• rt News for friends of Leonard Bernstein Fall 2000 Measuring a Maestro for To Our the Ages (Again) Readers by David Mermelstein ow in the world did ten Excerpted, © 2000 by the New Hyears go by since th e death York Times. Used by permission. of Leonard Bernstein? We miss him terribl y, yet in a way he is ven those unmoved by more with us than ever and Leonard Bernstein's seemingly everywhere. In Europe, Eexuberanc musicianshi p there is a Bernstein Day in France, find it impossible to deny a KADDISH in Nuremburg, his magnetism. As conductor while in Italy this su mmer th ere and pianist, Bernstein energized were two major Bernstein events: audi ences . Hi s exciting podium MASS at the Vatican, no less - presence was the stuff of legend, and how we wish the Maestro and caricature. Yet his enthusiasm himself cou ld have been there for music was real - innate, even for that one! Then in July, - and not merely generated for WEST SIDE STORY brought public co nsumption. th e diffident Milanese to their With Bernstein's death in 1990, feet at La Scala . The juxtaposi­ aud iences lost a maestro who tion of La Scala's ornate go ld cou ld be many things but never and velvet boxes with the stark boring. A decade on, no one has metal fire escapes onstage co me close to replacing him, either was memora ble. on the podium or in the public There is a flurry of Be rn stein imagin ation. So it is easy to 0 reco rdings making news: Sony understand why So ny Classical ; Classica l's Bernstein Century has opted to ring out th e old ~ series is getting deserved praise mil lenn ium with a garga ncu an I (see article), while the New series of midprice CD reissues York Philharmonic is releas ing titl ed Bernstein Cencury. Bemstei11 d11ri11g the Philharmonic Years. a special 10-CD set of never­ The appe llati on is, of course, before-released live recordings too grand on severa l counts. ava il ab le, roug hl y half of the speed and lean textures but also of Bernstein conducting the Although Sony's va ults (formerly co ndu ctor's Co lu mbia output. majes ty. In Brahms, Bernstein orchestra , containing all kinds Columbi a's, th en CBS's) co ntai n Na turall y, Bernstein Ce ntury co nfounds expecta ti ons, upendin g of delights and treasures. As if a trove of Bernstein's best gives pride of place to the twin th e warm approach maestros like all that were not enough, recordings, most of hi s ea rly ones pillars of the conductor's collabo­ Bruno Walter made standard . Deutsche Grammophon is were made for RCA and hi s later ration with Columbia: Mahler Bernstein's recordings from the releasing a premiere recording of ones for Deutsc he Grammophon. and American music. Bernstein ea rly to mid-60's lack that lam­ A WHITE HOUSE CANTATA, Still, hi s Columbia discs represent brought to Ma hl er lasting public bency, su bstituting pure power crea ted from Bernstein's ill-fated a signal achievement. Here is recognition and to American instead . If precision is sacr ificed in musical, 1600 PENNSYLVANIA America's first nat ive-born music the wider audiences sought the process, passion certain ly is AVENUE . At la st, the wonderful cond ucting superstar at the very by hi s mentor Serge Koussevitzky. not: Bernstein's acco unt of the music from that lost work will summit of hi s powers, driven but But many of the happiest Academic Festiva l Overture be available to one and all. not yet mannered, eb ullient but discoveries in this col lecti on li e (SMK 61846), for instance, We miss him, yes, but th anks not yet se lf-indulgent. somewhat off the beaten path. charges ahead on more than just to Bernstein's prolific creativity Bernstein record ed aro und 500 Although Brahms was hardl y ce lebratory vim . Yet he was neve r and th e miracle of recorded works for Columbia from 1950 unkn own territory for Bernstein, interested in brute force alone, as so und, there are many ways to th rough the ?O's with the New the composer's scores never th e And ante from the Third keep him near us. J.B.T. • York Philharmonic. To dare, 80 occupied the Olympian ground he Symphony (SMK 61829), filled Bernstein Century CD's are reserved for Beethoven, favor ing with ac hing romance, proves. (continued on page 5) In the News New American Schools and Picker European Premiere the Bernstein Center Michael Green, president of the n September 2 and 3, James (CD79246-2 ). The half-hour Gra mm y Foundation remarked at OLevine conducted The work has a dramatic design of the announcement event in Munich Philharmonic and soprano seven movements flanked by a Washington, DC, "Leonard Judith Bettina in the European prelude and postlude - all