of Abbreviations x introduction Why Do Concepts Matter in Science Policy? 1 Désirée Schauz and David Kaldewey Part I. Genealogies of Science Policy Discourses chapter 1 Categorizing Science in Nineteenth and Early Twentieth-Century Britain 35 Robert Bud chapter 2 Professional Devotion, National Needs, Fascist Claims, and Democratic Virtues: The Language of Science Policy in Germany 64 Désirée Schauz and Gregor Lax chapter 3 Transforming Pure Science into Basic Research: The Language of Science Policy in the United States 104 David Kaldewey and Désirée Schauz Part II. Conceptual Synchronization and Cultural Variation chapter 4 Fundamental Research and New Scientifi c Arrangements for the Development of Britain’s Colonies after 1940 143 Sabine Clarke chapter 5 Basic Research in the Max Planck Society: Science Policy in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1945–1970 163 Carola Sachse This open access library edition is supported by the University of Bonn. Not for resale. vi Contents chapter 6 Beyond the Basic/Applied Distinction? The Scientifi c-Technological Revolution in the German Democratic Republic, 1945–1989 187 Manuel Schramm chapter 7 Applied Science in Stalin’s Time: Hungary, 1945–1953 205 György Péteri chapter 8 Theory Attached to Practice: Chinese Debates over Basic Research from Thought Remolding to the Bomb, 1949–1966 228 Zuoyue Wang Part III. Outlook chapter 9 The Language of Science Policy in the Twenty-First Century: What Comes after Basic and Applied Research? 251 Tim Flink and David Kaldewey Indexes 285 This open access library edition is supported by the University of Bonn. Not for resale. Figures ላሌ 8.1. Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai with Chinese physicists Qian Sanqiang and Zhou Peiyuan in February 1962 in Guangzhou at a reception during the famous Guangzhou Conference on National Scientifi c and Technological Work 242 9.1. The linear model as seen through the Google Ngram Viewer, 1930–2008 253 9.2. The linear model as seen through the Science archive, 1930–2015 253 9.3. The linear model as seen through the Web of Science core collection, 1991–2015 254 9.4. The frontier metaphor as seen through the Web of Science core collection, 1991–2015 256 9.5. The grand challenges discourse as seen through the Web of Science core collection, 1991–2015 257 This open access library edition is supported by the University of Bonn. Not for resale. Preface ላሌ It is a truism that collaboration is the key to success. In the case of this vol- ume, collaboration between scholars from diff erent countries and disciplines was the key to success. Everything began with a chance encounter between a historian of science and a sociologist of science, who soon discovered their common interest in conceptual approaches to science policy. This set the scene for a fruitful interdisciplinary collaboration between the two of us. We both had studied historical science policy discourses in Germany and the United States. Analyzing these two countries suggested that the concepts of basic and applied research played a key role in shaping science policy. In order to explore the global synchronization of this distinction on the one hand, and the cultural variation of science policy discourses on the other hand, we de- cided to bring together scholars with expertise in the history of science policy in other countries who could widen our perspective. We presented and discussed our project on several occasions and received invaluable feedback. We would like to thank Benoît Godin, Graeme Gooday, Lea Haller, Alexei Kojevnikov, John Krige, Dominique Pestre, Roger Pielke, Jr., Steven Shapin, and Rudolf Stichweh for discussing shifting notions of basic and applied research with us. Moreover, this volume benefi ted from the joint refl ections within CASTI, an international network of scholars inter- ested in “Conceptual Approaches to Science, Technology and Innovation” (www.casti.org). Together we have elaborated a common research program on the semantic fi eld of science, technology, and innovation. We would thus like to extend our gratitude to all members of the network for being such a stimulating group of scholars and such a likeable bunch of friends. Many others have contributed to the publication of this volume. We are in- debted to Jason Chumtong for excellent editorial and technical assistance. At various stages, the project benefi ted from the support of Ivonne Weyers, Dee- pal Doshi, Silke Engels, and Lars Fritzsche. We are also grateful for the valu- able comments and suggestions of the two anonymous referees. Our special thanks go out to Willibald Steinmetz and Michael Freeden, who showed great interest in our studies of science, technology, and innovation as an emerging This open access library edition is supported by the University of Bonn. Not for resale. Preface ix fi eld within conceptual history and agreed to include the book in the Euro- pean Conceptual History series. Finally, we are much obliged to the authors contributing original research papers to our book in a time when evaluation regimes put pressure on publishing journal articles instead of books. David Kaldewey and Désirée Schauz, March 2018 This open access library edition is supported by the University of Bonn. Not for resale. Abbreviations ላሌ AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science AfAF Ausschuss für angewandte Forschung, Committee for Applied Research of the German Research Foundation ARC Agricultural Research Council (U.K.) BBC British Broadcasting Corporation BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Federal Ministery for Education and Research (F.R.G.) CAS Chinese Academy of Science CDW Colonial Development and Welfare (U.K.) CMRI Colonial Microbiological Research Institute (British Empire) COS Central Offi ce of Statistics (Hungary) CPRC Colonial Products Research Council (U.K.) CRC Colonial Research Committee (U.K.) CRS Colonial Research Service (U.K.) DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (U.S.) DFA Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Psychiatrie, German Research Institute
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