Volume 53(14):187‑209, 2013 CATALOGUE OF DACETINI AND SOLENOPSIDINI ANT TYPE SPECIMENS (HYMENOPTERA, FORMICIDAE, MYRMICINAE) DEPOSITED IN THE MUSEU DE ZOOLOGIA DA UNIVERSIDADE DE SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL 1,2,3 MÔNICA ANTUNES ULYSSÉA 2,4 CARLOS R.F. BRANDÃO ABSTRACT The present catalogue lists ant (Formicidae) types of the Myrmicinae tribes Dacetini (Acan- thognathus and Strumigenys) and Solenopsidini (Allomeurs, Carebarella, Megalomyrmex, Monomorium, Oxyepoecus, Solenopsis, Carebara and Tropidomyrmex) housed in the Formicidae collection of the Laboratório de Hymenoptera, Museu de Zoologia da Universi- dade de São Paulo/MZSP, Brazil. In total, the collection includes 141 types of these tribes, 41 of the Dacetini (nine holotypes and paratypes, 15 holotypes, 13 paratypes and four syntypes) and 100 of the Solenopsidini (28 holotypes and paratypes, eight holotypes, 29 paratypes, 27 syntypes, four lectotypes and paralectotypes, one lectotype and three paralectotypes), of which 37 and 89 are of still recognized species, respectively. We record label information, condition of the specimens, nomenclatural changes and type status, as well as provide indexes of the listed taxa. Key-Words: Catalogue; Ants; Types; MZSP; Dacetini; Solenopsidini. INTRODUCTION William Mowry Mann. More recently, material has been added by several collaborators, including C.R.F. The Formicidae collection housed in the Labo- Brandão (the collection’s curator since 1981), his stu- ratório de Hymenoptera of the Museu de Zoologia dents, and various other museum collaborators and da Universidade de São Paulo/MZSP is one of the associates (Esteves et al., 2011). most important and representative ant collections The ant types deposited in MZSP catalogues for the Neotropical region. This is the case regarding published thus far include fungus-growing ants (Myr- the number of types, species and specimens, as well micinae: Attini) (Klingenberg & Brandão, 2005), geographic coverage (Brandão, 2000), due to the ac- Poneromorphs (Amblyoponinae, Ectatomminae, Het- quisition of the Walter Wolfgang Kempf and Thomaz eroponerinae, Ponerinae and Proceratiinae) (Scott- Borgmeier collections in 1977 (Brandão, 1991). In Santos et al., 2008), Pseudomyrmecinae (Brandão et al., addition, the collection had also obtained specimens 2010) and Dorylomorphs (Aenictinae, Ecitoninae, Cer- belonging to the collections of Nicolas Kusnezov and apachyinae and Leptanilloidinae) (Esteves et al., 2011). 1. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sistemática, Taxonomia Animal e Biodiversidade. 2. Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo. Caixa Postal 42.494, 04218-970, São Paulo, SP, Brasil. 3. E-mail: [email protected] 4. E-mail: [email protected] 188 Ulysséa, M.A. & Brandão, C.R.F.: Dacetini and Solenopsidini ant types at the MZSP The present catalogue deals with Dacetini and name, according the genus they are presently orga- Solenopdidini ants, and is the fifth in a series aim- nized. We used the following abbreviations: Coll. = ing to list all ant types deposited at MZSP. Myrmi- collection, Coll. Borgm. = T. Borgmeier Collec- cinae is a cosmopolite subfamily with the highest tion, Coll. Kempf = W.W. Kempf Collection, Coll. local and global species richness (Albuquerque & Mann = W.M. Mann Collection, Coll. Kusn. = N. Brandão, 2004, 2009), including 24 tribes. Dacetini Kusnezov Collection, M = worker, S = soldier (major (Forel, 1892: 344) comprises eight genera and 921 worker), G = gyne, M = male, col(s). = collector(s) recognized species (Bolton, 2012); and Solenopsidini and leg. = legit. Furthermore, to indicate the conser- (Forel, 1893: 164) currently includes 20 genera (two vation status of the type specimens recorded in the incertae sedis), 840 species and 133 subspecies (Albu- present catalogue, we used: A = antenna, W = wing querque & Brandão, 2004, 2009; Silva et al., 2009; and L = leg. We use A1 for the left antenna and A2 Bolton, 2012; Delsinne et al., 2012), representing for the right antenna. W1 and W2 representing the two of the largest tribes of the subfamily. anterior and posterior left wings, respectively, and W3 The current situation of the Dacetini tribe de- and W4 representing the right wings. L1, L2 and L3 serves a comment. For the classification of ants we represent the left legs and L4, L5 and L6 the right follow Bolton (2012), who partially accepted the legs. MP is an abbreviation for Museu Paulista, of propositions made by Baroni-Urbani & De Andrade which the old Zoological section became the present (2007) for Dacetini, adopting the genus Strumigenys MZSP in 1939. sensu Baroni-Urbani & De Andrade, yet still con- In order to record information related to the sidering Basicerotini (Basiceros, Eurhopalothrix, Oc- MZSP Dacetini and Solenopsidini ant types, the