of he Grammy Foundation's Bernstein 's beli ef that 'a great premiere of Tobias Pi cker's which elabora te material found TLeonard Bernstein Center for teacher is one who can light a Symphony No. 2: Aussohnug in the crucial vocal movement Learning is pleased to announce spark in yo u... settin g yo u afire (Reconciliation) for sopra no and which is based on the tex t that it has been approved as one with enthusiasm' is the underlying orchestra . The Leonard Bernstein Aussohnug by Goethe. of only nine nationally compre­ ph ilosophy of th e Bernstein mode l Music Publishing Co mpany John Van der Slice wrote in hensive school reform models, and fundamental to learn ing any publ ishes this work. Originally th e recording's program book, and the only arts-based model, to discipline. The addition of the commissioned for the Houston "The symphony achieves both a be adopted by th e non -profit Bernstein model to the NAS Symphony in 1986, it is ded icated formal balance and a sudden , organization New American portfolio highlights the benefits to Sergiu Comissiona who illuminating shift in perspective Schools (NAS). of arts-based learning, which conducted the premiere. He and which leaves the listener to ponder New American Schools was gives children a well-rounded the Houston Symphony later its implications long after the founded in 1991 by business education experience. " recorded it for Nones uch records work has ended." • leaders seekin g "break- th e-mold" The Bernstein model is being school reform models to improve utilized in schools in Portland our nation 's schools. The adop­ (O rego n), Cobb Co unty tion by NAS of the Leonard (Georgia ), New York City, Bernste in Center co mes at a time Lancaster (Pennsylvan ia), when educators, parents, legisla­ Nas hville, Indianapolis, Dallas West Side Story at La Scala tors and community groups are and Los Angeles. very concerned a bout their Alexander Bernstein said, "My schools and raking steps to father would be delighted to know change this situation. The addi­ that hi s vision now ha s the oppor­ tion of the Bernstein Center is tunity to be shared directl y with part of the effo rt by NAS to revo­ teachers and students in cla ssrooms ""\VT£ST SIDE STORY finally lutionize American classrooms nationwide, thanks to the efforts W at La Scala!" wrote the and increase student achievement of the Grammy Foundation and Itali an newspaper La Stampa. by offering educators a choice of now with th e effo rts of New Last Jul y the hi sto ric Teatro alla design models for school reform. American Schools." Sca la Opera House presented l~-~ "''·'·:,:~:~·:·~:::;,;:,':.·:~~;~~~~:~l~ ~- • eighteen sold-out performances WEST SIDE STORY , ~ .... J1rno, n : 1mmu:-.s AIH11t;i. 1.,\ tJ HE."ffS LlcOSA Hl) 0 1l F: R.'I/ST EL.'-' of WEST SIDE STORY. This - ST£PH!0' ~~Nlll!EIM i,;,- :-~- .lEl~mtf: IWllBJ:-.:s mostl y American cast was di rected by Joey McKnee ly. Donald Chan New Band Arrangements co nducted, addin g even more performances of WSS to the over l)O'l/,\ 1.ll\\lM : (' II\ .,_ one thousand he has already JOI •, ) ~i,·t:N ~:l' l,V done. The Itali ans welcomed it as part of th e standard repetoire. Here is what some of the critics oosey & Hawkes, In c. and contests and festival use. WEST had to say: BArrangers' Publ ishing Co mpany SIDE STORY offers numerous 2 "WEST SIDE STORY astoni shes "[WEST SIDE STORYJ lives are pleased to ann ounce th e opportuniti es. Tom Wallace has La Sca la." aga in in its spe nd or." laun ch of a brand new se ri es of fashioned severa l numbers - Corriere Della Sera - II Giorno marching band publications. including: Prologue, Maria, "[WEST SIDE STORY] mirac le in "The even ing ended in triumph." The initial group of releases Mambo, Cool, America, Milan." -Avvenire offers an exciting variety of Procession and Somewhere. • - La Repubblica "WEST SIDE STORY a success in material for half-time shows, Milan, with an exce llent company." - Famiglia Cristiana • Bernstein Live! New York Philharmonic Special Editions 1969 to 1990. This release will be the gues; and rare photographs from conductor and audience is working fifth on the Specia l Editions label. the Philharmonic's archives. its audible magic. It is cause for Bernstein Live! captures 13 Bernstein Live! is a collabora­ celebration that the New York hours of recordings of Bernstein tion with Philharmonic Archivist/ Philharmonic has assembled these conducting the Philharmonic in Historian Barbara Haws, executive extraordinary performances for us works by Beethoven, Copland, producer, and producer Sedgwick to share.
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