fol- tostruma, Protalaridris, Rhopalothrix and Talaridris) lowing order is adopted in the present catalogue (al- and Phalacromyrmecini (Phalacromyrmex) as separate though we do not have complete information for all tribes from Dacetini (Acanthognathus, Colobostruma, entries): species name in the original combination (in Daceton, Epopostruma, Mesostruma, Microdaceton, alphabetical order by species within genera), author, Orectognathus and Strumigenys). publication year, page number, posterior taxonomic The objective of this catalogue is to provide la- assignments, type category, number of type specimens bel information and conservation status of Dacetini of each sex or caste, place of collection, date, collector, and Solenopsidini type specimens in the MZSP, and original collection name, collection number or collec- the current taxonomic status of the species. Our aim tion code and other information. All this information is to encourage further studies and also to avoid un- is taken from labels and listed as completely as they necessary movement of precious, sometimes unique, appear on the labels, compared with information in specimens, as proposed by the International Code of the original publication. We also comment on the Zoological Nomenclature (1999) about institutional conservation status of specimens. When appropriate, responsibility: “every institution in which name-bear- we indicate broken body parts glued to the paper tri- ing types are deposited should make them accessible angle that holds the type specimen, or the ones lost. for studies, publish lists of name-bearing types in its Additional information, present in publications possession or custody, and so far as possible, commu- but not recorded on labels, is presented in brackets; nicate information concerning name-bearing types”. for the sake of clarity, we also added further informa- tion that we were able to recover from different sourc- es. At the end of each species entry we present, when MATERIAL AND METHODS necessary, the present valid name of the taxon corre- sponding to the type specimen listed. Finally, we pres- For preparation of the catalogue, information ent an index of all the valid names listed in the present from labels related to Dacetini and Solenopsidini ant catalogue and their respective synonyms or current types deposited at MZSP was compared to the origi- combinations. The complete information regarding nal descriptions – which can be easily found on the all names listed here can be found in Bolton (2012). Global Ant Project website (http://gap.entclub.org/ taxonomists/index.html) (Bolton, 2012), the Thom- az Borgmeier catalogue and the MZSP catalogue of RESULTS identifier numbers. The nomenclature of type speci- mens was updated following the ICZN (1999). This catalogue includes information on types The combination of type names within genera of 41 nominal species of Dacetini (nine holotypes and species are quoted in alphabetical order by last and paratypes, 15 holotypes, 13 paratypes and four Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, 53(14), 2013 189 syntypes) and 100 of Solenopsidini (28 holotypes and Fritz Plaumann [leg., Coll. Kempf] #3379. 1W paratypes, eight holotypes, 29 paratypes, 27 syntypes, Brasilien[Brazil, Santa Catarina], Nova Teu- four lectotypes and paralectotypes, one lectotype and tônia, 27°11B 52°23L, 300-500 m, vii.1959, three paralectotypes). Dacetini’s nominal species in- Fritz Plaumann [leg.], Coll. Kempf #3100. 1W clude 156 individuals of two genera (54 of Acanthog- Brasilien[Brazil, Santa Catarina], Nova Teutô- nathus and 102 of Strumigenys), of which 22 species nia, 27°11B 52°23L, 300-500 m, ii.1960, Fritz are still valid, 14 have been already synonymized, Plaumann [leg., Coll. Kempf] #3780. Miss- three are junior synonyms, one was revived from the ing A1 apical segment of the funiculus. 1W synonym and one was renamed by previous authors. Brasilien[Brazil, Santa Catarina], Nova Teu- There are types of 100 Solenopsidini nominal species, tônia, 27°11B 52°23L, 300-500 m, vi.1960, including 770 individuals of the eight genera (46 of Fritz Plaumann [leg., Coll. Kempf] #3956. 1W Allomeurs, three of Carebarella, 146 of Megalomyrmex, Brasilien[Brazil, Santa Catarina], Nova Teu- eight of Monomorium, 267 of Oxyepoecus, 243 of So- tônia, 27°11B 52°23L, 300-500 m, vii.1961, lenopsis, 43 of Carebara and 12 of Tropidomyrmex), of Fritz Plaumann [leg., Coll. Kempf] #3379. which 87 belong to still valid species, seven are con- 1W Brasilien[Brazil, Santa Catarina], Nova sidered junior synonyms, two were raised to species, Teutônia, 27°11B 52°23L, 300-500 m, i.1963, one was renamed and three are considered unavailable Fritz Plaumann [leg., Coll. Kempf] #3744. 1G names by previous authors. Brasilien[Brazil, Santa Catarina], Nova Teutô- nia, 27°11B
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